HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-33 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 87- 33 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Town of Newcastle (Mearns Avenue, Lot 8, Cone. 1, Bowmanville) BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, BY THE COUNCIL THEREOF AS FOLLOWS: The following land is hereby established as a Public Highway known as Mearns Avenue in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle. The said land hereby established as a Public Highway is described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR THAT certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, formerly Part of Lot 8, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, now within the limits of the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, more particularly described as Part 4 on Registered Reference Plan 10R-1718, deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Divisionoof Newcastle (No. 10) on October 25th 1983. By-law read a first and second time this 23rd day of February 1987. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of February 1987. ayor ~'WGv. er ., ~ ft~ ~;ov<nce ~ Onlarlo Document General Form 4 - unci Reglstl'lltlon R.form Act, 1984 DYE & DURHA.J.,l C:' ~'I,A ~ For"" "'0 Sl65 '. o (1) Reglltry [3 Land Title. 0 (2) Page 1 of 2 pages 1~~u~09 (3) r=:r(') Block t.tUM!')l"h ' . ...." '- .. t1 tl{~,n '.__"'_<<-_ -.. Cl2t1RtA~ ~ tIGI$1IADGII (4) Nature of Document Property Additional S~ r SchOOule L ~ -J Z o I.U en ;:) I.U U u: u.. o a: o u.. I I 0 ~ N!V/CASTLE Ii:). 10 B C\v;l.u:.. '\'VU.t.E )'1) u~ By-Law (5) Conllderatlon nfa Dollars $ (6) DncrlpUon Part of Lot 8, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, now more particularly described as Part 4 on Plan 10R-1718, in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municiality of Durham New Property Identifiers AdditiOnal: See 0 Schedule Execution. AdditiONI: See Schedule o (7) Thll Document ConWlns: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch f: (b) Schedule tor: Additional O! Description 0 Parties A (8) Thi. Document Pf'ovlde. a. follow.: o Other fie] .A A Certified copy of By-Law Number 87-33 is attached hereto. ( (9) Thl. Document relate. to In.trument number(.) (10) Par1y(le.) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Continued on Schedule ~ ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ~ . il'Ov1N 'OP' NEWCAS'TLE~' by .its............... solicitors . ~"I'MS; . BR'ADY' &' .McINER.NEY................. Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D ...... i1987i03i~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . : . . ... . \ . . . ~~{Q. .f.~t~~ \ ~.~ . . . . . . . . i . . . . . : . . .1. . . , '. ! ; i : ,: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . I. . .:. . . : : I , " , .' , " , " , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) Addres. tor Service 40 Temperance Street, Bowrnanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . , , , . , , . . .. ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) Addre.. for SefYiee (14) Municipal Addre.. of Property (15) Docume~t Prepared by: Mearns Avenue Sims, Brady & McInerney 117 King Street, Box 358 Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S4 John F. Brady I~ Fees and Tax ~ Registration Fee /(0 ()U w en ;:) I.U () u: u.. o IX: l~ Totti / (tJ ()V t0174 (12/84) ,~.: /'#:1 .',"~------ . ' , ' - d- " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 87- 33 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Town of Newcastle (Mearns Avenue. Lot 8. Cone. 1. Bowmanville) BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, BY THE COUNCIL THEREOF AS FOLLOWS: The following land is hereby established as a Public Highway known as Mearns Avenue in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle. The said land hereby established as a Public Highway is described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR THAT certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, formerly Part of Lot 8, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, now within the limits of the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, more particularly described as Part 4 on Registered Reference Plan 10R-1718, deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Di vision/;of Newcastle (No. 10) on October 25th 1983. By-law read a first and second time this 23rd day of February 1987. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of February 1987. ayor rCERTIFIED UNDER lHI ... DE JIll i CLERK AND SEAL Of THII i CORPORATIONOflHlJDII --alUlll ..J,..'.' : TO BE A TRill con Of 11_' ,.,. ~ /1 ~f rHlq~JII" " . I1ATijI III .. a\' I ~ I~...:...v /) - 43: ! ~-".,"f,___ ~)l_ ~ ~ r I ","_~_^"....__,,~!;ro;'l.E~i1 DJf :; ',.:, t:,:::-.; + MATERIAL 'ERlAL - MYLAR 1()3 .HOt 'ttOlOGftAPH.C .L "T" 19 (~M~' ~ f/* jY+ -:Y I " ('00" rJ,~r~T :, p~/J.rJ ;OR 465 ~ P,'.\RC8.... 7'-:, CON. :, SeC. j(1 rJEWC:~SILE ..; ~ Sla(~J8ENT (O~R' 'rJf::TclrJ ' R€f>LACED W'TH (N 150so'io':" <-,::J , SIB W'T. (1t/77022'E - Pl.AN IOR46:SJ - "'75052'''' _ /ttST. ~ '3.....' .. MEAS, ....Of3 · L 40.960 OLD FENCl: J 3.0" REIIlIAINS .. ". .... .t. 0 = .. ... l!J .S! '" =' '" .. 2 2 L.J > <'! V 18 en Q - 01: -, .. C-. it: c0- li] -- .~ 8 Q .. ..., 0) '" ... CI: 02 -::0 - 18 <! l"(' Ii: ~ (,I) ~ ~ 1-.... G Q.. G. _J - '" . ~8 t\I OI:~ 0 0 ~ .. -". L;] Z L'J S 1- l'J ~~ ... ... '" L'-.JSIB o 2 <1' > ....... --- '-.J _ J - I PART . .., t\i~ "'. - o ~ , LC): 19 N T203,'E 36.995 mAT SCHEDULE LOCATION AREA ( m ) INST. Nt 13/;.8 2 LOT 8. CONCESSION I 955.2 ~ 13484 (SECONDLY) 3 ( BOWMANV/LLE) 1254./ 4 310.6 / ; p o Vt t<0 \ I ~ PART 2 ~ ,.,; '" : '\\~ . 518 N no 31 E 33.755 C(JrJCE:JS!(JrJ ~ 0 /. - c\. e: \~ ~.:> Ir) \ 0 ^- ~ PART 3 III ~z 0 . . .. .,. \ 3.0< I '3 19 28.952 -N __ ~3' E 32.000 -- .- - ~ !NS-I. f'IC:_. ~l--. v --- --- : : 380 --- -- ----- A-lf?j, -............ ___ -- ' ~ p, -- .............. <--..Qj1J I ---- --- ,Or:?" ............ I_Ii ___ I II "">1 ............... I , /'""\, ~ / I I ___ ;--;'0/,'lU:j', -............. 1 ,I'JSr. -............ 1.:..0 p, I I'tI~ :> ____. ,O,'C1> ~,41' v'S <.. ............... i- I 9 METRIC: DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO .FEET BY DIVIDING BY 0.304 8 I REOU/RE THIS Pl.ANTQ BE DEPOSITED Ut<<R TliE REGISTRY N:T. PLAN IOR~'7 f g RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED OCTOBER 25.1983 DATE O~-ro~P.f.. :::<:5. 1~Q>'. DATE 1h[.2~~ · M. D. BROWN NAME IN PRINT . PLAN. ';,oF . SURVEY OF PARTS OF LOT a. CONCESSION I, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANV'LLE NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ..-sCALE: / 500 M. D. BROWN O.L.S. 1983. 10",86420", ~ 10", , . 20", ~ 30", t SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT: I. THIS SJRVE'( AND PlAN ARE OORAECT AM) IN ACCORDANCE WI11f THE SURVEY'S N:r AND 1lE REGISTR'f N:r AND THE fElJl..ATIOHS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPlETED ON THE 5TH. DAY OF OCTOBER. 1983. OCTOBER 17, 1983. ~C-tS . . - - . -...??' --.... . . D. BROWN. ONTARIO lAND ~ BEARING REFERENCE THE BEARING OF THE WEST LIMIT OF LOT 8, CONCESSION '. SHOWN AS N 170 29'W (ASTRONOMIC) ON PLAN lOR 1/71. GOVERNS All.. BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. -t IENOTES MONUMENTATJON PLANTED + DENOiD MONUMENTAl1ON RXJND - (SI)l"ES STANDARD IRON BAR, 25 MM SOUARE, 1220 MM LONG f. DENOTES IRON BAR, 1('; MM St..'UARE, fila Pl.M LONG MERRILL D. BRONN UMfTED lAN) SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING 16 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlLLE. ONTARIO. PHONE:416-62.3 -7251 UC-3A4 DATE: OCTOBER /7, /983. SCAlE : I: 500 DRAWN f!'(: ALE: D.G.C. 83107 - R CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDMSION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT.