HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-94 . . . . THE (X)Ml()RATION OP THE 'l'ONN OP N!H:AS'l'LB BY-LAW NOMBBR 89- 94 BEING A BY-LAW 'l'O ADOPT THE BSTIMA'lBS OP ALL StIfS RBQOIRBD DURING TBB YEAR POR TBB SCHOOL BOARDS AND REGIONAL GOVBRNMBNT PURPOSES AND 'l'O S'.rRIU THE RA'rBS OP TAXATION !OR TBB YEAR 1989. . WHEREAS, the CoWlcil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, has, in accordance with the Mwlicipal Act, considered the estimates of the School Boards and Regional Government and it is necessary that the following SUIIIS be raised by means of taxation for the year 1989. Regional Purposes Elementary School - Public Secondary School - Public Elementary School - Separate Secondary School - Separate $ 5,851,636 $ 9,376,671 $ 7,880,635 $ 770,722 $ 826,795 TOTAL $24,706,459 AND WHEREAS, the Assessment Roll made in 1989 and upon which the 1989 taxes are to be levied is the latest returned assessment roll, which is still subject to revision by the Court of Revision; Residential and Farm Co1mIercial and Business Total Public School Separate School $ 40,994,866 $ 5,207,871 $ 8,666,175 $ 152,235 $49,661,041 $ 5,360,106 $55,021,147 AND WHEREAS, Chaptor 302 Section 158 of the MWlicipa1 Act RSO 1980, states that the CoWlcil of every local MWlicipality in each year shall levy in the manner set in the Ontario unconditional Grants Act, on the whole of the assessment for real property and business assessment according to the last revised assessment roll, a sum equal to the aggregate of the sUlllSadopted under Section 164. N~ THEREFORE, THE <XlmcIL OF THE <XlRPORATION OF THE 'roWN OF NEi<<::ASTLE ENACl'S AS POrJ:.(MS: 1. That the estimated expenditures required during the year 1989 totalling $24,706,459 be adopted and the fOllowing amounts be levied therefore in the manner as set hereWlder: Regional Purposes Elementary School-Public Secondary School-Public Elementary School-Separate Secondary School-Separate $ 5,851,636 . 9,376,671 7,880,635 770,722 826,795 $24,706,459 TOTAL ...2 -,IF .. ~ , "', . . . " . Page Two . .. 2. There shall be levied and collected upon the assessable land, buildings, and businesses within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, the following rates for this year 1989: Regional Government Elementary Secondary Regional Government Elementary Secondary Public School SUpporters Residential 103.427 183.113 153.948 Separate School Supporters 103.427 143.071 153.581 CoImIercial 121.619 218.491 181.115 121.619 168.319 180.565 ...3 . . . .. . . . # Page Three 3. All taxes, including local i~rovements assessments, shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable on the 1st day of January 1989 but may be paid in four installments, of which, two installments will be to receive interim taxes levied under authority of By-Law 74-23, amended by IfY-Law 80-145. 4. The remaining taxes including local i~rovement assessments, after deduction of taxes levied prior to the adoption of these estimates may be paid in two installments on the 23rd day of June and 22nd day of SepteJ1tler 1989. 5. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the first day of default of any installment thereof, the amount of 1 1/4% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of each calendar month there- after in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied, under authority of By-Law 83-38. 6. In accordance with the Municipal Act Section 386 (1) R.S.O. 1980, "in default of payment of any instalment by the day named for payment thereof, the subsequent instalment or insta1ments shall forthwith become payable". 7. The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom notice is required to be given. 8. All 1989 taxes shall be paid during the calendar year of 1989 at any branch of the Canadian Ifttlerial Bank of CoJ/lllE!rce in the Regional Municipality of Durham and Town of Port Hope only. All prior years taxes shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer. 9. The Tax Collector and Treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. 10. This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. By-Law read a first and second time this 29th day of May 1989. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of May 1989. r: I). Mli dttlY-&-aA-A ~ Mayor ~ . . .. A < <~.'k J/ THE mRPORATION or TUB 'lUiN or ND<<:AS'rLB BY-LAW NmmBR 89- 94 BBING A BY-LAW '1'0 ADOPT THE BS'fiMA'1'BS or ALL stJtS REQUIRED DURING THE YBAR fOR THE SCBOOL BOARDS AND REGIONAL GOVERNHENT PURPOSa AND TO S'l'RID THE RATES or TAXATION fOR THE YBAR 1989. WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, has, in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the School Boards and Regional Government and it is necessary that the fOllowing sums be raised by means of taxation for the year 1989. Regional Purposes $ 5,851,636 Elementary School - Public $ 9,376,671 Secondary School - Public $ 7,880,635 Elementary School - Separate $ 770,722 Secondary School - Separate $ 826,795 TOTAL $24,706,459 AND WHEREAS, the Assessment Roll made in 1989 and upon which the 1989 taxes are to be levied is the latest returned assessment roll, which is still subject to revision by the Court of Revision; Residential and Farm Co1'll1lercia1 and Business Total Public School Separate School $ 40,994,866 $ 5,207,871 $ 8,666,175 $ 152,235 $49,661,041 $ 5,360,106 $55,021,147 AND WHEREAS, Chaptor 302 Section 158 of the Municipal Act RSO 1980, states that the Council of every local Municipality in each year shall levy in the manner set in the Ontario Unconditional Grants Act, on the whole of the assessment for real property and business assessment according to the last revised assessment roll, a sum equal to the aggregate of the sums adopted under Section 164. NCM THEREFORE, THE COUOCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF N~E ENAcrS AS POLLafS: 1. That the estimated expenditures required during the year 1989 totalling $24,706,459 be adopted and the fOllowing amounts be levied therefore in the manner as set hereunder: Regional Purposes Elementary School-Public Secondary School-Public Elementary School-Separate Secondary School-Separate TOTAL $ 5,851,636 9,376,671 7,880,635 770,722 826,195 $24,706,459 ...2 page Two 2. There shall be levied and collected upon the assessable land, buildings, and businesses within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, the following rates for this year 1989: Public School Supporters Residential Colllllercia1 Regional Government Elementary Seoondary 103.427 183.173 153.948 121.679 218.497 181.115 Separate School Supporters Regional Government Elementary Seoondary 103.427 143.071 153.581 121.679 168.319 180.565 ...3 page Three 3. All taxes, including local improvements assessments, shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable on the 1st day of January 1989 but may be paid in four installments, of which, two installments will be to receive interim taxes levied under authority of Bf-Law 74-23, amended by ~-Law 80-145. 4. The remaining taxes including local improvement assessments, after deduction of taxes levied prior to the adoption of these estimates may be paid in two installments on the 23rd day of June and 22nd day of september 1989. 5. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the first day of default of any installment thereof, the alOOunt of 1 1/4% of the alOOunt due and unpaid on the first day of each calendar IOOnth there- after in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied, under authority of Bf-Law 83-38. 6. In accordance with the Municipal Act Section 386 (1) R.S.O. 1980, "in default of payment of any instalment by the day named for payment thereof, the subsequent instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable". 7. The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom notice is required to be given. 8. All 1989 taxes shall be paid during the calendar year of 1989 at any branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the Regional Municipality of Durham and Town of. Port Hope only. All prior years taxes shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer. 9. The Tax Collector and Treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of May 1989. 10. This Bf-Law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. By-Law read a first and second time this 29th day of May 1989.