HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-107 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 87-107 being a by-law to authorize executicoof an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada. as represented by the Minister of Employment and Immigration Canada (Canada Employment and Immigration Commission Job Creation Program) THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Employment and Immigration Canada, and the said Municipal Corporation, dated the day of in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A." 2. THAT Schedule "A" attached hereto forms part of this by-law. By-law read a first and second time this 25th day of May 1987. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of May 1987. ayor . LuJ. tl6-=. er . J , ... 1+ Employment and Immigration Canada Emploi et Immigration Canada Project No. THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 6th day of February 1987 BETWEEN: The CANADA EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION COMMISSION (hereinafter referred to as "CANADA") ADDRESS .. .1.3P .H.u!l.t~!. ~~~~~~ ~ . West .......... .p~t~~PP~P~gh,.Oot~tio . . . . . , . . . . J<,9Ji. .2 l< 13 . . , . . . . . . . . . - and - Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Name of Incorporated Body) (hereinafter referred to as the "EMPLOYER") ADDRESS .. .~o. .T.e.mp,e!:a~~~. ~~~~~t . . . . . . . . . . .B~~~~y~p~, . <?~~~:t;~o LiC 3A6 or INCORPORATED BODY OF THE SECOND PART (Name of Non-Incorporated Body) ADDRESS ..,'..,......,......, Represented by and in their personal and representative capacity (hereinafter referred to as the "EMPLOYER") NON.INCORPORA TED BODY OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS CANADA conducts a program known as the Unemployment Insurance Section 38 Job Creation Program, to provide opportunities for the maintenance and continued utHizatlon of skill of workers during periods where laid off and without alternative productive activity; AND WHEREAS the EMPLOYER intends to implement such a project and has presented a project proposal which has been approved by CANADA; AND WHEREAS CANADA is prepared to make a contribution to the EMPLOYER with respect to the approved project; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that, in consideration of the covenants and under- takings herein contained, the parties agree as follows: The Project 1. The EMPLOYER hereby undertakes and agrees to carry out the project described in Schedule A to this Agreement in a manner acceptable to CANADA. 2. The project shall be carried out within territorial limits of Canada. 3. A) The project shall commence operation in a manner satisfactory to CANADA on the date shown in Schedule A to this Agreement. B) The project shall be operated for the period of weeks indicated in Schedule A, it being understood that no contribution or benefits under the authority of Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1 971 will be made pursuant to this Agreement for work carried on outside such period without the prior written approval of CANADA. 4. The project and all persons employed thereon shall be at all times under the direct supervi- sion, management and control of the EMPLOYER or of an agent of the EMPLOYER who has been approved by CANADA. 5. The project shall be subject to review and inspection by representatives of CANADA at such time and in such manner as these representatives deem appropriate and shall be altered immediately upon receipt of written notice from CANADA in the manner set out therein. EMP 3565 ('0-851 Can d'.' a a . ' Recruitment 10. All payments required by law to be made by an EMPLOYER including Income Tax, Canada Pension, Quebec Pension and holiday pay shall be the sole and absolute responsibility of the EMPLOYER and, unless waived by CANADA, the EMPLOYER shall establish prior to receipt of any contribution that all registration requirements pertaining to such payments have been completed. 11. The EMPLOYER shall be solely and absolutely responsible for any liability arising from a contract between the EMPLOYER and any sub-contractor engaged to undertake a portion of the project. 1 2. No amount due to a sub-contractor will be considered as valid and proper claim in respect of wages but rather shall be deemed to be included in other costs of the project. 13. The EMPLOYER shall be solely responsible for and shall hold CANADA free from any and all losses, expenses, damages. demands and claims arising out of or in connection with injuries (including death) or damages to any and all persons whether participants or others and to property in any way sustained or alleged to have been sustained in connection with or by reason of the performance of the project. 14. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to authorize the EMPLOYER to contract for or incur any obligation on behalf of CANADA. 15. The EMPLOYER shall use the services and facilities of the Canada Employment Centre for enlisting project participants, unless otherwise authorized by CANADA, it being understood that A) only those persons who qualify to receive unemployment insurance may be enlisted; 2 " Claimant Requirements Accounts and Records Method of payment B) all project participants ,will be required to sign an undertaking with respect to his/her participation in the project prior to accepting employment therewith; and C) the EMPLOYER agrees to do his/her best to hire women, natives, visible minorities and disabled people who are actively looking for work, who are registered with the Canada Employment Centre and whose qualification fulfil the project's needs, 16. A) No contribution shall be made by CANADA pursuant hereto in respect to work-weeks worked by a person on the project who is a member of the EMPLOYER's immediate family, or of the immediate family of an individual signing this Agreement on behalf of a non-incorporated organization, or of the immediate family of a director or senior manager of an incorporated EMPLOYER, unless prior approval has been given in writing by CANADA. B) For the purposes of this section "immediate family" means father, mother (or alternatively step.father, step-mother or foster parent), brother, sister, spouse (including common- law resident with the EMPLOYER), father-in-law, mother-in-law and relative permanently residing in the EMPLOYER's household or with whom the EMPLOYER presently resides. 1 7. In cases where CANADA determines that a demand has arisen in the occupation of a per- son on the project in the area in which the project is carried out CANADA may require such person to undertake an active job search and the EMPLOYER agrees to permit such per- son, during normal working hours, to attend interviews considered necessary for such active job search. 18. The EMPLOYER will countersign the bi.weekly report card to be submitted to CANADA by each unemployment insurance claimant employed on the project and indicate on the bi-weekly report card those absences for illness, injury, or job search. 19. The EMPLOYER shall set up and maintain such books and records as are necessary for the proper financial management of the project, including (a) a record of the names, ad- dresses and duties of each employee, their wage rate, the amount of wages actually paid and the hours worked daily by each; and (b) a record of all expenditures together with sup- porting documentation such as vouchers, receipts and cancelled cheques. 20. The EMPLOYER shall make the books and records of financial management of the project available to CANADA at all reasonable times for inspection, audit and, if necessary, copy- ing and shall provide proper facilities for such inspection or audit as well as any further information that may be required with reference to such books and records. 21. Unless otherwise authorized by CANADA, all monies received from CANADA under this Agreement shall be kept in a separate account with an institution providing banking facilities and all withdrawals therefrom shall be recorded in the books and records of the project and used only for the purposes for which the monies were received. 22. The EMPLOYER shall forward to such places as CANADA directs such written reports as are requested by CANADA providing a detailed statement, certified correct by the EMPLOYER and/or his/her accountant, of all expenditures and revenues relating to the project. 23. The EMPLOYER shall also furnish such other reports concerning the progress of the proj- ect, particulars of the employees and the attainment of project objectives as may be re- quested by CANADA. The EMPLOYER agrees not to disclose personal information relating to employees of the project to any party other than CANADA nor to use such information for any purpose. 24. The financial books, records, accounts, invoices, receipts and vouchers relating to the con- duct of the project shall be retained by the EMPLOYER until A) written permission for their disposal is obtained from CANADA under this Agreement, and B) permission for disposal is obtained from all appropriate authorities as may be required under applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws. 25. A) Subject to sub-section (B) payment of CANADA's contribution under this Agreement shall be made on the following basis: i) an initial payment representing the lesser of a) 90% of the total contribution to be paid to the EMPLOYER by CANADA under this Agreement, or b) the amount estimated by CANADA to be its contribution in respect to the other costs which will be payable by the EMPLOYER during the first three months of operation of the project; 3 . " " Overpayments Acquired Assets Project Revenue Amendment ii) for the balance of' the project, a monthly advance in an amount estimated by CANADA as its contribution in respect of other costs which will be payable during the month, such monthly advance being payable only after the EMPLOYER has submitted an accounting with respect to the previous advance whether initial or monthly; and iii) a final payment of any sum due following approval of the final financial and prog- ress report (project final report) submitted by the EMPLOYER and, if considered necessary by CANADA, following completion of an audit. B) CANADA may retain a payment not exceeding 10% of the maximum program contribu- tion set out in Schedule A until the EMPLOYER provides to CANADA final financial and progress reports satisfactory to CANADA. 26. Notwithstanding Clause 25, CANADA may withhold payment of any amount payable pursuant hereto A) where the EMPLOYER has failed to comply with any covenant or undertaking contained herein, B) where CANADA is not satisfied with the progress of the project, or C) pending the outcome of an audit being done on the project. 27. In the event payments made to the EMPLOYER exceed the amounts to which the EMPLOYER is properly entitled pursuant hereto, the amount of such excess shall be payable forthwith to CANADA upon receipt of notice thereof and such amount shall be recognized as being a debt due to CANADA. 28. If a portion of the contribution made by CANADA under the terms of this Agreement has been used for the purchase of assets which have not been physically incorporated into the final product of the project, CANADA, at its discretion, may direct that the assets so purchased A) be sold at a fair market value and the funds realized from such sale be applied to project costs, B) be turned over to registered charitable organizations, C) be retained by the project in cases where the EMPLOYER satisfies CANADA that the project is able to continue and that such assets are required for the viability of the project, or D) be turned over to CANADA for transfer to the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation. 29. No contribution shall be made in respect of costs to which CANADA already contributes or is required to contribute or that CANADA has borne or is required to bear pursuant to any agreement or any Act of Parliament of Canada. 30. A) The EMPLOYER shall report to CANADA all revenue generated by the project during the period of this Agreement. B) The revenue referred to in subsection (A) shall be applied in the following manner: (i) first, to offset the costs for which CANADA has paid or has agreed to pay under this Agreement so as to reduce CANADA's contribution accordingly; (ii) second, to offset other project costs; and (iii) third, to bring up the wages of any employee paid below the prevailing wage rate, as determined by CANADA. C) The EMPLOYER shall pay to CANADA the percentage of any amount remaining after the revenue referred to in subsection (A) has been dealt with under subsection (B) that is equal to the percentage of the payment made by CANADA in relation with the project to the total cost of the project, including benefits paid to participants pursuant to Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971. D) Notwithstanding subsection (C), CANADA may authorize an EMPLOYER whose ac- tivities are not profit purposes to retain any amount of revenue referred to in subsec. tion (C) to support the continuation or generation of employment after the termination of funding under this Agreement. 31. This Agreement may be amended by mutual written consent of the parties. 4 '. '" , , Termination General 32. If, at any time, CANADA is' of the opinion that the EMPLOYER has failed to conduct the project in an acceptable manner or has failed to comply with any of his/her covenants or undertakings contained herein, CANADA may A) terminate the Agreement by giving written notice thereof to the EMPLOYER and any payments which would have been otherwise paYable to the EMPLOYER at the time of such termination may, at the discretion of CANADA, be withheld, or B) give written notice to the EMPLOYER that the project has been placed on probation for a period of non longer than twenty-one (21) days, during which time the EMPLOYER must take appropriate action to remedy the failings identified by CANADA, it being fur- ther understood and agreed by both parties hereto that i) during the period of probation CANADA shall continue to meet such undertakings set down herein, and ii) during the period of probation CANADA may, if it deems necessary, terminate the Agreement by giving written notice thereof, in accordance with this Agreement. 33. If requested by CANADA to do so, the EMPLOYER shall erect at his/her expense on the project site a sign to be supplied by CANADA identifying the project as a project receiving a contribution under this program. The EMPLOYER shall also dismantle and, unless other- wise directed by CANADA, return such sign to CANADA upon the completion or termina- tion of the project. 34. No Member of the House of Commons shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agree. ment or to any benefit arising therefrom. 35. No federal, provincial or municipal government employee shall be allowed to derive any financial advantage from the operation of the project. 36. This Agreement may not be assigned by the EMPLOYER without the written approval of CANADA. 37. Except where this Agreement is signed by more than one person as EMPLOYER, the Agree. ment shall terminate upon the death of the EMPLOYER. 38. Any payment due hereunder is subject to there being an appropriation for the fiscal year in which such commitment comes in course of payment. 39. The EMPLOYER will assist in and facilitate any evaluation of the project by CANADA and hereby authorizes CANADA to publish all or any part of such evaluation. 40. Where as a result of the activities of the project a work is produced, the production of which has been made possible by contributions herein, notwithstanding any action the EMPLOYER may take to protect the said work by copyright, patent or other legal means, the EMPLOYER hereby authorizes CANADA to produce, reproduce, publish, translate, adapt, record by any means, diffuse and broadcast such work. 41. The EMPLOYER agrees to submit to CANADA any proposed publication to be made in pursuance to the project and to include in such publication an acknowledgement of the financial contribution made under this Agreement in a form approved by CANADA. 42. Where there is a significant demand by the persons to whom the project provides its services, the EMPLOYER shall ensure, to the extent that it is feasible to do so, that such persons can obtain the services from it in both official languages. 43. All Schedules attached hereto shall form part of this agreement. 44. Where written notice is given pursuant to this Agreement, such notice shall be given to the address of the appropriate party to this Agreement appearing on Page 1 of this agreement. 5 ,. a'. " It is further understood. by the representatives of the EMPLOYER that the person or persons signing this Agreement for an EMPLOYER which is a non-incorporated body or non-registered partnership hereby under. take(s) and agree(s) to be personally, jointly and severally liable for any and all obligations assumed by the EMPLOYER under this Agreement and for any future debt due to CANADA by reason of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their hands and seals. ~. Position ~r;)(r . -ro<-U~ C~'-~~ Position Signat Witness Signature F~C~/d:- Signature Date JI[(/Ji te (Y)PiJA{!,e~ Position 6 , ...., .' I', ~. .+ Employment and Immigration Canada Emploi et Immigration Canaca MAR 1 2 1981 , SCHEDULE A FORMING PART OF THE AGREEMENT UNDER THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE SECTION 38 J08 CREATION PROGRAM ANNEX! A FAIT PARTIE DE L 'ACCORD CONCLU DANS LE CADRE DU PROGRAMME DE CReA nON D'EMPLOIS, ASSURANCE-CH()MAGE, ARTICLE 38 Vendor No, - N. du foumineur UIJC No, NO ACCE Pro/8ct No, NO du proiet 541 302 1 302 Contract Type Amend No Genre d'accord NO d,'a moo, Code 3 Employer Name - Nom de l'emplOy.ur Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 3A6 Project Location - Emp/llCement du projet 4 1 ,6 3,3 1 7 I 9 Darlington Park and Bowmanville Expected ... period!s) 01 r' PWIode(s) de fonetionn_nt ., Start Date - Oate au ~ Finish Oate - Oate dete fin Estimated Jobs Estimated Work WeekS Normal Work WeekS O.J M V.A O.J M V.A NOInbre d'emp/ois Semalnes de Ir.vail Semaille normale cte "r'vu "r'vues travail 1 6 8 7 2 6 8 7 01 16 1 I 110,9 L-.l.i&J O.J M V.A Q-J V-A 2 2 Subject to the normal provisionS of the agreement this project for the period(s) of weeks indicated but cannot exceed the total estimated work-weeks as shown above, Sous r'serve des d/spo$/tJOfls habituelles de I'accord Ie pre~ent projet pourra se d'rouler pendant Ie nombre de sema/nes indlqu' mal. ne pourra e}(clkJer Ie total propose des semalnes-personnes. . CALCULATION OF PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION - CALCUL DE LA CONTRIBUTION DU PROGRAMME Expense Items Total Estimated Sponsor U,1. Funds CEIC Contribulion AfficJes de d~" Cost Contribution Fonds deI'A.-C, Contribution dele CEIC Total ctes frais ContributIOn f1stimallfs du promoteur Employeee Wages fJ 36,277 I-I I-I SaJl/ires des tfllVflllleurs 1,615 34,662 Other CosIS Autres fraiS r 7,323 I-I 113 -I 7,210 Workers Compensation !If appIicabIel Assuranc.acCid8flt du travell (s'iI y a lieu) I@ 1, 133 I-I 52 -I 1,081 Groaa Project Cost CoOt brut du pro;et 44,733 I-I 1+ ~8,291 CEIC ContributiOn Contribution dll Ia CEIC 1,780 Total Sponsor Contribution Contribution totllle du promoteur I - BJ0 34,662 U.I, Funds Fonds dll I'A, -C, ~ 142,953 TOT~ ~ For Canada - Pour Ie ean.. Pour I'emp/oyeur O.J M V-A lb.710j2-, I g71 Date I. O.J I M I {")V-~ I ~ Oalll Sponsor CootrlbuI!on - Contrlbutlion tot. du prornoIeur Amount - Montant 1 7 8 0 TOTAL EMP 3811 (11-85) Canada ....;-' ,,' ... /fill> I SCHEDULE A FORMING PART OF THE AGREEMENT UNDER THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE SECTION 38 JOB CREATION PROGRAM ANNEXE A FAIT PARTIE DE L 'ACCORD CONCLU DANS LE CADRE DU PROGRAMME DE CREA TlON D'EMPLOIS, ASSURANCE.CH()MAGE, ARTICLE 38 Vendor No, - NO du foum/ssflUr UIJC No - NO ACCE Project No - NO du prolet 541 Contract Type Ameno No Genre de contrat rvo ae la mod" Code Employer Name - Nom dIt remt1lOyeur 35' Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Project Location - Emp/llCemetll du proj.t @ Darlington Park and Bowmanville Project Description and Objectivea - o.scriPtIOn et ob/eCtifs du pro;el Objectives: To improve and upgrade Darlington Provincial Park and Bowmanville Community/Park facilities to government standards To review and improve Darlington Park marketing plan Activities: Darlington Park 1) Replace tiles in 2..gate offices 2) Extensive painting'- of comfort stations 3) Repair and paint 40 picnic tables 4) Renovations at main office including new counter, ceiling, floor, carpet etc. 5) Along with park superintendant a complete marketing plan for Darlington Park will be developed including new programs and brochures Town Facilities 1) Darlington arena paint compressor room electrical room, ticket booth and install ceiling in electrical room and ticket booth 2) Fire Hall #1 - paint stairway walls and court room #2 3) Animal Control Building - paint total interior 4) Soper Creek and Westview Heights Park - bush and tree clearing and build nature trail including a small bridge 5) Parks depot renovations including building an office and lunch room. 3 3 7 9 I I I Personnel guidelines must be established for all employees on Employment Development Branch projects. Project employees will have working conditions and benefits, where applicable as near as possible to those of the sponsor's regular employees, and these conditions and benefits, will meet, as a minimum, Ontario Ministry of Labour standards. For Canada - Pour Ie C/IIIadII CONTINUED ON ATTACHMENT #1 ,0 'I- Lt?~ 1"/ I : -Ii:/}, ~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - Dept. 36 - Min, 36 Current CRF Year Amount Montanl pour ranne. couranle (FRC) Constit. Type Code G.nre Code de fa citc, ,Financial Code - Code financier Allot. Resp, Centre Activity Project Una Object At(, C.ntre de resp. Activlte Projet Art. d'exec. Financial Code - Cod. financier Oept. 69 - Min. 69 UI Current Year Amount OR Commitment No. Montant pour ranne. courante (A..C,) OT NO de rang. Conatit. Type Cocle G.nre Cod4t de Ia elrc. Allot. Resp, Can1re Activity Project Line Object A if, Centre de resp. Activit. Pro;et Art. d'.xec. 1_ o.~ I ~. I ~.~ I ~ Date I:"~ J&~~ Li:71 Oale Future Year CRF Commilment Amount R Monlant de r.ng, pour C T fa prochaine enml. (FRC) UI Future Year Commitmenl Amounl C R MOtIIant ta rang, pout C T fa prochaine an,," (A,'C.) Y- II,/' I tI (fi1 Date I Component Sponsor/Employer Activity/Job Code =C:'" ~ J Project Officer Code Code Code a. rectivlt' C_""_ ",~.f Code Code de fa Code du promoteur au de /'emp/Oi d'ln'__ ! ~I Code d. rag.nt composente au de l'empJoyeur J~~! d. pro;el 29 30 3' e e H lL.2J IN I 8,1 , NI F, () ,') ,F I L.aJ lEJ Signalure Constitution Code Cod. d.fa CIfC, CEC Code Code du CEC EDB Code Cod. d.fa DGDE B I K ,0 ,91 3,5 2,7 3,0 a 9 REGIONAL SPARE FIELD CODes - CODES DES ZONES LIMES - REGIONS 2 3 8 4 5 6 7 LJtJ U LL..2J L---.J I y ,E , S I 9 ,t 4... ATTACHMENT FOR SCHEDULE A FORMING PART OF OF THE AGREEMENT UNDER THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE SECTION 38 JOB CREATION PROGRAM UIJC NO. 541302 PROJECT NO. 1302HK7 The ~or hereby certifies that arrangements have been made with all unions involved permitting the implementation of this project. All safety regulations will be followed, including the wearing of appropriate safety equipment by the employees, in accordance with Ontario Ministry of Labour requirements. The Employer hereby confirms that this project would not have otherwise been undertaken within 12 months of the start date of the project were it not for the provision of the contribution of Cahada toward this project as set out in this contract. Notwithstanding Clause 19 a), all funds contributed to the project by the department will be integr&ted with the funds of Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. For departmental monitoring and auditing purposes, the following records will be made available: a) signed TD 1 for each employee, b) authorized time sheets or attendance records, c) a record of the individual earnings for each employee, d) receipts, veachers, and invoices for all expenditures being charged to the project, e) cancelled cheques for all expenditures charged to the projects. ~~~. Signature 2,.. 7 ~Q l..-_ got Date FOR CANADA .~ 2- 7 - 0"2 - r;7 Date Signature '.+ . E mploymenl and , . Irnmlwatlon C~nada Emplol et Immigration Canada Agreement"'-Nu mbe-;riVo de-,icco;Ci BASIC,EMf>'LOYER INFORMATION RENSEIGNEMENTS FONDAMENTAUX SUR L'EMPLOYEUR Revenue Canada Taxation Numbe;-- - NO de Revenu Canada Imp6r Legal Name of EmployerlNom legal de I'emploveur Incorporation Number NO de consrirurion en socitire Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Ma"~9 Addr~ss/fldrteSSe QiJ ~vQY..er Ie cqurrifCe l' es ~par~n aT ~ommun1~Y ~ rv c 40 Temperance Street Bowman vi 11 e, Onta ri 0 Ll C 3A6 Project Location Address/Adresse du profer Darlington Park, R. R. #2, Bowmanville LIe 3K3 Town of Newcastle Facilities (see address beside) )<<=: LCg<l1 Signing Of/'eel s (those who have legal authority to sign the contract, any amendments and reports, etc,) A!Jt'nrs slgnatam!s legaux (Ies noms de ceux qui sont legalemenr autorises a signer Ie concrar, des modificarions au conrrat, des rapports, etc,) N TITLE/TITRE NAME/NOM l:().~ 11 _~l_ayo r :n Town Clerk r~r. John Wi n te rs r~r. Da vi d Oakes 31 4) ~) I 61 Hl)VIi mJny of the above signatures, and In what comb",allOn are required to bind your organization in a legal agreement? ""nb,en des slgnarures mellrlonnees plus haut sonr necessaires a fin de lier vorre organisation dans Ie cas d'un accord legal? Both of the above signatures are required. Pel son responsible for books/ Responsable des compres N,lIl1e!Nom Telephone Number - BUSiness NO de relephone - aff, ~1r. Joseph P. Caruana, Community Services (416) 623-3379 Telephone Number - Residence NO de rtJltJphone - flis, (416) 983-9233 Workers' Compensation Board $tatus/Etat aupres de la Commission des accidents du travail Registered/ Enregistrti Firm No_ NO de la compagnie accorde parla CAT Account No, N<' du com pre accordi par la CAT Rate/ Taux Non Registered Non -enregisrre o Schedule 1 OCJ Schedule 2 0 Annexe 1 Annexe 2 222111A 1623737 2.51 Name of Bank/Nom de/a banqu/1 Account Number (s)/NO(s) da compte CQnadi an ImI'-erjALBa"k__QLJo~r.<;g_____ Addr ess/ Adresse 26-02-113 2 King Street, Bowmanvil1e Lle IN2 Type of Account/Genre de compta Genera 1 StT,..lI~le Account fOf PrOlect Cl!llptP dlsrwcl reserve au proler Ves [l Oui No Non o NOTE, Separate bank accounts MUST be established unless specifically exempted from this requirement in your Schedule A, /\,0 TA. /I FAUT etablir des compres en banque d,stincrs a mOlns que cerre exigence ne soir explicirement abandonmie dans /'Annexe A ONT 1180 (10851 .+ mployment an,! mplOI et CANADA WORKS CANADA AU TRA VAlL Project No. .Il~ Immigration Canada Immigration CaPlada PROJECT MONTHLY BUDGET FORECAST PREVISIONS 8UDGETAIRES MENSUELLES DU PRQJET NO du proler ENTER NAME OF MONTH . ,..---~- -_._- _._~._--- r-- ~...._--~_..~ -- f---' :NOIOUER LE MOIS F e I~J.6_ .. . An,.i 1 ..M :u .1,," ?F. TOTAL ---- - - Tvpe of Worker ""'0 Week IV W ilCJ€ W,W, W,W, W,W, W,W, W,W, W,W. WW W W $ W.W, $ W,W, W.W. W,W, WW. Work WI<s Wages WOr1l.er'5 Salaire $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Sem. de Genre de travailleurs ,",,"'de S.T, S.T. S. T. S. T. S. T S.T. ST S, T. S.T. S, T. S. T. Scllaire s travail hdx1onri1daire S. T. S. T, travail - -..- I Project Management Direction du projet 1 400 2 170 4 340 5 425 4 340 4 40 1q 1(; 11\ Other Employees Autres travailleurs -- ._- , i i I I i I I I I I I i I I I I Sub. T0tai Other Emp, I I I I Toralparrlel r Aurres travailleurs i I Total: Johs . Work-weeksJ I Total: tmplois Sem_ de trav, Total Waqes T ... ... T ... ... I T ... T T ... ... ... ... Total des salaires, 170 340 425 ~40 340 1 .c1C Total Other Expenses (see reverse) Vac. . Total des autres frais (voir au verso) Pav 2.472 2.524 1 ,??q 7?/1 174 , 7 1?1 Additional Cost (if app!.) Frais suppJemenraires (s'il ya lieu) Total IWages & other expo & add. cost) Total (Salaires & autres frais & frais 2.642 2.864 1.654 1.06l 714 i A.q1R suppJemenraires) , Workers Compensation (if appU , Assurance.accident de travail (s'il y a lieu) 119 239 297 I 23' 239 I 1,133 Third Party liability Insurance (if app!.) I Assurance-responsabilire civile (s'iI y a lieu) I I GROSS PROJECT COST 2 , 76 1 3,103 1,951 1,30. 953 10 ,071 COOT BRUT DU PROJET Less Funds From Other Sources 188 375 467 37J 375 1,780 Mains les fonds d'aurres sources NET PROJECT COST 2,573 2,728 1,484 921 578 8,291 CUOT NET DU PROJET Revenue Receftes E. EMP, 3495 (8-83) Canada CANADA WORKS CA"ADA AU TRA VAIL r----------..-.--..-~-~.----,-,.----_ PrOI"ct No. - NO du projet i PROJECT MONTHL V BUDGET FORECAST PREVISIONS 8UDGETAIRES MENSUELLES DU PROJET I. .11 ,3 0 2 I H ,K IZ ENTER NAME OF MONTH INDIOVER LE MOIS . Feb. 16 ''''arch AD ri 1 f1av June 26 TOTAL Employee Benefits 12 24 29 24 24 113 Allanrages sociaUK Tran'lf)Ort & Ttil\lel Exp, Transport et frais de dtJpl. Office Rental Location de IOCBUK 0 Utilities Services publics T A Equipment Rental H V Location d'equipemenr E T Materials & Supplies 7.210 R R Materiel et fournitures 2,460 2,500 1,200 700 350 E Insurance E S Assurance X Bank Charges Frais banes ires p F Capital Cost E R Immobilisations N A Miscellaneous (specify) S I . Dillers (prrkiser) E S . S . I Subcontracting Costs line!. wages) Frais de $Ous-traitanee (y compris les salaires) T.OTAL 2,472 2,524 1,229 724 374 7 , 32 3 . , , ~ ACTIVITY SCHEDULE - CALENDRIER DES ACT/VITES Feb - paint buildings f'larch - buil di ng of office space at Parks Depot - insulation at Darlington Sports Centre April - picnic table repairs and staining May - Nature Trail/picnic tables June - bridge / picnic tables PR::~:/",.~~ .ISlGN~ ' I DATE