HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-171 THE CORPORATIOfl. OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW 87- 171 being a by-law to authorize the Town to enter into an Agreement with Her Majesty, The Queen as represented by the Minister of Government Services for the Province of Ontario (Lease - 132 Church Street, Bowmanville) THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute under the Corporate Seal of the Town of Newcastle, an Agreement in the form annexed hereto as Schedule IIAII. By-law read a first and second time this 26th day of October 1987 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 26th day of October 1987. ayor l~.,-,-. ,-,--,. (-G_c:~ L~,6i-_ Clerk r' , I ' ! I I I I I I I h it ;I 'I il 1j :\ " '! :1 j :1 I i ,I i , i " , .. , :! " 'j ! I i " i , i ; ! i I 'f :f " 1 :! d " I I i .j :1 q i , I 'I ,I .. 1 i :i I , I ': " , :1 :1 'I " :1 i '\ :/ 'I ;, 'I 'I " 'I :i :! ! Ii I I 'I i i -, ! j ,! ; " :1 :! ;, I ! , , ! ,j 'i " ,I :1 :1 :, :1 i! I! i : L-1739 I I I I I I I I I I I , , i I II il , i LEASE RENEWAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in sextuplicate as of the First day of January, 1988. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE il :! :j 11 'I II 'I hereinafter called "the Lessor" OF THE FIRST PART AND: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Government Services hereinafter called "the Lessee" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS by a lease dated the First day of January, 1978 the entire second floor of the building located at the Provincial Court, Police and Fire Building at 132 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario, comprising 487 square metres (5,242 square feet) of space plus common ground floor areas. A legal description of the building site is attached hereto as Schedule "A". ,I :1 !] AND UHEREAS the said lease has been renewed from time to I time by written agreement between the parties hereto. AND WHEREAS the said lease was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on June 27, 1978 as Instrument Number 89464~ AND WHEREAS the Lessor has agreed to renew the said lease upon the following terms: NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that the parties hereto agree as follows: The area of the premises will be increased from 487 square metres (5,242 sq. ft.) to 518.1 square metres (5,577 square feet) by the inclusion of 335 square foot ,i from Lease No. L-5l98. Said lease to be closed upon commencement of this renewal. , The Lessor authorizes the Lessee to continue in II possession of the premises hereinbefore described for a ;i further term of Five (5) years commencing on the First :,~Ij., day of January, 1988 at a rental of $55,770.00 per annum, payable in advance in equalinstalments of il $4,647.50 per month, the first of such payments to " become due and be made on the 1st day of January, 1988. I 1. 2. This renewal is subject to all of the covenants and agreements contained in the lease between the parties dated the first day of January, 1988 as amended and renewed from time to time, where applicable, save and except: !I '1\ ' I '--I ... , , 1\ II il II ,. :I :1 :! i : :1 :! I i " ,I ! , .! I , :I 'I , 'j 'I - 2 - II I, !I I I I I I. I i !I :, :1 'i ,j , ,: 3. The Lessee shall have the right to renew the said lease for a term ~f Five (5) years upon giving the Lessor 3 months notice, at a rental rate to be negotiated and otherwise under the same terms and conditions; 4. The Lessee shall have the right to cancel the aforesaid lease at any time, upon giving the Lessor at least six (6) months prior written notice of the Lessee's intention to cancel ~ ' I I , q :1 :1 I I , '! 5. The base year for operating costs and municipal tax adjustment shall be updated to the calendar year 19~6. 6. This Renewal of Lease shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns of the respective parties hereto. il !I ;! 'i '; IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. ': SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE , Ii '! in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right ) of Ontario as represented by the ) Minister of Government Services ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ! :, :\ 'I :1 ; ~ :; i ,I :1 ;1 :1 'I ,I I ~, WITNESS .~.~ ,! i , ;l Per: W.A. Way Acting Director Leasing Services Branch , i :1 11 , .! , I ,I 'I :1 I :1 I I I - ,I ,'- SCHEDULE "A" ~LL AND SINGUL~R that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Bowmanvl11e, in the County of Durham), and Province of Ontario, being composed of Lots 1~9, 160, 161 and 162 in Block "Q" according to a plan of the Village of Bowmanville by John Grant, P.L.S., registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham on April 20, 1852, the boundaries of the said parcel being described as follows: PREMISING that the bearings are astronomic, derived from observation on polaris and referred to the meridian through the south-easterly corner of Lot 162, Block "Q", according to the said plan by John Grant, P.L.S., and ~elating all bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at the south-easterly corner of the said Lot 162; THENCE north seventeen degrees, fifty-five minutes, for~y s e con d sea s t (N. 1 7. 5 5' 40 " E.) a 1.0 n g the south-easterly limit of the said Lot 162, one hundred and sixty-three and seventy-five one-hundredths feet (163.75') to the north-easterly corner of the said Lot 162; THENCE north seventy-one degrees, forty-three minutes, twenty seconds west (N. 71. 43120" W.) along the north-easterly limit of the said Lots 162, 161, 160 and 159, two hundred and fifty-nine and seventy-seven one-hundredths feet (259.77') to the north-wes~erly corner of the said Lot 159; T'HENCE south nineteen degrees, nine minutes, thirty seconds we s t (S. 1 9. 09 I 30" W.) a Ion g the nor t h - w e'5 t e r 1 y limit of the said Lot 159, one hundred and sixty-four and eight one-hundredths feet (164.08') to the south-westerly corner of the said Lot 159; TliENCE south seventy-one degrees, forty-seven minutes, twenty seconds east (S. 71. 47' 20" E.) along the north-easterly limit of Church Street IS shown on the said plan by John Grant, P.L.S., two hundred and sixty-three and nineteen one-hundredths feet (263.19') to the point of commencement.. ~ND DESIGNATED AS Part 1 on Ontario Department of Public Works Plan of Survey Number 404-201L. . ~ ------_.~----_._.- ,--------- ... _....~_."---_._---_._- -----.--.-- - ...---------------- --- , DATED: January 1, 1988 ..- -' ..-- _.. --..-.. .. _._-_._-_.~"- - ... ..- ..... __..p_h ,- ,- .--... . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OF THE FIRST PART - and - HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Government Services OF THE SECOND PART LEASE RENEWAL AGREEMENT Director, Legal Branch Ministry of Government Services 3rd Floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street West Queen's Park TORONTO, Ontario, M7A IN3 ,: L-1739 f .-.... ','-r.:=::-:==-:::::-::-:*'....~: -- -':.-:' i' .-...- _. _.__._---~--- ,- .,. .--.. .~.. ._._----~..- - .~ - .----- -----. " .. ._- --,--.--- ....