HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-26 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 90-26 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement with Oswenda (Bowmanville) Limited THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Seal with the Corporation Seal, a Lease Agreement between Oswenda (Bowmanville) Limited and the said Corporation, for a Tourist and General Information Centre, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X" . By-law read a first and second time this 29th day of January 1990 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of January 1990 CLERK Commercial Lealle: Form 7J2 ' I . Prellll... T.rm R.fihd Bu.ln... la... Unlltd S'."on.., Co. Umlltd , \!r:J)lS JLeasc made the Fir s t day 01 Ma y " . one thousand nine hundred and n i net y ~ . ; 3Jn l}ursunntt of tbt &bort :.1 or~ns of l.tl1Sts ~d }hlttluttn OSWENDA INVESTMENTS LIMITED ----------------~-------~-- ~. . hereinafter called the "Lessor" ,. OF TilE FIRST PART " - and -, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ---------------------------------------- hereinaher called the "Lessee" OF TIlE SECOND PART WITNESSETH that in consideratiOll or the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the said Lessce, to be paid, obser\'edand perfonned, the said Lessor has demised and leased and by these presents doth de/nise and lease unto the said Lessee ALL THOSE CERTAIN PRI~MISES ~xc,ludi~& any part or ttle cxtc~nal walls known and described as the gas s tat ion 0 f f ice, sit ,u a t ed a t the Fly i n g Du t c hma n Hotel, 143 Duke Street, Bowrnanville, Ontario. ~ ' i. ~ TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD the said demised premises for' and during the term of One year and eight months. to be computed from the fir st. day of May , ' 19 90 and from thenceforth ensuing and to be fully c01npleted and ended on the! )-1 sf.. . day of December 1991 YIELDING AND PA YINO THEREFOR yearly and every year duting the said term hereby granted, unto the said Lessor, the su~ or Th r ee thou sand ($3,000.00) Do II a r s per annum, payable at par at Tor 0 n t Q in equal monthly instahnents of $ 2 5 0 . 00 each in advance on the fir s t dl\Y or Cl\ch and every month during ~he said tp.rm. the liut payment' to be made on the fir s t rlav nf May, 1990 together wi th one- twe 1 f th of the annual estimated realty taxes.' : 1 he satd Lessee covenants Wltn me s:ud Lessor to pay rent. i . . .' ~ " AND to p:\y llll businc~s tllxes 'in respect or the business cllrried on by the Le.uec in and upon or by reason of their occ\l~an~y of t~~mises hereby dernised:_~ ..~ . Commfl!re1.' Leue-I'age 2. Form HZ, R'l'Glr 1...lwnm..,t Bu.ln... FI.tur.. EI.ctrlc 1'0""" 1.'I.,,,IIonl, PartItIon.. Ele. Bttn\ruptey or Inlol".ne, !Julu and If.gul,,"on. "mod.flIn, ,nd Sa'. ._-) .( " UnllOd SlOlIon.., Co, lImltod , , AN'D to repair (reasonable wear and tear, and damage by fire, lightning and tempest only excepted); , I . " AND that the said Lessor may, enter and view state of repair; AND that the said Lessee will repair according to ,notice in writing (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightning an~ tempest excepted); , " ,. AND that they will leave the premises in good repair (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightning and tempest only excepted): " , ' or ' ' AND will not assign, sug~et the whole' any partof the demised premises withou.t leave: the Lessee Ilereby waives and renounces the benefit of any present or future act of the Legislature of Ontario which would allow the Lessee to assign lSf{l\i15"ft this lease, without leave of the Lessor. AND the said Lessee Covenants with the said Lessor, its suc~essors and assigns: ' (a) THAT the said demised pr~mises will not, during the said, t~nn, be at any time used for any other pllrpose than that of a Tour 1St and General InforrratlOn Cen-tlttt.. ' (b) AND THAT no fixtures, goods or chattels of a,ny kind will, except in the ordinary course of business, be removed from the demised premises during the term hereby drmised or at any time therenher without the written consent of the Lessor. its successors or assigns, being first had and obtained until all rent in arrears as well ns all rent to become due during the remainder of the term hereby g~anted shall hn\'c been fully paid, or the payment thereof secured to the satisfaction of the Lessor or its assigns. , I . (c) THAT the Lessee will not, duri~g,the said term 01' at any time prior or subsequent thereto, purchase, acquire or use any electric current for lighting or other purposes except from the company or corporation which shall for the time supply the Lessor with electric current for such purposes in the said building; the intention being that without the written conscnt of thc Lessor, there shall be only one s)'ste'n of electric lighting in the said building. (d) THE Lessee hereby covenallts to pay all charges for electric energy (for light and power) and gas Ilsed by the Lessee in the de,"i~ed pre,"is~s. ",' (e) THAT if the Lessee shall during the said tern; de~ire to affix or erect partitions, counters cr fixtures in any part of the walls, noors or ceilings of the demised rremlses, it may do so at its own expense at :my time nnd from time to time provided that, the Lessee s rights to make such alterations to the demised premises shall be ~ubjcct to the following conditions:- I ,. (I) TItA T before undertaking all)' such alteratiom, the Lessce shall suhmit to the Lessor a plan showing the proposed nherations arid slmlJ obtain 'he nppro\'al nnd conscnt oC the Lessor to the same. ,I , , (2) THAT all Stich altcratiolls shall 'conrorm to all buildingb)'-Iaws, if allY, thcn in force arrecting the demised premises. ' (3) THAT such alteratiolls willllot be of such kind or extent as to In any manner wcaken the structure of the building ahcr the alteration~ :ue completed or rcduce the value oC the building,' , (I) 'I'll ^ T, except as Ilctein provided the, Leme will not crect or affix or remove or change the localion Or slyle 01 any partihons or (ixtmes, witl,out the written coment of the Lessor being first had and obtained. , (g) THAT, at the expiration of the lerm IJr.-cby gr:lI1tcd, or any renewal thercoC, all fixtures befonging '0 the Lessee shall remain upon the dCfTli~ed premises until taken down by the Lessor, and the Lessce shall forthwith, upon the same being taken down; remove the same from the demised premises first paying to the Lessor the expense of such taking down nnd making good all damage occasioned to the demised premises ~y the taking down or removal tllereof. (h) T or sub.tenant shall be at any time sci7.ed or takcn ,"execution, or attaclnncnt, or . essee or :"'y ~uch assignee or sub. tenant sh:t1J make an :migllll1cnt for' the 0 <:rcditots or shall become hankrupt or Insoh'ent, 01' make a proposal 10 its . s, or without the consent of the Lessor being first obtained in wl'itinS, shall 111;\ . ", ullder the Bulk Sales Act, in respect of goods 011 the premises, or heing a COllI I . lCCOllle subject to :my Icgislative enactmcnt relating to - liquidation or windin , lcr vOlllllt:uy 0/' cOlllpulsor)', tllc said term shall immediatcly become forfeited , and all amollnt cf}lIimlcnt to the IIcxt clISlfing three monlh~' relit shall be at once (I) THA T the Lessee and its c1r.rks,' ser~'ants and agents will at all times during the occupancy of the demised premises observe and conronn ,to such rcasohable rules and regulations as shall be made by the Lessor from timc to time i'lc1l1dill~ the rules and reglllations set forth in Schedule "A" hereto and of which the Lessee shall be notified, such rules and regulations being deemed to be incorporated in and lorm part of these presents.' " , I (I) -=1:1 JA.1;-f", ...I~@ft-f -fJI. .f.1~~.... d~lttng' '1It- ;rny-time- dmltfJt'1he- renn.-ot-m\V "T~retnl- i/,...., r........"'ede~ .h....1<I -b..ikIi"flr"~ ."Y"""''' "..""r,..... to-lAk.. "......the ~llltl.t.'~r 41..-_ -I::tmee: !S'tl6m::teedl~:sbc:::n,entlt!Lnotitt- in...,..,.m !ngj"!tJtTende... t,"s-I~e- and-:rIl-the- re',~ er-of- ~h~~~~L~~~n~&~~~4~~~~U~~~R~rU~~~~~~~n~~~~~A~K~~d_ JIliUy .wij.....ofIewFth~,.. to-~ ~.~tent- hereinbefore- eontaimd -thereupon; -vacate- the -premim- And. )li.'d .up'" ~ "'be.J.nc..~or- tilt ..". at....t~~9'" ~M!~J,. ~.:r _ ~y N QKR & "J:gQJ:)..t-hM-t-he- tnkJ. ..~ ..tr.lOA Ll\&'-fU\tl co-~.cd.. ~o.t~"" ~~ll.t...c h4.. ond..ol-a "Y- ~~r. .or- at-~e. ~Rd..el-MIY ofImR ~ ,.oo.-in-th8- ~~~~~h~~~~~~~~m~~~~~M..~~~~~9m~&~~~y~~-t"~~M~r~~_ ,. ,nunttfj'" he-rtnt- For '!\tth -"ton th- SM'~ -be- '1l M'Oti toned- fer ... he-bro~ 1)C';od:- _ ' IT JS=~R- BBB -bet "'~-i he- Par t1~ -here ~ hit{"; It tltt-tvent f)f-a- tt1le-of tlte-1ft'id -pt'efl,,,es ~r-UM~aWi~~~~p~u~~w~~m~~~'~'~PUb~~~~E~~~~~~~L ,. , ~ " ". I f i..;,,' ;;"{' I,., , '"'" I' hi: . t:: ,-.',' 1:::: !','t: j",' , ' ~. . I, ~<; ~ :::. CL ;':i': L.;.', ::.,::;;.>", r" I' (:, t . " .... ,~ :>~. I'..,. .,' . ~: \. '. :.. . ! .' .It ~- :. : ~ 1:''- f;': : ~. " :~ ~ L" , (. '. ....1 i({ .. r: .:. ;::'>': ~..~ . r .~. "', I '.... ,:....:;: I.... ;::::' ,', '.' :';":" .. .. :' " ~ . L}, . t" :....',..,. ~::>,: . ~,;:~:~, ~' (J · .:"::> ~.<;. . ;..'1 ::-:::!. i..:) ~... ;.:./. ~_.", ,',',' ,.... .... ~~ :~::::' , :.:.:.:'~ ....,.t ;",',' "., i"':,:" , .. ", , t',',': . ::)', : .' . ',- :,,-:.;, ,'.' .\~ iJ!ii. !I,'.f' j . ) .-' Comh,"relal Lease-Page 2. FOf'\1 7JZ , Reperir ' A..lonm.nt BUlIn... Fbltur.. Et.e1r1c Pow.r ...Ileratlonl. Par1l11onl. [te. Bunhupley or Inllol"~nc, RuIn aDd Regulal/on. n.mod.",", and Sal. i "- Unl',cI SlIIhtn"y Co, l!mlltcl . AND to repair (reasonable wear and tear, and damage by fire, lightning and tempest only excepted): . I ' , AND that the said Lenor may enter and view state oJ repair; AND tha.t the said Lessee will 'repair a.ccording to ,notice in writing (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, Jightning and te~l>est excepted):.. ' AND tha.t they will leave the premises in good repair (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire; lightning and tempest only ~l(cepted): ,. , 'or or " ' AND will not assign. SUOJet the whole' any partor the demised premises withou.tleave: the Lessee Ilereby waives and renounces the benefit or any present. or future act of the LegIslature of Ontario which would allow the Lessee to assign >>fC.tu15'ftt this lease, without leave of the Lessor. AND the said Lessee covenants with the said Lessor, its suc~essors and assigns: ' .' ., " , i . , r f .. i: L j'" ;': (: .. i: (a) THAT the said demised pr~mises will not, du~ing the said, t~rrn, be at any time used for any other purpose than that of a TourIst and General InforrratIon Cen'Hcr.. ' , I , , (b) AND THAT no fixtmes, goods or challels of any kind will, except in the ordinary course or business, be removed froln the delnised premises during the term hereby demised or at any time thereaher without the written consent of the Lessor, its sllccessors or assigns, being first had and obtained, until all rent in arrears ItS well as all rent to become due during the remainder of the term hereby granted shall hnve been fully p:Jid, or the payment thereof secured to the satisfaction of the Lessor or its assigns. (c) THAT the Lessee will not, during/the said term 01' at any time prior or subsequent thereto, purchase, acquire or use any electric current for lighting or other purposes except from the company or corporation which shall for the time supply the Lessor with electriC current for such purposes in tile said building; the ihtention being that without the written consent of the Lessor, there shall be only one s)'stem of electric lighting in the said building. . , (d) THE Lessee hereby coven:tnts to pay all charges for electric energy (for light and power) and gas tlsed by the Lessee in the demi~ed premises. ".' . " I ~: r: j:. i ~i , : . ~ : "'1 " t.. t, I", ~::: . r ',' , (e) THAT if the Lessee shall during the said terh1de~ire to affix or erect partitions, counters cr fb:tures in any part of the walls, noors or ceilings of the demised rremises, it fIlay do so at its own expense at :my time and from time to time provided that, the Lessee,s rights to mnke such alterations to the demised premises shnll be ~lIbjeet to the following coilditions:- , (1) THAT before tlnderlaking an)' such alterations, the Le~sce shall submit 10 the Lessor a plan showing the propmcd alteralions and shall obtain tIle llppro\!al and consent of the Lessor to the same. ,. I (2) THAT all sllch :tlter:ttiom shall :conrorm to nil building b)'-Iaws, if any, then in force afT ecting the demised premises. (3) THAT sudl alterations will not be of such kind or extcnt as to in nny manner wealcen the structure of the building after, the lllterations are completed or reduce the value of the building. ' , , (I) TJlA T, except as hClein provided the Lcmc \YiII,t',ot erect or affix or remove or change tile loclltion or style of any partillons or fixtures,without Ihe, written consent of the Lessor being first had and obtained. , (g) THAT, at the expiration of the term hereby granted, or any renewal thereof, :III fixtures belonging to the Lessee shall remain upon the demised premises until t:lken down by the Lessor, and the Lessee shall forthwith, upon the same being taken downl remove the same from the demised premises first paying to the Lessor the expense' of such taking down nnd making good all damage occasioned to the demised prel1lises~y the taking down or removal thereoL , . , ,. ;"; , , ~', " ::'.. ~: :. ~~. ; t:.} ~:::;: .,,'1 \~;! c.;. f..... :;:,:::1 ;::':~. ~, r. ;:;.} t/ " ': ~,:'::: .. (h) T . or sub.tenant sh:tll be at any time scb:ed or taken in execution or attachmcnt, or . 11IIy such :mignce or Sllb.lcn:Jnt shall Iflil~e an:miglllllcnt f()r' the 0 creditors or shall becollle hankrupt or insoh'cnt, or lIIake a proposll' to its . s, or without the consent of the Lessor being first obtained in wdling, shall Ina . ", under tlte Bulk Sales Act, in respect of goods on the prcmises, or heing a COllI) . lCCOllle sllbjcci 10 nny Icgisllltive enactmcnt relating 10 Iiquidntion or windin , Icr volulltary oj'(,olflpu!sor)', the said tcrlll shall irmnediatcly become forfcited , and an 111110llnl cqlli\'n,lcnl to the nc"I clISlling three montlts' rent sltnll be nt once :.;..,',' ~.;:.;-: (...., .1......, ~ \ ,I, \-,'.' ',,'.t. ~ ;::: ' f'." .' Fl ~~::;;' r.... . i';:)> , :::;::r. " ":~ (i) THA T tile Lessee and its c1r.rks,' ser~'anls and agents will at all times during the occupancy of the demised premises observe and conrorln ,to such reasonable rules and regulations as sllall be lIIade by tile Lessor fro III time to time i"c1l1diIlR the rules nnd regulations set lorth in Schedule itA" hereto and of which the Lessee shnll be notified, su<;h rules and regulations being deemed to be incorporllted in and form part of these presents.' " , I (J) .:r-l JA.1;eI", 41~t!ftf ~ fl't~.... d~h-m!r 1It- ;tny-thnt!" dmittJt-tttt!" ttTtn,-m-ny T~n!COllI- ~~r~m~~~~~M~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~Kk~~~~~~~~.~~__ -I:cnet= !S'i!bon:=edsq::s~Mlt"sLnmitt-m""'..mingi"Stlrre"*.... tlrtN~e- and-an-the- rel....m er-o(- ~b~~~L~~~A~.~~~4=~~~~~~~~dru~~dM~'~A~~~~~A~k~~d_ J....~-w~.........ewl'tM-tet,.. to-~ ~'"iem- hffe;nbe~ eontttined '1her~ -vaetrt1:- the -prtmim- Rnd. yiald ..up-tca. ~~~.r.. ~M1-f>4'ac:a:\1~S4le"" ...ht~~ -I.:r-m.,YNARRS1=99J;)..I.Jtfto(_l-he- ~ ~m~o~'~~~~A~~~~~~~h~~~~A~~~~4r..M_~.~m~~~y~wm~A~~~h~ ~~~~~b~d~'~~~~~m~~~~~H~~~~~~em~e~~~Y~~~h~R~~r~~_ ~'mm~r,1~~"~~r~~h~mm~~~~~~~M~km~~1~~~~"~_ JT= fS=~R- BBB -bet 'l'fffi1-i he- Paf H~ -here t&-i h at -in- tht~ent eF-a- tftk-ol +ItHftid "J>I'Cftt"es .~U~~a~~"~~p~~~~~~~mA~~'~'JUPUU~~~~I~~~~~~~L ' . , ',',I. ",," ::';J' ~; ~:!.~. :::'::;~. ;'-.... ,....,.. , ", '.. . ., .:',' . ..' -" .,4 I....., ..",'J, :' ,; .:~: ' '.';':'; , ., ,"?: ~.::~.:. , ' ,) , '",-, Commercial Lease-Page 4. FOfm 7J! '. Waler and Ga. Damage RI,1ta or rnfury Nolle. or Aedd.nl Inluranee BUlIn... nol 10 he a Nul.ane. Slgtt Elnalor Waler Pial. Gla.. nrt Unllld 511110nll, Co, lImllld which shall become payable in resl)ect thereof, nnd nppl)' the,said rentals. after deduct.ing all expenses incurred in connection wit I the demised premises and in the collectIon of the said ~ent including reasonable cOl11mission for the collection thereof and the management of the denused premises, upon the rent hereby reserved, nnd the Lessor nnd its assigns nnd e\'ery such alIeni Acting ns nforesnld from lime to tinw, llhnllln so nctin~ be Ihengenh of the Lessee, who nlone shall be resflonsible lor their ncts, l\nd the LessOr nnd its assign~ shnll not be nccountnble lor :my moneys except those actually received, notwithstanding any act, neglect. omission or default or any such agent acting as aforesaid. . , . AND IT IS FURTHER DECLARED AND AGREED TIIAT the Lessor shall not be liable for any damage to any property' at any time upon the demised premises arising Irol11 gall, steam, water, rain or snow, which may leak into, issue or flow from any part 01 the said building, or from the gas water, steam or drainnge pipes or plumbing works 01 Ihe same or from any other place or quarte; or for nny d:unnRe cnmed by or altributable to the cO,ndition or arrangement of an)' electric or other wires in the SAid building. ' . . The Lessee shall be liAble I~r any d:t1nn~e done by reason of water being left running from the taps in the demised premises or from gas permitted to ~scape therein. , ' . AND the Lessor shall not be responsible lor any personal injury which shall be sustained by the Lessee or any employee, customer, or other person who may be upon the demised premises or in the said building or the entrances or appurtenAnces thereto.. All risks 01 any suCtl injury being nssumed by the Lessee, who shall hold the Lessor harmless and indemnified therefrom. THE Lessee shall ~h'e the Lessor prolllptwrilten notice of any accident or other defect in the sprinkler s)'stem, wat;r pipes, gas pipes or heatitlg apparatus, telephone, electric or other wires on any part of the prennses. . ' , rHI Lessee covenanls wilh lhe said Lessor lhal his said business lo be so carried on in lhe said building viII nol be of such a nalure as lo increase lhe insurance risk on lhe said premises or cause lhe Lessor lo paJ an, increased rale of insurance premiums on lhe said prellises bJ reason thereof and it is distincllJ underslood thal in case said business so carried on bJ lhe Lessee is or becomes of such a nalure to increase tlte 'insurance risk' or causes lhe Lessor and/or olher occupanls of lhe said building to pay an increased rale of insurance premiums, lhal the Lessee will frolll lime lo lime paJ lo the Lessor lhe increased amounl of insurance premiums which the said Lessor and other occupanls of the said building have to paJ in consequence thereof; provided that lhe Lessee covenants that he will not carrJ on or permit lo be carried on anJ business in the said building which maJ make ',oid or voidable anI insurance held hI lhe Lessor or the other occupants of. the said building. PROVIDED thnt the Lessee will not do 01' pcnuit anything to be done on the said premises or permit or keep an)'thin!t therein which may be annoyin~ to the Lessor or other occupants of the said buildmg 01' which the said Lessor lIlay deem to be a nuisance and that no machinery shall be used therein which shall calise any undue \'ibration in or to the said premises nnd thnt in case of the Lessor 01' nllY other occupants 01 the said building rensonably complaining tlmt any machinery or operation or process is a nuisance to it or them or which caUSes any undue vibration or noise in the said premises, ~hat "pon r~ceiving .notice tllereof, the said Lessee will innnediately abate such nuisance, The said Lessee co\'Cnants not to obstruct or interfere with the rights 01 the Lessor or other occup:tIIts of the said buil~lilig or in any wny injure or nnnoy them .or conflict with nny o( the rule and I r.gulntians .of the BOl'ud .o( Health or with any Slatute or tnunicipal by-law. . AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER AGREED by and between the said Lessor and the said Lessee that no sign, advertisement br notice shall be inscribed, painted or affixed by the said Lessce on any part of the outside or inside of the building whatever, unless of such manner. color, size and style and in such places upon or in said building liS shall be first designated by the Lessor, and, furthermore, the Lessee, on ceasing to be Lessee .of the demised premises, will, before removing his goods and fixtures from the said, premises, cnllSe :my sign as aloresllid to be removed .or oblitel':lted at his own expense and. in n workmanlike manner to tll(~ satisfaction 01 the Lessor. , ~~ 111E Lessor undertakes to maintain elevators in said building which arc to br-FU11 during the ordinary business hours of every business day of the year, but not dl!I.ing--p'ii6rrc holidays or Sundays, except at the option o( the Lessor. 'The Lessee, shall, aubjm-ro the Lessor's rules and regulations, have free use of sllch elevators in common \\ith-otfiCrs lawrull)' using the same, but the Lessee and its employees and all other persol1s_wirrg--any such elevator shall do 50 at its, his, her .or their sole risk, and under no cil'CU!JlSktnteS sh~Il the Lessor be held responsible for any damage or injury haj)pening to nl~_~no" whilst using such elevator, lor occasioned to any person by sllch elevator OI:..aAr"ftpPllrtennnccs and whether such damage or injury shall happen by reason o the aC.L-9mkStOn 01' negligence Or otherwise o( the Lessor, or any of its el1lployt!es, servants, l1lJffrtf"or otherwise howsoe\o'er. " TilE ~S~ecs to pay fol' 1I0r,nal w;iter consumed' bl1 the said I,remises but in the event o( llny abnormal consumption of water either by reason .of the character of the business carried on by the Lessee Or by the USe or l1lcch:lIlical. .or other contrivances the Lessee consents to the installation of a wate,' !neter at his o\\'n expense, if necessary, and (urther agrees to pay lor the excess water consumed on the snid premis~s.' , THE Lessee agrees at his own expense to rcplace any plate gla!!s or other glass that has been broken or removed during the term or the within lease or of a~y renewal thereof and will during the said term keep the plate glass fully insured in some company approved by the Lessor. PROVIDED that i( during the' terllt herein or llny renewal therco( the premises shall be destroyed or damaged by fire or the clernents then the follOWing, provisions shall apply: (a) If the d~mised premises shltll be so bitrJly in;lIted ns to be urifit r.or occupancy, nnd as to be incapnble o( being repaired will, reasonable diligence within one hundred and twenty days o( the IIappenln8 or such injury, then the term hereby granted shaH cease ami be at an end to all intents . I c' ., ' ... "- Page 4A .f.JJ~.f;__ HU?Q.B^~~_f; The Lessee shall place insurance coverage for contents and public liability and other lisks that the Lessor shall reasonably require and the Lessee shall pay the premiums therefore, and provide the Landlord with copies of the policies. .~_f;'rLmrr_ ..t..E.~S.~_!.. The tenant acknowledges and agrees that it is intended that this Lease shall be a compl ete I J car ef ree net I ease for the I.andl ord, except as expressly hereinafteE set out, that the Landlord shall not be responsible during tIle Term of the Lease fur any costs, charges, expenses and outlays of any nature ~hatsoever arising from or relating to the Leased Premises, 01 the cuntents tllereof, and the Tenant shall pay all charges, impositions, costs and I expenses of every nature and kind ~elating'to the Leased Premises except as expressly hereinafter set out, and the Tenant covenants with the Landlord accordingly. !UQJcr._ _'l'.(thR~.~_ID'J..:.. Providing the tenant duly and regularly pays the rent and performs all of the provisos and. agreements contained herein, the landlord shall, upon written request. of the tenant, grant to the " tenant a renewal or exlen::;ioll of this lease for a further two yeats upon the same terms and conditions except as to the rent which is to be determined by the landlord, acting in good faith, " based on the annual rental rate for rent for facilities which are similar to the leased premises; provided that the tenant has given to the landlord at least si;{ (6) months written notice prior to the expiration of the term hereof, of its desire to renew the term. The Lessor hereby undertakes to provide Ten (10) parking spaces designated for the use of the Tourist Centre. COI11'",~rdnl Lense-Pnge 5, Form HZ No Ahal.menl o'R'''I Rlohf 1(1 Sh(lw ""mle.. N(lIIe.. Our ltoldlnlJ Unlit" SlItlont'y Co, ll",IIt" . , , " ;nd purpose~ Iro," the dale 01 such d:unage or deslruclion, nnd the Lessee shall immedinlely surren,der the s:tme, "nd yield up possession or the de,"ise~ premises to the Lessor, and the renl frolll the tllne of such surrender slll,1I be "pportioned; , .. . (b) H the demised premises shnll be carable. with reasonable diligence, of being r,ep:ured and rendered iiI ror occupancy within one hundred and twehty days rro," the happemng or such injury as arores3id but if Ihe dam:lge is such as to render the demised premises wholly unlit for occupancy' then tl:e rent ',ereby reserved shall not run or accrue aher such injllry, or while the flrocess 0 repair is going on, and Ille Lessor shnll repair the same with all rensonnble speed, and the rent shnll recommence inuucdiatr.ly ahl!r sudl re,,:tin shnll be comllleted, , (c) II the demised premises shall be repaired within one hundred and twenty days :u aro,res<ud, l\nd if the dlunage is such th3t the said premises :Ire upahle o( beinR p:lrtiallv used, then \lI1tll s~ch d:unage shall have been repaired, the rellt sl,all l\hale in the proportion that the part or Ihe demISed premises rendered unfit ror occu,,:mcy beltu to the whole or the demised premises, TIIERE sl'311 be no ah:tlement from or reduclion or the rent dlle IIf~reunder, nor shall the Lessee be entitled to dam:tges, losse~, cost~ or disbutSemenls rrom the Lessor dminr, Ihe ten" hereby created on, caused by or on nccounl or file, (e:<cept as llbove), water, sprinkler syslems, pllrlial or tempor:uy failure or stoppage or heat, light, e1evalor, li\'e steam or plumhing service in or to the said premises or building, wtlether dlle 10 ach or God, strikes, accitlenh, the making or alteralions, repairs, renewah, improvements, struChltlll change~ 10 Ihe said premises or bllildin~s or the eqllipmenl or Srstelns sllppl)'ing the s:lid set\'ice~, or rrom nny cause whatsoever; provided thl\t the sl\id railure or stoppllge be remedied within II re:1sonllble time. THAT the Lessee will permit tllc Lessor 10 exhibil the demised premises during the last' three months or tIle term to an}' prospecli\'etenant and will permit all persons having written authority therdor to vie\\' the said ptemi~es at all reasonable hours. I . THAT :"'y nolice which eilhrr of 111l" p;ulies is required or per",itted to Rive pursu;",t 10 :'"y provision of this lease IUa}', if intended ror the Lessee, be. given by l\ writing left at the demised premises or mailed b)' reghtered mail addressed 10 the Lessee at the drUli~r.d nr.emises, nnd if intended for the ,Lf'~~nr bva wrilinlt left at the premises of the Lessor at 51 Cons te 1 J a t Ion Court"Rexdal'e,Oltario 'MJW JK4 ", or mniled by registered tnllil addln~cd 10 the Lessor nt the Lessol's said premises, :lnd such nOlite sh:tll be deemed to Illwe been gi\'en al'the time it W:ls delivered or Ill:tiled, as the C:lSe may be. PROVIDED further :tlld it is hereb)' agreed t'lat ~"ould tI,e Lessee IlOld over after I',e eXllir:ltion or this lense l1l1d the Les~oU there:1her 'aecepl rent ror Ihe s:tift Plemises, the Lessee 5h:\II 1.0 d the said premises l\S l1 monlhl)' ten:tnt only or. the Lessors but subject in :III other respects 10 the terms l\nd conditiollS or tMs leltse. ' . The words importin~ the sinl;ulal' number only shftll include theJl1ural. :\nd vice versa, nnd words importing the masculine gellder shall inc!ude the feminine gen er, nnd words importing persons shall include finm and corporati,olls :lnd vice vers:\. . Unless Ihe contelet otllcl wise required, Ihe word . "Lessor" :"1(1 the word "Lessee" wherever used herein shnll be construed to include and shall mean the executors, administrators, successors :lnd/or assigns of the said Lessor :\I1d Lessee, re~pectivelr' And when there are two or more Lessees bound by the saIne co\'en:\I1ts herein, contained, their obligations shl\1I be joint and several. lilt ~IIUtltt~~ ~Ibtrtot the parties hereto haye executed these presents. SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED In the presence of -; f I. ". ~ -\: ~. i':'~';.. ! 'I \........ Commetelallietse-Page 6, ( " Form nt · . Unlttd S""ont.y Co. lImlttd :~ SCHEDULE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS rORMING I'ART OF THE WITIfIN LEASE I. The Ilde..alkl. entrancel. eleVlltorl, It"lr..ay. and eorrldo" of the' bul"'ln, lhall not be obltrueted b, an, tenantl or uted by them for an, other purpo.e than for Inl're" .nd el'rell w .nd from their rupecllve omce.. and no ten....t .h.1I pl.t. or allo.. w b. pl.ced In the hllllwaYl, corridor! or Ita'rwll)" .ny ...atte flllper, dust. I'arbate, rdu.e or any thinI' whatner that .hdl tend to m.k. them .ppe.r untlean, untidy or filthy: , 2. The lloore, Iky.lIl'hls .nd wlndo.... thllt renett or admIt IIl'ht Into ,,,,,s"l'e..ay. or Into any plllce In the IIlld bulldln, Ih,,1I not be ('overed or obstructed by an, of the tenanu. .nd no ..wnln,. Ih.1I be put over In, wlndo..: the ....ter elo.ell .nd ather "Iter Ippar.tuI ahall not be used for Iny purpo.e ather thl" thOle for whIch the, ..ete eanstrueted, Ind no ...eeplnll'" rubbllh. r..... ..he. ar other .ubst..nte .hall be thrown therein. .nd any damll'e resulUnl' ta them 'ram misuse .hlll be barna by the tenant. b, whom or b, ...hos. employee the dama..e WAl caused. ' S, All ...Indow al..n.. Interior all'na and all'n. on ..I... doo" must be IPproved In wrltlnR b, the Lellor before the Le.... .nRa,ts a alp eonbaewr to paint iald .Ip., and all .uth allPla .hall be paInted In the form prevlou.ly 10 .pproved by the Lellor, t. In the event thllt the Lellor provld.. Ilnd Installs Il Publle Dlreetory Board Inllde the main entrllnee to the bulldln.., the ten.nt'. or tenanll' name or nllmes .hllll be "I.eed on the 1.ld Boud at the e"pense af .uelt tenant or tenanll, lame to be eharRed ta the tenant or tenanta In the manth'l bill for rent ne"t rendered. Ilnd ahllll be, reeoverable aa rent, 5. If .n, .IRn. .dvertlsement or noUce .hall be Inlerlbed. pllnted or IImxed by the Lei." an or w .ny Plrt of the ..Id bulldln, whltever, then the Let.or Ihllll be at liberty ta enter on IIlld premise. IInd pull do,,'n .nd tlke .".y .ny .ueh .IRn. .dvertl.ement or notlee. Ind the e"pen.. th.reof .h.1I be fl.,.bl. by the L.u... ' 8, If b, r...on of IIny alt.r.Uons ..hlrh Ihe LuSt. ma, mike or mil)' Mrmlt to be mad. with tir without the eonl.nt of the Lessor. to .n, "Irt of the deml...d "rlJl1lsel or to Ilny nxture. In the deml.ed Ilteml.u. the addition of an, equlpm.nt or the lI.e of an,. mllterlal whlrh the I....ee. lit emfllo,ee. or other P'"nn. ""mltted by thl! 1....ee to be on .the preml.el may use or keep 'n the ."Id "remll.s. or .ny rh"nlte 10 the type of o.cu""ney of the d..nl.ed preml.e. ..hlch the L....e mar makf or permit w be m.d.. there It an, 'nCrtA.e 'n the Inlurftrlre "remlum. pa)..ble by the Lel...r on .ny lire In.urnnee whleh may be 'n ef.et or ..hleh the Le.sor m.., h.reafter plAce uflon the blllldlnrr of which Ihe demised preml.e. lorm II part. lhe Les.ee aRree. to Pll, to the Les.or the amount 01 .uch Incre.Sf. IInd the "artl.. all,e. that a .tlltem.nt by the 'nsurAnee broker 01 the L...or of the amount of .uch Iner.ue Ihall b. nn.I .nd blndlnll Upon the pArtie.. T. No ufrs. mAchinery. equlpm.nt. he"vy metehandll. or any thin If lI.blo to Injure or dutro,. IIny part of the bulldln, .hall be tak.n Inw It without the consent 01 the 1...."r In ..rllln... an,I the I.el.or.hall In IlI1 casu reta'n tha power to limit the wel..ht &nd Indlelll.the pIAC. wh.re .ueh .afe "r the Ilk. I. to stend. IInd the co.t of replllrln<< .ny and 1111 dAmacre done to the bulldlnlf br taklnr 10 or puttlnlf out luch lUlfe or th. like or during the tlm. It I. In or on the preml.... .hall be PAId for on demand by the t.nant ..ho .0 cau... 't. No tenAnt shAll load IIny lloor beyond Ita reasonabl. w.l..ht ellrr,.lnR cap.clty A. .et forth In the munlelpllI or other codes IlPplle.ble to the bulldlnR. 8. In order thllt the demls.d "reml"l mllY be kepl In . <<ood .lllle 01 pr...rvatlon and eleAnllne.., the tenant .h.1I durlnR the contlnu.nce of III lea.. permit the Janlwr or earetAker of the L.s.or to tak. char... of and tI.an the deml.ed preml.... 9. No hnant shall employ .ny p.rson or personl other thAn the jllnltor or ellretaker of the Leuor lor th. r,urpos. of .uch cleaning or of IAkln.. ehllrRe of .ald premise.. It b;,ln.. under.tood and alfreed that the Leuor IhAII be In no wl.e ,upon.lb. to any t.nant for any 'ou of prOflerty from the demised premlle.. ho..ner oceurrln... or .ny damlll'e done w the lurnlture or oth.r .lleeta of an,. tenant b, the Janitor or earetaker or .n,. of It. employ.u. ' , ' 10. The Leo.o.. .hllll h..ve the rlllht to ent.r the demlwed preml... It reuonabl. ho\lt. 'n the d", to examine the snme or to ,"toke .uch rtp..lrs .nd .lterllUons n. It shall dl!em necessary for the ."'.ty In" IHesernUon 01 Ihe bulldln... and Illso durin.. the three monlh. previous to the e"plrAllon 01 the lea." of the demlled pteml.... to uhiblt the .ald premIses to be let IInd put upon them Its u.ual nollee "ror Rent". whleh .ald notle. .h.1I not b. removed by any t.nant. 11. Nothing .hAII be thro....n by the ten.nt., their clerks ar .en'"nts. out of the w'ndo... or dooll or down the ""S'AR" Ind Ik,.IIRhts al the bulldln... I U. No IInlm.I. .hall be kept In or .baut the IIr.ml.... 13. If the Leu.e de.lr.. telegreph or telephone, rnll bell or other IIrlvAt. .I,nal eonneetlons. the Leuor resen.. the rhl'ht to dlr.ct the eleetrltllln. or other workm.n a. to where and how the ....Ir.s are to be Introduced, and without .ueh dlreetlon. no borinI' or euttlnr for wlrts Ihllll take plaee, No other ",Ires 01 any kind .hllll be Introdue.d without th. wrltlell eon.ent tif the Lellor, 14. No on. .hall u.. the 1.Il.ed llreml... for .Ieeplnlf .'l",hnen," or re.ld.nUal purpo.... 15. Tenants and their .m...lo,e.. Ihall not mAke or commit any Improper nol.e In the bulldlnlf, or In IIn, w.)' Interfere with or Anno,. other tenAnts or tho.. havln. bu.lne.s with them. U. All tenants mu.t ObSf". .trl.t eare not to allo.... thdr wlndo....s to r.maln OP.n '0 .. to admit uln or Inow, or so as to Interfer. ..Ith the heallnlf of the build In... The tenants n.rle.t1nlf thl. Mde will be relpon,lbl. for IIny Injur,. eaund to the ...ropert,. of other ten.nts or to the prop.rty of the Lessor b,. .ueh ear.le..n.... The Les.e., when elo.ln., ome.. for bu.ln.... dllY or .venlnR. .hall clo.. .11 wlndo....s and lock III1 doors. n. The Less.. alfree. not w plllee an, addltlon.1 lock. upon .n, dooll of the deml.ed pr.mlse. .nd not to permit IIn,. dupllnte k.ys to be mRd. th.refor: but to Use only .ddlUonal keys obtAIned from the Lessor, at the .xp.n.. al the Les.ee, And to .unender w Lellor an the ttrmlnaUon of the leIl.. .11 key. of the .ald preml.es. ' 18. Th. Leue. aha II rl... to the Le..or prompt ..rltlen nollre "f any aeeldent or an,. defeet In the w.ter pIp... <<I' pipet, heatlnl' APflar.tus, te'ellhone or elretrlc IIRht, or other wlr9 In any "art 0' Ilald bulldlnR. Ill, No Inllammllble olla or other Inllammable, dan<<trou. or explollve mater",I. shall be kept or permitted to be kePt 'n the demlled ptemls... I 20. Tht clIretak.r will heve charrre 01 'II radl"ton .n,1 will rrl..e ." Informetlon lor the mlnal'ement of the lame, and the Lu.ee .hllll Rive to the Lellor prompt wrltlen notice of An, aceld.nt to or defecll In the w.t.r pIp.. or h.lltlnrr .ppar.tu.. 21. No blc,.cles or other "ehlcl.s shall be brourht wIthIn the bulldlnR or upon the L.s.or'. property, IneludlnR any lane or eourtyard. 22. NothlnR sh,,1I be "llleed on the outside of window. or pr.,;ecllon. of the deml.ed preml.... No alr.eondlUonlnlf equlpm.nt .h.1I be plAced .t the ..Indo..... of the d.ml.ed preml.e. without the eonsent In wrltln. of the L.ssor, 2S. Spikes, hook., nalls, sete... or knobs Ihall not be put Into the wall. or ",oodworle. 2f. No frelrht, furn'ture or pllcklt,ee will be rec.lved 'n the bulldlnl' or earrl.d up or down In th, el,vator between the houn 01 and 8 P.m. ... 8 lI.m. 25. All IIluI, lock. and trlmmlnls In or upon the door. "r wl"d"w. of the d.ml..d premls.. Iha" be kePt whole .nd whenever Iln, part th.reof .hllll beeome brok.n, the IIlme shall be Immediately r.pl"ced or re....lr.d under the dlr.cUon and to the ."UtlllcUon of the Lessor. and lueh replaeem.nh .nd repllln shall be paid for by thc Le..... 28. Na heavy equlllment of an,. kind .hall be moved within the bulldlnR without skId. belnr placed under the .lIme, and wIthout the conltnt of the L.ssor In wrlllnR. ' , 27. An)' alt.rlltlon.. addition.. renewal. or chanrr.a made In th. pllrtltlons or dlvl.lons of the rooms or IInol.um lloors durIn.. the eurrene, 01 this ..... ahAII. If mllde at the requ.st of the Lel.ee. b. done b)' the Lessor at the expense of the LeSlee. .nd .h"II be .ubJeet to the appronl In wrltln. and direction of the Le.sor, " ' 28, The Le.sor ahall not be IIl1ble for IIn, damare to IIn)' "rol'ert,' lit An" time on the demlltd premises, nor for the theft of an, of the lAid JlnlJlerty, nor ,hall It be IIl1ble for IIn eleape or leakllRe of smok., ru, ..nter. rllln" or .no... how.o.ver eau.ed. nor lor an, acrldent to the pro".rty of the Lenee. , 10, An, "enon enterln. Utlon the roof of the bulldln. dOli M lit hi. olll'n rlak, so, The Leu.. .hnll not f!nter Into an,. eontraet with IIn)' l'~non or p.non. or corporallona for the ~urpo'e of .uppl,lnlr to....e... I"ap or 'IInltarr .IIPpll... ete.. Ice or .prlnlf wlIter, unle.. the "Illd petsnn or "eroon. oreorporllUonl IIlr.. thllt the lime and pl.ca of dellvrry of lueh arllcl.. and the .I.vator Itnlee to b. uud In conlleollon ther.wlth .hall be .ubJeel to lueh rules and reRulatlon. a. the Le.."r ma, Irom Ume to time flt.aetlbe. SI. Tenants. th.lr IIrrenll and emplone. ah.1I not tllke foo,l Into the el.valor or Into publle or rent.d portion. of the bulldln, unitt. .uch food I. carried In cover.d receplael.. appro"ed by the Lessor In I,wrltlnlr. 32. The Les.or r..ervee the rlRht to restrict the u.e of the d.mlaed llremle.. to the L...ee and/or It. emplo,ee. after 8 p,m. n. No tenllnt shall make a door.to-door eenv... of the bulldlnR lor the purpose of *elllnll' any produetl or lenl... to the other tenantl without the wrltt.n eon..nt of the Lessor. U, No tenant .hall be permitted to do eoolelnr or to operate cookhil' apparatu. exc.pt In a portion of the ,bulldlnr rented for the purpose. . 35. The LelSor ahAII hllVe the r.,ht to mllke .uch other and furth~r rtll80ftllbl, rul.. and relf\l'allon. and to alt"l am,nd or eanrel III1 rul.. and relf\llatlon. a. 'n It. Judlrment ma,. from time to time be needed for lhe ..fet,.. eare and eleanllne.. 01 th, bulldlnlr and for the preeervaUon of ,ood order thereIn and the llame .hII" be kept Md ob..rved b, the tenllnt.. their c'.rka IInd ..rvanU, The Le..or tna, from time to tlm. .....Ive an,. 01 lueh rules and rerulaUon. .. applied to "artleular t.nant. .nd ,. not Ilabll to th, Lt.... for brelch.. thertof by Ilther tenant.. i?i..I~^,,, If~~, o '<.t:ZiI,""'", /) / ". ~~ "" ./ c/, ....,~'j;-.lJrj /..II , , 'b:'41 ., '.".. ..' . ....,. A (" ~', ", I' . '" I", j", .... V~~~,I S fn()~~'."l::~;;~;) ...... ""->" , . \1'~tl , . ", <"/''r" "', V">_ " ,,;,,,.,. ' ",'.,' '''''.. '.::, ", ", p .. _ A. ~- , .,