HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-200 '. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 89 - 200 being a By-Law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with Ken-Mar Energy Inc., for the Supply of Oil and Lubricants. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Ken-Mar Energy Inc., Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $56,099.46, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T89-34, be awarded the contract to Supply Oils and Lubricants as required by the Town of Newcastle; 2. THAT Tender Document T89-34 attached hereto as Schedule "A" and Purchase Order #7553 attached hereto as Schedule "B" form part of this By-Law. . 3. THAT this By-Law shall be subject to approval by the Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW read a first time this 13th day of November, 1989 BY-LAW read a second time this 13th day of November, 1989 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of November, 1989. t tLtr&M1J MAYOR CLERK .'A...',~,,",' ..'.a. r. .. :,!.. . ..._ -_... _............. v. ...- .-.... -. ...-..-..-.-- 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO UC 3A6 TELEPHONE: (416) 623-3319 ",c;:,I.c;:,n~L rvn"n~:>t UMuc;:,n ~'j."""".'U~~ THE A8OIII: l'UACHASE OAOER __ MUST lIE QUOTeD ON Al.l SHff'PlNO DOCUMENTS. INYOtCES AHO ASSOCIATED COARESPOHOEHCE, TO: . Ken-Mar Energy Inc. Gr. 13. Box 23 R.R. ##3 Bowmanville. Ontario L1C 3K4 SHIP TO: As Directed . . .. . . I Publ i Works . . Supply Contract Order To SUWly am ~liver oil em llbricant proclIcts to tre To,..n of te<<:astle Q1 an lias n:QJirW" basis in acoordaoce with all t.er1ffi, a:n:fitiros. ard specificatiOOs of TeRB' 189-34.' ,k_ 1GOO oi I - wlk Plus 40 oil - wlk Plus 40 oil (4 x ali litres) 1SW40 oil - wlk 15W40 oil (6 x ali litres) 1GOO oil (12 x 1 litre cans) .autanatic Transnissioo fluid (latral II) (4 x 2D5 Htres) ~lic Fluid (Ii}{Iroflo) (4 x ali litres) . I-b'draulic Fluid (~flo) wlk Varsol (4 x ali litres), ... Plus 40 oil (12 x1 litre cans) 00/00 G!!ar tJ.m (14 x60 litre dnms) Tractor fluid (llJratran) (6 x 22 litre pails) Olain saw oil (10 x 4 litre jLgS) EP2 M.Jlti -Pur(x>se ~ EP2 M.Jlti-Purp:>se ~ {55 kilcgran kaJ} I'.. . . Federal Sales Tax Inclt.KBI Provincial Sales Tax Extra Orun ~it Extra W'B'eawlicable Orders flIln:!: 434-1426 N:IJve prices finn lIltil Jan. 1/00 111is order to wme/lce inm:diately am to expire Sept. 3), 1992. As ~r all t.er1ffi. cxrditicns am specificatiQ1S of Terrler 189-34. Slbject to O.M.B. Proroval COUNCtLAPPROVAL: Ck:tDber l) 1009. ACCOUNT NUMBER: As l'et 3) . I A<: ld Destinatioo Yoor Delivery 'Qt.v ,YEAR ~ 1) THE VENDOR Will SUPPLY AND DELIVER GOODS ANOIOR SERVICES TO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTlE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON BOTH SIDES HEREOF. 2) NO CHARGES WIll BE ACCEPTED FOR PACKING, CRATING. OR CARTAGE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ~~d puRCHASING ANO SUPPl v AGENT V~NDOP.'S c")py ~C~ln 'N"0'r.r=~ '''' fl' .Inl 'f".fI Tr T(,\' T"r. ,..,.......r0.... ~ T!"'~' ('\r T'1C T~...!'l ~r r." ,.r '{" " .... T: . - -~.:". . (': I ( . / '::.'.:.(,.-... : i;-;.:' '~..\::c~~ ~ :::-_~:r. [:rw::.,'d'J\"IL'. c:rrr,j..; L1l~ :,.:.,j .;'.('w;, "".'- . .... to .'. .tt'i:~, ft. .....:~ ~..,.... HiE COfWOHATlON Of THE TOWN OF NEWCASTlE PURCtiASING OFFICE TEN OEA FOAM Tender T89-34 S..'." r."df"sfu, U4tCf"~ ....diu. ~ftfV't..!.. ..,...... ~..,..... ,..ltuut",.' 41" '''41 'Ulf"~ <ilud .n lhn t"",elupe ,"OV'dffd. wtll be 'ece4ved by tt\e oUice of the Clerk. eo,. '......hon 0' 'h.. 10wn "' Nnw.:..slI.. 411 I "'..'H.....rl ~'bd" N8'dov'1I( l(~C"SY. 1.(1 J.~(, ....It'll... Clos.nq I...... and dale indic..'ed heteon . . Friday September 29. 1989 CLOSING rtME ANO OA I E (LO(;;I' '''"f!'' rENOER NO Lou Ann Birkett OArE T89-34 .... ..~. .................... ~"""'" ~.. September 12, 1989 REF/PURCHASING ANO SUPPLY AGENT ~....... ~..~. ............... .._.0.. ~....... I'h"",, 14 161 623.33'9 rend.'s ..,e ,nvoted'OI UN' lulk.wtllQ \IO<IClsI_WtCf!>. ..",1/(" '""I':CIS s,lCC.(<<td '\0100" and lIssoe.a'ef' documen,s. plans and specl,ic.,ions. Complete in lull. .Ill blan"S wh.re p,ov,dod ..nd .e101n onn COl'Y""""" set "',he tmlHtlo.tf' ,"ov.dOO. O.e' depos.,s """'Of aorOClment,o bond. if ,equited. must accompany tender sub. mlss.on und., same cove' and enve'ope Alllend.,s must comply ,n accord..nce ...Ih .ague_s. le,,"s and condihons sellorlh in all lend.. dOCuments. Suc:ee..,ut tendefs must aceeptte,m. and condi'lons 0' subseqlHftt ofllel.t pcnctl.... Ofdef ISsued by ,lie Corpot ahon 01 the Town 01 Hewe..lIe, untess o'he,wise stlpul.ted. The '-at Of any tender not neceSsarily accepted. . Tend." must compty and CQft'Ofm'O all.eguta,_s. telms concfitoons and Inslfuctions specilied In By-law "82.96 0' the Corporation of the Town 01 Newcas"e. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICES !'foe.. f.......... .............,._ Nt c..r.-... F........ F .0.. _. -"'<1"'0 F_... Sa... ,... ..pethcolttle. -.. 01_.... tndic.lelf. 0ftI.......... s..tes f..." applIc..b1.. .....11 be QUO/elf ... .. ..p..,..te It.".. -., Town llwe hereby agreE to supply and deliver the followir 9 oils and lubri ant products to "'the of Newcastle. on an "as required- basis for the fol owing prices in ccordance with all terms. condition~ and specifications of this tender 3690 litres 10W30 oil - bulk 3690 Ii tres Plus 40 oil - bulk 2460 Iitres Plus 40 oil (4 x 205 litres) 15372 litres 15W40 oil - bulk 3690 Ii tres 15W40 0 II (6 x 205 Ii tres ) 720 1 f tres 10W30 of I (12 x 1 litre cans) 2460 litres Automatic Transmission fluid (Dextron II) (4 x 205 litres) Hydraulic fluid (Hydroflo) (4 x 205 Ii tres ) Hydraulic fluid (Hydroflo) bulk Varsol (4 x 205 litres) Plus 40 Oil (12 x 1 litre cans) 80/90 Gear lube (14 x 60 litre drums) 2460 I i tres I i tres 7380 2460 36 2520 I i tres If tres litres GUARANTEEO OELIVERY OR COMPLETION. _ CASH DISCOUNT l'h OATE AFTER OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF OROER.... _. !~~. _ ~~~~1;1.~~~~....... _ _. .ANO TERMS...... .1"~~" ... .~r. ~y.. ;-!~X? .... ORIGIN OF GooOS: r t . )': 1 GOOOS TO BE SHIPPEO F~O~: l (''n CITY & COUNTRy.... ..9r~n..~. ....I.... _~.d:~r.. ~.... CITY & COUNTRY .. ..'~:. P:.~Y.._....L... _. _t;~x .1.9..... The undersigned. 'endere' aorees 10 supply and ~ a" goods lIndfo, se,vices 10' p,ice (sllendered to the Corpotation of tlle T_ 01 Newcaslle In aceo', dance with allte,ms. specificalions and conditions specif.ed lIe,ein . J vl1 1:n' . "'1' FIRM NAME:........:~ ~ ~. ~. . . . . .. !'-:.;. -:. .'; :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (tf'lnd..'e't .:h~' "el" - t '0' . .~'..)l .'. . .... \1 ~ . '.." ADDRESS: 0 . ~ , 0 0 0 0 0 . .., . .'. . .-' ',-. . ~ .. .~~ . ~ ~.... , . . -!. .". . ' , _ : . '. Lr. :~rHOAlZEZE~..... PRINT NA<< I ._.arry ~iU:T1s POSTAL CODE...... ~-X"" )~(?... ..... ............. ~"" ...... ~............, ___ et"- ... r;.::u~ . TELEPHONE (~~') . . '.. . . l' i. ...!. _ . ... ~ 'If. f 0(' nO.. I. ':)(, . ... , 1'41:'"\ nt.' , .' '1,: .' ....~:;,.... .... ...... I lit:. COfWUnATIUN Of HiE fOWN Of NEWCASTLE PURCHASING OFfiCE TENDER FORM Tender T89-34 S'.......,... '....d.'" '.If \ltH.d:. '''It'''" s.te".. ..... ......~'....!...'..A ...d.ft..t..~.t Uft tfw 'IU..I:. .tlUl tft I",! n,,,,..hJ,", ,Mo..dud. w." be 'ec..~ b" theoll.ce 0' lhe Clelk. eo,. 'N".".'" U, ,,,.. Cuw.. ut Nth"'......t...,. .0 ,.~..'."'fr'~. ab ')(too't\""1ttd~'~'rtl t lit,~/Y" If..h' u,., C.fuS"'Q 'une .and d,aCe IAdle.ted heteon rridclY Septl'mber 29 CLOSING liME AND "A 1 E Ilm:..1 1 "",!, . . - . L()u Ann Birkett 1989 JENOEB NO... REFJPURCUASING AND SUPPLY AGENl OATE T89-34 ...... ~"~"~."'~" ~. ~'...,..... September 12. 1989 ....... ~"""'~ "0 _0.............. "h..,,~ 14 Hi, 61JJJ/'J I....do's ;;'0 .n".ft,d I.., Ih" 1..II..Wlflllll.KK.",....."...".. ....."... I....,".;IS SIII'C,'''''''''''''''' ;;nd ;;Ssoc..aled documenls. pl.ans.ancl specilic.alions. Complole in lull. ;;11 bllI""s wl.o.e p'O".du" ...... .ut,,,1I on" ';111" ,""'ft.. """" ...., ''''.'''Ol''! '"0''''''''' II". ""IMIS"S .andlo. .ao.eemenIIO bond. if .equi'ed. muSI.aCcompany lenclo, sub, m.ss.on unde. s.amo co,,'" ..nd "..velope Alllende" mUSI comply ,n accOfd.ance w.II. 'OO.....,.ooS. 'Uffns ,..", CUlltI,.,,,,,s SullOf'h .n .allleAde. documents. Succesltul tenders mUll acceplle,ms ancl condilions 01 subsequen' oUiclal pu.chue Ofdllf 'ssued II, 'he CotIIO..ahon ollhe 'own 01 NeWCUlle. unlelS OlhefwlH sllpulaled. The lowesl Of any lende, not necessa,ily aCeepled. r ende" musl comply .and con/Ofm 10 all .egulallOnl,letms COflChhuns .and inslfuchons specified in 8y.Law #82.96 ot the Cotpofatlon 01 lhe Town 01 Newcastle. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICES P"c.. ,_.... ""a" 1M pa'abla... ~ FUftds. FOil ___. -.....ono F......I Sa.a. ,.. .ppllC.ble. _SS Oil_wiN iftfItc.,.... OM........... Setes I..." """,lCabl.. ....11 1M quo.'" a. . ..pa..'. II..... 396 litres Tractor fluid (Duratran) (6 x 22 litre pails) Chain saw oil (10 x 4 litre jugs EP2 Multi-Purpose Grease EP2 Multi-Purpose Grease (55 kilogram keg) TOTAL $ 56 120 litres 1800 Ii tres 12 kegs Prices to be held firm unti I ~\. r. 1/9o(specify date) Prices must include F.S.T. where applicable. Dru deposits mus not be included in above prices. Del ivery locati ns F.O.B. Pub ic Works nepot: Hampton. Orono and Bowman ille and Parks a d Recreation Depot, Bowmanville. NOTE: The quantities specified re based on prev ous years consumption and are for a three (3) year per ode The Town of Newcastle does not guarantee to purchase these exac amounts. GUARANTEEO OElIVERY OR-COMPLETION . CASH DISCOUNT . DATE AFTER OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF ORDER.... .A..s.. .Re.Q tJ.l.r:e.d............ .ANO TERMS.. .lie.t. .Th 1.r.t.Y. .O.~Y.$........ ORIGIN OF GOOOS: . Toronto Ontario GOOOSTOBESHIPPEOFROt.tlhi tb Ontario CITY & COUNTRY. . . . .. ...... ..... .. .1... ...... .. . . . . . . . . . CITY & COUNTRY. . ............ .f... .1........ . .... . . . . . . . rhe unde.s.gned. tondele' ao.ees to supply and del<_.all goods andlor se'.,ces 10' price Is,'ende.ed 10 lhe Cotpot.atlon of the Town 0/ Newc.aslle in acco.. d.ance w"h .allle,ms. spec.ltc.alions and conc:lihons spec'/oed he.ein . R.P. Oil Limited FIRM NAME........................... ........ (f encJ.'(H' 640 Euclid St. Box 23, Whitby, ADDRESS: . . . . . . .. .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onto AUTHORIZE.::'? Ar~~ . . .. . . PRINT AME: Larry Harris POSTAL CODE. L1N 5R7 . . . . . ~ .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . 41h 666-2313 TELEPHONE ( . 1 S.ec:: T.rea.s.... . . . '''If S~p.~e.~~.~~. 2?... 1989 . /~ ~ Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des atfaires municipales de I'Ontario IN THE HATTER OF section 64 of the Qptario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c.347 as amended) _ and - IN THE HATTER OF an application by The corporation of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving the entering into a proposed agreement between the applicant and Ken-Mar Energy Inc. with respect to the sup.ply of oil and lubricants products as required by the Town for a period of three years, terminating on the 30th day of september, 1992, and the disbursement of sums of money payable thereunder B E FOR E I D.H. McROBB Vice-Chairman E 891279 _ and - Thursday, the 7th day of December, 1989 E.F. CROSSLAND Member THE BOARD ORDERS. that this application be granted and that the applicant may enter into such proposed agreement in the form filed with the Board on the 4th day of December, 1989, and identified by the Secretary' ':I signature, provided that the Council of '.:;he applicant corporation in exercising any power approved by this order shall comply and.conform with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto. ~ SECRETARY r ENTEREO 1 O. B. No...e..~j.:::4.. folio 110.........7..................... 'OEe 1 8 1989 ~h- cq:::.L~.;..\ 6;L :i ~: ,:~. .~ ':~ .$; ~~ t .1 I I j! ~: I ~ I 'a-. .~ }X; .<:t ."'" -s: fl .'C', ~:!' .$ 'i ,#, :~ ;1;i Pi - cZCJCJ