HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-134 . 1Jo' ..7 . THE COWORATION OF THE TOtlN OF NBrlCASTLE BY-LAW 90-134 being a by-law'to permit the continuation of an encroachment . onto Town-owned lands, by Robert and Ramonda White, Old Scugog Road, Burketon Station, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 (101) of the Municipal Act R.S.O., 1980 and the Town of Newcastle By-Law No. 81-50. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That permission is granted to Robert and Ramonda White, Old Scugog Road, Burketon Station, Town of Newcastle, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to maintain and use such portion of their building as constitutes an encroachment upon a public highway, for so long as the encroachment is not required for municipal purposes. 2. The lands affected by By-law 90-13~re described as Part two (2) according to Plan 10R-2966, being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of lands situate, lying and being in the Town,of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario and being composed of that portion of Old Scugog Road in Village Lot 26 within part of Lot 20 in the 10th Concession of the geographic Township of Darlington now Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham according to J.H. Reids Plan of Burketon Station. 3. A copy of Plan 10R-2966 is attached to By-law 90-134 as Schedule ' A' . 4. That By-law 88-129 is hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 23rd day of JulY, 1990. By-law read a third and final time this 23rd day of Julv, 1990. W Province ~V~ of . ~ Ontario DYE & DURHAM co, LIMITED Form No. 985 Document General Form 4 - Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 o 162431 N I:JM B ER_____,_____________._~---.---.-..---- ,CElTlRCATE Of R!~~SfRAnON (1) Registry QC (3) Property Identifier( s) Land Titles D T (2) Page 1 of ~ pages ) Block Property -' Additional: See 0 Schedule OCT 24m 49 AM '90 (4) Nature of Document NEWCASTLE No. 1ft BOWMANVIULt:: ~t Wu:~ / llnd Registrar MUNICIPAL BY-IAW (Section 18 of the Re.lristrv Act) (5) Consideration >- ...J Z o w (/) ::> w () i:L II.. o a: o II.. Dollars $ (6) Description Part of Old Scugog Road in Village Lot 26, lying within part of Lot 20, 10th Concession, according to J.H. Reids Plan of Burketon Station, Town of Newcastle (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington) Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 2 on Plan 10R-2966 New Property Identifiers ~~itional: 0 Land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) Schedule Executions Additional: See Schedule o (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch , i (b) Schedule for: Additional rl, ~! Description 0 Parties l...f1' Other 0 (8) This Document provides as follows: See certified copy of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-law Number 90-134 attached. Continued on Schedule 0 ( (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN ,.. OF'NEWCASTLE (Applicant)................. . . . by.it.s.olic.itQrs, SlJUlLEY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RIGHTON per Dennis Hefferon Sig~r)e(S) 1/)/ ~I . D~te of ~i~na~ur~ 'D' ~f~" /'.. ................ i .~~~~ll.(}. .:~~ enms ne ler i ! . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\. . . .. ... .. . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . .. .,. .. ! : (11) Address for Service 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Lle 3A6 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . . . . . , , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f . . . . . (13) Address for Service Shibley Righton Barristers & Solicitors Suite 1800 401 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5H 2Z1 Attn: Dennis Hefferon I~ Fees and Tax ...J 5 Registration Fee w (/) ::::l UJ () i:L II.. o a: 2 Total III (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: 10174 (12/84) I , . /; PLAN MATERIAL PLASTIC MATERIAL - MYLAR GAUGE . 0003 IHO! PROCESS - PHOTOGRAPHIC INK, SPECIAL ':T" ,.' c .~ ,\' .0 "1 , :, ~.' !~ .\/ .. - - - - - , l\- I ~ i I ~, j ~ I 'J ) - ...;._-..-....'!~.. ;r (0 ~ t..-.. \:) 'J ,v 5' ~ .~..;; 18 R= 567965' -r--T ~ r "'J~~ L~;:,,~ po "'-- l> . ~ f~RT - D.^ .., . .~ l I r:- , -. . I I~ '4 '- Vt,! I1Ir .. - ARC = /65 93' po ",0'> > . :to ? :i. :;> -:- l; It E r4 \J ':l'4R-:- J IJ ""\ ( - .. NQ ~c'.:7~ PART 2'" _ 0 I ::,~ " .' d C" 4 ;: c- ~ I: ~ l~~ ~ I c',. Ii ;1 I t-.~ N W AJ<G..L lOr 26 . ~ ~~ V ,. -~ -~ c _ ;;0 r<) o o r<) Z I L ,y 5' .~ T I ,v 52. ,HEW POsT AND WIRE ft:NCE I N 610 38' E 2,7 , I, I, ,I i~ ~. ~ Ie i""'- ~ '''' ,C 10 Ii<' ~ 2 1 , 'I 1 S E A>l>LE Ii LOT 30 \a ~ SIB P: NE STREET SCHEDULE LOCATION PART OF VIu.AGE LDT 26 PART OF SCUGOG STREET AREA (SQ. FT.) 10,815 617 INS! Nt '24452 2 .. 0:: .~- U) (? o (? :J () (j) lilt ... ,"- "E'P' POST I Z E 18 (~'4) W :2 <': L 0 'f ';) , CH.= 165 92' .. CH BRG = IV 55"01' " -" ,,( ~"GLE L.. 10 E e(" <'( r- ::-----:--.....' . '1, 6-"" i:f;"E a::: ~, , SIB .3:' ),..'7''' "~__ ~'. ,~ <{ . ' ,..' /'. ,. ..;, ~ n ~; ',:"'" ". LL. G~ .: , <! .oN" :::L":J.L,'. w:::i ~ ;c, -;" .:j " :E ...J!l,l'" " F1i..t....e.; q w. : ~.: ~"~ U t: t: DEC. -;_ i: ~ ~ '02..~ L_ ./ 0 I ....rt: 0 II') Q. r .';:~ . ~.~ '_ .' ,.u 2. ..., v C ~ - ~. 3." N If) r,.. OlE ,.j t.<-''- / / . 'j):". ~ l' . IPLAN"'<U.~D _.~ ,'. "'.'~. ".~; ~"' u N6CJ020~ o{J .".~. ~""2..' 2500 ;. "~z ,'2.. " I..JJ ._~ SIB ~ ~3~ 26' E' I'''i~' 18 -- ., ' .;: _ " 128.00 .-- ,,' Fl '-f't.:'-' r: (PLAN, MEAS \ . ."" ~~. I~ r -----..: ";"8 ~.~..:/ \ . l-- ~ - . , ! ,tc ._-- N (j) .-f....j N '. 044'3;) <- -' .i ~ " N44 52 ' 2. ;2 ", '" 4 ~ ' \'2.. loIE!>S) , U 0 "I . (pVt<!, .V -'0 T I C\J " .V 5' ~ _J I I L n <t o 0: /::t t,) () (') ::> (,) (,I) n .J o ." CttJrIOO : THIS RAN /S NOT A PlAN a= SLH>lV\SI~ WffiilN THE MEANING OF THE RANNING ACT: ." 1 REOUIRE THIS f'LAN TO BE DEPOSITED UP<<R THE REGISTRY IiCT. PLAN lOR -~9" en (") :I: tr::l t::l c::::: t'" tr::l :> " t f. RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED JULY 4 , /988 DUE ~.~~~ s'l M. G, BROWN NAME IN PRINT REGISTRY DIVlS,ON PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF VILLAGE LOT 26, AND PART OF SCUGOG STREET (GRAVEL ROAD) ACCORDING TO J H REIDS RAN OF BURKEmN STATI WITHIN PART CF LOT 20 IN THE TENTH CONCESSION OF THE GEDSRAA-1/C TOWNSHIP OF DARLI NGTON NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN a= NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE, I INCH = 30 FEET M D BROWN, OLS, 1988 SU RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT , THIS 9JRVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEY'S ACT AND T}E: REGISTRY ACT AND THE REWLAT/ONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE 9JRVt:Y WAS COMPLETED ON THE 30TH DAY OF' JUNE, 1988 JULY 4, 1988 ~ . D BROWN ONTARIO LAND SLfNEYOR BEARI NG REFERENCE THE BEARING OF THE WEST UMIT OF SCl..GOG STREET (OlD SctX;OG ROAD) SHOWN AS N 31003' 30 "w (ASTRONOMIC) ON PLAN lOR 1820, GOVERNS ALL BEARI N GS SHOWN HEREON. -?- + ~NOTES MCWUMENTATtON PLANTED DE/o,t()'T!S IwtONUMENTATION R:X.ND, NlJ,4BERED '1106' LNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED 511 ~TES STANDARD IRON BAR,'" SOUARE...a"LQNG 18 DENOTES IRON BAR, 5/8"SOUARf,24"LONG F'lAH LLNOTES PlAN 100 IS 20 (1106) DENOTES M 0, BROWN, O.LS. (1414) DENOTES BROWN a COGGAN LTD., O.L.S. WIT. DENOTES WITNESS BROWN 8 COGGAN LTD. OOTARJO LAND SURVEYORS I aVlSION STREET /87 KING STREET EAST 9:>WMANVILLE, ONTARIO OSHAWA, ONtARIO .. 623- 7251 L1C 2Z2 ~79- 7280 lIH IC2 DRAWN BY: M. G, B. seA L E: I .. = 30' FILE N2. 188055 - R THE COWORATION OF THE TGlN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 90-134 being a by-law to permit the continuation of an encroachment . onto Town-owned lands, by Robert and Ramonda White, Old Scugog Road, Burketon Station, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 (101) of the Municipal Act R.S.O., 1980 and the Town of Newcastle By-Law No. 81-50. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That permission is granted to Robert and Ramonda White, Old Scugog Road, Burketon Station, Town of Newcastle, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to maintain and use such portion of their building as constitutes an encroachment upon a public highway, for so long as the encroachment is not required for municipal purposes. 2. The lands affected by By-law 90-13tlre described as Part two (2) according to Plan 10R-2966, being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of lands situate, lying and being in the Town.of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario and being composed of that portion of Old Scugog Road in Village Lot 26 within part of Lot 20 in the 10th Concession of the geographic Township of Darlington now Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham according to J.H. Reids Plan of Burketon Station. 3. A copy of Plan 10R-2966 is attached to By-law 90-134 as Schedule tAt. 4. That By-law 88-129 is hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 23rd day of July, 1990. By-law read a third and final time this 23rd '1 , day of JuIv, 1990. , A 11. j} t) UEL6 G LWLJUtt(0< Mayor I I; PlAN MATERIAL PLASTIC MATERIAL' MYLAR GAU~ - 0.003 INCH PROCESS - PHOTOGRAPHIC IN 1(. SPE'ClAL "T" .. .. ) ) " -+f;S'\"ji [\. ~ ~, ~ ...J <0 ~ ~.. CJ ...J - c~ ,\' - - Ie f2 ~ -~ 0 _ z ~ o I') Z '6_ 10<;141 W :2 <1: '_J I ~. , , -\ ,\' - ... .V .cc - ""', '6 . \. R= 5679.65' N W ANG..E LOT 26 po "'... 1> ' '" v z " .y S T .--- '-':!p: I'OST , Z E ,D,~ - ~RT SCHEDULE LOCATION PART OF VILLAGE lDT 26 PART OF SCUGOG STREET 2 C I r;:- I '" . I a -1 .. .. ,.. I . , '- vV .... '( .. ,yQ ...; c:' 4 ~ ARC = /65.9.3' CH.= /65.92' 0; BRG.= N 65"0 ' IIO"E ------ -I. 0'" -----y~ ,':J ,~ ~. ....... "":l ' ~ : ,v S .- / L po ~"'- '" I L r.\ ,\) ,Sic'R; J .' C' '" "E ANGLEI- i....OT 26 0:: ~ J .! PART . . ~ S'8 .."~2'6'E: f' . 7--r:-7777/ jNf: . _"? F_; () ~I ~~: : z:,o<\l- ~LL/L..' W~'r,<~CJ~"'t '., ~ -1"'0- /w 1= FJiAIIt[:- q LU.'~: ~~ u ~ ~ Dl'c. ... rr 3: ~ /0 Z, ~ ~ L :;. 1L 0:' ....0: 0 Ill') Cl r- " ~..; ~ :: c J_ I _ -/ -~;. . lJ 'Vl ,./ 0" "'!;' rRtWE -Y ,.-u/ //_...-~ ., '. c:: <: l' I i'PLA"",\~Lt.~ -- _" "---;it '-.~".. 4; u N6IJ02O ~ :;' I,,,,,:;," f' '-<..' 25.00 !: S,~ .ii~ke 26'E ' uJ {'4i4, IB __ . . ~ ~ 128,00 18, - ;==l-- r....<J....:-' f"'I,..ooo ,:. (PuN, MUl5' '.. ~.' r.:. , LI_ ~-----._- -----\ -.. -8 t ~I~ ~:'. t I "E. _.~.- . '" Vl q j N . L _ 044"3;) ~ irw" r f>444 ~2 ' <3 2;) rv Lo. 3:' t~~.IoIE},S) , a ;i'" U) T / ':J r r:.O t',If2. HEW POsT A~D WIRE F'EkCE , N 6/0 38' E :o:~ .VQ ~ ";?-: ~ ',,; C': ,t- rl i" c~ :i ! : ! --- --" .'.' d c:' </ c' T I 2,7 ii il~ .---</ 1 ~ .,0 ,,, '~ if''> 110 ; ;0 11it=) 11 <.? o <.? :J () 0) z 5 E AI>l>t.E Ii LOT 30 \' _ _______ ~ SI8 P! NE STREET AREA (SQ, fT.) 10,815 617 INST. .24452 .. .. C\J n <! ':> 0= (') () (') ::> (.) (J) n _J o CAUf 100 : THIS RAN IS Nor A RAN a= SlH>IVlSlCN WfllilN THE MEANING OF THE A..ANNING Acr 1 I I: " "'---~._"_.__."'."------._---- -~._----".~'----_._" N2 I REOUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE DEPOSITED lHlER THE REGISTRY /leT. PLAN lOR -:lq,~ RECEIVED AND D€POS/TEO JULY 4. 1988 DATE ~.~~~ s't M. G. BROWN NAME IN PRINT REGISTRY DIYISION PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF VILLAGE LOT 26, AND PART OF SCUGOG STREET (GRAVEL ROAD) ACCORDING TO J H REIDS RAN OF BURKETON STATI WITHIN PMT CF LOT 20 IN THE TENTH CONCESSION OF THE GE.DSRAPrlIC IDWNSHIP OF DARLI NGTON NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN CF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE: I INCH = 30 FEET M. D, BROWN, OLS, 1988 )) SU RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE J CERTIFY THAT. I THIS 9JRVEY AND PLAN A~ COR~CT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEY'S ACT AND TI-E REGISTRY ACT ~D THE ~ClJLATIONS MADE: THEREUNDER 2 TI-lE SlJRV'tY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE, 1988 JULY 4 I 1988 ~ . D BROWN ONTARIO LAND StlNEYOR BEARI NG ) ) REFERENCE THE BEARING OF THE WEST UMIT OF SClJ30G STREET (OLD SClJJOG ROAD) SHONN AS N 3100.3' 30 "w (ASTRONOMIC)ON PlAN lOR f820,GOVERNS ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. -i + OCNOrrS MCHJI.IENTATlON PLANTED DENOTES MOAJUMENTATION FCU-ID. NLJ.48ERED '1106' UNLESS OTHERWISE DEStGNA TED 51' OCN:lrrS STANDARD IRON BAR, I" SOUARE,48"LQNG '8 DENOTES IRON BAR, 5/8"SOUARE,24"LONG F'LAH CENOTES PlAN I~ 1820 (1106) DENOTES MD. BROWN, 0 L S. (14/4) DENOTES BROWN 8 COGGAN LTD.. O.LS, WIT. DENOTES WITNESS BROWN a CCXJGAN LTD. O'JTAR 10 LAND I ()V1SION STREET EOWMANVILlE I ONTARIO 623- 7251 L1C 2Z2 SURVEYORS 187 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA, ONTARIO 579- 7280 L1H IC2 DRAWN BY: M, G. B. seA L E: I It = 30' FILE NQ. /88055 - R -1.1