HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-74 ... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 89-74 being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "3" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Light Industrial (Ml)" to "General Industrial (M2)" as indicated on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule "X" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this 8th day of BY-LAW read a second time this 8th day of May, May, 1989 1989 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of May 1989. This" is Schedule "X" to By-law 89-74 passed this 8th day of May , 1989 A.D. , H/GHW4Y t::-< N~ 40/ ---- A 107'00 ~OPOSE'O ~ .L.4kE' R040 c..rrcNS/ON LOT 9 BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION ~ J ~ANGE FROM IM11 TO IM2' A~ . 0 25 50 109m lJ'f_~ Mayor 2520151050 . Clerk LOT 10 LOT 9 JI LOT 8 BOWMANVILLE BASELINE ROAD M2 .. 2- 9 z o I- (/) (/) W U Z o U .... Z o a::: LL Z IlLJ ~ o a::: CD I. \ I A' II o eo 100 200 300 m ... - ,.._ I eomO ~ DN: SPA99-20 AMENDING AGREEMENT MADE (in quintuplicate) this 13th day of August , 1999 BETWEEN: POWERSCREEN INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) ULC, hereinafter called the "OWNER" OF THE FIRST PART - and - HSBC BANK CANADA, hereinafter called the "MORTGAGEE" OF THE SECOND PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, hereinafter called the "MUNICIPALITY" OF THE THIRD PART WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS the Owners warrant that they are the registered owners of those lands described in Schedule "A" hereto, are hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality has enacted By-law 90-130 being a By-law designating all lands within the corporate limits of the Municipality of Clarington as a Site Plan Control Area, a certified copy of which by-law has been registered in the land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Instrument No. D405251; AND WHEREAS the Owners and the Municipality have executed a Development Agreement which was duly executed ON June 5, 1990; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of C1arington has resolved to approve an amendment to the aforesaid Agreement; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to amend said Development Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Schedule "C" of the Development Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Powerscreen of Canada (Ajax) executed on June 5th, 1990, is hereby amended by adding thereto a revised site plan schedule forming Schedule "C-1 " to this Agreement. L.R.: 24.2.93 2. SCHEDULES -2- For the purposes of this agreement the following Schedules which are attached hereto, together with all provisions therein, are hereby made a part of this Agreement as fully and for all purposes as would be the case if they were set out in the text of this Agreement as covenants and agreements: Schedule "A" Schedule "B" "Legal Description of the Lands" "Affidavit of Ownership" "Site Plan - A-1" "Elevations - A-5" "Elevations - A-6" Schedule "C-1" IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED I n the presence of: L.R.: 03.10.95 ) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY ) OF CLARINGTON ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Powerscreen Intern onal (Canada) ULC ) ) ) ) Michael McGrath, President ~ ~,~",~.~rJJ~<" ) Liurna Lanteign ,Controll r ) ;~~~~ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~~/ MAfOR ~~ ~.7~ ct.ERK / ch Manager .~~ Lmda Reece, Commer lal Account Manager LIST OF SCHEDULES A legal Description of Said lands B Affidavit of Ownership C-1 "Site Plan - A-1" "Elevations - A-5" "Elevations - A-6" SCHEDULE "A" THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been authoriied and approved pursuant to By-law No. 90-130 of the former Town of Newcastle (now the Municipality of Clarington), enacted and passed the 23rd day of July, 1990. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, and being composed of that Part of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville, more particularly described as Block 1 on Plan 10M-B31. loR.: 03.10.95 SCHEDULE "B" THIS IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved pursuant to By-law No. 90-130 of the former Town of Newcastle (now the Municipality of Clarington), enacted and passed the 23rd day of July, 1990. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Powerscreen International (Canada) ULC are the Owners of the Property as described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and as such, has knowledge of the matters hereinafter contained within this Agreement. L.R.: 03.10.95 SCHEDULE "C-l" THIS IS SCHEDULE IC-1" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved pursuant to By-law No. 90-130 of the former Town of Newcastle (now the Municipality of C1arington), enacted and passed the 23rd day of July, 1990. 'AS PER ATTACHED' loR.: 03.10.95 R=4717.115 A=132.802. C=132.797 N 80'48'46'E .-- .__0_-. --..--.-- , \ \ \ \ \ \ J ~. 0;\ ~~ ~ '0' ~\ \ "'" '" "'" \ \ ('! I I. . IL.J " I " I PRECAS",,~C. CUf<BS \ r " 11\0 " / '10 l<ELOCA TE " ~S ~ ~\\\,(X \ FENCE ~1(s \1"," ,,~ ~\ ~~ MWCB#1 \l .::!..~ ~ ,,' \ -----1\ l<ELOCATE EXISTING> "'n EXISTIN6 PA~VIN6 '. 2-3.0 SATE .......... ~ SPAC \ " _ , ~ \, --- "- a 1'/7 ..-- "-~ T- r __'-",.~,. NEY'l ASPHALT TO" \0 ~ '\~~'-' '1' HATGHEXI5TI"", " / w"'{ I ~1f . / J " I I "~' ~ x/ NEY'l CHp-IN " \ / 7~ ~ vX LINK ffilC.E EXISTIN6 1.2~ ~6H :! I Y.{OOO FENCE O~" 8' 1.2m HI6H BERM -c 1 x x to II "! x co 12 f,' ;: x 0 I~ 11 ~ l( a I. :z: 11 II x /. tf II II 11 <:;RA$ I "- . x "- " xii :b I .t le.oo ~ x ~-x x -x x x J . C==59 f~lN5 SPACES 1 3= x-"-x_x_"-"'I; "- x-x-x-x_x_ L -- .~ N aJ~091V . "- -- , . __ ~ - - _ _' N 8J"s171O"E 52:"49- . -,- - . _ . ---- \ ---.0 --- " -.. --.. '-"- .-\. -.. --- \ 6~ 21.3e 10'-4" CB#I EXISTING AAf<EHOU5E AND OFFICE fFL 85.00 *~ ..to 1"1<0 PROP. DOcK ENCLOSURE rll I~ [ I a4.ao I e5.oo LOP-DING> BAYS (TYP) 4.50x<tOO \ \ \ """ " - - SCALE, I . 500 DIMENSIONS IN .----.--.--.- I 6AASS 2b.41 B6'-e" I , ~- ~-'-li ). II ~ l;j~;f~;[j;;it ~ II x 1.32 24'-0" --- rC5t4 ll'l<y O. ~1r N~ I I I 1/ /1 <J) ~I !{JI 7 I ~cee MAINTAIN EXISTING GRADES TO EXISTING CATCH BASINS ---- ---- LAKE-ROAD \t . . " EXISTING SITE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SITE PLAN AGREEMENT DAAWIN6S PREPARED 6Y c.oLETII AND ASSOC,IA1"E5, APPROVED HAY 25, IctGlO. SITE STATlSTIC,S LOT AREA EXISTING BUILDING PROPOSED ADDITIONS TOTAL COVERAGE LANDsc,APED AREA PARKING PARKING REGlJIRED OFFIC,E AREA: 32455q.m. 0 1130 :: 10.8 spac.es HFGAREA. 188855q.m. @ 1/100 :: 18.ct spaces TOTAL REQUIRED 30 spac.es 12,418 sq.m. 1,2185 sq.m. 60845 sq.m. 100% I,GlOB sq.m. 15% 3,125 sq.m. 30% PARKING PROVIDED 31 spaces NOTE: 250mm <P STORM OUTLET @ 0.608% SLOPE HILL RESTRIC,T FLOH TO LESS THAN 50 IItres/sec./ha, AS SPEC.IFIED IN niE DEVELOPMENT AcSREEMENT. @ PROPOSED ADOmON POWERSCREEN CANADA LAKE ROAD 3.0m OBC NEWCASTLE. ONTARIO 20.0m 100% unprotected OBC table 23.0m minimum (26.4m provided) Proposed Additition Group F Division 3 524 sq.m. Non-sprinklered OBC Paint Shop Group F Division 1 154 sq.m. N<1n-sprinklered OBC (See A3 re fire suppression system) Spatial Separation: Bldg. Addition East Wall Paint Shop West Wall T oral Paint Shop East Wall 9.0m OBC (to property line) PAINT SHOP MOvm. PHASES DEI.ETED PHASES ADDED , 7.4.99 LOADING SAY l,400lFlED REVISIONS p ~'J :o..-!~ 2,.;-;M.,fI, -:~orto ..;.fI. \!-lO .~(J'j- ~5!l 1500 PFAK ___..c--.;..,. SITE PLAN SCALE DATE DRAWN CHECKED AS NOTED WlRCH 1999 IN TJ A1 ( D K J ! I I I I ; I I I I~" I ~ I I I == == == == == == == == == r == == t = ~= = =v = = 'xT MAN DOOR ~'XI6' O/HEAD DOOR5 EXI5TIN6 BUILDING H 6 CD I. T l ~ - I ,= = = = = .. - ~~ - NEW f' ~T AININc:; I^IALL. 50UTH eLEVATION ADDITION LEAN~TO BEYOND ="~ ~ 9 - ~ ~-f=INI5HED 5IDINc:; (l3Rol^IN) :3 5 -I r - ~ - - -I-- -, - -;3'X11 MAN ~~ eAST EL.EVATION ADDITION NEW LEAN-TO ENC.LOSURE WITH 8'xG{' O/HEAD DOOR 1 (E. --'p:-- - - \ IO'xIO' O~ AD DOOR PROPOSED ADDITION PRE-f'INISHED 5IDINc:; (BROI^IN) f APPROVED SITE PU IN/7 ~v~~ ~Td1~LA mny J .A,~~ ./I.~ DlRE;P>~ OF PUBliC WORKS ~R;-~ /91 c B A E D PROPOSED ADDITION I ( I ~ESS'~ ~~~,\ . !>> I c _.1 JERONIMUS ~ I ;t'"_( lI\ ". '" .r-- V EXISTINeS f3UILDIN~ ~ .. ~~)~~o ~ ^ PL..~ c;."" '- .... ~\it:~ PRE-FINISHED 5IDINc:; ('BROVoIN) A D 2115.7.~ NORTH ELEV. ADDEO 1 I 17.6.9G1 CENER.4L REVISIONS REVISIONS E F B c ~ ~ ~ lR p P.O. So.. 984 Brk11ton. O1torio Ke+: lHO 905-355 1500 PFAK ........ CeItlnde8JA11 PROPOSED ADOITlON POWERSCREEN CANADA LAKE ROAD NEWCASTLE. CNOOA I I i - - r - -1-- -l- -1- - - - - _FACTORYADDmON ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~-~~~ SCALE 1" .. 20'-0" DATE MARCH 1999 DRAWN IN CHECKED TJ A5 PARTIAL. NORTH ELEVATION ADDITION 4 6 6 PRE-F N/SHED SIDIN6 (BROWN) EAST ELEVATION PAINT SHOP 5> ~ --T--T-- 10'xIO' OIHEAD DO ~ST ELEVATION PAINT SHOP ? ~ PRE-FINISHED SIOIN6 (l3ROWN) SOUTH ELEVATION ADDITION NORTH ELEVATION PAINT SHOP 4 PRE-FINI SIDING (BROWN) B'x1' MAN o SIDING (BROv-!N.l P P.O. Box 964 8ri~on. Otltarb W.ot< 1HO PE\K ........ 0IIIIndIII1M PROPOSED ADDmON POWERSCREEN CANADA LAI<E ROAD NEWCASTLE. CANN)A 9O~-J55 1500 PAINT SHOP ELEVATIONS SCAI..E ,. = 20'-0. DATE JULY 199; mAWN IN a-tECKED TJ A6 L.R.: 28.11.89 4 DATED: August 13 1999 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - and - POWERSCREEN INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) ULC - and - HSBC BANK CANADA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Planning Department J 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 File: SPA 99-020