HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-21 ""~. 't" '.,... .... , '" CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 91-21 Being a by-law to permit an encroachment onto Town owned lands by Steven Robert Childs, 48 Mill Street, Kendal, 'Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 (101) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 and the Town of Newcastle By- law No. 81-50. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: '1. THAT permission is granted to Steven Robert Childs, 48 Mill Street, Kendal, Town of Newcastle, their heirs, successors and assigns, the ri~ht to maintain the use such portions of his building as constitutes an encroachment upon a public highway, for so long as the encroachment is hot required for municipal purposes. 2. The encroachment is granted subject to the provision that this by-law may be rescinded at any time and the permission for the encroachment shall be terminated six months after the rescinding by-law shall have been enacted. :3. 'rhe lands affected by By-law 91- 21 are described as Part 2 and Part 3 according to Plan 10R-3822, being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario and being composed of that portion of part of unsubdivided Lot 9, Concession 6, fronting onQ~een Street and Mill Street, according to William Murdoch's Plan of the Unincorporated Village of Kendal, being part of Lots 9 and 10, Conce$sion 6, of the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of NewCastle, Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. Aoopy of Plan 10R-3822 is attached to By-law 91-21 , as Schedule 'A' 8y-law read a first time this 11th day of February1991. By-law read a second time this 11th day of February1991. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 11th day ofFebruafY1991. \ PLAN OF SURVEY OF t LOT PART AND STREET MILL STREET WM. MURDOCH'S . PLAN UNINCORPORATED VILLAGE .. BEING PART OF 10, CONCESSION 6 OFCLA.RKE THE LIMITS OF THE DURHAM SCALE: I INCH = 10 FEET HORTON, WALLACE 8 DAVIES LTD. c_._____"--.---~--.-~~-'~-. --" .) Old ~~;T ~ I \. :v ) ~J' ._~_.. .___.,_l~.. '__' _._ I , r-.. () c.) .. -.J ,.. I I .... I I . ~ N') .- (:) I '... ,I' . i IS (1414) 46.0' ~nd MEAS. . . --- - "-- -~_..----:,..,....,-.....-~~----~""""""" :v) , r-. 'i:t ~ '-. () ~ ,.,i I -" IB 9."' (1106) Po.1 _,,?- _ _and 132.00' Sel PI '{) , . i' , !-. \::" , '.... -..... !'I) eel C() <n 0', \, ;.~ I . '" - (./, , - c.~ '~ I ,'- ,,) , '.. se (1414) 132.00'~1 ond MEAS, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERT1FYiHAT: I. This survey and plan are correct and in accordance . with The 'Surveys Act and The Registry Ad and the re9ulations made thereunder.' . 2. The survey was completed on AU9...st 8. 1990. '~~&'1, JIItIf.. ----Oof;-------- -~o~ ----fvQn-B~-VVallace------~--~-- Ontario Land Surveyor O.L.S. j - f:::::j. - r--",\ l'-! ____ 18 . - ... - 'CO . ... rl .= ~-- ~ a: (0' (I'IQ 1rir6 1lI- -....... ... .c .. l q ,- I l_ I L_ Wire End of Fence 0.6' We51' ..... ..!'-~...... C) tel r-. o -... ~l ..., (J 24.66' ~ " (\J it> o . Q) Z or) r-, a , "" 18 (1106) . 0,09' NOf1h 24.50' f(8~5400" E 1990 c.... ._ . II' C'''- I , v ....' , . Fence LOT INS T, C-' j",/ / \ CAUTION : THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. PLAN IOR- 382'2 NOTES AND LEGEND RECEIVED AND. DEPOSITED .. Date _.~t~.2~~7,_-~<tct.E Bearings are astronomic in origin and are referred to the Northerly Llmitof Pad 4, Plan IOR-2621 shown os N 81e 51' E. . o SIB IB SSIB WIT ~EAS. N.T.S. PI P2 denotes denotes denote s denotes denotes . denotes denotes denotes denotes denot,s denotes INST. W denotes SCHEDULE // I \ " , C 'II Port Lol 6,Block "r <!~~ 9~e.c.- . . . . '.' . -----,..- Lond ';;~;tra; fo;-t~~ --.. . . --- . Registry Dlvl.lon of Newca.tle (Ne 10) . survey monument found survey monument set stqndord Iron bar iron bar short standard IrOI1 bar witness measured round not to scale Wm. Murdoc h.'s Pkm Plan of Survey by M.D. Brown, O.L.S.. ott.oched to Instrument Number N43805 instrument number Descrlpllon Pari of Mill Str..t 2 3 Port 'of Qu..n Str..t . ~-, ,. , , ..' ._-.............-~ 't''''' ... \ ' G \-., ,1 t;- v . 0' IO?' ' \ /lA r (I' .(' /,/ ,vi () ,I" J' \ ./1 L/ II I \ /V :3 852 B , L l? }- ~ '..." 75.85' MEAS, ( 7!;,90' PI ) ::::-, -_ _-0--,.,.-,--"':: ~_~ ."--".:r""--."- N 8,oZ94C' E verT old fence r'. po. on line Recenl PART NO 6 /4 9886 1/ 7- /I I Po'l rr f ~ V f v,nnnnnn,nnnnn ~ ~ . 1 f l-' ~ ~ 53,57' t~lif":St"'EiY-' Frame Building N" 48 , II ~ ~\ . 0 S e ~~. ~~I ISSIB 1 WI! 75.90' PI ond MEAS. I ~ 8 N. ""0 ~g z MILL STREET . (ESTABLISHED BY MURDOCH'S PLAN) Inlt. ~ 149886 ~ Qnd . . I requIre this pIon to. be deposited . under the Reglstr)' Aet. . MI'WIf(t#l. ."".. -Oate- -- Area 0,29 Ac. 22 Sq. Ft. 384 Sq. Ft, Q I /, (.... k/ L." L_ '-' 0,.,/ ,\ /1 "'"' II () 6, BLOCK liT". OF QUEEN PART OF ACCORDING TO OF THE OF KENDAL, LOTS 9 AND TOWNSHIP NOW WITHIN .TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF fj ,. t:;~- I '~'. I .? P I~ F? -: 3 C I j1 f\' ; 'I-' -f I rI I' ,'I r;;- - -;. =- ? , J v I, '-_ 0".. I I . ", r,"~==L~-::L ~=__H~~~E .._~ -.lr C /I C T ~.,.1 ___.._1 (/)Q' ,.". 1 L -~-- -.---. - 1 - -#"- N 81. 51" E a:: . '" C' T '> C r..- T ...) , ,-. 1.... l._ , Ivan 8. WGtloce . Ontorlo . Land Surwyor ",l I I I I ~) !...... ~ l\4 1 0.: CJ " 1- .. ~41~:..~ ... . ~ I' 'J - . 0.. I "..- (... 1- " G I , r' IJ r- n I L,~)'''''''L..L..I",')"':/,, q v "1'IR ,..'') I"." C;' C I II .1\1 . (.,.., '0','"'" .i.lL ~'I _ , ~''''''II I o o ,.; ,.., N 81- 51 ---------- __:1 6:~ Ohl.f r6'l1: -Ii') '-~ Wire 18 .el 01 Nor1tIeat e_ of old c:onc:ret4i end stone founcllltton of blitn Fenc:. IS Fence r North r Ea.t -... 49.50' (N,T,S.) Set PI 3 I i 8 cri It) ! 7 . Line of E ove. .en ~, I i .. u; I-Storey Frome Building ~~ ~ iJ.J LJ.J Q:: ~ U) a ,~ ...J Face of Bulldlll9 O,6!5' Clear _...l-.. -..... <: <r;;{ ~ 51') ~ C) ~ .;:) ~ ~. -';Wj lt~ Q{\j ~..ltt. _ .... II. ,.. ....... ~.' 'If ui ~rt) >- Q:) 1.25' 8uildln9 ~ ~ ~ -J Q:) is! ~. <:: "- lu lu ~ C) 't ....... Z '/ . ._---- ----,- --- HORTON. WALLACE & DAVIES LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 68 KfiG. ST. E.. J!IOWMANV... U.E. ONTARIO (4ttJ. 6~2295' OfHER .OFACE IN WHTBV. ONTARIO __rl t~ III ~ 0' .~ I I ! I I I 1 _ _ _ ~ _'_ _ __ _ i o u; ~. I Q., o a . ~. Q) 2-Slorey Frome Building ti ~ 0: ! :J ~ ~ , o (\J .,. tI) . ,... Z '1.50' Building Foce of "ulidin9 0,60' Cleor 'If Ii') .. C\i It) i o ...., I-Stor.y Frame Building a e .E ...J N 84-39'20" E / _IS 82!' . BuIIdInt Corner onLtn. 49.50' (N.T .8.) Set PI---- Une Eave. PART 2 , . .E j I ..... ..... I --.I :--, , ."':'.... \ ~- ..... ("00 \,..) r , ,--) . . '.. ~\ ......1 .... 0-:1 r.I06) - .... -- . ....) J .... ... , ~ I ,", \ ~: \::', (,,-1 .1 I I I . I (') '-- '. " ...; .....' -l 0-, " 0", ''-I,) 0-, ~, .' -l"J . .. ~ i..l) (\: ..... ~" ,~\~ \.) (,t) ,., . ... -.., ~ ..,~) ~: \j~; ~, ~~ :) ."1 4l;'~ \r ~: (\ .(: ' J !: ........ ~..,J \\ ~ 1::\ ~l \:)..... ~ \,...... ....<.. ~. Q"J ...... ...~. 't, ~ f-.: c: c.:) ~, ~ (r .~ - I ........ t: c:;:.. o ""~ f'. "~..' ... -~ "t "" ..... 'j. ,- It . (1106) 1 t ] I~- 1 ....1' '.-.':"::. "4 .-_::-~~:; '.~ -,.:-: 5411 ,.; DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 Document General Form 4 - Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 (' J , I , . ~. Province . 01 ,. ~ Ontario j >- ...l Z o UJ en ::> UJ () ir u. o a:: o u. r...o ,-...., ...... ~ ~ -.c .-.; fz 5 t:! Iil'I It; NI AI: ~ Ill! ..ii ~s :;;::3 z New Property Identifiers I Executions o (1) Registry ~ (3) Property ldentlfler(s) Land Titles 0 T (2) Page 1 ory pages Block Property Additional: See 0 Schedule JI ~ U) (4) Nature of Document MUNICIPAL BY-LAW (Section 18 of the Registry Act) (5) Consideration Dollars $ (6) Description r-04 ~~. .1: (.Qo2 . u..J~ 0 i L&... Z z: . Part of unsubdivided Lot 9, Concession 6 fronting on Queen Street and Mill Street according to William Murdoch's Plan of the Unincorporated Village of Kendal, being Part of Lots 9 and 10, Concession 6, Town of Newcastle (formerly Township of Oarke) Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Parts 2 and 3 on Plan 10R-3822, Land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) Additional: See 0 SChedule Additional: See SChedule (7) This Document Contains: l (b) Schedule for: i Additionat D! Description 0 Parties 0 Other ~ (8) This Document provides as follows: o (a) Redescription New Easement PlanlSketch See certified copy of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-law Number 91-21 attached. Continued on Schedule ~ ) ( (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(le8) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) ~ Date of Signature . ~ Y M 0 . . . . D "()H ouo 00 0 . .. 0.... 0 . .1. ~~~~ 1~t?5 e~on :! : , .' : f , . . . . . . .. .. . . . ... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . I . .. " .. .1. . . i ! ~ : . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . ., . ., . . .. ., . .. . . . . i .. . .. w w wi. .. . , . ! ! : ! TIlE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN . . . OF'NEWCASTLE" (Applicant) . , 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . PY. i~ .s~Ji.cj.~~r~. ~~~X . . . . . . . . . , . 0 . . . . . . . . RlGHTON per Dennis Hefferon .. ... .. .. . .. . .... . . . . .. '" .. . . . .. . . . .. . .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . w . (11) Address for Service 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LtC 3A6 (12) party('!') (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 . . , , . . ... .. ... . .. ... .. ... .... ... . w .... w ...... .. .. .... ...... .. .. 10.... .. .. .. I :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::T:::: .." .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. w .. .. .. w .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . .. .. ... . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .... . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (13) Address for Service Not assigned (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: ,I ~ Z Registration Fee o UJ en ::) UJ () ir u. o a:: o ~ 1n1"7.A 11l)1/A.A\ Fees and Tax Shibley Righton Barristers & Solicitors Suite 1800 401 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario MSH 2Z1 Attention: Dennis Hefferon Total ." . tZ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 91-21 Being a by-law to permit an encroachment onto Town owned lands by Steven Robert Childs, 48 Mill Street, Kendal, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 (101) of the HunicipalAct R.S.O. 1980 and the Town of Newcastle By- law No. 81-50. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT permission is granted to Steven Robert Childs, 48 Mill Street, Kendal, Town of Newcastle, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to maintain the use such portions of his building as constitutes an encroachment upon a public highway, for so long as the encroachment is not required for municipal purposes. 2. The encroachment is granted subject to the provision that this by-law may be rescinded at any time and the permission for the encroachment shall be terminated six months after the rescinding by-law shall have been enacted. 3. The lands affected by By-law 91- 21 are described as Part 2 and Part 3 acccrding to Plan 10R-3822, being all and singular that certain parcel or tr,act of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of' Ontario and being composed of that portion of part of unsubdivided Lot 9, Concession 6, fronting on Queen Street and Mill Street, according to William Murdoch's Plan of the Unincorporated Village of Kendal, being part of Lots 9 and 10, Concession 6, of the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. A copy of Plan 10R-3822 is attached to By-law 91-21 , as Schedule 'A' By-law read a first time this 11th day of February1991. By-law read a second time this 11th day of February1991. By-law rea4 a third time and finally passed this 11th day ofFebruaFY1991. CERTIFIED A TRUE COpy 'LL I I . ! i . !' , ! ~ l. '. .' , , PLAN OF SURVEY OF BLOCK lOT". QUEEN STREET 'OF MILL STREET ACCORDING TO WM. MURDOCH'S OF THE UNINCORPORATED Or=: KENDAL, BEING PART OF LOTS 9 AND 10, CONCESSION 6 TOWNSHIP, OF CLARKE NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE .TOWN O.F NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LOT PART AND 6, OF PART f?LAN VILLAGE SCALE: I INCH = 10 FEET HORTON, WALLACE 8 DAVIES LTD. O.L.S. ~." .j - ,~ - ;--, ,""i" ;v) 1'- "t r--:----- _ , ,-- ,,') () '... , - " Old IB 9.95' (1l06)_.post ----.-..t-- _ _ond e - ~--=--- - - 132,00' Set PI (1106) I - . , ____ '8 ,"1'" ;y ) ~," i.[) e u ..... , r~ , I' _ !--. -~\ ~, \:::1 -.1 . -.. -..... ~ t ~___ ~, it <00 ~4(j ~~ - '- ". co o IV) l{l CCl <.n 0', .. '1. q ,~ \I ;.~ , ,- - v' , I L_ I L_ Wire :;iJ t, .11' ~ }, 1k ! t~: '..'- ~ () i.[") ,- ...~ () -" I _ _~ ,. '..-t- .'. 1990 c-' /{ . 1\ I C' 1- ,: tv...'" , . fence CAU1'ION : THIS PLAN IS '40T .~ PLAN OF SUBDIVISION ' WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. NOTES AND LEGEND PLAN IOR- 3822 RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED Date _..~.r~J?~!:.l.1,__~~1~ Bearlngs are astronomic in origin and are referred to the Northerly Limit of Part 4, Plan10R-2621 shown a. Nate 51' E. . o SIB IB SSIB WIT ~EAS. N.T.S. PI P2 denotes denotes denotes denotes denotes denotes denote. denotes denotes denotes denotes 3'.". . >'" '~~~ "j 'I 1 1 j ;{ I Pi ~, J i 'l 'j '.'0 '1 '~ i ; I i i 'I : i "II ~ I .!t! I , I i -&' . ,t.- (?~Ct-' . ' -...- - ~-------------- . ----""L.;,d Re lstror fo.. the , Regletry Division of Newcastle "(N- JO) , . I reqwre thls plan to be ~po.lte.d under the Registry Ad. . survey monument found survey monument set standard Iron bor Iron bar short standard Iron bar witness measured round nol to scelle Wm. Murdoch's Plan Plan of Survey by M.D. Brown, O.L.S.. attached to Instrument Number N43805 instrtament number o..crJptlon lrwt. N" () c.~ Eed of Fence 06' WeSl ' , It .-----""-'~ . ~' ~ b N ;., o . CO Z i'r) ~ :.t") :, ~'... . ,..- ~ ~) C'\ , -.. . -" , -.. e (1414) ~O' ~MEAS. SIB (1414) IB (1106) O,09'~ 132.00' ~ ond MEAS. SURVEYOR-S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT: , I. This survey and plan are correct and in accordance . with The Surveys Act and The Registry Ad and the regulbfions I'l"lode thereUtlder, 2. The survey W<lS completed on' August 8. 1990. . :S~&"","'II ----6at;------~- _1---o~- -----I~Qn-fCWOii(jce---------- Ontario Lond Surveyor . . INST. W denotes SCHEDULE Part Lot 6, Block "T' Port of Mill Str..' 149886 2 3 Port of ou.en Sh'e.t " ~.,o. ",' ';' '",-' ,..- .<"!"' \ l' ~.. , ,'" .'-- ~;.-,.~ C' j,-.,:....'~ .....:.-"----- \ I i I + ~oe) _ --/___ ~~ I . tOol <.0 1 -- .<~ -----I ._ _____ -1-- _~_ t " €- 0' 9, ,0' , "1 r /II (' /,/ , ~ \), It ./" PART 6 NO /49886 1/ 7- 1/ I /I L/ 1/ I '. 1\' C I ~ 1\' ":{ r.:.' .... ..... I 11 .... '--".... r: ,t1 ---- . ----- CJ 24.65' N 8102940' E 75.85' WEAS. ( 75.90' PI ) , L (? ;,- t..' .... V.r y old f_nee -- post 0fI I\ne Recenl "o.t end ---- -----~,..---~--- ----"-"~ -.---------- .,- ---'" ...--------------. 24.50' N 81-54'00" E (..... j,,/ ../ I, LOT INS T. . " rT f v V ~ ,.. VTTTTTTTTTTTTT,7rTT T [ V ~ ~ I r I / , ~ i,.1I2",SIO..&Y . F ram. Building N.48 ... 53.57' , I I I i . . ---.--------- -- ;; 75.90' . !I ; ~l (\j . .s. I 1')0 ..J ~I~ ....~ j WIT . '-- PI and MEM.' ~ g i\i. t'g ,.......: z MILL STREET (ESTABLISHED BY MURDOCH'S PLAN) I SIIB -~ _ _ ~11L.::~ _ ,r I -J 0_ ~I~ ~-- "1"'. 4~o . .... ------~-- p- DQt. Ivan 8. WaIIQce Ontarto Lond Surveyor Area 0.29 Ac. 22 Sq. Ft. 384 Sq. Ft. l CJ / r, ( ""' /..-;/ I ,::; t_ ......... '-" , \ .. /j ,~ ,,? r .? 1 II ...... /I (] P I~ R:- ...'< c: I I' ^' ,- L- #'-1 , 'i .j'/'9_';':'?1 , v , , . ,_ Ci ~. , . I ~oeL.- _ _~ N 81.51" E (REFERENCE BEARlf'fG ) .E..;~~ELl___._,- 4- N81. 51' E -?f'-- a .. ., ("' Toe r-- T ... ) / I t L _ L. _ I / t':-,-(;!-~S:9,'5/-!r:-c B~;' ,~I!../RDO{,~,\,J~" ,c:"',~/''/ / g ,.; ,., N 81' 51' E j , , I '..J ~, _:JI ~W ~~ ~"': ...If) '-~ . ". " ~::: r . \....) ~ . -... __1 ..j WIr. 18 ..I at NorltIeut c~ of oW cone..... and ~ founOafton of born F_e CrJ 8 F__ r North r E.st --. 49.50' (N.T.S,) s_, PI 1106) 3 ~ l ~. g CJi 1') I , . _...-:..:...' ~~_w~_~..~__.....:.--_"_"~_ __"__"___"'_'~~'~''''_ _.~_ ". if N 82.54'00" E 1.00' 7 Lin_ of [OIleS i " ILi I-- Lu l.LJ Q::: I-- V) '0 I-Storey Frome. Building .....~ ~~ ~~ .~ ....J ~! ~ ~ oc::{ tt Foee of BuIldln. 0.65' Cleo' - ~ ~ o fi ~ N.82-10'20" E 1.25' .).... Q:) &J :t ~ -.J <tl ~ ~ "- -- 1.25' Building ~ ~W ON 1Iill'l IOcsj. -=:.~ ~ csj ~rt) ... , 0' ..0 <ct CD CJi If) ---. ....) "-. O<ct o i " w ~ '-. lu lu ::) a "- , .. IDa, ~ . '- z ... o \ ..:s-: , ,-- 2-Slor.y From. Building ~ f e c :J (:) i~,,-) ~I ~ b <ct ;,. P CO z Foceol Bundin, 0.60 Cleo. tIT ... , '.. (') '- __' f -I 1.50"$ulldlng ~ ....J .. If) ("oj 1') 0', ':,) 0', I-Storey Frome Building i .. w ')... .t:.) . . ,." ~ \l) ,\ \l ...... ~" ; l\. !,.') ~ ~ -.. ~ ~. l'l") ~- \::'\ ~; ~.~ :; . .&:~ Q, ~~ \r' ~ "..(:. . . I.. '~ '..... ~ l\ " ~ () ;:)~.. ..:: \. \).... . "" Q'" .... J "'", t), . '10. 'f'o.. t:: " 'h ~ tr '::'\ ...."..., \,J J .:"... ... ~ ~ t':~",.. 0...; ..~ Q ~~ '~::' '0 ~ I&J ~ If} ~ ~ o 'lit . ,.... Z N 84.39'20" E ,. _18 8.2" . ~ g. -t\j lil')cn N' . en ,.... Une o~ J N B4.STSO" E . S4B WIT 8.41' - t40' - 0.91' - - - """400'- - - -- N 8" MOO" E 49.150' (N.T.S.) S.t Pt-- tj . 'lit "8 P.... II Z II (1106) HORTON. WALLACE" DAVIES LTD.. ONTARiO LANO SURVEYORS 68 KING ST. E..~lL.L!. 0I'f'lMI0 . . (4IfjJ62'$.'MOS_........' .'^ OTHER OFFICI! 1N.'wtfT8!r. ON '1VWo.I "< ,'~ !. .,..... i4) " " rc l\4 I 0: o '-