HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-73 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 86- 73 bei ng a By-l aw to amend By-l aw 84-63, the Compr'ehens i ve ZO'ni ng By-law of the Cor'por'ation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Cor'por'ation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Cor'por'ation of the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Counci 1 of the Cor'por'ation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 11111 to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changi ng the zone desi gnation fr'om UAgr'icul tur'al (A) II to IIRur'al Cluster' (RC)II as shown on the attached Schedule IIXII her'eto. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing her'eof, subject to the pr'ovisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW r'ead a fir'st time this 26 day of day 0 f May May 1986 1986 BY -LAW r'ead a second time thi s 26 BY-LAW r'ead a third time and fi nally passed thi s 26 May 1 986 . day of { . " I.B.r:,",~.~.:~:"...k 9. . ,3Y ~,~;f.. .. This is Schedule "X" passed this 26 day to By-law 86- 73 of May , 1986 A.D. , v - 01' I- Z I.LJ W ( 0 cr ~ <t f- LOT 12 " LOT II ,CONCESSION 4 (/) '" 0 <( = a:: >- .. t- ~ ...J a:: '" <t .. lJ.J .. ! Z CD .. OJ 0 - .. .!: ..J -' (,!) - lJ.J a:: --< CONCESSION ROAD 4 V///1 ZONE CHANGE FROM "A" TO II RC II Mayor o 25 50 100. 150 ~- .~ 50 30 10- 250m . ~tuJ. ~ Clerk 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 7 6 I-c6i ' REGIOtlAL ROAD " I I -~._. I I ~ ! , , :r- I Z 0 , ;A-l: 0 A~) <t I 0 ~ I <t I , (/) 0 liO r .._-t~- (/) '" I A i UJ , ..J I .. U I z I 2 Z .., I 0 w U :x; 1 ~ ~,I . - -~...- ~._.._~ 1\\ A 1 :,-8 , r ~ _.~--' ':A I I'() r'7 \1'- ~ ! '~( z , I , 0 w I '" I a , ,,' \~.J (/) f..p, ~ ~ j (/) , / " ' , AI L.:) " , , UJ :~,~ A:1 u '. z , 0 ~ u Former Township of DARLINGTON o 250 500 ~-~ 500", 100 :ooO"'~ I \5':J } t