HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-154 " ,)0.' ~'" " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 87- 154 being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Compy'ehensive Zoning By-law of the COy'poy'ation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the COy'poy'ation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Coy'por-ation of the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Counci 1 of the COy'poy"ati on of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedul e "4" to By-l aw 84-63, as amended, is hey"eby fuY'they' amended by changing the zone designation fy'om "Holding - UY"ban Residential Type One 1((H)R1)" to "Ur-ban Residential Type One (RU" Zone as shown on the attached Schedule "X" her-eto. 2. Schedule "X" attached hey'eto shall foy'm paY"t of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hey'eof, subject to the py'ovisions of Section 35 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW y"ead a fi yost time this 28th day of BY -LAW r-ead a second time thi s 28th day of September September 1987 1987 BY-LAW y'ead a thiy'd time and finally passed this 28th September 1987. day of " ~- This is Schedule "X" to By-law 87- 154 , passed this 28th day of Seotembe, 1987 A.D. V / /I PRESENTLY ZONED' RI' .x X.JIrli "l(ING CHANGE FROM '(H)RI' TO 'R I' ( 0 ~ ~ ..,.." ,,-- r ; Mayor 215 is" s V 35 - en ~lq t:-<N82027'/0"E 10. ,I ,~ .-..:.... 4'7''76 ).....r.. ~83007"O" 10 0 I NtbO~ A. ~ 46 " E O a::: I dVriJ~ ')( ')( '43 >-t _ UJ I ~Ili.n< ')( ')( ')( )( )( O--Zl ')(xx')( yxxXX 3= a::: -I ~ K0x x x...;y:~ 'b .lJJ ...J ...J I ~ KK~~)(.J<.xxX~)(~^V ;;;.~,... .2 <t~' ~ x)(V ~~r z 0: 3= ~x ')( )( 'Z-...~ ^:6("l 1.::') If') 2 ~ I :~,(<f ~ ~X,tlyu ~)< z ~______ . fa ~ I -)( )( ')( ~ ')( )( .x ~ ........., ~ ________ a::: VI I ~ ~)(:lC ~ x x Oil. , I =0 TRA Il ~ I N720"''''40''E ~ >< x x)( ~ x. )( x )( // "'" N ~ ~g.r _)( v: X ')( ')( )( x X v: / ~ =:-gJ ~ ~~~~~4~ z W~~~~~~~ =Q\O ~iW~ )()(}()( }(}(}(}(}(x~~ ~~ 10; =~ zlIJ -""\0 - ~)()( )(XX)(A.')(x')(x zov SJ' zl X)( -vxY-VY)(')(xx 1'/ q>-~o i = 1 ~ x)(}(}( "}(XyY'WV-v")(~ ')( X X / ~ 'it 0 (/) z l"Yj' I-< N72030'40 E. 162'91 >-f ""'(~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L't-< N7203o'40''EKlNGSWAY GATE 162'9 I H~1' ~ ~~ ~l~~~ ~ Y)(x)(x~ /j- ~-~ ~ N = -"'~ / /.. ')(' ')( Y Y Y x x x ')(' / / 'it 0" Q. ~ 83~ ~.fN 'LyY)(X yXXxx"X..xV ~ 3= ~:E z ""1 . : Z lIJ Z I -< N7203040 E 157.88 >--/j r- 2 I CONC. 2 igj~~~ ~~~ ~fJeO~ 'ofJe'b ~,1 LOT 100m I j]~ WU-1">_ Clerk II LOT 35 LOT 34 LOT 33 r ~ -.-... o 10 d; <I: 10 >. ~ R 1 (HI iil ~ ~ ~ Rl ~ z ..I HIRI Gl ~ : I 1 (j; Rl > ~ R1.....r- ~ u.:? ~ ~~~~ L~--' . II ,~ I Rl RI Ii! NASH ROAD A " o;)~--L ~ Rl Rl .. ~5:> ~ i ~~____ C5-3 k - If ( I ~ . --__ _ I -R2 }- I /'0.. At:..... Rl-4 ---. I . ~ C5 HIGHWAY '";:;-.______{C2-f ~"j~V JEP ""'"'" ~ . _ rL C5 NV 2 :::.::--~~ J C5 J Rl Rl ~ ~C\J ~ - ~ f (H)RI ~I : 6 r Rl ~ en ~l ~~~ ~ U I Q. Z . R1 0 . EP r---,U (H)Rl ~~ COURTICE o 50 100 200 .-- - U__. 50m 300m I ~ .,