HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-229 " AMENDED . ~v. ro5 BY-LAW #~i............ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 89- 229 Being a By-Law to authorize the entering into Lease with Friden Alcatel The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Hereby Enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, a lease between Friden Alcatel and the Corporation dated day of December, 1989, which lease is attached hereto and marked Schedule "X". 2. That this By-Law not take effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section 64(1) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. By-Law read a first and second time this 11th day of December 1989. By-Law read a third time and finally pa December 1989 . .. ltj ~_r Ontario Iv Ontario Municipal Board 416/598-2266 The attached is a duplicate of the Board's original order. The original of this order is on file at the Board's offices in the Order Book No. and Folio No. cited. Yours truly, J. G. Malcolm Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer 180 Dundas St. West Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 . \ -. .- ~-" Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario E 900004 IN THE HATTER OF Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c.347 as amended) - and - IN THE HATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving the entering into a proposed lease agreement between the applicant and Friden Alcatel Leasing of Canada with respect to the leasing of mail processing equipment for a period of five years, and the disbursement of sums of money payable thereunder B E FOR E : - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, the 11th day of January, 1990 A.J .L. CHAPMAN Vice-Chairman C.G. CHARRON Member THE BOARD ORDERS that this application be granted and that the applicant may enter into such proposed lease agreement in the form filed with the Board on the 2nd day of January, 1990, and identified by the Secretary's signature, provided that the Council of the applicant corporation in exercising any power approved by this order shall comply and conform with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto. ENTERED O.B. NJ. .....g.~Q.::l ........ Folio No. .......U... JAN 2 9 1990.......1 --~!~M I . ";' ~: LE~~EE "NFODIM^T10N'~::~,:" :'i', :"",~,,;,"'\':".":f"~,;~;.:r.:.:~:;,-~a~>t.>.A';(:i:':INITIAL' bn ~.~!:,K~.,:=;.;:~:,t.~~' OF,;;,', I,... ~_..., ~ ".' ",Ill ,;.;....JI.--:!J....,..'..~,~_. __~.I....:.~~J!i.~i-\~' ;-{'l),."~~..~1ti.i~~.,~~~.~)..,:~7.:.;.f~~~"....~.~.~~~~ ~.~AYlitENTa bl'" " Full Legal Nam. of Le.... (CORPORATE, PARTNERSHIP OR INDIVIDUAL NAME) ~.~ 7r!'=- COP-I='Of{A'/O,'V or THe 7j)Wf\J OF' Ne:Wr.~""'f:.7'LE' ~ Equlpmenlloeallon ~. t Lf 0 Tr:.,.., PI:' (l.,A N (" ~ 57,. E e.-" ~. Clly Provine. t~",-", ~~~~~~X.tJdff.........Q J.f!A!il:f?,.,... i; Person to Contact Regarding Involc.. r Invoicing Add,... (Leave blanll " same a. above) ~i ~:: Clly y f: ~Q'},.\~i~~~~~~.~~5~~~'!o'4~..';~~~'~~~i2MT_~~'?l1 f !p!lD:lXIJ;;'UW.~-..A -~~~?~~...-;~~... ~~WUiJ.---jJ'--'" ".~oOel No.' Equipment Description & Serla' No, Renlal Amount 0' ;;:NZ r".'SeA7cA 01 T 1'\ Z. 7'7< ~ IV ~ Po Ie" UII ,..,.. Equipment S <i> 5(, . 00 o , f'C1.'":> , 1""'"0 .i.1'~ . ~. OJ ~e; / ~'i:.E r. i.J ft/IT Tax f.:f. tte;! t.: (J I Fe I F~e (, /../1'0""- :. OJ t:; 70 l::h/~S"Te;(2. Insurance C~; '118'D 4l(Ti;tr,47...C- Pp:;7)?lri= Y!3.'-!i'IV~'. , o j ~S /L. 1= ~/EC-7~ONIC (1.0f7r"V, dV~ -,(ALc- ,,3 Zl, 'j$'O tEr//7'iQ8Lc WI"" P,I:lIIEL Asahi (>1 2'150 4'~"i TA~.4e' yy,'T/t PAIY~'L ~e1"7l8~ oj 7.',,7.. 50."'\/ noclllLJr I./:;""L ZO-1.8Z-3 ~,,...,r~ Ti '6".<= ~H-: Lv&5 (-1, '5 ~(r::. f',,'I\C,.tlAS.E 0"',." rJ '. . - '~':t-"":, '~"~"';"':'~:-.:"''' .- ...._-:._:-'-..,~..-.....~1! ._u....., -~ ... . - .,,-,- to Contact ~ardlng Equip", ~~ Postal Code Phone ~~ Ji~~~!l~._- .~~)td:J}~.Zf,. Phone ( ) Send Involc. to Att.ntlon Of Province Postal Code Dept. L..... Rei. No. (e.g., P.O.II) Total Paymenl Due 1$ '1 Z I,f.~g' I l" BUNDLE (See Worksheet) Payment Includes: 4CheCil...- _I " t .~ ~ '!. o Meter Rental o Maintenance Frld." Alcat.' Branch or Agenl -'--b~ 0 NIO SALESPERSON(S) & NO. . / BPi LJc...t= Dovv Office No. 0"" 1)1. (.. L"':' TtI- ......eC"~~ IE. q..'.' r/7.EAI:- 0'" ,'ii. ~rt'M;,'d1/ D.e,He ",--A-~ ~ ) ATTACH CHECK TO FRIDEN ALCAIEL LEASING OF CANADA - ....... $ 4/..; FST NO. ....urltr Dot>oSlI $ /V1,4 WARRANTY Lessee has selected the Vendor, the make, model, specifications, performance and all other matter relating to the ordering, delivery, opera- tion and performance of each Item of property. Lessor has made no warranty or representation whatsoever, express Of Implied, statutory or otherwise with respect to the property including without limitation, the condition of the property,lts merchantability or Its fitness for any par. ticular purpose. If the property Is not properly Installed, does not perform as represented or warranted by Vendor or Is unsatisfactory for any reason, .Lessee shall make no Claim on account thereof against Vendor and shall nevertheless pay Lessor all rent payable under this lease and Lessee heret>>' waives any such claim against Lessor. No amount payable by Lessee to Lessor under this lease shall be subject to claim for the diminution or abatement of rent or damages for loss of use of the property not to any defense, setoff or counter claim whatsoever arising out of any defects In the property or by reason of any damage to or loss or destruction of the same. Lessor shall upon demand of Lessee assign to Lessee solely for the purpose of making or prosecuting any such claim and all of the rights which Lessor has against Vendor for breach of warranty or other representation respecting the property. THIS LEASE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE REVERSE SIDE WHICH ARE MADE A PART HEREOF AND WHICH LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE HAS READ. FRIDEN ALCAIEL lEASING OF CANADA (LESSOR) by 33 Melford Drive, Unit lIB Scarborough, Ontario M182G6 Not valid unless executed at Lessor's home office. Deposll of advance check(s) does not constllute acceptance of lease by Lessor, Dale LESSEE by X Dale I I I I Please p'!nl name & title CQ.LESSH X Dale I I CO.LESSEE, I am signing my name above to beeome a Co-LHsee wilh Ihe ebOve Lessee and Intend 10 be personally and Individually llaDIe lor all 01 Lessee's oDligallons uncler this lease. I J:A~J: nRI(~INAI .' ,"" , c~_ secretary Ontario Municipal Board