HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-155 . " .." ... I. ~.' . ~~... AMENDED BY AMENDED BY BY.LAW ~.9.:1.7.<e.. BY-LAW #Ji1.:.~lL ...' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 88-155 Being a By-LaW to authorize the entering into of a Contract Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Browning-Ferris Industries WHEREAS Section 210 (83) of the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, provides that By-laws may be passed for establishing and maintaining a system for the collection, removal and disposal of household refuse and household trash and for contracting with any person for the collection, removal and disposal of household refuse and household trash upon such terms and conditions as may be considered expedient: NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 210 (83) of the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, ENAcrS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporate Seal, a Contract Agreement between Browning-Ferris Industries and the said Corporation dated this 11th day of October 1988which Contract Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment #1, including the General Conditions and Specifications attached thereto being Schedules "A" and "B", respectively. 2. THAT this By-law not take effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section 64 (1) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. 3. THAT By-law 82-184 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 11th day of October 1988 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 11th day of October 1988 . . @ Ontario INVOICE NO.2 4 5 8 2 884604 . " .' THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 180 Dundas 5t, West, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 TO 'TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET . BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 F~~e E8801453 Mn DEC 06, 1988 AMOUNT $125.00 RE: AGREEMENT FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE_ X APPLICATION FEE UNDER SECTION 210(83) THE MUNICIPAL ACT OTHER 01 (; ~ o INVOICE PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO NOTE: PLEASE QUOTE BOARD'S INVOICE NUMBER. \ I . , ( SNP ) f ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ,1 ') \ I .' . ~'f , I ! --.. ..... "IIIl"" Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario E 881453 IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 347 as amended) - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporati on of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving the entering into a proposed agreement between the applicant and Browning-Ferris Industries with respect to the collection and disposal of household refuse and household trash within the defined 1 i mits of the Town for a period of five years, and the disbursement of sums of money payable thereunder .'" B E FOR E : D. H. Mc RO BB Vice-Chairman - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 14th day of November, 1988 V.M. SINGER Member UPON IT APPEARING that petition of objections having been filed with respect to the above application submitted by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for the Board's approval. THE BOARD finds pursuant to Section 66 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act that such petition does not justify a public hearing of the application herein; : " . , .. ,1 -\ot , " - 2 - E 881453 THE BOARD ORDERS that th i s app 1 i cat i on be granted and that the app 1 i cant may enter into such proposed agreement in the form filed with the Board on the 26th day of October, 1988, provided that the Council of the applicant corporation in exercising any power approved by this order shall comply and conform with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto. EN T E!~ O,B. No. .................:.':1:. Folio No. ......G2.l.j,....... DEe 0 7 1988 fkf.lolL SECRETARY, or-/T. MUNICIPAL BOARD SECRETARY .~ .," , Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario 180 Dundas 51. West/180, rue Dundas, ouest Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 416/598-2266 Please respond to:/S.v,P. repondre a: November 30, 1988 Mrs. Deanna McDuff HAl1PTON, Ontario LOB lJO Daar Mrs. McDuff: Re: O.M.B. File E 881453 Town of Newcastle Entering into a contract agreement Browning-Ferris Ind11sties for the Collection of Garbage This is further to your letter of opposition dated October 26th, 1988, and enclosed petition to the above-mentioned proje.ct. Your objection was referred to the Board and I have been directed to advise you that J).ased on a legal opinion submitted by the Town's solicitor, tendering was not neces:sary in this case since the proper procedures' were followed in the Town's renegotiations and consolidations of the three existing contracts with, BFI which. were due to terminate December 31st, 1988, and under such circumstances, a hearing was not necessary. The Board has approved the above-mentioned application within the legislative competence of the Council. A copy of the Board's order is enclosed herewith for your information. Yours truly (Mrs.). B. Wagner Senior Processing Clerk Capital Expenditure Section c.c. Treasurer of the Town of Newcastle f ~- .i~' , c, ,II '.. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ATTACHMENT #1 THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT made k~bftZ I ~ 1988. Bet-.een The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereinafter called the NTownN of the First Part clnd Browning-Ferris Industries herein~fter called the NContractorN of the Second Part WHt~EAS the above parties have by contract negotiated and signed. previously, agreel~nts that the contractor was to perform all work. provide all labour, equipment. machinery and materials that may be necessary for the performance of household refuse and household trash collection services within the Town af Newcastle as hereinafter described and indentified by the parties; and WHEREAS the parties are, prior to the termination date of said contracts. desirous of extending the terms and conditions thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the sum of $1.00 now paid by the Contractor to the Town. the receipt whereof is hereoy ackno-.ledged, and other good and valuable consideration. and the convenants herein contained, the Town and the Contractor agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall perform all work. supply all labour, machinery, equ i pment, and mater i a 1. and do all th ings necessary for the performance of household refuse and household trash collection services within the Town, in accordance with the provisions of Schedules .A~ and MeN attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. 2. The Contractor shall conform to all the terms of this Agreement. and any instructions relevant thereto that may be issued by the Town's Director of Public Works during the term of this Agreement. 3. The work herein described shall be performed by the Contractor with all due diligence and without interruption during the term hereof, nar~ly, from January 1st, 1989 to December 31st, 1993, inclusive. 4. The Town in consideration of the satisfactory performance' by t.he Contractor of the covenants herein contained hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor during the term of this Agreement the sums upon the times and in the amounts as set out in Schedule uBN attached hereto, and forming part of this Agreement. (N WITNESS WHEREOF. the Parties have hereunto affixed their corporate seals, attested to by the hands of their proper officers in that behalf fully authorized. SIGNEO. SEALED ANO DELIVERED The Corpor9-tfcn of Newcastle Seal Clerk , "'.' 4 ...."." "'" ~" ': ~ ' . ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL CONDITIONS SCHEDULE "A" page - 1 - 1. DEFINITION OF CONTRACT The work required to be done by the contractor under this contract comprises the collection of any or all "Household Refuse and Household Trash" within the defined limits as set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto. 2. CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY The contractor, his agents or representatives and all workmen and persons employed by him, or under his control, including sub-contractors, shall use due care and attention to ensure that no person or property suffers injury or loss (inclUding death) as a result of or due to the negligence or willful misconduct of the contractor, or any of the persons set out above, in the performance or execution of the work, acts or things agreed to be done or performed under this agreement, and that no rights (including inventions, industrial, property or patent rights) are infringed as a result of or by reason of the use or employment of any vehicles, machinery, equipment or materials in the execution of the work or operations of the contractor under this agreement. The contractor shall be solely responsible for all damages by whomsoever claimable in respect of such loss, injury or infringement of rights and shall assume the defense of, indemnify and save the Town of Newcastle, its agents, officers and employees harmless from all claims, demands, loss, damages, actions, suits or other procedures (and any costs or expenses to be incurred by the Town) by whomsoever made, brought or prosecuted, in any manner based upon, occasioned by or attributed to any such loss, injury or infringement. 3. I NSURAOCE The contractor shall take out, with an Insurer licensed to carry out business in Ontario, a comprehensive Policy of Public Liability and property Damage Insurance, acceptable to the Town of Newcastle, providing insurance coverage in respect of anyone person and anyone accident to the extent of at least $3,000,000.00 (Three Million Dollars) exclusive of interest and cost, against loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to, or death of, one or more persons and loss of, or damage to, property and such policy shall name the Town of Newcastle as an additional insured thereunder to the extent of any liabilities contractually assumed by the Contractor and shall protect the Town of Newcastle against all claims for all damage or injury (including death) to any person or persons, and for damages to any property of the Town, or any public or private property resulting from, or arising out of, any act or oroiRsion on the part of the contractor or any of his agents, workmen, employees or persons under his control, including sub-contractors, during the execution of this Agreement. The contractor shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Town of Newcastle a certified copy of the Policy or Certificate thereof. The insurance coverage above mentioned shall remain in full force and effect throughout the terms of this Agreement. --- '. , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL CONDITIONS SCHEDULE "A" Page - 2 - 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION The contractor shall, at all times, payor cause to be paid any assessment or compensation required to be paid pursuant to the Workers' Compensation Act. The contractor shall hold harmless the Town of Newcastle from any claim under the provisions of the said Act. 5. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, provincial, Regional and Municipal laws, statutes, regulations and by-laws. 6. PAYMENT payment to the contractor by the Town of Newcastle, will be made monthly, in the month following the performance of the services provided, based on the actual units serviced and under the Terms of this contract. The contractor shall submit monthly invoices to the Town of Newcastle. The contractor is entitled to receive monthly payments at the rate of 100 percent of the work completed, less all stipulated forfeitures and deductions. Before making any payment for work performed hereunder, the Town may require the contractor to satisfy the Town that all claims against the contractor for labour, materials, or things hired, or supplied, upon or for the works, have been paid or satisfied, or if any such claims are found to exist may pay such sums and the contractor shall repay the same within two days or the Town may, at its option, withhold from the payment due sufficient amounts to satisfy the same. 7 . MONIES DUE TO THE TOWN All monies payable to the Town by the contractor under any stipulation herein, or to the Workers' Compensation Board, as provided hereunder, may be r~tained out of any monies due or which may become due from the Town to the contractor hereunder or may be recovered from the contractor or its surety in any court of competent juriSdiction, as a debt due ,to the Town; and the Director of Public Works shall have full power to estimate such sums even though the amount of such sum to be so retained, may be unascertained. 8. LIENS .- The contractor and its surety or themselves, their successors and assigns shall fully indemnify the Town and all its officers, servants and employees from any and all liability or expenses by way of legal costs or otherwise in respect to any claim which may be made for lien or charge at law or in equity or to any claim or liability under the Construction Lien Act or to any attachment or debt, garnishee process or otherwise arising out of the performance or execution of the work under the Contract Agreement. The Town shall not in any case be liable to any greater extent than the amount owing by it to the contractor, its successors and aSSigns. . " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL CONDITIONS SCHEDULE "A" Page - 3 - 9 . DURATION OF CONTRAcr The services required herein will be for a period of five (5) years, commencing January 1, 1989 and expiring December 31, 1993. 10. SURETY The TOwn reserves the right to request surety in the amount of 100% of the annual contract value, from the contractor together with an acceptable recognized reliable financial or bonding institution. The form of surety will be determined by the Town for guaranteeing due performance and maintenance of the contract. 11. SUBLETTING The contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder without the written consent of the Director of Public Works. The contractor shall be held as fully responsible to the TOwn for the acts and admissions of its sub-contractors and of persons indirectly employed by it as for the acts and admissions of persons directly employed by it. 12. FORFEITURE OF CONTRACT -- If the contractor neglects or compounds with its creditors to commit any act of insolvency, or shall transfer, assign, or sublet, or attempt to transfer, assign or sublet this contract, or any part thereof, without the consent of the TOwn, or if at any time the work or any part thereof is in the judgement of the Director of Public Works not executed, or not being executed in a sound and workmanlike manner to his satisfaction and in all respects in strict conformity with the contract, or if such work or any part thereof is not progressing continuously, and in such manner as to ensure entire satisfaction, in the judgement of the Director of Public Works, or to comply with any reasonable order it may receive from the Director of public Works, or if the contractor shall persist in any course in violation of the provisions of this contract, then in each and every such case, after 24 hours written notice from the Director of Public Works to the contractor, the Director of Public Works shall have the full right and power at his discretion, without process or action at law, to take over the whole operation, or any part of parts thereof specified in the said notice, out of the hands of the contractor, and the contractor upon receiving notice to that effect shall give up every operation or the part or parts thereof specified in the notice, peaceably to the Director of public Works, who may either relet the same to any other person or persons, with or without previously being advertised, or may employ workmen and provide the necessary plant at the expense of the contractor or may take such other steps as the Director of Public Works may consider necessary or advisable in order to secure the cOJl'q:>letion of the contract to his satisfaction; and the contractor I, .' THE CORPORATION OF THE 'l'OilN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL CONDITIONS SCHEDULE" A" page - 4 - 13. FORFEITURE OF CONTRACT (continued) and its surety in every case shall be liable for all damages, expenditures and extra expenditure, and for all additional costs of the work which may be incurred by reason thereof. All the powers of the Director of pUblic Works with respect to the determination of the sum or sums or balance of money to be paid to or received from the said contractor and.otherwise in respect to the contract shall nevertheless continue in force. 14. OTHER RIGHTS The contractor, its agents and all workmen and persons employed by it or under its control, shall use due care that no person is injured, and that no property is damaged in the prosecution of the work; the contractor shall be solely responsible for all damages to persons or property including theft, whether or not the property is owned by the TOwn or any of its employees. 15 . BRIBE:RY OR CORRUPT PRACTICE Should the contractor or any of its agents give or offer, any gratuity to, or attempt to bribe, any member of the TOwn OJuncil, Officer or servant of the TOwn, the TOwn shall be at liberty to cancel the con~act forthwith, or direct the Director of pUblic WOrks to take the whole or any part of the works out of the hands of the contractor, under the same provisions of those specified in paragraph "Forfeiture of OJntract" hereof. 16. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR Any notice or communication to the contractor shall be d~med to be well and sufficiently given and served if handed to the contractor or any of its clerks or agents or if posted or sent to 1 McKnight Road, P.o. Box 2398, Oshawa, Ontario, LlH 7V6, or to its usual place of business, or if posted to, or left at its last known address, and any papers so left, sent or addressed, shall be considered to be and to have been legally served upon the contractor. In any written or printed notice to the contractor in respect of general, special or other repairs or of any work of any nature required to be done under any of the provisions of the contract, or any other matter, it shall not be obligatory upon the Director of pUblic WOrks to specify minut~ly or in detail, everything required, not to specify by measurement the exact extent thereof, or the precise spot or spots where the work or material may be defective or faulty, or where aII'j of the requirements of the specifications have not been observed; but a reference in such notice to the clause or clauses bearing upon the matter, and a description of the locality in general terms, and sufficiently clear, in the opinion of the Director of pUblic WOrks, to indicate where the trouble or defect exists, shall be deemed to be, and shall be ample notice. -- 1, ,.... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NE.WCASTLE GENERAL CONDITIONS SCHEDULE "A" Page - 5 - DEFINITIONS 17. Director of public works Director of public WOrks shall mean the Director of Public WOrks of the Town of Newcastle or his authorized representative. 18. Contract contract means this Agreement, all Schedules hereto and all securities, specifications, general conditions and other documents referred to, or connected with this agreement. 19. Contractor Contractor means the company, person, corporation or partnership performing collection and haulage of household refuse and household trash under contract wi th the TOwn of Newcastle. 20 . Town Town means the Corporation of the TOwn of Newcastle. -- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" page - 6 - 1. Definitions 1. 01 "Bundle" means brush, leaves, garden refuse, paper, cardboard, discarded clothing and other household refuse, not specified in clauses 1.04 and 1.05, which is not placed in regulation containers, and which is (i) compacted and tied in lengths of not more than 1.2 metres (4 ft.) and 60 centimetres (2 ft.) in diameter, and of a weight not in excess of 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.), or (U) fastened securely in throwaway type cartons, of a weight not in excess of 22.7 kilograms (50 Ibs.) and a size not in excess of o . 35 cubic metres (12 cu. ft.) which can be readily placed in the loading hopper of the refuse collection unit. 1.02 "o:>ntainer" means: (i) a returnable receptacle (a) manufactured for the use of the collection of household refuse, (b) of a height of not more than 66 centimetres (26 in.), (c) of a diameter of not more than 46 centimetres (18 in.), (d) constructed of materials, which have an equivalent durability to number 28 gauge metal, (e) having a tight fitting waterproof lid and t~ (2) handles of adequate strength for lifting, and (f) weighing not more than 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.) with contents, or (ii) a non-returnable plastic bag (a) of a capacity of not more than 0.08 cubic metres (3 cu. ft.), (b) composed of material of not less than 1-1/2 mil gauge material capable of carrying 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.) of contents without tearing, (c) weighing not more than 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.) with contents, -- or 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 -- 1.07 THE CORPORATION OF THE TCMN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS Page ... 7 - SCHEDULE "B" (iii) a non-returnable carton (a) of a capacity of not more than 0.08 cubic metres (3 cu. ft.), and (b) weighing not more than 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.) with contents "o:mtractor" means the company, person, corporation or partnership performing collection and haulage of household refuse and household trash under contract with the 'TOwn of Newcastle. "aousehold Refuse" shall mean all rejected, abandoned or discarded food or table or kitchen waste material from the preparation of food, ashes, discarded paper products, newsprint, wearing apparel, floor sweepings, grass clippings and garden wastes, clippings from trees and shrubs, glass, crockery and metals. "Household Trash" includes weighty or bulky articles such as stoves, furnaces, bed springs, mattresses, furniture, boxes, barrels, water and fuel tanks, used Christmas trees and any other discarded materials which would normally accumulate at a dwelling and which are not included in household refuse, but shall not include bodies of auto- mobiles, large parts of automobiles,. animal carcasses, boulders in excess of 0.03 cubic metres (l cu. ft.), trees or tree stumps with the exception of used Christmas trees. "aouseholder" shall mean any owner, occupant, lessee, tenant, or any person having use, occupation and/or charge of any dwelling, hotel, r~3taurant, apartment house, condominium building, office building, public institution, service station, industrial building, commercial premises, store, shopping centre, or plaza or portion thereof or any other premises. "Dwelling Unit" shall mean a unit consisting of one or more rooms designed for use as a single housekeeping establishment. .. '. 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 ....... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" page - 8 - "DWelling" shall mean a detached building consisting of not more than three dwelling units, and shall include a rooming house which does not qualify as an apartment building herein. "Commercial premises" shall mean a premises from which a commercial business is being operated and shall include apartment buildings, and/or condominium buildings. "Industrial premises" shall mean a premises from which an industrial business is being operated. "COndominium Building" shall mean a building under individual dwelling unit ownership or under the ownership of a condominium corporation. "street" shall mean any public highway, road, lane, alley, square, place, thoroughfare or way within the Town of Newcastle. "Town" shall mean the MUnicipal COrporation of the Town of Newcastle. "Director of Public Works" shall mean the Director of Public Works of the Town of Newcastle or his authorized representative. "By-LaW Enforcement Officer" shall mean the By-Law Enforcement Officer for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle or any other officer authorized by the corporation of the Town of Newcastle for the enforce- ment of By-Laws in the Town of Newcastle. "Apartment Building" means a building which consists of four or more dwelling units. "Designated Disposal site" shall mean the disposal site designated and approved by the Town of Newcastle. c;~ " . THE CORPORATION OF THE ro":N OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIOt:S SCHEDULE nB' page - 9 - 2.00 scope of Work This contract is for the collection and haulage to the Designated Disposal Site of all household ~efuse and household trash, put out for collection at the curb in accordance with this Contract, within the geographic boundaries of the Corporation of the TOwn of Newcastle. a) This contract does not include the development known as "wilmot Creek" within collection areas as defined in this agreement. b) This contract excludes all, commercial premises, industrial premises, apartment buildings, condominium buildings, dwellings and dwelling units, wherein any of these establishments have agreed and signed development agreements with the TOwn of Newcastle, which specify that the party or parties signing said development agreement with the TOwn of Newcastle, agree to make their own arrangements for refuse removal and disposal. 3. Level of Service 3.01 LOcation of Refuse and Trash for Collection All items to be collected in accordance with this contract shall be put out at one (1) location, at ground level as close as possible to the curb or travelled roadway and where the curb forms part of the sidewalk, as close as possible to the property owner's side of the sidewalk, so as not to impede or obst:uct pedestrian or vehicular traffic or maintenance operations. -- '. '''' THE CORPORATION OF THE TCMN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "Bit page - 10 - Where any apartment building or condominium building, commercial or industrial premises provides a properly designed, constructed and maintained road system whereby the contractor can safely drive onto the property to an exterior ground level refuse storage area located on or at the edge of the road system, turn around and return to the public highway, the contractor will be required to provide this service if so directed by the Director of Public works. Where for any reason collection cannot be made from the locations specified in this section, items to be collected pursuant to this contract shall be placed at locations designated by the Director of public WOrks. When construction work is being performed on the road allowance, all items to be collected in accordance with this contract shall be placed as close as practicable to an access point for the collection unit. The Contractor may decline to collect any items which have not been placed out in accordance with the By-Law. EXcept by order of the Director of pUblic ~rks, no collection unit owned, rented or operated under contract to the Town of Newcastle, shall enter a privately owned driveway or roadway or land or other private property for collecting household refuse or household trash. SUch order shall not be given unless it is feasible and economical for the Town to so enter private property. 3.02 Frequency and Times of COllection collection shall be made once a week per dwelling between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EXceptions to collection hours shall be effected only upon the approval of the Director of pUblic WOrks. ...... ';,.. '" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOtlN OF NE.WCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" page - 11 - 3.03 Holiday EXclusions NO collection shall be made on the New years Day Good Friday victoria DaY Dominion DaY following holidays: Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Chr istmas Day 3.04 collection conflicts with Holidays When a regular collection day falls on a designated holiday, the collection shall be made on the following ~rking day and in no case shall the change in schedule result in any other collections being delayed. When a holiday falls on a regular collection day, it may be necessary for the COntractor to work on saturday to complete the collection during that week. 3. OS Limitation on Number of Items placed out for COllection The Town shall collect a combined total of not more than six (6) containers, plastic bags or bundles per collection per dwelling unit, commercial premises or industrial premises or apartment buildings, or other premises not otherwise provided for. 4. Materials Not COllected by the TOwn All materials not collected by the Town shall be disposed of as directed by the Director of public WOrks and at the expense of the consignee or owner of such materials so abandoned, condemned or rejected. The decision of the Director of Public WOrks shall be final as to quantities and class of material to be collected. The following materials shall not be collected by the Town of Newcastle or its contractor(s). -- (a) SWill or other organic matter not properly drained or wrapped. (b) Liquid waste and pathogenic wastes from hospitals. (c) Bay, straw or manure. ,.... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" page - 12 - (d) Night soil and animal waste. (e) Any material which has become frozen to the container and cannot be removed by shaking. (f) Industrial or trade waste including any abandoned, condemned or rejected product or waste material, builders' or contractors' refuse, and the stock of any wholesale or retail merchant. (g) Discarded truck or automobile parts, tires accessories from automotive service stations or similar automotive establishments. (h) Medical wastes. ( i) Any material in receptacles or bundles which do not conform to section S(b) and 7(b) herein. (j) Hot ashes or any waste materials capable of starting fires. (k) EXplosive or highly combustible materials. (1) Sod, earth, tree trunks and branches, stone, building materials or building rubbish, frozen containers, except from individual residence and in quantities of less than 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.) per specified container. (m) carcasses or parts thereof of any dog, cat, fowl or any other creature (with exception of bona fide kitchen waste). (n) Radioactive material. 5. COntainers for Household Refuse (a) All household refuse or other refuse to be collected by the TOwn of Newcastle or its contractor(s) must be ,placed and kept in containers in accordance with the regulations herein. (b) (i) EXcept, as otherwise provided, every Householder shall provide sufficient containers of not more than 0.06 cubic metres (2 cu. ft.) capacity which with the contents shall weigh not more than 22.7 kilograms (50 Ibs.), and are . satisfactory to the Director of Public Works for the deposit of household refuse. - . , . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NE.WCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "a" page - 13 - (ii) containers shall be covered, watertight containers, have suitable handles, and be not more than 66 centimetres (26 in.) high or 46 centimetres (18 in.) in diameter. (iii) NOn-returnable plastic bags of 0.08 cubic metres (3 cu. ft.) maximum capacity with a minimum of 1.5 mil thickness and capable of being lifted with 22.7 kilograms (50 Ibs.) of contents may also be used. (iv) containers which are smaller at the top than at the bottom, paper boxes, 20 litre (5 gal.) paint cans, oil drums, lard cans and other similar containers shall not be used unless such containers are intended for disposal with contents and are securely closed, covered or otherwise rendered unlikely to permit the contents to be scattered. (v) Grass clippings, garden waste and clippings from trees and shrubs may be placed in returnable open baskets of at least 0.35 hectolitre (1 bushel) capacity. (vi) EVery HOuseholder shall place all such containers at the point or points to be served on the days of collection as provided in section 3.01. (vii) AShes shall be cold and shall be placed in approved containers as specified in paragraph S(b(ii). (c) NO container shall be filled above the top level, and all containers, except as provided for in section S(b) shall be provided with good watertight covers which shall be properly placed and maintained on such containers at all times, so as to prevent access by insects or the escape ,of odours therefrom. 6. street Rece2tacles contractor to provide weekly pick up of downtown business street containers. pick up unit price to include replacing plastic bag. -- ,. '. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" page - 14 - 7. preparation of Household Refuse for collection (a) Household Refuse must be drained of all liquid and securely wrapped before being placed in containers. (b) Such articles as crates, newspapers, packing materials, brush, tree and garden/lawn cuttings and materials of like nature may be collected in a like manner as household refuse, but must be securely tied in compact bundles or parcels, not exceeding 1.2 metres (4 ft.) in length and 60 centimetres (2 ft.) in diameter or weighing over 22.7 kilograms (50 lbs.) or placed in sufficient containers of the type specified in Section 5(b). (c) Garden containers and all household refuse emanating from any building shall at all times be kept on a portion of the householder's premises. All such containers and household refuse shall be placed for collection as specified herein on the days for collection. (d) (i) "HOusehold Trash" includes weighty or bulky articles such as stoves, furnaces, bed springs, mattresses, furniture, boxes, barrels, water and fuel tanks, used Christmas trees and any other discarded materials which would normally accumulate at a dwelling and which are not included as household refuse, but shall not include bodies of automobiles, large parts of automobiles, animal carcasses, boulders in excess of 0.03 cubic metres (1 cu. ft.)trees with the exception of used Christmas trees or tree stumps. (ii) "Household Trash" is excluded from household refuse preparation and will be picked up along with household refuse on regular collection days. ....... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" 8. Equipment page - 15 - 8.01 Supply of Equipment (i) The Contractor will be required to supply the necessary number of refuse collection units, with drivers and loaders, sufficient to collect and haul to the Designated Disposal Site all household refuse and household trash, placed out for collection within the Town limits in accordance with the By-LaW governing the collection and disposal of household refuse, household trash and for the dumping of the items collected at the Designated Disposal Site, which is not required to be maintained by the contractor. (ii) The contractor will determine the original number of units required to perform the collection within the time period prescribed, but the Director of Public WOrks will have the right to instruct the contractor at any time after the beginning of the contractor's operations, to increase the number of units to ensure adequate performance. In any event the contractor shall provide a minimum of five (5) new packertype collection units each with a capacity of not less than twenty (20) cubic yards to ensure adequate performance during regular collection. (iiU Collection units to be used for collection must be 1988 models or newer, or as otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. (iv) The contractor must keep within the Municipality a sufficient number of spare collection units. (v) The Contractor will be required to supply whatever additional collection units are required to adequately handle any additional collections required under this contract. ....... " 8.02 -- THE CORPORATION OF THE ~ OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS page - 16 - SCHEDULE "B" (vi) This contract includes a year round household trash collection, and it will be the contractor's responsibility to provide on the regular collection days, sufficient properly equipped collection units to pick up any household trash which has been put out for collection. It should be noted that there may be periods of the year when a considerabl~ amount of household trash will be placed out and it will be the Contractor's responsibility to provide sufficient collection units, loading equipment and labour to handle these seasonal peaks with each area to be completed on its scheduled date. (vii) Household refuse or household trash shall not be left uncollected overnight unless approved by the Director of Public ~rks. Repeated offences would place the contractor in violation of the contract. Maintenance of B;{uipment (i) The contractor will be responsible for maintenance, repairs and all other operating costs of the equipment supplied including fuel, licensing, insurance, daily washing, storage, etc. The refuse collection units are to be properly constructed and . maintained to eliminate the depositing of crushed debris and water onto the streets during the operation of the contract. It is the contractor's responsibility to immediately clean up any debris which falls from the truck onto the street. This includes broken glass particles, paint, or hydraulic oil and may require that the street or property be washed, flushed or otherwise restored to the satisfaction of ~he Director of Public ~rks. (H) All equipment supplied by the t..'"Ontractor must be kept clean at all times, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public ~rks. All equipment shall be washed daily. The equipment shall be painted on a regular basis as required. Frequency of p?inting to be such that a desirable appearance is maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Public ~rks. .- .J " 8.03 9. 9.01 THE CORPORATION OF THE ~N OF NE.WCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" Page - 17 - Advertising and Information on Trucks (i) No advertising may be carried on the collection units except that the name of the contractor may be affixed upon all collection units and each unit shall be numbered. The colour of lettering on each collection unit will be subject to approval by the Director of Public ~rks. (ii) The contractor will be required to stencil a numbering system on the collection units to accommodate the necessary accounting system for loads entering the Designated Disposal site. !my additional hired collection units which may be required during peaks in the hosuehold trash pick-up periods may also require a similar system of numbering. (iii) All collection units engaged in collection of household refuse, household trash shall bear Town of Newcastle decals displayed on each side of the vehicle. Said decals shall be supplied by the Town of Newcastle and paid for by the contractor. (iv) The contractor is directly responsible to ensure that no collection unit transports garbage from a source other than the Town of Newcastle and enters the Designated Disposal Site while bearing the Town of Newcastle decals on display. Such action would be considered a direct violation of this agreement, thereby, Clause 12 of the General Conditions may be invoked. personnel Deportment of Employees The contractor shall ensure that all employees are provided with a neat, clean and distinctive work Uniform which is to be worn at all times while on duty. The contractor shall be responsible to provide all necessary facilities for employees such that a high degree of cleanliness can be maintained. Employees shall at all times behave in a polite, courteous and respectful manner towards the public. Any employee contravening this section or 'soliciting or accepting any gratuity for work done under this contract shall be summarily dismissed. -- J '. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOON OF NF.WCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS Page - 18 - SCHEDULE II Bit 10. Method of Operation 10.01 Requirement for Office within Municipality The contractor shall maintain an office and telephone within the TOwn of Newcastle. The office shall be staffed 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in order to receive complaints from the public, and/or instructions from the Director of PUblic WOrks. 10.02 supervision of Operation by Contractor The contrac~or shall have on duty on all collection days sufficient qualIfied supervisors, each having a telephone equipped or two-way radio equipped vehicle so as to ensure a courteous, prompt and efficient service for handling complaints. These vehicles will be so equipped that they will be capable of picking up waste, missed household refuse, household trash, etc. from containers which have not been picked up by the contractor and which in the opinion of the Director of PUblic WOrks are the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor will be required to record all complaints received, on forms designed and supplied by the MUnicipality, and the complaints will be swnmarized on a monthly basis by the contractor and delivered to the Director of public WOrks on a day to be determined by the Director of PUblic WOrks. similarly, all complaints received by the TOwn of Newcastle shall be recorded and forwarded to the contractor. 10.03 Emergency After Hours Service The contractor shall provide adequate staff and means of communication for any emergency service required outside of normal working hours. ,-,I.. " . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS page - 19 - SCHEDULE "B" 10.04 Work to be Performed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public WOrks (i) All work performed under this contract will be performed to the satisfaction of the Director of public WOrks, who shall be the sole arbiter in any dispute regarding the interpretation of the contract between the TOwn of Newcastle, the property owners, tenants and the contractor, and the Director of Public works' decision shall be final and binding. (ii) Where in the opinion of the Director of Public WOrks, the contractor has been in default of any portion of the contract or By-Law, the Director of Public WOrks may request the contractor to take ~iate action to rectify the situation on the regular collection day on which the problem occurred. 10.05 .- preparation of and Changes to COllection Schedule (i) prior to commencing the contract, the contractor shall submit to the Director of Public WOrks for approval, a detailed schedule showing the collection area for each collection unit for each day. (ii) All changes in collection schedules the Director of Public works before contractor shall be responsible for any changes. (iii) Notice of changes in the collection schedule, due to holidays or any other reason, shall be placed in the local newspapers. (iv) The advertisement shall be of at least display size with at least two (2) insertions for each notice, with the wording, size of advertisement and n~~er of insertions to be approved by the Director of Public Works. proposed advertisements will be submitted to the Director of public WOrks for approval at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of their insertion in the newspapers. (vi) All advertising pertaining to this contract shall be paid for by the contractor. and routes must be approved by they come into effect and the advising the general public of (v) ,,' . ... ~ ~. . 10.06 10.07 10.08 .- ~,' THE CDRPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS page - 20 - SCHEDULE n B" Strikes or LOckouts In the event of a strike or lockout, the contractor is responsible to maintain refuse collection and disposal service, by whatever means necessary to avoid any disruption of service. LOcation of Disposal Site All household refuse and household trash shall be hauled by the contractor to the Brock West Site or any other Designated Disposal site. Should another site be designated as the Designated Disposal Site and the new haulage distance is increased or decreased by less than ten (10) kilometres return, the contractor will receive only the contract price, without any compensation from the M.micipality due to the change. If the new haulage distance is increased or decreased by ten (10) kilometres or more return, payment to the contractor will be increased or decreased respectively at a rate to be negotiated between the parties to this contract. Any change in haulage distance will be based on the difference in distance from the geographic centre of t~e TOwn of Newcastle being for the purposes of this contract identified as the intersection of Durham Regional Roads 42 and 4 to the new disposal site, as opposed to the distance to the former disposal site. This difference in kilometres travelled per day will be multiplied by the number of loads which enter the Designated Disposal Site per day from this contract and then multiplied by the negotiated rate per kilometre as noted above. collection in Accordance with Municipal By-Laws The contractor will be required to collect the household refuse, household trash, in accordance with the TOwn of Newcastle By-Law and transport the items collected directly to the Designated Disposal Site. The loaders shall return the return~le containers and covers properly to the location from where they were picked up, immediately upon depositing their contents into the collection unit. All Federal, Provincial and local laws and regulations now or hereafter enacted shall become a part of the contract and be complied with in the performance of all portions of the work. ..... . , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE "B" Page - 21 - 11. Method of payment payment for the work to be done under this Agreement will be made at the unit rate per stop per month, paid to the contractor for the Agreement period, and for greater particularity, the "stop" figure to be used for computing the monthly payment to the contractor. upon commencement of the contract, January 1, 1989, shall be established as 12,739 Residential plus 400 Commercial/Industrial stops and shall be identified and verified by the contractor and submitted to the Director of public Works for approval and acceptance. The number of stops shall be updated monthly by the contractor submitting a list of the addresses of the changes for verification by the Director of public Works. Monthly payments to the contractor will be adjusted by the increases or decreases respectively in stops as approved by the Director of public Works. -- 11.01 The TOwn shall pay to the contractor for services rendered pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement: (a) The sum of $ 4.97 per stop per month during the period of January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989. payment will be processed on approximately the 15th day of the month following. (b) Annual Review: The per stop payment will be reviewed for the first time in December, 1989 to take effect from January 1, 1990 and subsequently each year from January 1st. This review will be based as follows: The adjusted rate shall be determined in accordance with the following formula and based on figures as supplied by statistics canada's COnsumer Price Index: current Rate x F = Adjusted Rate Where F = 50% of (A) + 15% of (B) + 15% of (C) + .20, / "(A)" ooing the average hourly earnings (manufacturing) for the City of TOronto in December of the current calender year, divided by the same earnings in December of the preceding calender year. "(B)" being the industry selling price index for trucks with gross weight of 19,501 Ibs. to 26,000 Ibs. for canada in December of the current calender year, divided by the same index in December of the preceding calender year, and