HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-30 . ~ Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Ministere de fa Consommation et du Commerce 101 Bloor Street West 6th Floor To;t;'QntQ~ Ontarto M5S 225 tg,3!/w. ~ XRHKIOOOtX ~X ~X April 8, 1986 416/963-0511 Cemeteries Branch/Direction des cimetieres Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvil1e, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Refer to File No.lPrii:ue de mentionner Ie nOde dossier 8...3...37? ...41 ~Tmi."'" ~ .,".,,..,,' ,..,. ~,'. :-""~, ,'" ,l,ID.....,". . , '- ! ~.. 'i~: ';','\ ~i:::' '~L:~l j . j'.;j':;;'~("""" ~~ '-';; j "'-r ! ~ ' ~. ,","". ~..... ~::i_l APR 1 8 1986 D. W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T., C.M.O. Town Clerk TOw. OF ~C.AS1U CLERK DEPARIMENT Re/ Objet: Town of Newcastle Cemeter1e~ (Bowmanville and Bondhead) ~x Cimetiere As requested in your application dated 26/2/89 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. Conformement a votre demande du nous vous renvoyons sous ce pli les documents approuves ou classes. lis constituent une partie importante des dossiers du cimetiere et devraient etre conserves dans un endroit sOr ou votre agent charge de /'administration pourra les consulter publiquement. Enclosed are the numbers of copies shown of the items checked/ Voici Ie nombre de copies des documents verifies: of By-Law No.1 reglement nO overall plans/ plans d'ensemble sectional plans of section/ coupes de la section construction plans off plans de construction d crypt Qr niche numbering plans fori plans de numerotage des cryptes ou des niches d sales agreement or contract or receipt! contrats de vente ou rer;u rules and regulations/ reglements amendment to approved rules and regulations/ amendements aux reglements approuves I tariff of rates/ ~ Schedule 'A' to By-law 86...30 bareme des taux Future requests for rate changes must be accompanied by: 1) a cost justification plan; 2) a statement outlining the need for the changes. 05362 (08/84) ... t, t"" 11 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 86-30 being a by-law to amend By-law 79-104, as amended, to ',provide.for the Maintenance, Management, Regulation and Control of Cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacted By-law 79-104, on the 8th day of October 1979; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it appropriate to amend the Tariff of Rates for Cemeteries owned by the Town of Newcastle; If NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Schedule IIAII to By-law 79-104 as amended, by the revised Tariff of Rates detailed in Schedule IIAII to By-law 81-45 be deleted and the revised Schedule "A" appended hereto, be substituted therefore; 2. THAT the revised Tariff of Rates appended hereto as Schedule "A" shall come into force on July 1st 1986; 3. . THAT the effective date referred to in Section 2 shall be subject, however, to the approval of the revised Tariff of Rates by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. By-law read a first and second time this 24th day of February 1986 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of February 1986 ( l C ((t' )' ., /A.t. L .Ar~'--'L.~cJ, /"~ Clerk (ClmnEO UNDER THE HARD OF. THI ..---...-... 'cr;~KMm SEAL OF THE CVJPO~ATlON OF THE TOWlI OF riEWCASTlB {r S Ttll Be'A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW ___._<t.;_.._~ CF THE CORfo.RATlOlIIf JHI JllWl QE HEWCASTLI Q " lJAIEQ JIII~~""-", ~ DE ~ ,1911..._, ~.~. --..... - ~RK.O,riiii'cORPORATioNOi.. Dtli lOD Qt! IliWGMtLli ~ ~" .. .. SCHEDULE · A I Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Cemeteri es Proposed 1986 Tariff of Rates a) Adu 1 t ............................................................... $180.00 b ) Chi 1 d ............................................................... $ 60.00 c) Cremation........................................................... $ 60.00 3. Disinterment Charges a) Disinterment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (adu1 t) ................................................... b) Disinterment including lowering remains at same location (.adult}.... c) Disinterment for reburial at another cemetery (adult)............... d) Disinterment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (cremation or child) ...................................... e) Disinterment for reburial at same location or another cemetery ( c rema t ion 0 r chi 1 d) ............................................... " $450.00 $300.00 $270.00 $150.00 $ 90.00 ../2 .. ... ... ". SCHEDULE lA' Continued.... Page 2. 4. Weekend Holiday and Other Surcharges a) Interment on Saturdays ...............................additional.... b) Interment on Sundays & Legal Holidays ................additiona1.... c) Interment or Disinterment double depth................additional.... d} Rental and set up with device and dressing .......... additional.... 5. Monument Foundations and Setting Markers a) Monument Foundations (per cubic foot) ............................. b) Flat marker foundation - each..................................... c) d) Cremation markers ................................................. Removal of Monuments ............................ ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $100.00 $150.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 6.00 $ 35.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 6. Transfer Fee.......................................................... $ 2.00 7. Perpetual Care On plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid - $2.00 per square foot. 8. Other Services At cost fO~ti~and material. ~,1 ~~ ,,,,I ~/8'- II s.",-, F tt. tJ I-f,fH'N l' 0 ~ 1(,..,( Is 1<t?OMUC..,/J. RAlJI TH~ .sPfGIF'l'- S~~.J'u 1DEN'1" ;:IEf). -. FILED "'..... , 'H'), J'L ~:; , i;;: ;' fi ,~;. :,,;; . ~::::. i~ .~~:; H:'" 1":;: n :t;::, :t!' ~'H: ~.; ,; ~: ~i MINISTRY OF CONSUMER & COMMERCIAL RELATIONS In accordance with the regulations - under The Cemeteries Act. These rates snail be put in effect 30 days after the date, ci filing shown below. Date of Filing ~tUd..':I;...L?f.t, Number...... ...~. ..--:..~~.3:::.J:l.;,,;/.f ) .2l~...~.......- ;j , 'l,. , .i " .' .~ , . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 86-30 being a by-law to amend By-law 79-104, as amended, totpl'jOvid~.for the Maintenance, Management, Regulation and Control of Cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacted By-law 79-104, on the 8th day of October 1979; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it appropriate to amend the Tariff of Rates for Cemeteries owned by the Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Schedule "A" to By-law 79-104 as amended, by the revised Tariff of Rates detailed in Schedule "A" to By-law 81-45 be deleted and the revised Schedule "A" appended hereto, be substituted therefore; 2. THAT the revised Tariff of Rates appended hereto as Schedule "A" shall come into force on July 1st 1986; 3. T:ATHAiIi'the effective date referred to in Section 2 shall be subject, however, to the approval of the revised Tariff of Rates by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. By-law read a first and second time this ~4"thday of February 1986 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of February 1986 L~~ .~"" C Ie rk ~-""-"-'----'''''.._..'' ,....,~-=:J' , , ~$. 3/ /crt>. File "'~. ...~~......o ..m...'..._ ~'-,"'''~'~'..' .'<-;',~"..._-~.__.~ -.,,- -. ~ ~,,,._,---,,_.._,,,,-_...--.._.'_..- '. .. .. ( SCHEDULE I A I Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Cemeteries Proposed 1986 Tariff of Rates 1- Sale of Plots Dimensions Land Perpetua 1 Care Total Bowmanville Bondhead a) Si ngl e Lots 31 x 9' 4' X 101 $195.00 $105.00 $300.00 b) Babyland Lots 1 1/21x 3' 1 1/21x 31 $ 55.25 $ 29.75 $ 85.00 c) Cremati on Lots 2' x 2' 21 X 2' $ 55.25 $ 29.75 $ 85.00 2. Interment Charges ( a ) Ad.u 1 t ............................................................... $180 . 00 b) Chil d ............................................................... $ 60.00 c) Crema t ion ........................................................... $ 60.00 3. Disinterment Charges a} Disinterment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (adu1 t) ................................................... b} Di si nterment i nc1 udi ng 1 oweri ng remai ns at same 1 ocati on ("adul t) . . . . c) Disinterment for reburial at another cemetery (adult)............... d) Disinterment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (cremation or child) ...................................... $150.00 $450.00 $300.00 $270.00 e) Disinterment for reburial at same location or another cemetery (cremation or child) ............................................... $ 90.00 ../2 1 SCHEDULE 'AI Continued.... Page 2. 4. Weekend Holiday and Other Surcharges a) Interment on Saturdays ...............................additiona1.... b) Interment on Sundays & Legal Holidays ................additiona1.... c) Interment or Disinterment double depth................additiona1.... d} Rental and set up with device and dressing .......... additional.... 5. Monument Foundations and Setting Markers a) Monument Foundations (per cubic foot) ............................. b) Flat marker foundation - each ..................................... c) d) Crema ti on markers ................................................. Removal of Monuments ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. .... 6. Transfer Fee .......................................................... 7. Perpetual Care On plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid - $2.00 per square foot. 8. Other Services At cost for time and material. $100.00 $150.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 6.00 $ 35.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 2.00