HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-153 ~-",,;,,-,- ij, , '\ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 90-153 Being a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of part of the unopened road allowance described as Mann Street, in part of Lots 9 and 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, according to T. W. Herrick's Plan for Porter and Bradshaw, more particularly described as Part 1 on Plan 10R-3511. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to pass this by-law; WHEREAS notice of the intention of Council to pass this by-law was sent to the Regional Municipality of Durham on the 10th day of August 1990, and the Regional Municipality of Durham granted approval of the proposed by-law by letter dated the 6th day of Sept. 1990. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Part of that portion of the unopened road allowance described as Mann Street, former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, according to T. W. Herrick's Plan for Porter and Bradshaw, more particularly described as Part 1 on Plan 10R-3511, hereinafter described is hereby stopped up and closed; ALL AND SINGULAR THAT certain parcel and tract of land and premises, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of the unopened road allowance described as Mann Street, being part of Lots 9 and 10, Concession 2, formerly the Town of Bowmanville, more specifically described as Part 1 Plan 10R-3511 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No.10) on November 9, 1990. 2. All those portions of the unopened road allowances hereinbefore described shall be conveyed by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. By-law read a first time this 10th, day of September 1990. By-law read a second time this 10th day of September 1990. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 10th day of September 1990. MAYOR CLERK ~ 31 PARCEL PLAN-I SECTION IOM- 829 REGISTERED R = 50.000 A= 0,539 C = 0.539 N 13006 'OI'EIPLAN) R = 50 000 A=4.759 C = 4.757 N 10040 :57"EIPLAN) / .... '" o CD ~OS) '-.... '-.... '-.... '-..,. '-.... S E CORNER LOT 31 REGISTERED ~ 10M - 829 ~-". ----- 32 Z 3: <l 0 ..J 0 !- 0... -10 IJ.J N ~ 0 IJ.J <l ~ a:: I z I- ~ Cf) ct 0:: (II IB 0 110051 Z <[ a:: ILl ~ Z 0: 0 Z a.. <X: >- ~ lD 1-' W~C1l W LrJ 1\I 0:: LrJ IX) I- lr I ent;~ ...Jz LrJo Z.u- lrl- U Z ct LrJ <( 0. lI) ~ z o u - o as C1l lI) I- o ...J Z LrJ LrJ ~ I- LrJ CD LrJ Z ...J u.. o 2/ I- ct g ...J LrJ ~ ~ x o lr 0. 0. ct PLAN SCHEDULE PA RT DEseRI PTION PART OF MANN STREET T.W, HERRICK'S PLAN FOR PORlER AN013fW) OF PART OF LOT9 810, CON 2. I- W w_ 0:: I 0\ I-lI)l\I I- CD en Ifj 1 lr :E l- ll) 0 z Z...J 0 LrJ - Z U I- ...r Q:: U .....ctl.tJ ~ 0. lI) / AREA 0.0026 ho. 10M - 829 3 I // / / N ", / l:.:06""f- 4 PLAN 10 R- 35// I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE DEPOSITED UNDER THE ::~':~:4d3jB~ __ gAL~'-' "-'~" . R.S..I~ RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED DATE ~~.j!t!.__ LAN-lItihFOR-1fff REGISTRY DIVISION 0 F NEWCASTLE ( NOlO ) PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF MANN STREET T..W. HERRICK'S PLAN FOR PORTER AND BRADSHAW OF PART OF LOTS 9ANDI01OON:ESSION 2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGiONAL MUN ICIPAllTY OF DURHAM (formerly TOWN OF BOWMANVtLLE) SCALE I: 250 012345 ~.-.~ 10 . ZOm I DISTANCES SHOWN ON. THIS PLAN ARE IN METRf:S AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY DtViDING. BY 0.3'048, METRIC NOTES: BEARINGS HEREON ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE WESTERLY 'LIMIT OF MANN STREET SHOWN AS N 180 26'OO'W ON REGISTERED PLAN 10 M - 829 . 0- SIB 18 (Wm (JOB) (1005) (1106) (PLAN) DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DE NOT ES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT PLANTED STANDARD IRON BAR IRON BAR WITNESS JD. BARNES LIMITED DONEVAN B FLEIS CHMANN 0 LS M.D. BROWN OLS REGISTERED PLAN 10M - 829 CAUTION THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE ME'ANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I I CERTIFY THAT: I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND TI-E REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE I st Dfj r:. SEPTEMBER I 1989. DATE jl//)Jll/ Btj - -~/f;:f,#~tL ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR lal J.D ~68NES SURVEYING MAPPING LAND INFORMA liON SERVICES OFFICE OF ORIGIN: 725 BLOOR STREET WEST OSHAWA ONTARIO L I J 5Y 6 DRAWN BY: TEL REFERENCE NO.: 88- 25- 047 . :5 CHECKED BY: R S K