HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-101 The Corpora+ion of +he Town of Newcas+le By-l aw Number 86- 101 Being a by-law to authorize the debenturing of $2,500,000 to assist in the construction of a new administrative centre in the Bowmanvil Ie Urban Area of the Town of Newcastle Whereas, Section 123 of the Ontario Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 provides that by-laws may be passed to al low for borrowings for the purposes of the Corporation and the issuance of debentures thereof; Whereas, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wishes construction to proceed on a new administrative centre for municipal operations; Now therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 123 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 Enact As Fol lows: 1. That the Town proceed with the construction of a new administrative centre for municipal operations located in the Bowmanvil Ie Urban Area within the Town of Newcastle; 2. That the estimated costs of the construction in the amount of $5,000,000 be financed as fol lows: a) That the sum of $2,500,000 be debentured over a perJod not to exceed fifteen (15) years b) That the sum of $2,500,000 be funded from Current Revenue 3. That the funds to repay the principal and interest of the debentures be raised through a tax levy on the ratepayers. 4. That this by-law not take effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, prusuant to Section 64(1) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. By-law read a first and second time this ItffJ.day of ju.0 1986. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 1~tJ, day of M 1986. Mayor \ ." ....... - 2 - B 860871 ~ Mun1c1pa11t:y of Durham 1n exerc181n9 any power approved by t:h18 order 8ball comply and conform w1 t:h all 8'tat:u1:ory and ot:her 1e9al requ1r88eftt:8 re1a~e4 there1:o. l() J t 11~, ......---....- .......,.1 ~ !\! 0; :: R ;;; :;\ 6-: l O. B. No. .................."ff..6.~.. Folio No. ............//..<!....... SEP 1 7 1983 ~~~J~ :::fC;ii.~IA,~;Y, uNT. MtL\f!CTAt ,;:,.1,~,D ,~~--.-_..._-_.~;"""'"' J '"' A " /0./::1. Jot). E 860871 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTEa OF Section 64 of the On~rio Municipal Board Act, (a.s.o. 1980, c. 347 as amended), '"' ~'.- rID.D.... ~...->...\. IEa\\n~1ii\ IP~ 'I:} ~ ~ ~J.!!J - and - SEP 23 1986 rrr,rrif 0-1 ~(lilU CLER~ OEPAkiMiNT III 'lBB NATTEa OF an application by The Corporation; of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving. (a) the construction of a new administrative cent.re at an estimated cost. of $5,000,000.00, and the borrowing of money by way of temporary advance. not exceeding in the ag9regate .uch e.t.imated cost pendin9 the sale of debent.ure., and (b) the issuance of the nece.sary debent.ures to a maxtBum of $2,500,000.00 for a tera not to exceed fifte.n years by The ae,ional Municipality of Durhaa charqeable to the applicant corporation BBFoaB: P.M. BROOKS Vice-chaiJ:llaJ1 -and- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Friday, the 12th day of September, 1986 D.K. MeROSa Vic.-chairman '1'BB BOARD ORDBRS that. this application be granted and that the applicant may proc.ed with the undertakin9 and The Re9ional MW'licipality of Durham may issue debenture. th.refor for a SUlll not exce.ding the l....r of $2,500,000.00 or the net coat of .uch W'ldertakin9 for a term not exc..ding fifteen year., provid.d that the COW'lcils of the applicant corporat.ion and The Regional d./ :2.10'0.