HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-1 . . ~ BY-LAW 84-1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Being a by-law to permit the continuation of an encroachment onto Town-owned lands, by John & Jane Thomas, Scugog Street, Hampton, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 (101) of the Municipal Act R.S.O., 1980, and the Town of Newcastle By-law No. 81-50. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That permission is granted to John & Jane Thomas, Scugog Street, Hampton, now in the Town of Newcastle, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to maintain and use such portion of their dwelling as constitutes an encroachment upon a public highway, for so long as the encroachment is not required for municipal purposes; 2. The lands affected by By-law No. 84-1 are described as Part one (1) according to Plan 10R1741 being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario and being composed of that portion of Ormiston Street in Lot 18 of Concession 5, according to Ormiston's Plan in the former Village of Hampton, as herein defined. 3. A copy of Plan 10R1741 is attached to By-law 8'-1 as Schedule "A". By-law read a first and second time this 9th day of January, 1984. By-law read a third and final time this 9th day of January, 1984. Seal .~ 4'~--L-~/ Mayor ", f ~~~~, ~~. ClerK r.-. .} II C;""rc, I ; , ,I '," "\~/., I '_":_;;::-":':J:c:;:';:;:~~, ;;~.3HCcr...."lCL', - _, ; ~.~,,,-,,,"~~J""l..,,,_~............. ..... I '<T co :;,: rtl ..... I o:l 0 +> c:::c I.J.J h ....J ~; => Cl I.J.J ~~ ::c u (/) -< \ ,,~ () , ,.~\ () , \.... /,-:;..1\ ,. \'. ') "IU' / "QI ,. . ) I) ./ ./' /' V / /" !~. I' ~. ('l"i"" ,:,{o " ~ "S'-A ~\ 'El~ ~ C) ~ ~ A t ~ PLA N OF SURVEY Cf PART CF ORMlSTOO STREET, AS SHOWN (l..j ORMIST(l..j'S PlAN a: THE VILLAGE CF HAMPT(l..j. TOWNSHIP a: [YI.RINGTON. now In the TOWN REGIONAL SCALE _ IN. . ~~ 0( ~r' ~~~~~, \.J'l...",~ ~.. \0:' .< ..t;. .,,,,0 .l'/ .4:' ~~., ........--:----"\,-----_.."---~ OF NEWCASTLE MUNIClPALI TY OF DURHAM 40'; C.F. FLEISCHMANN ,O.L.S., 1983. ~ ~ V~ ii' ~~ \ at\ ~ ~J') \ . -~<6 \ _'\' s ~ \ :; \ ,_~i \ ~ \1 ~ ~ / \ 1 At./ ,,~\1, fl' '~1-/ \ ~!I ~...:-. ,( ,..le' ,.:t,~ " , ~'\ ," (.v, 'y ,(c,:.~ 0' c.." ,. ,,0 "'J , .~/ ~ .j..p! .. - ,.! ~I // / \of. ,/ ,/ // // ./ ~t~ ,,~.r .,.i- ~.... ~..i- ,!J ~-( ~" .. -f,r ~;.. >, --;t" -t ....\ .<0' ,. , "I\... ,'-::;, ~1'r / " ", ' 0 /\ ," ", '"'\' '- ~ /'\ / \ / , /~ ~f:/! / \ 11\ / , -< ;(.0 ~4j~.' /// ...,.' \ i-. /:.."'~ J_~. <'l o. ~ (, , (,v" .< ~,v" c.' ;J /' ./ /' ~. /// . I ~ sG~: /' - -- ---r::::::r-'---' -,-- ---", ,~ / ,\, k\ f \ . -> // I REQUIIlE THIS PL'" TO IE OEPOSITEO U"DE q THE REG'5 rqy .cr PLAN lOR- 174, RECElvEO ....0 QEPOS rl QATE -2oI1Y~dfL !!.-..1.J1J OlTE tJ(3()~~_E,fI.~~c ~~~~ I""" fultr ~~il.U.C.H/)A( ~ Z~ ~F-f~ REGISTRY DIVISION 0#' "ElIl'C.ol.! (Nt 10 I SCHEDULE OF PARTS ,PAflT I OESCRI' PART OF ORIIISTON STREET INST, Nt AREA ~.LJC ........" (' : "CAUTION" THIS PLAN IS WITHIN THE MEANING ~ NOT A PLAN OF SUBOC\lI~ THE Pl ANNING ACT, NOTE BEARINGS AilE ASTROHOIiIIC AHO AIlE REFERRED TO THE ,N36"'O' 'c'r TH E NORTH LIIIIT OF ORMISTOll STREET AS SHOWN ON Pl..AN lOR,! ( TOWN OF HEwCASTLE . REGIONAL!UNIClPALlTY Of' OUR...... STA,..OARO lRON BARS SHONN THUS SIB 5/8. 50, IRON BARS, 24. LO , sHOWN T..US 18 3/"" DlA,ROUNOIRQN8ARS, 2,"k.oNG, SHOWN THUS '8~ MONU"ENTATlON F.o~~ ---- MOHU"-F.NTATtO"'- PLANTED SURVEYOR'S CERTII , CERtIFY fH/l.f 1 THIS SURVEY ANO Pt...... AR( -CORRECT ANt SuRvEYS ACT AND THE ~EGISTqy ACl THEREUNDER 2 THE SUQV[T WAS COMPLETED QN T,..E 20 .-:!~~.':'lf~..1 ~~!~_'- QATE , V\\J:..L~~~,,^^~ c r v, (ISC...,..Ahk ONTARIO L6~O SvRVf'rC