HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-47 ,. . of" ATTACHMENT "C" ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TaVN OF NEW:ASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 89- 47 Being a By-Law to authorize the entering into a Maintenance Agreement with O.E. Inc. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Hereby Enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporate Seal, a Maintenance Agreement between O.E. Inc. and the Corporation dated this day of March, 1989, which agreement is attached hereto and marked Schedule "X". 2. That this By-Law not take effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section 64 (l) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. By-Law read a first and second time this 28 day of March, 1989. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 28 day of March, 1989. Mayor ~'.~~d .l)E.l'tlT'I LV) Ontario THE ONTARIO MUNICIPA~ BOARD 180 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario M6G 1 E6 . TO · TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET eBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 e RE: PHOTOCOPIER WARRANTY AGREEMENT WITH OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. OF CANADA APPLICATION FEE UNDER SECTION 311 ( 1) THE HUN. ACT OTHER. . 0) INVOICE PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT o MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO ::! o NOTE: PLEASE QUOTE BOARD'S INVOICE NUMBER. I _ ~........ . ~ . - _. " ~ \ J .. I I I \ . f . I t ,~.; 11' I ' L':"' ~ i 1 /I \\ ~ \ II ; .1 . , / INVOICE NO. 'to ( ( 1 b 891854 ~~ E8900311 DATE MAY 11, 1989 AMOUNT $125.00 .. ... .. 1 t (SNP) . r<j;,"~~ ~ '..' ....1 I : ~ ; " '::." , ..' , . .' '" 'I ,; .: .';: f.~ L.L:..'..::,.. J ,"~,~.-.:,. ,. ...:.. (' ~ ~ ~ z~. :!J Q =-- :Z"" --c :a:a::z.... ~ ~~ ,CD ~ . ~ . ~ i;: I9pJ u \..... -- ......... R " A. ~~~ __9- "'l_" Ontario E 890311 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de (,Ontario IN THE HATTER OF Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 34/ as amended) - and - IN THE MATTER Of an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcast 1 e for an order approvi ng the entering into a proposed agreement between the applicant and O.E. Inc. (Office Equipment Co. of Canada) with respect to the maintenance for the Canon photocopier Model NP6650 for a period of fi ve years, and the disbursement of sums of money payable thereunder B E FOR E D.H. MeROBS Member - and - Thursday, the 20th day of Apri 1, 1989 8. W. McLOUGHLIN Member THE BOARD ORDERS that this application be granted and that the applicant may enter into such proposed agreement in the form filed with the Board on the 6th day of April, 1989, and identified by the Secretary's signature, provided that the Council of the applicant corporation in exercising any power approved by this order shall comply and conform with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto. J-;' g~ SECRETARY ENTERED 0.6. No. ..rf..1..7..:-..i...... Folio No. .:&:1.1............ MAY 1 2 1989 94[cL SECRETARY. ONT. MUNICIPAL BOARD ... . Cert.i.f.i.ecl b,yc .. . t.. s~..-.~.' JIB.. u - ~< , ~\;i..~1iio1OlJ',\.~. ~ '~'.l ~j.;'1-" -';';", 1:. _OCF1VE YEA;;~~R ;~:~L10N COPIE~"'I I ~ ~~~~~11!i:~~~~ I ~.. O.E. INC. (Office Equipment Co. of Canada) agrees to perform preventive maintenance including drum ;..t .~ IP.-C replacement. parts and labour lor the original purchaser 01 the "Canon" Copier at the prevailing rate. ;.,~ ~ O.E. INC. (Office Equipment Co. of Canada) agrees to provide all emergency service calls. replacement *: it parts and labour and to maintain the "Canon" Copier in proper working order. ~. 1<: These services will be provided during normal working hours. Monday to Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., .~. .~.~ holidays excluded. R E eEl V E D ~~ i -. ,.....~- .~ This warranty shall be in effect for the periOd of 5 years or 2 million copies whichever comes f~rfklj~ @HgAR10 ~' ~: as the maintenance schedule and terms and conditions which follow are met. Failure to Clmfb,y';b/ii 80ARD ~... F.: invalidate the warranty. :@ ,~ AI'::: 06 1989 li~~~ ~ TERMS AND CONDITIONS AM ..... ~ Term of payment - net 30 days from receipt of invoice. '1181911Mll1211121314151. ~~ ~ The machine must not be tampered with or adjusted by anyone other than an authorize~E.INC. ~: ~:7~ Service Technician. ... ~':.::. ~ If customer chooses to use toner other than that purchased from O.E.INC. the above warranty will ':'~'. ~l-!'~ exclude the photosensitive drum and developing unit. ~ This service agreement supercedes all proposals. oral or written. relative to the subject matter. ~~. ~..' THIS WARRANTY PROGRAM EXCLUDES_ m.' ~ Any parts required for your "Canon" Copier due to negligence and/or abuse of the copier. labour ~ ~:l! will be provided free of charge. !O: .;~.: ~ Any maintenance required due to acts of God. fire. theft. vandalism. Or willfull damage. ~ . ~ .~ ~ After-hour, holiday, or weekend service"m;. ~ This warranty is not transferable from the or;ginal purchaser of the "Canon" Copier. ~.;:.f.'.,. . ~ The above warranty is chargeable at the following rate which is guaranteed for 1 (one) year from l- ~~ the date of purchase. :1.f)t. ~: INFORMATION FOR SERVICE (MANDATORYI :~,r; The Customer chooses II? qay for after sales service as follows ~. Per Call ~ ~ ~} ~~eter reading. ~O ~u...hIV IIlhtlmum. payaOle In auvan"" 'luo.le.4y ~~ ~.. 0 i~ WA ther copies a~ ~ ~: Other 0 2.S OOC> .00 p~ ~ '(: 00 - . 'e,.. Per.. :~>~ ~ loS, 00..:::> -+- C.Of'C4 /. 00,5 ~""'c..o~.. ~~\ i 24800 CANON PLAIN PAPER COPIERS ('n;>~e~oo.df'er~~ ~ Date Name of CustomeiTHG" <:.o<<...fbc;A'n~oJ Q..p+n...,..QU.)tJo(~~ ~ Deliver to: Invoice to: :..~, { Str-eet '-\ 0 \"\:.~ P~~-... Street ~ 0 "Ta'r\P~Nc:.c ~"r .. .>~ ~ SUIte 7v-.-eJ....-",. ~ . Suite -Pu.~_\l~~. :'I:p.' ~ City ~o \J.I('c"v.1 \I ; I Oo.1f. Postal CodeU ~ 3Ab City"6 O\,A,..H..,o..W \I; \k . OtolT". Postal Cod~~\tt~ .(: Machine No. l-1p {., 6'5..Q...__ Tel. ~~'3~/'i(Y'''~tlention of ~toJ S.r~~' SerialC.lU.fl~"c:fh''!i: ~.~ CUSTOMERx. O.E. '~C. (Off; Equipment Cp. of Canad~1 ;~. '0( ~~_~L~K\N~, ~~ ft. Date ___ SIGNA'ItMt Date 3a~ StG....tu.( ,~ . ~"';:(~'''':~'''~''':'~;>':'~.'.;';'.~'.'~''''~':'..m'\!::;.'''6'-:';.&,;"~.;:1'i'.:':'~':'~"~.-:':.':zr..:,.:~~,,:,:~,.., ,':...w,;"'di\:~:~~~..M.~(: ~~~("":w~~~~W.(~~;~~~;~"~~;~'~;::~:,::-.~;:'~:;;~:::.~~.:;:.~;;~::~~;:~~:.:~~;~~:::~~.;~~;::~~~~~""Sp: .."j ..