HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-45 \'\ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 91-45 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement of purchase and sale respecting Part of Lot 16, Lot 17, Part of Lot 18 and Part of Lot 34, Block liD", C.G. Hannings Plan in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham (Sibjel Investments Ltd.) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, an "Agreement of Purchase and Sale" between Sibjel Investments Ltd. and the said Corporation, dated the 23rd day of January 1991, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A". 2. THAT Schedule "A" attached hereto forms part of this by-law. By-law read a first and second time this 15th day of July By-law read a third time and finally passed this 15th day of July 1991 OFFER TO SELL .' . . I 1 . TO: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I/WE, the undersi gned..... .$./../3. .J.6.k... .,I.)/.t('&'5?-.1 At ..&Llll.~... ..&7:12..... ............................as Vendor(s) hereby agree to and with the Corporation of the Town 01 Newcast Ie as Pu rch aser, to se II a II th at por t ion 01.... ..... . ..f/.(~./.6......... ~;7..~D..i:,G,.It4-#LIA!G.S..e~~e.:a.<<-:1fI...~f.4'~~c.4g.J...Iir...6..t1 M,~R . 1iWN..JP.E:.I5.t!KtMA4IV)t1(3:.more particularly described as follows...d~.$.II:(?d!.JL.&J/ ...rli.E...4x:r./J;.~.li6L7....f?./-;.A.u..1Yf.6~p~el?..?.f.{.M.4r.I?RElP.&-!J~.€'f~ E.APCA/5L 7:~ 1-. "? <::..-;2 0 S /OI/~R':; r:,e&,r containing.d-.eR.qQXwt~.ik:r.....c7."i...'...::'......i'......~..(",;"'\at""'Show.n on plan hereto annexed) at the price 01~..~..;:lA?tk'?.dA/.I2...kb.l.U-.(?.$.'($.8.:j.~..g payable on closing; which sum includes all compensation to which the Vendor(s) may be entitled under any statute of the Province of Ontario in reference to the con- struction, diversion, widening of the Municipal Road on which the lands described abutt, including compensation for severance, injurious affection or otherwise arising howsoever. ADDITIONALL Y, the Purchaser ,jigrees with the Vendor(s) to....;!'.> following ter s and.conditions: 'k~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0- ~7~.~~~ ~.~~ ~/l' . cf7 ~/P ~~~4~~~UC4fl? -;E;:4 ~h?~~ ~2:4:2:' ~~- ~..-e-~ -J.4~,- ~. -;;' ~ ~ .;7; 7~ '" ~ .~4.. .~ ~J-.kA-a-/ / ~~ " , . 'p~th~e_ i~~~~~umbrances. =?he Purchaser is to be allowed sixty ~ from the date of acceptance hereof to investigate the title at its own expense if within that time it shall furnish the Vendor in writing with any valid objection the title which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove, and which Purchaser will not waive, this agreement shall be null and void. Adjustments to be proportioned and allowed to the date of completion 0 sale. :;c:? THIS OFFER TO BE ACCEPTED BY THE Purchaser within sixty ~ d s of the . on or before sixty a s from the date of acceptance hereof on which date vacant possession of the said emises is to be given to the Purchaser. This Offer, when accepted, shall constitu e a binding contract of purchase and sale and time in all respects shall be the es ence of this agreement. It is agreed that there is no repre- sentation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting this agreement or the real property or supported hereby other than as expressed herein in writing. UPON acceptance of this offer by the Purchaser, the said Purchaser by its servants and agents shall have the right to enter upon the property intended to be conveyed hereby for the purpose of ~~ ........... . ..... ....~.. ....../.4~....... ... . DATED thiS..........Z-S...............da of.... This offer may be accepted by a letter d Ivered to the prepaid addressed to the Vendor a~~~. .. .~~.a::~t.:. r mai led, postage -v t?e~e. .;h?.s- /)I /6 '"3 192:/ Witness ,zY11 . . 't 'i " SCHEDULE "B" '. THE CORPORATION OF ..~THE .TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFEH TO SELL (cont'd.) NAME: . ~ L JI.. (/ j;-_~~ /- W. ADDRESS, ~~/~;'; ~t>~ ;&>; ~ ~~ #/. ~ /J? 5-;411/3 ? ADDITIONALLY, the Purchaser agrees with the Vendor(s) to the following terms 6 /l- ~L 1/4;/&,?;tr~JJ15 ?:11/ Vendot r( e -----~~ 1/ I A '(~ 1\ I/V l.7 / TUr.:- f , " 4._ 01) 0 T I ,...., II , k 'J) ~~ >-- Cl~ 5" IDCe-1 I 1 I L. ,_ I 1(/11'1..... , <.."' , " tI '..J ~ I , SSI8. ,,+ " I ~\ c.ol ooi ! i 'i \ ~- i () I --:\ _..J ~\ I r-L. 1_' /,":; IJ ~.../ /I Y II, -,,,, r~r1 ')C"O L ,_ I . 0/ /1 /\/ 11_r-l/tJ N74034'oo"E 34'82 lINST NI6257 a MEAS.! 34'8 N7403400 E PART 2 SI8.(11061 SSIB. \ o~ 9""8 tn_ II) \ lJ \ -- \ / 7<Y~ 0 "., 'a.. L(~ !', lr; ~\~ (~~ ~~ 1\ ' () ," - 76'20 41'38 lINST. 49797 a SET> 33'88 68'70 PART :2..3~. 9~2. I\. I !\, e'l !\, (I') ~ ~- \~~ I ~ __L' .0 o .00 --:4 . >: ~- () I _...J t; I (' (" 1...1{\[\I[\III\''"''<:- ~~ ~\ "-/. J. I 1'-\1 \tl' \l ~ \J 1...J v ~~ ~\Inl 10 I\I~I ..... 1-.' - L_ "--' I I J L_ "--' , ..... :0:. (J) Z I ~ c::::__ LJ~ i r \/_ \ 0, ~ ~( \ r\,J\ I ~.I Q- 'J) \ d\/J k+-' -1JL~~~ l!'" "-( I v ' ~ ~ , ' \ ~~ , . \" . l \ I n I "2'7 I II () T ---------1 L_ -.J I .....)....)! \ L _ -.J I 1\ '" '"""___. _ _ -_____L I ".." '"' . -----1--1~. I I , I nT In \ L_ J I I J DI f\ 1\.: : I L_" I \I \ DC(":; I \ L_ ....... k 'J) I F\T L_ I..} I 1\10 1\1- ~'O , v- C- /I (..."'\ I l. _ ,.., ...", 1 '::J , c:. ./ 1\' "//7 "Ie' IJ.rv....)~TC SCHEDULE PART I 2 DESCRIPTION PART Of LOTS 16 a 17, BLO Ct< 'D' C.G. HANNING'S PlAN PART Of LOTS 14,15 a 16 . B C 'D' C.G.HANNING'S PLAN '_.#A4 .,~ IB r-- NBl02q,"'~03~6 J,/"'< r/ . ~ N.E ANGLEOi'. ~ ---~O"E: 2&,"'[.) / / l.OT '7,8l.,OCK'D' = - _ -qq SSIB. 08 --~S.l8r.~T.OJ___---- I~~! I ,\;/r- .t;~~ .s'.s'{9 Z \ \ r ~'/// ~~ t I \0/ \ . Q) \ ( 0) co \~~: ;:.~ ~- () I _ ..J , ,(\ V SIB.IMT.0J 1--------- 'h ~o 'to I ~tn \ ~ z \ ~~ -~ l!.~ ... ' Q_ :J- ~.: ;,': V) CI ~~ DI ^ 1\ I , L_t"\I\l I~ I .....J . ::2 "1 .....J'T <t (ll m I'- oj <l .. 2 \ I i Ii I~ !Z ;",,,",, \ 1 N. e. ANGLe Or ~ LOT II, R. P. 677 .i ! I 1 1 I r- -7 -7 o I / \ \> "," )... < ;:,,, C.r~ ~ \~ \.. , . ........ ~~ ,-.... , , . . \ '-, ...~ L:.~ C""..; I' <... '- ~) C) - --.. ...: \k Cl") l!~ in V) ""( ~ k \ c Cl (S) ~: LJc 'J) ~-- -=:~ ... ....... 'J) V) ""( , \ \ \ l!. ... ~:) ... -, <~ ;:,': l!' "{ ,'" G: -~ ~( :) v~ ~~ \ ~: \ '-) <::.) _, ct3 \ cl -7 t:::._ ':[ ;~ c::~ <::( -,- -. c~ r ,,) -7 L_ <( I _J G_ . C) l..!J 0::: INST. No. 49797 N 16257 I REQUIRE THIS PlAN TO BE OEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY ACr. PLAN IOR- RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED OCTOBER 17, 1990 DATE ~~.._'-' SIGNATURE DATE M. D. BROWN NAME I N PRINT DEPUTY LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF NEWCASTLE. (No. 10) PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF TOWN LOTS 14,15,16 a 17, BLOCK 101 J ACCORDING TO C.G. HANNING'S A-AN OF PART OF LOT 10, CONCESSION I , OF THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVI LLE , NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM BROWN a COOGAN LTD., o. L.S., 1990. SCALE I I 500 10m. 0 10 20m. ~ I I SURVEYOR'S CERTI FICATE I CERT I FY THAT : I. TH IS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 1st. DAY OF OCTOBER. 1990. OCTOBER /7,1990 DATE 'Yl g:~ M. D. BROWN ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR BEARING REFERENCE BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO A SOUTH LIMIT OF KING STREET EAST, HAVING A BEARING OF N74034'OO"E AS SHOWN ON DEP.PLAN N!! N40346. TOWN OF NE~ASTLE. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM. NOTES a LEGEND . C SIB. lB. SSIS. cr 005 ) (1106) (M, T. OJ DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTE S DENOTES DE NOTES DENOTES MONUMENTATlON FOUND MONUMENTATION PLANTED STANDARD IRON BAR IRON BAR SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR DONEVAN a FLEISCHMANN CO. LTD. , O.L.S. M_D. BROWN, O. L. S. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ONTARIO METRIC: DISTANCES SHOWNONlHlS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY DIVIDING BY 0,3048. CAUTION I TH IS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. BROWN COGGAN L TO. SURVEYORS a ONTARIO LAND DIVilSION STREET, SUITE IBI B0wMANVILLE , ONTARIO 623-7251 L1C 2Z2 187 KI NG STREET EAST OSHAWA,ONTARIO 579-7280 L1H IC2 DRAWN BY: M. S. J. I: 500 FILE No.: 190082-R SCALE: