HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-132 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 91-132 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an amending Agreement with Eiram Development Corporation and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in respect of Plan 18T-89041 and to amend By-law 91-11 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on hehalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation's seal, an amending Agreement between Eiram Development Corporation and the said Corporatin in respect of Plan of Subdivision 18T-89041. 2. By-law Number 91-11 is hereby amended. BY-LAW read a first time this 29th day of July 1991. BY-LAW read a second time this 29th day of July 1991. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of July 1991. II 1 I ~ ElRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP, SUBDMSION AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DRAFI' PLAN OF SUBDMSION NO. 18T-89041 NOW PARTLY PLAN OF SUBDMSION 4OM-1776 I N o E X EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNIClPALI'lY OF CLARlNGTON DRAFt PLAN OF SUBDIVISION NO. 18T-89041 NOW PARTLY PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 40M-177' INDEX 1. Inhibiting Order. 2. Transfer in fee simple of Reserve Blocks 143, 144, 145 and 146. 3. Transfer of Storm Sewer Easement over Part of Lots 93 and 94 being Parts 1 and 2, Plan 4OR-15719. 4, Transfer in fee simple of Walkway Block 140. 1 * ~ - Province d Oolarlo Docunlent General DO PROCESS SOFTWARE UD (OI;J.J) Form 4 -land f1cgisllatlon Reform Act. 19&4 o , 'W - ~ w 0 c-1 tt.j. ...-... a:: 0> 0 q I u... "'-""" 0 a> I CO I ~ '4:.;'t Z c.::> ::::J 0 u.. c;:. w r- )- ~ .-J a::: w w (J o' it 0 a: ~ .. ('I.J c::;) (11 RoglslJy 0 (3) Property Identifier(s) land TIUes l]} I ~ Block Property Page 1 01 pages . ) '""-~'. Addlllonal: ) Soe Schedule ,0 ./ .. Lt) i, 10::: Ie: i~i'~ \ '0 1\' t5! i). i , -' \ \" ("I Naluro of Document APPLICATION TO REGISTER INHIBITING ORDER SEC.23 THE LAND TITLES ACT (5) Consideratlon I~ 'C'\o.J ,- TWO Dollars S -< . a 0 .:e c:::;) (6)Ooscription. ;:::'1 PLf\/U-1 S~L7/dlJ Y.6m~n7fo PfJlLT OJflI<C,-,- -./< B E- /It) (j. Pit III t..J.trS' Cf"3 f'tltJD '} l.f. /It tU D 13 L (j G n:> Ir.t-o) 1'f"3 J 1'1"1, J Cf c; If/V P / <I b) PL ft/lJ 4 (J (Y1' /7 7 ~ In the Municipality of Clarin~ton,. in the Re~ional Municipalityof Durham. ::T- O') .. New PRlperty !denURe,. Additional: See Schedule o Elaoc:utIons Addlllonal: See Schedule o (7) This ~ Contains: (al Il!ldescrlpUon New Easement Plan/Sketch ! (bl Schadule lor: o ; DescrlpUon 0 Additional Parties o Other 0 THE CORPORATION OF 'THE MuNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON being interested in the above 'lands of which EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. is the re~istered owner hereby applies under Section 23 of The Land Titles Act to register an Inhibiting, Order. In support of this'Application is executed Inhibitin~ Order attacheG 1 (8) ThIs Document provides .. (0110_: ~ ThIs Document...... to lnalrument numbef(s) (10) Party(lel) (Set out SI8IUlt or 'nlefell 1 NameCI) Contlnued on Schedule 0 .I , Slgnolur,(sl Dale of Slonalorll Y M 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNIC~.~~ITY ...9' CL4.RING'l'ON.. ................................................................................................... .... ... ... By its Solicitor, ..............."...................................................................................................... ....... Shibley Ri~hton ' ..................p.lar.....;.......w.~.....~,......,.,. .. ~ V9 9y 1 d<i{(JS I ! : . .... " .. : (11) Add..... for SeMce . " 't12) Party(lesl ( Set out SIatuI or Interesl ) Name(s) Signalur.(s) Oat. of Slgnoluro y M: 0 EIRAM DETELOPMENT CORP. {~~.r.J ". .......... ... , .. ,.......<. ..... ., . ,................ .. '< ............. ................................................................. ........................... ...... .. .. t .............9.~.~~P.!.~~....!~~~~.!~....~~.~~....9.~....9.9~.RQ.~.....(9..h~t!;~,~.l..;"............,.. .........,................,.,:,.....,.,...,. ..,. 0" f .........................m'............................/......~..................................:...,.............."................ ..,... / ' / I { , ; . . .H....: .... .......... . i i i .. ...... .......~.... ", . (t3) Address rot Service I ~ (14)MuniciplII Addr... of Ptoperty Not Available (15) ~ Preparod by: Shi b,ley Ri~hton II ~ % o W ~ W (J Ii: u. o I~ I Fees and Tax /"7' AegislJatlon Fee c... U -:-- ~. /1 I "T'-,,_.' I 2-1 I LAND TITLES ACT Section 23 APPLICATION BY MUNICIPALITY FOR INHIBITING ORDER TO: THE LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE LAND TITLES DIVISION OF DURHAM (NO, 40) I, Patti Barrie, Clerk of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby certify that EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. the registered owner of Part of Parcel 9-1, Section Con.2, Newcastle, Darlington (Bowmanville) being a Subdivision of Part of Lot 9, Concession 2, (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville) Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham being the land laid out by a Plan of Subdivision dated , 1994 prepared by George C. M, Lo, an Ontario Land Surveyor, has not executed and is not under any obligation to execute any Transfer of Land or Transfer of Easement or any Agreement affecting title to the said land in favour of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington which has not been registered as of the date hereof except the following: TRANSFERS AND AGREEMENTS LOTS AND BLOCKS Transfer in Fee Simple (0.3 Metre Reserves) Transfer in Fee Simple (Walkway) Blocks 143, 144, 145 & 146, Plan 40M-J7 7 ~ ; Block 140, Plan 40M- (}1 (c, ; Discharge of Charge (Instrument No.157981) Block 140, Plan 40M. (77~; Transfer of Easement (Storm Sewers) Part of Lots 93 and 94, Plan 40M-.iJ llP , designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 40R- Postponement of Charge (Instrument No.157981) Part of Lots 93 and 94, Plan 40M-.1J111 ' designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 40R- AND as to the Lots and Blocks mentioned above, I HEREBY REQUEST you to issue an Order or make an entry under Section 23 of the Land Titles Act inhibiting any dealing with those Lots and Blocks until the Instruments mentioned above have been registered. The address of the applicant for service is 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6. DATED at Clarington this ~day of AUG,u..~T , 1994. Municipality of Clarington I have authority to bind the Corporation. 2 IJ!rl Province ~V~of ~ Onlario Transfer/Deed of Land OYE & DURHAM co. INC,-Form No, 970 Amended NOV, 1992 to;,. Form 1 - Land Registration Reform Act A .... -' a:: ;::J iZ:c ..... 0:: UJ <:,) '" N I I~ ~q , cr '/"'- .. !Q '\ <'.::> \\~ j .\~ ~r -J \" (1) Registry 0 (3) Property Identifier( s) Land Titles Ii] T(2) Page 1 of Block Property 2 pages o c- <.0 N en CO .1:-- c... ll.J (J l.J..j ...-." a:: 0 "'1' LL- ......-- O::::s: ::r- tr) Additional: See 0 Schedule )- f_ (4) Consideration >- ~ Z o w (/) :J w U u:: I.L. o New Property Identifiers a: o I.L. I L~.J "".;! TWO----------------------- Dollars $ 2.00 (5) Description This is a: Property 0 Division Property Consolidation 0 -=c. c::::::> Additional: See Schedule Part of Parcel Plan-l Section 40M- I ...,..., , Blocks 143, 144, 145 and l46 Plan 40M- ''''' 7C. Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham ::r 0") .. o Executions Additional: See 0 Schedule (6) This Document Contains (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch : (b) Schedule for: i o : Description 0 I Additional Parties 0 Other Ii] (7) InteresVEstate Transferrea Fee Simple (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee aroI XlKlKiIl!lXIXlKtJfdQKlK<3XlK>XiX Xl~ H\JlXl~IK~c%fJllal Name(s) EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Y M D Signatu~s) ... ~ ::: ..... ... M'ari~teIli1c'ci""""'" ?~.9A .!~~ i .~\. President : i: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . .:. . . j . . . I have the authority to ! i: P.:i,l'}.9. ~.t~~. ~P.r:P9~.a.t;:t9n.... ... .. J... . . .i. .. i... t : ~ , " I ,: : I: (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ...j... ,.... i I , , , , !' . . . 1 , (10) Transferor(s) Address forServlce 188 Bradwick Drive, Concord,Ontario, L4K 3N7 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D , OF MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON !, I, .T.~~ <;::9~?9.~~~+9~ . . . . .. ....................... .......... . . . . . . .,. . . , , , , , , , : , , . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... ...................... .. 1 . .. ..:... , , : l , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... .1. .. . .:. . . i ' : i , , , : .. .. . . . . , , , , , I. . . . ! , , (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3A6 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D ,Y M D I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . .1. . . 1 . . .: Signature...........................1...... !. . . .: . . . . Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to ~ determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and ~ belief, this transfer does not contravene that section, I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing, Date of Signature o Name and i Y : M: D ii: Address of ' : :: o Solicitor Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . '. . . " . . I u u; <( >-1 >- 0) J:)~,- c: E'tii m '2 ~e~ ; S~~ ii: bi.E~ .~o~ :i~.c '0 (/) (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing, Name and Address of Solicitor Date of Signature Y M D , , ,. , 'I Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . :. . . .:. . . . (15) Assessment Roll Number Cty. Mun, Map i Sub, , Par, I I~ Fees and Tax I : not I assigned of Property , ~ rD- , z , , Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: 0 w f\. \ ILA Noah K. Okel1 (/) Land Transfer Tax not assigned :J OKELL & WEISMAN, w u Barristers & Solicitors, I.L. 352 Bedford Park Avenue, I.L. 0 North York, Ontario, II: 0 M5M lJ8. (4l6-787-l105) l~ Total .. ~ u,~ 6 UUHt1AM ,-,Y. IN\,,;.. rartTI NO. :)UU . Amended 1991 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Refer to .,11 instructions on reverse side. IN '1111. MAITI:H 01 IIIL CllNVIYANCL OF (/nSOrlbrloldescriptlonollBnd) Part.9:l: Parcel Plan -1, Section 40M-/7i' Blocks 143, 144, 145 and 146, plan 40M- t 7 ,;;. I Municipality of Clarinqton, Recriona1 Municipality of Durham r\ Y (prillt Ilnmos 01 olllrsnslorors III lull) ElRAM DEVEIDPMENT CORP. -_.- -~----_._~-- TO (see instruction 1 and prinl names 01 alllranslerees In lull) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarinqton I. (see instruction 2 and print name(s) In lull) Nicholas T. Macos MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1, I a m (place a clear mark within the square opposite that one 01 the following paragraphs that describ6s the capacity 01 the deponent(s)}: (see Inslructlon 2) o (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above.described conveyance is being conveyed; o (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; o (c) A transferee named in the above.described conveyance; ~ (d) The CllI:K1lameJtxgeJo<<x solicitor acting in this transaction for (Inserl name(s) 01 princlpal(s)) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarinqton described in paragraph(s) (a). (b). (c) above; (strike out ref.rences to Inapplicable paragraphs) o (e) The President; Vice-President, Manager, Secretary, Director, or Treasurer authorized to act for (Inll6r1name(s}ofcorporatlon(s)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to inapplicable paragraphs) o If) A transferee described in paragraph( , ) (Inserl only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above. as eppllcable) and am mak ing this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above, as applicable) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to, 2. (To be completed where the value 01 the consideration for the conveyance exceeds $400,000). I have read and considered the definition of "single family residence" set out in clause 1 (1) (ja) of the Act, The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance o contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2( 1)(d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per o does not contain a single family residence, cent upon the value of consideration in excess of $400,000 where the convey. o contains more than two single family residences. (see/nstrootlon 3) ance contains at least one and not mora than two single family residences. 3, I have read and considered the definitions of "non.resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1 (1 )(f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-<lescribed conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act, (see Instructions 4 and 5) None 4, THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOllOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash , . , . " ""..,....".,....... $ 2.00 (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (show principal and interesllo b6 credited against purchase price) $ nil (ii) Given back to vendor . , , . . , , $ nil (e) Property transferred in exchange (detail b6low) ., , , . . , , , . . , , . , . , . . $ nil (d) Securities transferred to the value of (detail b6low) , , . . . . , , . . . . . , . , , $ nil (e) Liens. legacies. annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer'is subject, $ nil (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail be/ow) ,.,... $ nil I // All Blanks Must Be Filled In, Insert IfNi/" (9) VALUE OF LAND. BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Tota/of(a) to (f}) .,....,..,.'".....' (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS - items of tangible personal property (Retail Sales T.1 is payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under the provisions 01 tha 'Retall Sales Tax Act', R.S.O. 1980, c.454, as amended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 0) TOTAL CONSIDERATION ".,......,............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 5, If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (,eelnstructlon 6) Transfer to Municipality pursuant to a Subdivision Agreement. No $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Where Applicable, nil nil 2.00 6, If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. in the th is .'l, ? ~ slgnature(s} NTQlpr.2l.~ 'T' ~mc: AC Property Information Record For Land Registry Office Use Only A Describe natu re of instrument: Transfer of Land Registration No. S, (i) Address of property being conveyed (II available) not assigned (ii) Assessment Roll No. (If available) not assiqned C, Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (;ee instruction 7) 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Reglslrallon Dale Land Registry Office No, ontario 'LIC 3A6 D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of pro'perty being conveyed (II avaffable) unknown Iii) Legal description of property conveyed: Same a.s in D.(i} above, VesD No D Not known P9 E, Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor Shibley Righton . #1800 - 401 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontar~o M~H 2Z1 School Tax Support (Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Ate all individuallransferees Roman Catholic? vesD No D (b) If Yes. do all individuallransferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? VesD No D (c) Do allllldividual transferees have French Language Education Rights? Ves D No D (d) If Yes. do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board (where established)? YesD No D 3 , IJ:,l Province ~.~Of ~ Ontario Transfer/Deed of Land DYE & DURHAM co. INC~Form No, 970 Amended NOV. 1992 Form 1 - Land Registration Reform Act A l- C"':) Ln ~ l (1) Registry D (3) Property I denllfler( s) Land Titles [i] T (2) Page 1 of 3 Block Property pages co c.a c.o N en (.0 .:L t.O N \:i \.'- \. ........j, ;::. >, '(VI \ 6 \l:IZ '.. \. ~ ,..:( \~ ~ Additional: See 0 Schedule w (.) w.l- 0;:0 .,y u..- c.."') .~ )~ t~ (4) Consideration > --l Z a uJ CJJ :l w () u. u. a New Property Identifiers a: o u. I "",.:~: ONE Dollars $1. 00 I- -J f" oS L;:o t- o::: UJ '" (5) Descriptio!,. ,;r"tiis is a: Property Division D Property Consolidation D 0::0 c:::> Additional: See Schedule o Part of Parcel Plan -l Section 40M-'7'~ being Part of Lots 93 and 94 Plan 40M- 1/7 G designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 40R- I~'" I c:; Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham :r 0) .. Executions Additional See Schedule o (6) This Document Contains (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch : (b) Schedule for: . I D . Description 0 I Additional Parties D Other KJ (7) Interest/Estate Transferred ~~EASEMENT (8) Transferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee ~H~IiIl6~fCt,,*ili~fem)cii~~~te~tlla{. Date of Signature N~~':~MDEVELOPMENT CORP.................. .~~~CCi........... j'~~4 0: !o; . . .. ... . . . . .. ,.... <<. .................. i~~':~~~~'~~' ~~'th~~'i'ty<< t'~ . . . '1' . . ., ... i . . . i , . .. ..,... ,.,. ,... , . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . .. bind. th~. .Corp-QratJQo.. . . . . . . J. . , ,. ... I . . . . 1 i (9) Spouse{s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I' . . . . . . . . , I I i I , . , . l' . . . l (10) Transferor(s) Address forService 188 Bradwick Drive, Concord, Ontario, L4K 3N7 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ! i . . . . . . .. .... ........ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. . . . . .:. . . , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . .:. . . . , I . , . . I , , I , . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ..........................................................:..... .:. . . . , i . ! i . , . i' . . . 1. . . . . . I I I , I. . . . j I I (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvi lIe, Ontario, LlC 3A6 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. - Date of Signature Date of Signature ,Y ,M D . Y M D I ! 1 ! : :: Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ,.....,.., :, , , , . .'. . . J . . .: Signature..,...............,....... ,: . . . . . .:, , . .: . . . . Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to ;J. determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge and z belief, this transfer does not contravene that section, I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing, Date of Signature o Name and i Y : M: D ii: Address of S. : : i o Solicitor Ignature. . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . .'. . . .' . . . . I (j (i) <( >-~ >- t>> ..0 Q) '- c: cO; ~ '2 ~~~ i ~I-Ql 0: t'G,-C U5.l?:: x~Ql :::.g~ <\,1 "0 rJ) (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing, Name and Address of Solicitor Date of Signature Y M D , , , . I Signature. , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . :. . . (15) Assessment Roll Number of Property (16) Municipal Address of Property NOT ASSIGNED Cty. Mun Map : Sub. : : . . ' I : Par, , , , , i NOT ASSIGNED III Fees and Tax _ ~ ~ 50 ~ Land Transfer Tax D l L A- uJ () u. u. o a: o 'J.'ti Registration Fee (17) Document Prepared by: Noah K. Okell OKELL & WEISMAN, Barristers & Solicitors, 352 Bedford Park Avenue, North York, Ontario, M5M lJ8. (4l6-787-ll05) Total '".l--___~ J Page 2 AJmJIIONAL COVIl;NANTS The Transferor hereby transfers to the Transferee, its successors and assigns~ the free, uninterrupted and unobstructed right and easement to construct~ operllte and maintain such stonn sewer together with any and all appurtenances, facilities and works (the IlWorksll) as may be required from time to time in, across, under and through the lands more particularly described in Box 5 hereof (the "Lands.'). TOGETHER with the right of the Transferee, its Successors and assigns and its and their servants, agents, contractors and workmen with all necessary materials, equipment, machinery and vehicles to enter upon the Lands (the "Right to Enter") at all times and to pass and repass thereon for the purposes of installing, constructing, reconstructing, examining, altering, repairing, renewing or replacing and maintaining the Works or any part thereof whether or not any part to be so constructed, installed, repaired, renewed, altered, replaced or maintained is situate on the Lands. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the said easement or right in the nature of an easement on, in, across, under and through the Lands unto the Transferee, its successors and assigns for its and their sole and only use forever, AND the Transferor: a) covenants that it will not erect any buildings or structure, plant any trees~ hedges or shrubs, place or remove any fill on any part of the Lands or cause or pennit any person to interfere in any way directly or indirectly with the Works or in any way derogate from the easement hereby transferred; b) hereby releases the Transferee from any and every claim which mayor might arise out of the exercise by the Transferee of any of the rights hereby granted or which may arise out of tbe existence, operation, construction, reconstruction exarnination~ repair, renewal, replacement and maintenance of the Works; c) covenants with the Transferee that it has the right to convey the said rights and easements to the Transferee, notwithstanding any act of the Transferor; d) covenants with the Transferee that it will execute such further assurances of the said rights and easements as may be required by the Transferee; e) covenants to transfer to the Transferee, from time to time, such other easements on a temporary basis only as the Transferee may reasonably require to exercise the Right to Enter; and f) releases to the Transferee all claims upon the interest hereby transferred. AND the Transferee shall have quiet possession of the said easement or right in the nature of an easement~ free from all encumbrances and restrictions, save as mentioned herein. O:\4'25\IRIl!I'm..,._ DYE & DURH,!\M CO, INC, . Form No, 500 , Amended 1991 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration 3 Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Refer to all instructions on reverse side. , IN HIL MATTEH OF THL CONVEYANCE OF (Insertbrlefdescrlplionof/and) Part of. Parcel Plan -1, Sectlon 40M-1776, beinq Part of Lots 93 and 94, Plan 40M-1776 designated as Parts I and 2 on Plan 40R-15719, Municipality of Clarinqton, Regional Municipality of Durham BY (print names Of atl transferors in full) EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. TO (see instruction 1 and print names of a/ttransferees in full) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarinqton I, (see Instruction 2 and print name{s) in full) Nicholas T. Macos MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1, I am (place a clear marl< within the square opposite that one of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponent{s)): (see instruction 2) o (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above.described conveyance is being conveyed; o (b) A trustee named in the above.described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; o (c) A transferee named in the above.described conveyance; [3 (d) The lIXDmeJtXQeXNX solicitor acting in this transaction for (Insert name{s) of principaJ{s)) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarinqton described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to inappticabte paragrsphs) o (e) The President; Vice.President, Manager, Secretary, Director, or Treasurer authorized to act for (Insart nams(s) of corporatlon(s)) described in paragraph(s) (al. (b), (c) above; {strike out references to inappficabte paragraphs} o (f) A transferee described in paragraph( . ) (insert only one of paragraph (a). (b) or (c) above, as spplicabte) and am mak ing this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (Insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above, as applicable) and as such. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2, (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds $400,000). I have read and considered the definition of "single fam ily residence" set out in clause 1 (1) (ja) of the Act. The land conveyed in the above.described conveyance o containsat least one and not more than two single family residences, o does not contain a single family residence, o contains more than two single family residences. (see instruction 3) NOtB: Clause 2(1)(d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per cent upon the value of consideration in excess of $400,000 where the convey- ance contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of "non.resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1 (1) (f) and (g) of the Act and each of the fOllowing persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act, (see instructions 4 and 5) None 4, THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash . . , ' , ' . . ' , . $ 2.00 (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (show principal and interest to be credfted 8gainst purchase price) . $ nil (ii) Given back to vendor . ' , , , . . $ nil (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) " . , . . . , . , . , . . , . . . . $ nil (d) Secu rities transferred to the value of (dBtall betow) , , , . , . , . . , , . . , . , , $ ni 1 (e) Liens, legacies. annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject $ nil (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (datail below) $ nil // All Blanks Must Be Filled In. fnsBrt "Nil" (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Totalof(a)to(f)) .,....'............, (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS. items of tangible personal property (Retalt Sa/lIS Tax Is payable on the value of all chattels untess exempt under thB provisions of the "Retail Sales Tax Act", R.S.O. 1980, c.454, as amended) . . . , , (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION .,.,.........,..'...... $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ nil . . $ nil . . $ 2.00 Where Applica/Jf6. 5. If consideration is nominal. describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (sas Instruction 6) Transfer to Municipality pursuant to a Subdivision Agreement. No 6. If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. Sworn before me at the City' of Toronto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto <h;, J-t;;J1.-. d'yof 1~ 94. A com~d~;". '" ,h 7_ Property Information Record A, Describe nature of instrument: Transfer of Land B, 0) Address of property being conveyed (If available) not assigned sfgnature{s) NICHOLAS T. MACOS For Land Registry Office Use Only Registration No. (ii) Assessment Roll No. (If available) not assiqned C, Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (;ee instruction 7) 40 Temperance Street, Bowrnanville, Ontario 'LIC 3A6 Registration Date Land Registry Office No, D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (If available) Oi) Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(i) above, Yes 0 Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor Shibley Righton #1800 - 401 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontarlo MSH 2Z1 unknown No D Not known ~ E, School Tax Support (Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic? YesO No 0 (b) If Yes, do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? YesO No 0 (c) Do all individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? YesD No 0 (d) If Yes. do all individual transferees wish 10 support the French Language School Board (where established)? YesD No D NOTE: As 10 (c) and (11) Ile land being transferred wiU be assigned 10 Ile French Public School Bow or Sector unless oIlerwIse directed in (a) and (b). 04490 (90-09) 4 ~ij :;ovlIlce ~ OnlarlO Transfer/Deed of Land 1111 i'. {!\.lUW\M \~O If Ie . 01111 r Jo ~I /0 Amended NOV, 1992 Form 1 - land Registration Reform Act A, CT) (".) t.n (1) Registry 0 (3) Property IdentIHer(s) land Titles iii 1(2) Page 1 of 2 Block Property pages } > ...J Z o w (J) :J w U u:: u.. o New Property Identifiers a: o u.. I u:J t'J ; I \~ to:: \~~.~ \ S l\c:: \ \ ~ \(...J \~ Addilional See Schedule o c.D to N en c..o w (..) uJ '-", 0:::0 '<:t" u.... ............. o ).-4 i.-4 (4) Consideration L.J Additional: See Schedule TWO----------------------- Dollars $ 2.00 (5) Deacrlpllon This is a: Property 0 Property Division Consolidation 0 Part of Parcel Plan-l Section 40M- I ..., 7 r; Block 140 Plan 40M- t 7 7' Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham t- ...J .CC: c> :::l L;:Cl l- e:: u.J (..) .:.. <:::) :::r- en .. o Execullons Additional See [-J Schedule (6) This Document Contains (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch [J i (b) Schedule for: I ; Description 0 Additional Parties o Other Ii] - (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Fee Simple (8) Transferor{s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee atiIlIXQflKiH;XIXIKOOIQIAKsXlJtlKQl:llxex!KH~KrKY>>M:KdUlil>>CXalhH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... .. ...... . . . .. . . . .. ..... Name(s) EIRAM P.E.V:~J;.(;>r~~.N.~ C;9R~.. Date of Signature .....s;gnat;I~~...".! Y : M: 0 . . . . . .. H'ar-i<:, CortEHluc'c'i ' . , . . , , . . . . p~.9.~ l~'"? I ,1.:-~ President ! :: . '. 1" 'have' 'the' 'auth'orlty" 'to.... i..... '[" .,.., . : " P.l.I1~. ~.l1~. ~.~r::P91='P.t; t9n.-. . , , . , . J. . . . . .L . . ! . . . . I :: I . ! ; i I ., (9) Spouse(s) of Transleror(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Name(sl Signa!ure(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 ! ~ . . '1' . . . . t i ! . . . . i' . . 1 ~ (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service 188 Bradwick Drive, Concord, Ontario, L4K 3N7 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M D . . . . . .. " .............. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 1.. .. .i. : . ! l of.. .. ',' : . . . , , : . . . .:. . . 'I' i . ! i . , . ! .. , , . . . . , " . ! : ,T.~E; <;9~~p'R)~~~9~ P'F. f1t,JI,'l;rG.I.~1\r..~rr q~. G,~~~;rN.G~Q~ .. " ....... ... .... ........... ..... (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A6 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the Iransleror's knowledge and belief, this transler does not contravene seclion 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y MD. Y M 0 , : f ~ t I ,l:, , , t I: f S' t I : Signature. . . . . " . , . . " . . , . ' ...... ,I..... .1,.. l,..: Ignaure.........,......,...,...., ,I..,.. .:,.. Solicitor for Transferor(s) I have explained the ellecl 01 section 50 01 the Planning Act 10 Ihe transferor and 1 have made inquiries of the transferor to ;i. determine that this transfer does nol contravene thaI seclion and based on the inlorrnatlon supphed by the transferor, 10 Ihe besl 01 my knowledge and Z belief, this transler does not conlravene Ihat section, I am an Ontario solicitor in good slanding. Date 01 Signature o Name and : Y : MiD o.ot: Address of S' t i :: Solicitor Igna ure . ......,. , . .. '.,.....,........, " . , . . I _ u ~ < li~~ g> E~:ll - GlCIl E il'!~ ~ :;;':c:: 0.. <ii.E-= !!l5t ~5.c -a l/l (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated Ihe Iille 10 this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as sel out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and beliellhis transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. I act independently of the solicitor lor the transleror(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing, Name and Address of Solicitor Date 01 Signature Y M D . I . . I . " . . Signature. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . , . . '.. .L... (15) Auenment Ron Number of Property (18) MunicIpal Address of Property not assigned Cly Mun Map i Sub: Par : : : . . lnot assigned II::" ...J z o w (J) :J w U u: u. o a: o 'l.':i Fees and Tax Registration Fee ~---- Land Transfer Tax l-J T L (=\ --I-- (17) Document Prepared by: Noah K. Okel1 OKELL & WEISMAN, Barristers & Solicitors, 352 Bedford Park Avenue, North yo,k, Ontario, M5M IJ8.i(416-787-1l05) Total I . ..A.::_ ~ Uyt;: fa tJUHttAM '-iV. tNt.i. . roem 1'<40. ~ Amended 1991 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act nO/Of 10 ,III ins/ructions Of} fovorso .'lido. IN III' MAIIII! 01 1I11 CONVI VANe\. 01 Illlsollbrloldoscrlplkmolllllld) _--Part of Parcel. Plan -1, St8Ction 4OM- 1771: Block 140, plan' 40M- ," 7,; , Mnni('.;pa' i ty of Clarington, Pagi.onal Munieipality of Durmm EIRAMDEVEIOPMENT CORP.. BY (print nam8S 01 all transI8rats /n lull) TO (S88 instruction 1 snd print namBS 0lBlltranst8f88s In full) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington I, (S88 Instruction 2 snd print na1M{s) In full) Nicholas T. Macos MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1, I am (p/8C8 a el8ar marle within th8 sqU8r8 opposit8 that OM of th8 following parsgraphs that describes Ihe capacity of the depommt(s)): (see Instruct/on 2) o (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; o (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; o (cl A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; ~ (d) The (lluh~~J(oex1XlX solicitor acting in this transaction for (iMertnsmB(s) ofprlnclpa/(s)) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarinqton described in paragraph(s) (aI, (b), (c) above; (S1rik8 out ~erenc8S to inapplicable paragraphs) o (e) The President; V ice.President , Manager. Secretary, Director. or Treasurer authorized to act for (InMHInamB(s) olcorporatlon(s)) described in paragraph(s) (a). (b). (c) above; (atrlka out references to inapplIcable paragraphs) o (f) A transferee described in paragraph( . ) (Insert only one of paragraph (a). (b) or (c) above, lIS applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of (Insell name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ) (Insert only one of paragraph (a). (b) or (c) IIboVfl,II$ appllCBble) and as such. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to, 2. (To be completed where the vatue of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds $400,000). I have read and considered the definition of "single family residence" set out in clause 1 (11 Ual of the Act. The land,conveyed in the above-described conveyance o contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Not/II: Clause 2( 1)(d) Imposes an additional tax It the rate of one-half of one per o does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of: $400.000 where the convey. o contains more than two single family residences. (II" Ifl/JtfUClion 3) ance contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3, I have read and considered the definitions of "non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1 (1) (f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non-resident corporation" .or a "non-resident person" as set out in the Act. (SH Instructions 4 and 5) None 4, THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash , . . . " ",.,."."......,',....,. $ 2 . 00 (b) Mortgages (i) Assumed (Show principal and Interest to be craditad against purchll$e prIce) ....., $ nil (ii) Given back to vendor . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . .. $ nil (c) Property transferred in exchange (dlltail below) ,. , , , . , , , . , . , , $ nil (d) Securities transferred to the value of (datailbeIOw) . . . . , . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . , , " $ nil (elliens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer'is subject . . . . . $ nil (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail below) ........ $ nil /. / All Blanks Must Be Filled In, ins8rt .Nil. (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX {Total of (a) to (f)) ..,......,........ (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS - items of tangible personal property (Retail Sales nbC Is payable on the vBlue of all chal/els unless exempt under ni 1 the provisions of the 'RafBlI Sales Tax Act', R.S.O. 1960, c.454, lIS smllndad) . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above ..,..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ nil (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION .................................. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 2.00 5. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (see Instruction 6) Transfer to Municipality pursuant to a Subdivision Agreement. No $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Wherll AppJical>llI, 6, If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? 7, Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. Sworn before me at the City of Toronto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto this ):~:;f/'L- day of August 19 AA 94 Acom~~ Property Information Record For Land Registry Office Use Only A, Describe nature of instrument: Transfer of Land Registration No. B, (il Address of property being conveyed (II aVIIllable) not assigned (ii) Assessment Roll No. (If avail.) not assiqned Mailing adc!ress(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act, for property being conveyed (see instruction 7) 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanv~lle, Registration Date Land Registry Office No, ontario 'LIC 3AG (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (/I avBllable) unknown ~7~ NICHOLAS T. ~S) C D Oil Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(i) above. Yes 0 No 0 Not known ~ E, Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor Shibley Righton #1800 - 401 Bay Street, Toronto, OntarJ.o M5H 2Z1 School Tax Support (Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are all individuallransferees Roman Catholic? Yeso No 0 (bl It Yes. do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? Yeso No 0 (c) Do all individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? Yeso No 0 (d) If Yes. do all individual transferees wish to support the French Languaae School Board (where established)? Yesn No n 4 RICHARD E. SHIBLEY, Q.C. DENNIS C. HEFFERON BARRY S. WORTZMAN, Q.C. JOHN P. BELL V. ROSS MORRISON JOHN C. SPBARN PAUL E. MciNNIS JONA1HAN H. FLANDERS WILLIAM L. NORTIlCOI'B PBI'BR V. RAYTBK MARTIN J. HENDERSON RICHARD E. COLES CHARLES M. GASTI.B CHARLES G.T. WIEBE LEONARD D. RODNBSS JANIS E. INGRAM THOMAS McRAE CRAIG A. LEWIS WILLIAM A. CHALMERS Shibley Righton Barristers & Solicitors RUPERT F. RIGHTON, Q.C. DONALD K. ROBINSON, Q.C. LESLIE S. MASON MICHAEL FITZPATRICK, Q.C. UNDA S. BOHNEN MICHAEL C. BIRLEY PBI'BR G. NBlLSON CHARLES SIMCO JAMES ROSSITER J. JAY RUDOLPH NICHOlAS T. MACOS MARTIN PIITBRS PHIUP P. HEALEY J. PAUL R. HOWARD SANDRA E. DAWB CHRISTINE M. SILVERSIDES JAMBS W. BUSSIN JUUEA. MAClURA ELIZABETH G. MARTIN HAROLD H. ELLIOTf, Q.C RICHARD E. ANKA, Q.C. DEZ WlNDlSCHMANN GBORGECORN AIAN L. BROMSTBlN PBI'BR C. WILLIAMS CLIFFORD I. COLE moMAS A. STEFANIK HELDER M. TRAVASSOS CYNTHIA J. GUNN WARREN S. RAPOPORT ALEXANDER P. roRGOV SHEIlA M. MacKINNON WADE D. JAMIESON LINDA J. GODEL SALVAroRE G.P. FRISINA KAREN I. McMASTER JENNIFER L. PERRY NICHOlAS T. MACOS RECEPTION: (416) 363 - 9381 VOICBMAlL: (416) 363 - 3425 IDITBNSION 238 FAX: (416) 363 - 6438 BOX 32 - 401 BAY STREEf roRONTO, CANADA MSH 2Z1 COUNSEL MARTIN L. O'BRIEN, Q.C. BARRY D. LIPSON, Q.C. SUITBlBOO THE SIMPSON roWER July 21, 1994 Land Registrar 590 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario L1N 9G5 Attention: Ms. Gail McCarrol Dear Madame: Re: Part of Parcel 9-1, Section Con.2, Newcastle Darlington, (Bowmanville ) Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham Please find enclosed duly executed Inhibiting Order in duplicate to facilitate the registration of Plan of Subdivision. The developer's solicitor shall arrange for payment of the fee for registration. Yours truly, SHIBLEY RIGHTON Per: Ka-v h #~ . ~ Nicholas T. Macos NTM/kh Encls. cc. Noah K. Okell '-. '- Celebrating 30 Years 1964 - 1994 W Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Ontario Relations Ministere de la Consommation etdu Commerce R~istration DMsionde DivIsion I'enregistrement Request for Certificate as to Writs of Execution, Warrants and Liens Oemande de Certificat concernant les brefs d'exkutlon, #es mandats et les privileges INSTRUCnONS 1. This request must be typewritten or printed legibly with ball-point pen and submitted in duplicate. Celte formule doit Mre dacty10graphiee ou remplie lisiblement (ecrire en lettres moulees au styIo biDe) et envoy6e en deux exempfaires. 2. 00 NOT enter information on the rigllt side of this document. NE RIEN 8crire a droite. 3. The name of the Land Titles Division must be entered in the space provided below. Inserife Ie nom de la Division de I'enregistrement des droits immobiliers dans I'espace ci-dessous. 4. Name, address and signature of Searcher.or Searching Firm must be entered. inSCrire Ie nom, l'adresse et la signature de la personne ou de I'entreprise chargee de fa recherche. 5. The last name (in CAPITAL tetters), first name and middle name (if any) of the names to be searched must be entered entirely in the spaces provided below. . Ecrlre au long, dansl'espace ckJessous,te nom (en 1ettres rnoutees) et 1es pr8noms fsisant I'objet de fa recherche. Land Regislry 0Ifi(:e. for the Land Titles Division 01 Bureau d'enreg/stremeItt Irnmot1i/lar de fa DivIsIon de 1"8TlffI9is/Temart des droits ImmobIIIars de. whHh Name 01 Searcher or Searching Fmn =~ede I"entr6p/"iSeSHIBLEY RIOHTON Address. Number andStreel Adresse . numero et rue 401 BAY STREET City and Province Ville eI province Postal Code Cede postal I Slgnalure TORONTO,ONTA u (416) 363-9381 LIst of N8mes to be Searched UsMtIetI_$B~ Last Name (in CAPlT AL IeIlers) Nom (en iIHtf8s MOULEES) First Names PtiJnomS 2. 1. E If<. Am 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10303 JOS/91) o wS3 ... .~ o . "'""' ...-f -I!I'l< > ." Uf't \1 -' .~~ U'l ~ .~ ~ OJ) U) <I: ~ W ",..-~ ::E:: <I: r- ......, .. 0-. -<I- 0-. ....... -..0 1:"'" IJ'I ::s <I: Certificate Certificat Record of Writs of Execution, Provincial Ministerial Warrants of Execution, and Uens under the Legal Aid Act or the Bail Act recorded in this office against the names searched. This certificate is valid only for the date shown above and only if bearing the receipt of payment. Liste des brefs d'execution, des mandats d'execution emis par les ministeres provinciaux et. des privileges en vertu de la Loi sur /'aide juridique et de la Loi sur la mise en liberte SQus cautionnernent, enregistres dans ce bureau sous /es noms faisant I'objet de la presente recherche. Cecertificst expire a la date susrnentionnee et n'est va/able qu'accompagne du recepisse de paiement. Assistanl Deputy Land Registrar t\ ~srr~~ntdes V None Execution Number(s) Aucun Numero(s) du(des) bref(S) au du(des) mandat(s) d'extJcutlon MEMORANDUM TO: Kim. Hughes FROM: Nick Macos " DATE: August 24, 1994 RB: Municipality of Clarington and Biram Development Corp, File 9001532 =============================================== Attached is a copy of the Inhibiting Order with respect to the Phase V Subdivision Development by Biram Development Corp. Also attached are the documents referred to in the Inhibiting Order, Please attend to the registration of same completing the necessary particulars in the postponment of charge. Cheque payable to the Minister of Finance totalling $250.00 are attached, Thank you. ntm:cs l -Ava :lG/?Y - ~cI , ~ SHIBLEY RlGHTON MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: File No: Kim Hughes Nicholas T, Macos July 5, 1994 9001532 Re: Eiram Developments Please check the parcel register for Block 134, Plan lOM-840. I am interested in knowing whether our Caution registered as Instrument No. NL33236 remains registered against title. Thanks ~ /Cout-r(){l O/S ~ Copt Or ~(QLl oifeched Originally: P arce 1 9.,. 1 " s"ec~ i on Con. 2 Description d'origine~ BowmanVlll e Parcel Register Registre des parcelles Recently: Pijrcel Plan-l Descnptlon recente: SEct ion @ Ontario Land Titles Divisiol} of Division d'enregistrement 10M-840 des droits immobiliers de ". DURHAM (NO.40) Estate in Fee Simple with an Absolute Title Domaine en fief simple a tilre absolu Subject to subsequent entries this parcel comprises the following land !)ous~~es!rve d.es.inscriJllio!,~Mrie".':es, celie parcel~e.sEl5~"'P()!l!du biEl.":fon~!l.~ivant ___.~_~_~~_~___._ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Block 134, Plan 10M-840, in the Town of Newcastle. 05477-10-84 Application NL 29574 Notice (Agreement) NL 32210 Notice (Agreement) NL 32936 Notice (Agreement) NL 33236 CAUTION PARCEL OPENED WHEN SIGNED Eiram ,Development Corp. (Owner) 90 11 09 The Regional Municipality of Durham 91 04 18 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 91 06 05 The Regional Municipality of Durham 91 06 26 The Corportion of the Town, of Newcastle. DATED: 91 10 03 DE~E~~9~:::RA~~~~~:~~/<7~~~d CeRstr~GtisR Ca~~aAY Li~iteB af .I'.et i SR lUTED UNDFR ,(r(,;,.,I.;:l.38'7 ~~ Registration Number Numero d'enreglstremenl 10312 (88) FORM 2 Registration Dale Dale d'enregislrement XXI~~I~ Parties to Parties (Applicant. Cautioner. Claimant, etc,) (Demandeur. auteur de I'avertissement. reclamant. elc,) Consideration Contrepartie .. SIGNATURE: LT S94884 Continued on J Suite A la page Page _ Parcel Parcelle U4-J ..._..~... Section ._._.1.0M-84Q__~__.__...__._ g L ~~ 40<.;0, land I Remarks Bien.fonds I Observations ~;" .. ~'Ill. P'pvlnce . of ' . Ontario Onl."" ..... ........ u.. >- C- W ..J (;) Z c.o w _. 0 0:: 0 <::t W e.J u.. - en 0 ::> en w U.I t) <.0 :x: u: '"'::~ 0:: U. 0 ::? 0 u.. 0 IX: t- - 0 I- u. -1 0:: W <.:) :r Lon I I j~ 'rJg " ,~ \. ... \\0:: la \ ~ ~ \" )~ .~ c.o "" cr:;. c::::::I :r Cf') "' New Property Identifiers Additional: See Schedule ElIecutlons I (aiThls Document provides as follows: Addilional; See Schedule DYE & DURHAM co, INC.-Form No, 985 Amended NOY. 1992 Document General Form 4 - Land Reglatratlon Reform Act JD (1) Registry 0 (3) Property Identifier( s) Land Titles ~ T (2) Page 1 of 1 pages Block Property ) Addilional; See 0 Schedule (4) Nature of Document POSTPONEMENT OF CHARGE (Subsection 78(6) of the Land Titles Act) (5) Consideration Dollars $ (6) Description Part of Parcel Plan - 1 Sect ion 40M- I 7 ? , being Part of Lots 93 and 94 Plan 40M- 177(:; designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 40R- Ie; 7( q Municipality of Clarington o Regional Municipality of Durham o (7) This Document Contains: Additional Parties 0 Other 0 ! (b) Schedule for: 0:': 0 " 0 ascription (a) Redescription New Easement PlanlSketch WE, CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERC~~the ~ftgistered owner of the charge dated the , to day of Ft;;CJ'\Uft(ly. and registered on the 16th day of February, 1990 as No. l5798l, made by EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. to us, charging the land registered in the wand Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40) a~aL~el 9-1, 3ection COficcooion 2 Newcaetle, Darlington (Bowman~illc) Rereby postpone Charge No. l5798l to Transfer/Deed of Land dated the day of August, 1994 made by EIRAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. to THE COR~ATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON and registered on t,he R(p ~ay of A-~U5""" , 1994 as No. L'l1oC,--a&I,,;'8. f It; best/III (60/ (p \ Ii ., Signature(s) /~.r/ Date of Signature 1 ~II y M 0 '.. ~~:N:~I?~?\~. .~l:1~~.R.~~~. !3.~~~. 9!? .~<?~!"1.E.~~~... ~~:r;!. ....~.. {JCj)' ~l".~..... .i.......! ...1.,~~'~1 ogfCf( Name: . HAl \U !,!! \ Position: ~ TN" Ii ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............. ...... ............! ~ -,' . .. ...:... . , . ^,,_. : , : . . ~~. .~~y~. .~~~. ?u.~I:<?~.l.t.Y. .t? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p~~.:. . . . . . . . . . .. . ...............! +~.9.4 ...1... bind the Corporation. Name: i! - Position: !! (11) Address Sui te l200, Sheppard C~ntre, 2 Sheppard Avenue East, North York, for Service Ontario, M2N 5Y7 (12) P8rty(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) ( (9) Thl. Document relates to Instrument number(s) Charqe No. 157981 (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Continued on Schedule 0 } Signature(s) Date of Signature y M 0 . , " . . ~F:i.E; . G9~;P.Q~~~;rPt'! . 9f. .~ijl? ~P.t'!J;G~P.~~~~~. .OF. .G~~~.I.t'!G~9~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l. . . . .l. . .!. . . j J ! , , . , : I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .........................................,... ... , , , , , , . . , , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .........................................,... .., . , , , , . , , . , . , i ' (13) Address wrSeM~ 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIe 3A6 (14) Municipal Addres. of Property NOT ASSIGNED \. (15) Document Prepared by: Noah K. Okell OKELL & WEISMAN, Barristers & Solicitors, 352 Bedford Park Avenue, North York, Ontario, M5M lJ8. (4l6-787-ll05) I~ ..J Z Registration Fee o w en ::> w t) u. u. o IX: t~ ~ m Fees and Tax ~ Total , . ~f.t FrOVHH;e 01 Onl8rlo ~ Z o w (I) ::) W o ii: u. o a: o u. N r- eD OJ en cD w o \.oW .....-'~ 0:::0 ll-~ O~ 4 :c ~~v 0:;:::; ~O I- 0:: UJ Q New Property ldentlfiet's I- ....J (5) Charge to be DIscNuved Reoistration Number 1157981 , l.....____..____..............____........J Discharge of Charge/Mortgage Form 3 - Land Registration Reform Act c (1) RegIatIy 0 (3) PropeIty ldentlhc(a) UncI T.... K1 (2) Page 1 of I Block Property pages Additional: t-hedUI. 0 :r Lf') ~....... ........ (4) DeecrIptIon Part of Parcel P1an-1 Section 40M- 177 ~ Block 140 Plan 40M- I 7'/ b Municipality of C1arington Regional Municipality of Durham t.C N :0;: ici1 j;{'~ t:; , -0 \. w.l \\0::: i.. '~ ~ , oCt \ ...J \ t'-' \ =- c:::;:) :r en .. Additional: ~Ule 0 (6) This Is . Date of Registration Y M 0 . ., I i 19901 021 161 : :.. .....__..___............____J___---J Complete Discharge [J Partial Discharge~ Final Partial Discharge 0 (7) Description (conrd.), Recital., As.lgnmenlll This partial discharge does not contravene Section 50 of The Planning Act Continued on Schedule 0 (8) Ch8rgee(.) I am the person entitled by law to grant the discharge and this charge is hereby discharged as to the land described herein. Name(s) Signature(s) ~ ~ Date of Signature Y M 0 Per: i 1994:; 07 26 I ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . I . . . . . . Name: K. Chin i: Position: Mgr. Security/Cust. Servic~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..............!..... . ~ .' . . . . . CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE . 'WE HAVe' AUTHORITY' TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . .B1ND.Tti~ PQ~.~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional: 0 See Schedule Per: ...........; ....:07..~fJ Name: h !! Position:~curitv Analyst ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . I . . . . . . (10) DocumentPNpareCf by: Noah K. Okell OKELL & WEISMAN, Barristers & Solicitors, 352 Bedford Park Avenue, North York, Ontario, M5M IJ8. 416-787-1105 Fees / (9) Chargee(s) Add..... lor Service Suite 1200 Sheppard Centre 2 Sheppard Avenue East North York, Ontario M2N 5Y7 > ~ z o Registration Fee w (/) ::) ~ it o a: f2 To".