HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-100 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW 87- too- being a by-law to authorize execution of an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications for the Province of Ontario (Reconstruction of Tooleyls Road and Highway 12 Intersection) THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications for the Province of Ontario, and the said Municipal Corporation, dated the day of 1987, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A." 2. THAT Schedule "A" attached hereto forms part of thi's by-law. By-law read a first and second time this 25th day of May 1987 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of May 1987. ayor . > ~it',\:.;<.,,".n:,'.,\v"~,--'r~ Ministry of ~ Transportati,,". and I Communications APPROVED PLANNIN& AND D6iGN~ OFFICE I As To Terms I By OC ~................ ~l". ............ Date,8.!?,~.o.,L,~,S ! .:lO'<.:::.r~~-:ft~~..,~~,..._.y'lI'i,lJj;-.,.".,..~., ~._~.__,a.J Mlnf.!,y , (!i T-rantlii"ortflthiln ,.;", ". Con)m(.-;l~t;'ii\;,)JlS. 1~-:L;f;;E;i~:~;,;~~:' .,1 , As To Fo,m I By.&..G:..I..."..... a.le.g~:-b~& ~XS AGRBBMBR! made in triplicate this nineteenth day of .ebruary, oae thousand nine hundred and eighty-six. BRTWBB., lID MAJBS'lY I'D qUBBllf in rigbt of the ProvInce of Ontario, repre.ented by the Minister of Transportation and ea..anieatioa. for the Province of Ontario, hereinaft.er referred t.o .s t.he -Ninist.ry-, O. '1'BB FXaST PU'I, - and '1'IIB COUOltA'lI01!J 01'.,0 TOQ OP _CAS'lL., berein.ft.er referred to a. the -Town-, 01' TBB SBCOIID PARTI WBBaBAS t.he ~ repre.ents the owner of certain land. adjacent. t.o t.he north l1ait. of t.he Iting'. H1gb"ay lflDIber 2, in the ~ of Rewc.st.le in t.he _eg1onal Munioipalit.y of Durha., for.erly in the Township of Darlington in the County of Durbaa being coapose4 of part of Lot 3., ConGession 2 in the Town of Dul'haa anel the owner propos.s to .evelop t.he lall4. as a re.i4ential subdiVision, AIID WIlD_a t,be "inist.ry previously propose4 t.o .,i4en t.he exist.inl street. known as '1'ooley Road Gonnect"" t.o t.be Kin9's 8ighway Kumber 2 t.o . .unieipal rural oro.s-seot.ion standard in conjunotion with t.be propos"" future laprov...nt.s t.o t.he ltiD,'S Hi,h".y Ramber 2 to be construot.... by t.he Ministry under Work Projeot 110-72-01, ....... the ~OWD h.s requested the Ministry to widen the xl.t.ift, street known as Tooley Road connectea to t.he Kin,'s ,hway Bamber 2 to a aunic1pal urban aross-Bectlon atandarel (hereinafter referred to .. the -"14en11\9-)' , . - 2 ~~,~','i:il..::~".,;~:t;~~.;Jmj,~~ Mh'!:i~hy of ~ Transportation, ana .J~- comrnunitatlons APPROVEO " '.LA.NN.INti. A.".......I> D.~S ION! Oi'flCE As To 1r" ly"",.Wb.:_..... Dot~ $l:J~.Ci:Z:,:-:~~ ~_ ,;,;,' ....."..,.r:,;..~_."...~...,~ j-~'~~:.~.::;;.~-l ~ Tg~~1:\-l~~~!U~ttCln : I~~;:;:'~"~~,I l A~ T, fwo i i By..E. ,.. G:. ..~. I........., L:~~~:~lJ AlII) WBBJlDS the Town h.. requested th. Mini. try to over.iae the atora ...er within the limit. of the Kin,'. Hi9hway Bamber 2 to accommodat. water frea the proposed re.idential .ubc1i"ision (hereinafter referred to a. ~e 80".ralain,8), AIID WllBlUIAS the Town haa requested the MiDl.try to 40 the widen1n9 and the over81aln, (hereinafter referred to as 8the work8) 1n conjunction with the Hinistry con.truct.ioft of p&"oposed iaproveaent.s to the Kin.,'. Bi9bway lIUIlber 2 at the location .hown Oft Schedule 8A8 at.tache4 h.reto, AIfI) WllDBAS the parties h.ret.o ha"e a.,re.d that the Mifti.t.ry shall 40 th. work at. t.he Town'. co.t: and expens.. IIOIf '1'IIJIRD'OU UIa AGItBBMBII'! WIUBSS..,. tbat in coasiaerat.ion of t:h. preai... and co"enant.s herein cont.ain.a, t.he "art.i.s heret.o for th....lv.. and th.ir respect:iva suoeas.ors and a..lgns a,re. .aoh with t.he ot.h.r a. followa. 1. 'that the Mini.try .hall pr.pare acoorcU.n9 to Mil'liS1:ry .pecifications and s~n4ard. and U.iD9 Mlnis~ry forma, the cont.ract drawln.,. and 4oCWlent.8 for t.b. eonstraction of the work shown on Scb.dale 8A- att.aohed bereto, inol\'ldin9 in conjunction therewit.h ta) the wi4enln9 of Tool.y Road fro. Stat.lol'l 10+000 t.o Station '+'15 a_ shown on Sohedule 8A8, (b) the over_ialn9 of .tora ....1'. as .bown on Icbedule 8",8, and (c) t.h. fradin" drain.,., .00dln, and plaelnf of hot mix p.....nt to aecOlll104ate the widenin9 of t'ooley aoad and the ov.r.iaiD9 of stora .."er. a. .ent.lonedin clau..s l(a) and 1(1)), TfL:j~;:~];,);'; C,:, c",,,,,,,,,;, " ANti.( 'PLA'NNiN'6 k;~;::D"C'?5;'-C~'~:';j OFFJ~i: i ~ ~~TZ"" ~,:. W 1 By......._ _...,....~u Oate,~.::?~.:.?i r-._.~^'.~.~"'-""l M;';;,5;UY ( Tr,*n$!J.;.)~t"UonM .1 0,." , I~~I:;~;:,~:':!~~.~" .J ,~ A'; To Fop'.. i , . i By ,E. .(i.h L,.,....I o.to.j,.~D~.~~U - 3 2. fila~ (a) ~he .s~l..~e4 cost. of t.he work _nt.loned in clau.. 1 1s ~h. aua of .1n.~..a t.housand 1'1v. Bundr.d and Bl,ht...n ('1',518.00) Dollars, incla4inq aarchar,.s, (b) .xc.pt. a. provld.a in olaua. 2 (e), t.h. Town ahal1 pay t.o t.h. Ninistry the act.ual coat of t.h. work ..nt.loned in claus. 1, iDolu41nt .archar,.s, (c) t.he ..OUIlt. t.he Town pay. ~o t.h. JUnist.ry for work ..n~ioned in c1aa.. 1 lnclw1in9 surchar.ea, ahall be not. .or. t.han the aua of !'venty-'l'Wo Thouaand I'our Hundred and I'ony-I'.f."e ($22,445.00) Dollars an4 not 1.s. than ~. sua of SinHn 'l'boaaand I'i... B\1ndrec! and Binet.y ($1',590.00) Dollars, J. '!hat. t.he Miniat.ry at. the coat. and expens. of tbe 'Iown ahall red..lgn the work at "001.1' Road ~o a .unic1pal urban cros.-sectlon, 4. 'l'bat. t.h. Town aball pay t.o the Minist.ry the sua of B19ht 7bouaan4 ($8,000.00) Dollars e.oludln9 .urehar9.., to rede.i9ft t.he work at. Tooley bad to a munic1pal urban cross-..ct.ion, 5. 'lbat within sl:rty (to) days prior t.o the awar41n9 of tile contract fOJ: the constructloD of t.he work ..ntioned in this Agr....nt, the !own .hall provide the Nlnist.ry with a certlfied cheque for the B19ht lfhou.an4 ('8,000.00) Dollara, 4 ".', ,. That tbe wort the Ministry is required to do uder t.his AVr....nt sball be coapl.ted subject to Mlnistry inspection and approval, 7. That the uncompounded surcharv.s mention.a in this A9r....nt. are as follows t fa) for field .n9ine.r1n9 and supervision, t.n (10) per oeftt of tbe cost. of the wort, and (b) for administrative oy.rh..ds, s.ven (7) per o.nt of the cost. of t.h. work. I. That. from time to time, the Ministry shall invoice tbe t'OWR for the UlOunts the Town is required to pay to t.he Mlnistry for or by rea.on of t.his Agr....nt and the involce. .hall be payable wl 'thin siny (60) days of r.celpt, 9. That t.h. Town wlll pay surobar9.s as specifi.d ln t.bls Avree..nt to the Hinistry for tb. Hinistry's additional coat for Inspectlon and administration of overh.ads of the work to be perforaed by the Minlstry as s.t out ln tbis AVr....nt' Tr,n,c" Ctor\L'., "AP R;;V2:)1 PLANNlNd' A;j;;";;rs;;.;~", OFfICE ;~ As,ro ,TfJ1' ~ 10 . 8Y....._~ D.te~.:~?:.:?JJ r='..'""">'" ".'",-- i','ti,ct.'~li)' (:; Trar;"ti"r'~tlon I f. Co",,,,,,;,; ; "UOi)S i J !,p, efl" !" . " . <\ f ,(~~'~~L;~~:~'~i-" ~i:' ;;~~<~;';~~'L"'-' ~':~ ~ ,.~: To Form ~, l;ey,. .E.,.t;.,.,r,.~...1 Date, .fJ'.:(J~, ~,"J,J. ~~i<< 'lbat within thirty (30) days prlor to the awarding of ~he contrac~ for the work ..n~ioned in ~hia A'r....nt, the Miniatry aball au~t to the Town tor the TOwn'. approval, a writt.n tinal ..ti..te of the cost of the work, and if tb. Town d.... t.he coat. to be e.ceaal.. the Town sball have thirty (30) daye frOll the 4ate of notice to a4vis. the Mlnis~ry in vrltin9, then this ACJr....nt. ahall be te:ra1nat.4 and the Town sball be reaponaible tor the coat of red.sl9ftlft9 the project a. ..ntloned 1n clause 5 her.in, , . - 5 - 11. 'lba~ wben In the written opinion of tbe Minist.ry (a) the work has been 8at.isfact.orily coapleted, tbe Ministry sball notify the Town and tbe Town shall cause tbe work t.o be inspect.ed, ud (b) if t.he Town finds the work has beea aatisfactorily camplet.e4 in accordance wit.h t.he oont.ract. drawillCl. and docnaaent.., t.he Town ahall Cli.e t.be Miniatry written not.ice t.hat. the work ls completed and thereafter t.he Town aha11 be responsible tor maintenance of the areas of the work within public roadway, 12. That the Town sball inde..lly and sa.. beraless the Ministry from and aClainst. a.y clata, action, cause of action or liability, for loa., 4_.e, accident or injury in any _nner arising due to, out of, from or in cODDect10n w11:h t.he work udert.aJten and perforae4 by the lfowD or t.heir agent. uneJer tthi. A9re_nt, except to the extent the clai., action, Gau.e of actlon or liability for 10.., 4amaV8, accident or injury is caused by or contributed t.o by .enant., aployee., avent. and cont.ract.ors of the MiDis try iD the cour.e of wort by or on behalf of the Town, ~1r~""C~''"C_'''''''''''1: .' PLAN~iNG i\>~D :::'t:S.:"";\~: OffiCE ~ As TOK-'ms f 13. D::/-t~i~~$1 ~.L:.~l::~-"':;!_:":~'} r......N'.'...'.'.,._, Lii!-,<~"1, .. .. I ....,. t; I Tra""'~J'ji-,_;d",~n L ,~ Com'T;.!;'> 'ttL;~-n5 k e A {'I n :~ "_,,..,,~,.:~;, '.,to'. "".'.,"'" '/'h 'c.' ~" :-i'_"~' ! Lc,,'i ,',.n"",,,, . j ~ A, To ,,,,m 1 Oy..Er.GA~"""o'~ o'::;,:-1!~~:..~JJ And the Town warrants tha~ i~ baa ~aken all nece..ary at.ep., 40ne all act.s, pa..ed all by-law. and obt.ained all approvals wi~hin it.a power. required to 9i.e it. the authority to .nter int.o thi. AVr....nt' All not.ice., demand. and reque.t. sball be effect.i va upon the fifth bu.ine.. day after bein9 depo.it.ed in t.he Mil. 'lb. addr... for the partie. bareunder .y be ChaDged upon written notice to ~. others. , , APPRO f.;.) , Pi:ANNIN~~~~~;tS~G;J'~ As To Tel1l\l · ' BV....w.K.............. . , Date,&::?Z.::~~. i r-";~':,'~;;;~"'"-' t Tr.:H;S.~,id:1'HJn I ~ C.)mriHi:i~:~;~"'i't~C:1'5 t 1 ,~, \~ ~ 1 ,,~i:~;:';;,Q';;i;: ;;~ ;;::.....1 ! A! To form ~ L;j,..e. ...G.~"L...... D.",.a'.,:.Q.~.;~J . &- - , - '1'811 AGUBMBIft' shall enure t.o t.he ben.fit. of and be binding upon ~e Part.ies heret.o and t.heir re.peet.ive .ucce..ors and .s.i9ns. III WIftBSI nBltBOP ~e Mini.t.er of 'lranaport.ation and Co__unieationa for t.he Province of Ontario on bebalf of t.he 'arty of the Pirat 'art ba. hereunto .et hi. hand and tbe 'art.y of the aecond 'art ha. hereunt.o affixed it. Corporat.e leal under ~. banda of their proper offioers duly authoriaea in t.hat behalf. SIGIIBD A1ID lBALBO t.hia .;2gj;( day of MA y' , A.D. 198'_ g~~ 7IIIl II%.X_ or .SPOIl'1'A'fXOII MID COMMDRlCA'fIOlIS . (OftAItIO) TO COItPORA'fIO. 01' Tn TOWtI OP JQIWCAS CRft.dc- q+B~2, 59t. \ -toB9.j86 VAL.L.e.IC.RIi.~T 'P~. ~-HOT IOtB33.8'9Z HW'(, 2- / HOT :" -r 000. QOO TOo\....S Y RI::'. /,/ti.?" o L :3 ~ /'/ ./ C> ~ oT J // / ~O + CON. 2. . /1 ./ /; + p'~~~y ~_!L:.J~~-~~-rfTfi il!---~ I : I J< 1.,1 I \ ~;~ ~~ I -~---~ i ,----- (lOr+' :=;~+ _._---1- _ I ~H \V Y 2 .,,-~ ~ I ~ " w~ Q., N.~ \ '. ~l _ ~i...o \i)' ~ \ _ l ,! ! t'Q I ~! f _ ~\~llln~III&!I'I"~ ::-1,-,~,ul~~J~~M__ 7e .....e.-~-a~~~A'!~!r::-:....,I~"'~:~ . ..;: ~_s:.~-::'qt'O".-.u...,,,r--'J'-H-'-__"J"~~"~.,,,'iii; 2 7~ _ '::?,/ if'/--- .;.'- :;:i'::-Y'/C r__ -=-0 BE~' .:; c :: ~ ...- ~.[ /2 1,./ C~ ~ '"5 .- co..c:-z- _~._J"or- 34- \ \ \ \-.-' ,.,.-.. ~ .C \ I \ 9-t'900 \) \tI l- +- \) <:) c (jJ ~ o I i I I ..-J -=-- ---- -- ---- - - -- -- '--...,- LOT 34---'- - C:OI\f:-Z-:-'::-'::': ..,--.,....".-..""""-, ~. ~'- J -e krNG'5 H\'lY __- N2 2.----,- - ". .. ".,- A T_TOQ LE.Y.,- RI7-=-_-=-~-=~ _T_ C l!V O""""'Oill!!..HA -- 'A---------- . l-r.:.. J \'1 ._,______ TO \\1]\[-- OE:~, ~e.\'\ICA'STL.,~__- ------ '.'--'--'---~.' -.- RE;6]O~Ak MUN lei PAL...lTY .- 1200/)WAy:'W()llC~- TO E6' C05"F.- .6'11A/2,IAl6~~~""". . OF DU~HA~"'f f "" r~ - rRo,~cry L.'''~OT 33tJ I -~o~.2 .. 5CA L.. e: ", "- " L '''''''1' f~ I ~t '0& ~: 1 ~ . N.TS. ~ <( .. 11\ ~ ::J ~ u.\ :r: V Vl ..'" ""'.'. y;;,I,~'"