HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-192 .., ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 87- 192 being a by-law to authorize the execution of Supplementary Agreement #22, with Ontario Hydro (Preparation of Economic Development Material for the Town of Newcastle) THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS fOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and Seal with the Corp~ration Seal, Supplementary Agreement #22, Preparation of Economic Development Material For The Town of Newcastle, a copy of which is attached as Schedule "X". By-law read a first and second time this 23rd day of November 1987 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of November 1987 ayor ~~~ '. h. Clerk/ ~'/'" ~ " bARLINQTON QRNRRATINa aTATtoN aOPPLRMRNTARY AGRRRMRNT NO. 22 PRRPARATION O~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMRNT MATERIAL ~OR THR TOWN O~ NRWCASTLR !illS AGRIIIJIRT aade in triplicate thia 1st day of June ,19 88 BIT W I I N: ONTARIO HYDRO Hereinafter referred to aa the "CORPORATION" or THB rIRST PART - and - THR CORPORATION O~ THR TOWN OW NRWCASTLR Hereinafter referred to aa the "TOWN" or THB SICOND PART - and - THR REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY or DUR~AM Hereinafter referred to aa the "RBGION" or THB THIRD PART WHIRIAS the Corporation and the Town have entered lnto an A.ree.ent (hereinafter r.f.rred to aa the Newcaat1e Aar....nt), with reapect to the soola1, eoonoaic and financial iapacts arlaln. out of the construction and operation of the Dar1incton Generatinc Station (her.inafter ref.rred to aa the Station) on the Town dated Karch 22, 1977; . . AND WBIRIAS,the Corporation, the Region and the Town have entered into the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Regional Agreement) with respect to t~e social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Station on the Region and the Town, dated Aucust 8, 1917; AND WHIRBAS the Newcastle Agreement and the Regional Agreement provide \ for the entering into of supplementary ..~eements between the Corporation, the Town and the Region; AND WHIRIAS the Corporation. the Town and the aegion have entered into . Supple.entary Agreement entitled Community Impact Monitoring Program which involves collecting and updating data on certain impact items which may be affected by the construction and operation of the Station; AID WHIRIAS the NewoastleAaree.ent provides that the Corporation .,r..s to co.pensate the Town for those financial i.pacts undergone by the Town as a result of the construction of the Station which include the cost of pr.paration and .an....ent of a develop.ent strat.gy and growth aanaa..ent pro,ram and ite.s id.ntified during the preparation of such a strat.av and pro,ram; AMD WHBREAS the Corporation, the Town and the Region have identified that pro.otion of .cono.ic dev.lopment in the Town would assist in moderating l' .an~ioipa~ed eoonomio impao~s arisine from the deoline in numbers of oonstruotion workers at the Darlinaton Gen.ratina Station; RON TBIRlrORl, WITNESSITH that in oonsideration of the oovenants hereinafter oontained and for other aood and valuable oonsideration, the Corporation, the Town and the Reaion hereby -aree as follows: 1. The Corporation, the Town and the Reaion aaree that there is a need to undertake the preparation of promotional material to attraot eoonomio development to the Town of Newoastle by makine potential olients aware of the physioal, sooial and eoonomic components of the Town. 2. The Corporation aarees to pay from Station Account 'B' the sum of rifteen Thousand dollars <$15,000) as its portion of the cost of preparation of such promotional material. Payment will be made to the Town upon presentation by the Town to the Corporation of an invoioe for '15~000. IN WITNISS WRIRIOr the Corporation, the Town and the Reaion have caused this Alr....nt to be .x.outed by the affixine of the Corporate seals attested by the sianatures of their proper offioers duly authorized in that behalf. . . " ~ . , . ~ r';::~-"'-'-'-';" '~.., .'l ~- ..~' r" '''-..~l i vlk ~ ,cC' , t", ';7'/2;' ,.t.3" .,... ~ ,. '?~/~\! ---- ..... ,....... .. ......... o. j ;~~~:,-.~~:l h LLA_~.OP~ ~,. .rPW, 10.".' .~~ 'l r..~ _/_~,,~ t. (;.'v nd4JltO -v:f t!:"~-"~""'~:'-":'i:'-~,t ,..~e. . ..,' ~....._.~--.....---"..-........., ONTARIO HYDRO kt~~' II!' (ju.Q,J; V 1~~X~.X2X A istant Secretary THB CORPORA ION OF THI TONN OF NINCA THB RIGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DllBIIAlI~ ~~~ Chairman ~- -zJ ~ Clerk