HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-189 / THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-189 being a by-law to stop-up, close and authorize the sale of that portion of the road allowance described as the Boundary Road between the former Darlington and Clarke Townships in Broken Front Concession, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 1 on Plan lOR3536 WHEREAS The Municipal Act R. S. O. 1990 chap .M. 45, Sec. /art. 297 authorizes the Council to pass by-laws for stopping up, closing and selling road allowance AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to pass this by-law AND WHEREAS Council approved the recommendations in Report Addendum WD-80-92 and established the selling price of the said road allowance at $148,000. plus costs AND WHEREAS notice of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington t:o pass said by-law in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act F..S.O. 1990 was published in the Canadian Statesman and the Newcastle Independent on October 12, 19, 26 and November 2, 1994, and the Regional Municipality of Durham granted approval to the Proposed by-law by letter dated the 1st day of Decell1ber, 1994 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington that Part 1 on Plan 10R-3536 be conveyed at the established selling price to Ridge Pine Park Inc. subject to the approval of the Minister. Registration of this by-law and conveyance of said road allowance is subject to final approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. By-law read a first and second time this 28th day of November, 1994. By-law read a third and final time this 28th day of November, 1994. APPROVED under subsection 3 of section 297 of The Municipal Act. This 30 -f1-.... day of HJ ~~ Ed Philip Minister of Municipal Affctirs ,1995 dft:l~z~~#.e/ Y R /<>. MUNICIPAlI.TY OF V_1ar;1Igloll ONTARIO January 16, 1995 Ministry of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. M5G 2E5. Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Road Closure and Conveyance - Boundary Road Between Clarke and Darlington Township - Ridge Pine Park Our File: T09.RI In accordance with the procedures applicable to by-laws passed under the Municipal Act, I am forwarding the following documents to you for your records: 1. By-law 94-189; 2. Two Certified copies of By-law 94-189; 3. Six copies of Plan 10R-3536; and 4. Affidavit of the Clerk, proving that all of the actions prescribed in the Municipal Act, respecting the passing of by-laws as it relates to a site which leads to water, were adhered to. PLB/ms Enclosures cc: Public Works Department Ridge Pine Park c.ORPORATlON OF T1-IE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAnlNG10H '" rEMPFf1ANCE STREET .IJOWMANVILLE .ONTARIO. L1C 3A6. (90S) 6?1 1179. F'.x f~:"'r,O < '.) (,I. .\ \ .~ " : THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-189 TRUE COpy , 5 . being a by-law to stop-up, close and authorize the sale of that portion of the road allowance described as the Boundary Road between the former Darlington and Clarke Townships in Broken Front Concession, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 1 on Plan 10R3536 WHEREAS The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990 chap.M.45, Sec./art.297 authorizes the Council to pass by-laws for stopping up, closing and selling road allowance AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to pass this by-law AND WHEREAS Council approved the recommendations in Report Addendum WD-BO-92 and cstf.Jb1ished the selling price of the said road allowance at $14B;000. plus costs AND WHEREAS notice of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington to pass said by-law in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990 was published in the Canadian Statesman and the Newcastle Independent on October 12, 19, 26 and November 2, 1994, and the Regional Municipality of Durham granted approval to the Proposed by-law by letter dated the day of , 1994 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington that Part 1 on Plan 10R-3536 be conveyed at the established selling price to Ridge Pine Park Inc. subject to the approval of the Minister. Registration of this by-law and conveyance of said road allowance is subject to final approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. , By-law read a first and second time this 28th day of November, 1994. By-law read a third and final time this 28th day of November, 1994. 4/fddZ.e:~//#d Y R CJ) ~ 3: ..J <:( 0:: ..J <:( z o ~ <:( z z <:( o <:( z <:( u \ \ TOWNSHIP LOT PARCEL 35 - 8 SECTION CON. I (CLARKE) ~ ~ --.(. PA RT , 2 . ROAD ALLOWANCE 10 R - 1330 PART 23 PLAN " - SECTION PARCEL I - I , B. F. CON. NEWCASTLE (DARLINGTON) PART PLAN 10 R - 1330 3 lOl a:: o I- 0:: ~~ ..J a.. LOT TO W N S HIP 'r('~I#~,t.'-l~l~~tf.;lj 518 !J081 35 BETWEEN :-;~:\l;H:.;., PARCEL OF PA RT 8 PARCEL 35 - 9 PART I AREA = 0.63 t ha N 180 TOWNSHIPS OF PA RT 22 142.714 N 180 32 -2 SECTION PART 4 BROKEN OF .' CLARKE CONCESS ION II, PLAN 10 R.... 1330 SECTION CON. 02' 30" W Sl8 DARLINGTON PLAN 10 R- 1330 SIB 02' 30" w CON. (CLARKE) PLAN 10 R - 1330 .Il FRONT (CLARKE) 0:: www J:~J: ~<l:~ ~ 0 ~ ~Z J:o<l: Z~ .., . 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DATE _!!Ot/._~?/P~__ A>Y_~_~A_I~ R.S.K'~~ RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED PART I DATE _ _-:J1.w. :...~L~7 __'~- () fl ___~tL LA~~FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF NEWCASTLE (N2 10) SCHEDULE LOCATION PART OF ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS OF CLARKE AND DARLINGTON AREA O. 63 ! ho PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS OF DARLINGTON AND CLARKE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE I: 1000 o 5 ~ ~ ~ rom . I J.D. BARN ES LI M ITED - 1989 . 0- SIB IB (JOB) (NI) (PLAN) DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT PLANTED STANDARD IRON BAR IRON BAR J.D. BARNES LIMITED NOT IDENTIFIED PLAN 10 R - 1330 CAUTION THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT: I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 3rd DAY OF NOVEMBER, , 1989. DATE}!l!.~.,uJ.)8'_ _~~.~.~__ R.f~ ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 101 J.D ~ORNES SURVEYING MAPPING LAND INFORMATION SERVICES OFFICE OF ORIGIN: 725 BLOOR STREET WEST, OSHAWA I ONTARIO LIJ 5Y6 (416) 579- 9492 DRAWN BY: N. M. REFERENCE NO.: 87 - 25 - 580 - 06 CHECKED BY: R.S.K. , .. PnMMe of 0nUrI0 ... " >- ..I Z o w U) ;:) W (.) ii: \I. o II: ~ , rl C":) CO Lf) 1-0 ;r z o I- < 0: .... ~C ~:! O:::;r:: l.a...c: 0::: Wf.t: ....::: c'so o o l>.. I- ex k1 C New Property JdentifIera ExecutIoM (8) TN. Dooument pI'OIlIIcMe ..1oIIow8: 00 ~ ,= i~ rl = = tf) 0') ... MdIIklnIt ~.D Adc*lnIt ~D Document General ~a.n/DitrIrihIM"De~&jtwnlM. Fonn 4 - Land R Inatlon Reform Act ~4-189.d (1) RegIatry [@ Land 11tIea IB (2) Page 1 of d- pages (3) Property Block Property identifier (a) D AddIIIonlII: See Schedule 4) Nature of Document ::: BY-LAW <! ..J Dollars $ (6) DMorIptIon Part of the Road Allowance between Townships of Darlington and Clarke, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 1 on Plan 10R3S36 (7) ThIe Document ContaIna: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch 0 (b) Schedule for: Description 0 =..itIonaI 0 Other 0 See attached Certified By-Law No. 94-189 attached. (t) TN. Document ....... to Inatrument number(a) (10) Party(lae) (Set out Statua Of' 1nterNt) Name(a) Continued on Schedule 0 Slgnature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 ,.,~""""":.!:...:,,,~.~.,,,.=.^====,.....w..w.~,,,w..........,.",ww.w",.l..1225.w.J.o.1J~.....? ,....w.w.w.w.w...w..^w.w.'ow"'.....w.w.,,"'w.,..w.'w........w"'.,............w...................I.w^,..w.........w...w1..w,.,..I.................. ~ :: ~ :: ;. .: ~ :, : ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................t.......................................1....................:....................... ~ ~ ~ ~ :: ~ :: 1lIE..CORPORATJON...OF..THE......WN.~"'..__^~"_,,W....^.^.._~,.W MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON by.lts...soUcitQrs,...sWBLEY..RlGBTON'WN'''''''''-.w.w.""",,,,,,.^,,,,,,. per Nicholas T. Macas (11) Addr... for ServIce 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A6 (12) PII'ty(lae) (Set out Statua Of' In__) Name(a) ... for ServIce (14) Muldp.l Addrea of Property Not Assigned .. _~dIw, ~ 3.11/ TO,"O"TO' CA""DA Signature (I) Date of Signature Y : M. 0 '. ~ ~ ..........................................'................................................................................................................................................................::.........................................:..................:....................... . . ...'..wN'."W.w.....w.w"'.....w...-~"'w.,..........w.......w...WN.W.................................................w.w........t..w...w....................Jw.............1...................... ~ :: ; ..........1....N..'J.....w..... .......~".,_.w.......w.w.w,.~......^",""_~..w.w.".....w.......w.w.......w.........w.................w........^t'...."... ~ .!: ~ (15) Document Prepared by: Nicholas T. Macos Shibley Righton 401 Bay Street, Suite 1800 Toronto, Ontario MSH 2Z1 Fees and Tax >- ..I ~ Registration Fee w U) :> w o \I. \I. o II: o \I. Total !.I<:lClJment com Ud. ..~..-sC400H-;:rlill<)2 -- -- it d- "".. t . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-189 being a by-law to stop-up, close and authorize the sale of that portion of the road allowance described as the Boundary Road between the former Darlington and Clarke Townships in Broken Front Concession, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 1 on Plan 10R3536 WHEREAS The Municipal Act R. S. O. 1990 chap .M. 45, Sec. /art. 297 authorizes the Council to pass by-laws for stopping up, closing and selling road allowance AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to pass this by-law AND WHEREAS Council approved the recommendations in Report Addendum wD-80-92 and 0st8blished the selling price of the said road allowance at $148,000. plus costs AND WHEREAS notice of the Council of the Municipality of ClaringLon to pass said by-law in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990 was published in the Canadian Statesman and the Newcastle Independent on October 12, 19, 26 and November 2, 1994, and the Regional Municipality of Durham granted approval to the Proposed by-law by letter dated the 1st day of December, 1994 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington that Part I on Plan 10R-3536 be conveyed at the established selling price to Ridge Pine Park Inc. subject to the approval of the Minister. Registration of this by-law and conveyance of said road allowance is subject to final approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. By-law read a first and second time this 28th day of November, 1994. By-law read a third and final time this 28th day of November, 1994, APPROVED under subsection 3 of section 297 of The Municipal Act. This 30 ~ day of H(j ~~ Ed Philip Minister of Municipal Affa'irs .19~ /R~-/L'~~~#d Y R ," ..< ""'-"1 uJ' RIE Town Clerk