HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-16 ~ '. D~ i f.1j't, ~ 1 J tOLIO,. Dei rr -=-J . . . -ORDER ISSUE bA.= : FEB 2 3 1996 Ontario OSI 1I.lffl,;~.:fl FOllOff '11 J' . Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de IIOntario FEB-27 PM12;3~i . , IN THE MATTER OF Section 17(11) of the Planning' &L. 1983 AND IN THE. MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Honourable Ministt;:lr of.MunicipaIAffairs.on . requests by S6Wnianville Mall and 829426 Ontario I.nc.for con.S,ideration 9f Proposea Amendment No. 40 to th~ Official Plan for the Town of Newcastle (now th,a Municipality of Clarington), . M!nisters File No. 18-0P-0194-040 a.M'-B. File No. 0 920252 AND IN. THE MATTER OF a referralto this Board byth~lfohourabl.e .Mini~ter of Municipal Affairs, on . . requests by Bbwrna:nvUI.e M~II and 829426 Ontario fnc. 'for Consideration of PfoPQsed Amendment No. 255 to the OfficiaJPlan for the Regional Municipality of Durham. 1976 Ministers File No. 18-0P-0010-255 a.M. B. File No. 0 920254 ~and;" 0920252 . 0920254 0930306 09~0307 , et al. IN THE MA ITER OF Section 34(11) of the Planning Act. 1983 AND !N THJ:. MATTER OF. an appeal to this Board by 82'9426 Ontario Inc. for an order amending By~ . _.~__~~_ law'B4~63 of the Municipality ofClarington.(fo.rmerl.YI-".'~~~i'~;~~~-'i:;~~l'{ON'l th~. Town 'of Newcastle) to rezone lands being G\ 'T~ J.1)d.. ~...__u.~, . composed of Part of Lots 15 and 16. Concession 1, . ~C '" -/-'" _.~-~ .! located at, the southeast comer of Green Road and ACK. BY ,,,_,,,p.~____m~'<r<-.,^'-~" i . Highway No.2. i,n Bowm~nville from "A" AgrjCUI~ureJ1.~i~~:~~~\'::'_'~~~~~:::::'~::;;:;~;:-~=1 to an appropnate zomng category to permit a f GDH C:; TJ~, _ ..y___,j shopping centre .' , . . c~~'-'~"__'_M~""'~ 1 .......-J a.M.B. File No. Z 920187 . -:'''~'---'-''~~''~j=_~~~-l ___..~..._~.,,__.~.m..~ y 1 1---"'" ....-....~ ""-'~"".~;;~~"--'~-l' 1-:--""-'--'"'' ..~~...,.., ,..~-~.",,;~~,,_w-'~l t=~~~-~~--~-~:':.=~'~~~:'-,.:~~~~~~:~':~l L-.."".;......'''. ~..._... l.,.,~.v"':~.:i 1-....~~.,;-7...._.~.j.,M._.~E~-. 1 1 _T'~ :~,:.~[~;f~ _...:!.~f~4~~~~~l 4..... +... - . _ _ ~. . .. c. _" ... .,.. T..-'-r . _ . ~ :.. - ~ ~- ... a'" . ... - r' r .~.... , . ~ .. i~. ~ ~~.~1:~~..~_ .:;. . . . L" .... + ~ti:~ 3. ':~,1;;. :';.': .... . ~2 ~O ;01 ~":J)I ;0": ~: 0 " , ~ and _. . . . ..'- ;.. ~ ..,... ~ .. -i..... -- . .1... .... ,..' ......".c !.~___-~.::. .~~ 4 ".. .... ;.-. .. OJ.... __----.:~.Ir"...."""-.-~.,..~.........~....~.. .~'."'I". f IN THE MATTER Or: Section 40(12) of the Planning Mil 1983 ANDIN..THE MATTER OF a refeqaf to this Board : by 829426 Ontarioolnc.lo determine and settle the details. of' a site plan with resPt3ct. to the. 'gevelopri'iemt 9f lands being composed of Part of Lots 1S,oand 16. Concession 1, located at the SQuth€last c9rner or GreE!n Road and Highway No. '2, in'the MuniCipality of Cia ring ton (formerly the Town of Newcastle) . C.M.B. File No. M 920126 AND IN.TI:I.E MATTER OF a referral to this Board byJ?94756 Ontario ~ir:nf~ed to determine ~ndsettle "the' deta,ifs 'of ~ !;ite plan with respect to the develbphj~nt of fands being composed of Part of Lot . 15. Concession 11 focated at the ~outhwest comer o' .of Highwa~i"2: and Highway""57; in"the Municipality of . ClaT-irigtr:m (formeriy the Town of Newcastle) C.M.B. File No. M 930119 ~ and - IN THE MATTER OF Section 34(11) of the Planning Actl R.S.O. 1999, c. P.13 . . AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by'. 8941S60ntariq Limited for ~n order amending By-law 84-63 of the Municipality Of Clarington to' rezone lands being composed of Part of Lot 15. Concession '1,0 from "A" Agriculture to an appropriate zoning category to implement the. proposed shopping centre . C.M.B. Fife No. Z 930107 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by WiIIs.onia Industries Limited for an order amendh,g By-law 84-63 of the Municipality of Clarington to rezone lands being composed of Part of Lot 16. Cone 1, located at the northwest comer of " -3~ Highway No.2 and Regional Road Number 57,Jrom Agrjcu'ltur~1 ,. "A", to Commercial" te permit dev~16pment of a 24,536 sq. meter mall- O.M.B. 'File No. Z 940003 . , - and .. , IN THE MATTER OF Section 17(11) of the Planning ~I R.S.O. 1990. c..P.13 ". . . AND .1t';JTHE MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Hpnour~,t;i,le Minister of Municipal Affairs, on' r~quests by the-Bo.wmanville Mall. 894756 Ontario ,Limited and ~2~4"2a' Ontario Inc: for consideration of . the .~ollowing pbrtiof1s '.of. the Official Plan for the Regional Munlcipal.ity of Durham (1991): Main Central Area symbol for Bowmanvllle as shown on Map ':'AS"; a(I-lands"withiri' the proposed Main _Central AO;!s fQr' ~owmariville (that be'ing those. , 'Iand~' cOvered 'by proposed Amendment No. 255 (9.tvrS. ~i1e No.' q 920254) and No. 290 (O.M.~. File No. 0 .~30308).to the , Official Plan for the Regioh.ofOumain -197G); the following floor space . " ~1I9catibn in ~,~ci!on 9.3.3.(a): BO,wmanville 200000 sq~m.; and S~cti~msa.~.1. 9.2.2, and 9.2.3 in their . . entirety ~s they pertain to the Bowmanville Main Central" Area, and'more specifically. to the other referred 'portions of this Plan' " , . Minister's File No. 18-0P-0012 ' . . O.M.B. File'No. 0 930306 . AND. IN THe, MATTER OF a referral to this Board , by the Honourable Minister of Municipal Affairs, on , 'request~ by Bowmanville ~~n and 894756 Ontario LifDited, f9r Consideration of proposed Amendment No. 55 lethe bfficiai Plan to tJie former Town of NewCastle. ,(now the Municipality of Clarington) ,Mi.nister's File No. 18~OP-0194-055 O.M.B. File No. 0 930307 AND IN THE MATTER OF a referral to .this Board by the Honourable Minister of Municipal Affairs. on .. ......_.... _ __4 ~ T TO ~ . .. _ 0920252 et al. ~4- requests by the Bowmanville Mall and 894756 'Ontario. Limited, f9r 'consideration of proposed Amendment No.' 2$0 to the Official Plan to the Ragion of Durham, 1976. , Minister's File No. 18wOP-001 0-290 O.M.B~ File No. 0 930308 . , . , , ,AND I~ .THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board , , by the Hon.ourable Minister of Municipal Aff~irs, on a ,request by the BOvm1anvHle Mall. for consideration of proposed' Ams'nqment No. 54 to the Official Plan to the Municipality of Clarington (former Town of Newcastle) . Minister's File No. 18-0P-0194'..Q,54 O.M.B. File No. 0 940007 AND.IN THE MATTER OF a referral to th.isBoard by the Horiourable'Minister of Municipal Affairs. on . requests:tiy the B6Wtnanvi~le MaU.894756 Ontario . Ljmjte~ 2;lind '82942Ei" CntariC? fnc. for consideration 'of . pr9pO$ed Amen,dment No.' 56 to the OfficialPlan to the' Municipality of' Ciarington (former ToWn of Newcastle) . . Ministers FileNo. 18-0P-0194-D56, O.M.B. File No. 0 940008 - and - IN THE MATTER OF Section 53(7) of the Pfanning ~I R.S.O., 1990, c. P.13 . ' . ~ND IN THE MATTER OF three appeals by 829426 , . Ontario Inc. ~ga.inst three decisions of the Regional , Municipality of ,Ou(ham' Land Division Committee. . 'from three applies,tions numbered B-168/93. B- " 221/93 ,ari~,B-~2193~lands being composed of Part . of Lots 15 ,and 16. Concession 1. in the Municipality , ofplar,ington (Darlington) a.M.B. File No.(s) C 930441, '. C 930525. C 930526 . , '. ~5- 0920252" at al. COUNSEL: D. Hefferon for Municipality of Clarington for Markborough Properties inc. R. K. Webb DtSPOSITIQN delivered byJ.R. MILLS on February 21. 1996 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD' , . . . Mr, Hefferon presented the Board with the ~nal draft order Which has been approved by all counsei. Mr. Harry L~cke appeared as he has foreclosed on the Ghod's property and wishes to develop it himself. The Bo~rd explained to Mr, Locke that th~ Ghodls by~law was not approved by, the Board in December 1994 and that he has a lot of work to do with the Town in order to get a by-faw,approved eithe: by the To~ or by thi~ Board. The B'o~rd agrees however with Mr. Hefferon that a fast food restaurant was always contemplated for the Ghod1s site but . , , a large office building was many years in the future. The Board approves the draft order as presented and attached to t~is decision and , will issue same forthwith. ,'~"-~ J.R. MILLS MEMBER ... ..~... + _ . ... ___. r. . Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires mi.micipales de IIOntario .'- IN THE MATTER OF Section 17(11) of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OFa referral to.this Board , by ,the Honourable 'Minister of Municipal Affairs, on - . ~equests by BownianvilIe Mall and 829426' Ontario , . Inc. Jor 'eOnside,ration of Proposed Amendment No. 40 to the. Official Plan for the Town, 'of Newcastle (now the Municipality of CIarington) . . Minister's File No. 18-0P-0194-040 O.M.B. File No. 0 920252 AND IN THE MA'I'TER OF a referral to this Board. by the Hono~rabIe M~ster !Jf MuniCipal Affairs, on req~ests . ,~y BowmanviiIe Mall and 829426 Ontario 'rncorpora~ for cO~ideration of Proposed Amendment No. 255 . to the' Official, Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham~ 1976 Minister's File No. 18-0P-OOI0-255 , , Q.M.B. File No. 0 920254 ' - and - IN THE MAnER OF Section 34(11) of the Planning Act, 1983 . AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this ,Board by 829426 Ontario Inc. for an order' amending By-law' 84-63 of the Municipality o~ CIarington, fonnerlythe' , Town of Newcastle to rezone' lands being 'composed of Part of LQts 15 ancl i6, Con~ession 1, located a~ the. . southeast corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 ~ BOWmanville" from If A" Agriculture to an appropriate zoning category to permit a shopping Centre . O.M.B. File No. Z 920187 - and ~ 0920252 0920254 0930306 0930307 'etal -2- " IN THE MATI'ER OF Seetion 40(12) 'of the Planning' Act, 1983 . ANI;) IN THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board , ' ~y 829426 Ontario Inc. to determine and settle the . details of a site plan \yith"respect to the development of hmd~ !?eing composed of Parts of Lots 15 and 16, . . Concession ~, I~ate~ at the southeast comer of Green RO,aci and Highway No. 2 it?- the Municipality 'of Clari.Q.gton, formerly the Town of Newcastle O.M..B. File No. M' 920126 , AND IN~ l\U.'I"I:ER OF a referral to ~s 'Board by a94756' Ontario Limited to" detennine and $ettle the . .. - -, ~ ~ ge!ails o( a ~ite plan WIth respect-to the, development of l.~ds bei;1g composed of Part of lpt IS, Concession I, l~ted at,the,sou41west corner of Highway No.2 and Highway 57, in the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle) O.M:B. File No. M 930119 ~ and ~ ' IN THE MA'ITER OF Section 34(11) of the Pltinning ACt, R.S.O.1990, c. P.13 AND IN ~ MATTER OF an appeal to this Board . 'by 894756 Ontario Limited for. an order amending' By- . law' 84~63 of the Municipality . of Clarington to rezone 'lands' being composed of ~art of Lot IS, Concession 1, from ft A ft' Agriculture to" an appropriate zoiling , category to implement the proposed shopping centre O.M.B. File No. Z 930107 AND IN Ta:E MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by Ylillsonia Industries Limited for an order amending By-law 84-63 of the Municipality of Clarington to rezone lands being compo,sed of ~art. of Lot 16, Cone : 1, located at the northwest comer of Highway.No. 2 and Regional Road Number 57, ,from Agricultural RAil., to Commercial, to permit development of a 24,536 sq. ' meter mall' a.M.B. File No. Z 940003 ' ~ 3~. -and- IN THE MATTER OF Secti<;m 17(11) of the Planning. Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 AND IN THE MATTER OF a . referral to this Board by.'1:he Honourable Minister of Municipal Affairs, on requests .by th~ Bowmanville Mall, 894756 Ontario Limited' ~d 'S29426' 'On'tario Inc. for consideration of the following portions of the Official Plan for. the Regional Municipality of Durham (1991): Main\ CentIal. Area SyrilbOl for 'BowrnanvUle as shown on Map "AS";' all lands within the proposed Main Central Area for Bowmanville (that' bemg those 'lands Covered by proposed ~en~ent No. 255 (O.M.B. Pile No~ 0 , 920254) ~d No. '290 (O.M.B. ,File No. 0 930308) to . the Otficial Plan for the Region of purham - 1976); the, foliowing floor, ,space allocation in Section; 9.3.3.(a): Bownumville 200000 sc;i.m.; and Sections S.2:1., 9.2.2, 'and 9.2.3. in their entirety as they pertain to tl.te J;JownianvilIe,Main Central Area; arid more specifically, to the ()~er referred portions of this Plan" . Minister's File No. 18-0P-OOI2 a.M.B. File No. 0930306 AND IN THE .MAnER OF a referral to this Board by- the Hcinourabl~ Minister of Municipal Affairs, on requ~sis ':by; Bowmanvi.1le' Mall and 894756 Ontario Limited, 'for consideration of proposed Amendment No. 55 to the Official Plan for the fonner Town of Newcastle (now the Municipality of CJarington) . Minister's File No. IS-0P-Q194-Q5S O.M.B. File No. 0 930307 AND IN THE ~TTER OF a referral to this BOlU'd by Ute Honourable Minister of Municipal Affairs, on . re,que~ts by BOWInanville Mall and 894756 Ontario . Limited, for consideration of proposed Amendment No. 290 to the Official Plan for the Region of Durham, 1976 Minister's File No. 18-0P-OOI0-290 " O.M.B. File No. 0 930308 . 0920252 et al ~4- , AND IN.THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board , bi ,tbeHonoW:8:ble MWster of Municipal Affairs, on req~ests by the BOWInanville Mall, 894756 Ontario Limited and 829426 Ontario :mc. for consideration of . proposed Ame1.ldmeni No. 56.to the Official Plan for . . the Muillcipalit)t of Clarington (former . ToWn of, Newcastle) '. . .' . Minister's File No. 18-0P-0194-056 '. O.M~B. File N'o. 0 940008 IN THE :MATI'ER OF Section 53(7) oithe Prtmning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c~ P.13 . ,AND IN TJlE MATTER OF three appeals by 829426 9n~0 lne. ag~inst three decisions pf the Regional Municipality .of Durham .Land Division Committee, 'frOJl1'(hrci: . applicationS I\unib~red B-168/93, B-221193 " -'.' .' . '. . ' ,ariq :8.-222/93 ~ands beuig composed of Part of Lots-IS . and 16, Concession 1, in the Municipality. of,- Clarington - (Darlington). . , ,O.M.R File No. (s) C930441; C 930525, C 930526 B"E'P 0 R E: J.R.MILLS Member ) ) ) ) ) ,) -) ,Wednesday,~e 21st day of Febroary. 1996 / a . ... , THESE MATIEJlS HAVING come on for. public,beari.i:1g, the BOARD's Decision dated 'December 23, 1994 having been - issued after the hearing and the BOARD's further DISPOSITION and ORDER having ~n issued on 1uly 24, 1995 (OB No. 107, Folio No. 363), 1. WITH RESPECT to the BOARD's decision' dat~ December -23, 1995, having been advis'ed of the parties' consent, the BOARD ORDERS that the Board's decision be3reopened and varied: ' ' , ~5- 0920252 et al (a) by deleting the requirement that the by-law pertaining to the Will sonia lands referred to.!n the decjsion be plaCed in a holding category in accordance. with subsec~ion 36'(1) o{the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990,c.P.13 as amended and the BOARD's deci~ion that the order in respect of the by-law be withheld, and . , , (b) l?Y modifyjIlg section ~ntained in Amendment No. 56 to the Official , Plan for the Municipality of Chirington to ,permit up to 929 square metres of busmess, professional and/o,r adiniD.1~tive 9ffiees to be located on the ground floor on the pi1rcel of land south of Highway No.2 between Green Road and ,'New Stree~ A and B, and the 'provisions of Amendment No. S6 of the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington . that are so modified be approved. . , ' . , 2. . ,WITH RESPECT to the appeal to the ,~o.ARD from the decision of the Durham. Land Division. C~~~ refusing'an appli9ationby 829426 Ontario Inc. for the Committee's' consent to conveyance ofcertairi larid 'situated' within Part Lots 15 and 16, Concession 1,.Jormer'Township of Dar~gtOn'(now'th,e MunicipalitY of Clarfugton) (Board File No. C930441), the~OARD ORDI;RS ~q~e1~Qard's co'tisent to the conveyance of the land more particularly descnbed, ill Sl:hedule 1 to this,Order (the "Lands to be Severed") is . hereby given pur~t to the Plamiing Act, R.S.O~ ,c.P.13, 'subjeCt to,satisfaction of the following conditions: . .. .. , ." , (a), <;IRA T the applicant shall transfer in fee simple for a nominal consideration to the ,', Regiop,al Mupicipality of"puibam the 'following lands shown as Parts on a plan 'of survey of record '("ReferenCe 'Plan") deposited iJ;l the land Registry office for . tpe ~4 tifles })ivision of Durham (No. 40): Part 3' on Reference Plan 10R- . 217~, Part 18 OIl Reference Plan 40R-16302, and 'Parts 10 and 11 on Reference Plan 40R-16727. (b) THAT the applicant shall ~er in fee simple for a nominal consideration to the 1:!unicipality o,f CI~~6n for public highway purposes in the, following lands: Part 1 on Referen,ce Plan .10It-2176, Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 20 and 21 on Reference Plan 40R-16302, and Parts 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 on' Reference Plan 40R-16727. (c) THAT the appli~ shall satisfy the requirements, .fmancial and otherwise; of the Regfoi1a1 Municipality of Durham with respect to the provision of regional services including sanitary sewers, watermains and regio~l ,roads. In addition, the applicant shall, at the request of the Regional Municipality of Durham enter into an agreement with tl1e~egional Muilicipality of Durham with respect to the provision of regional' services and .the agreement or notice thereof shall be , deposited on the title to the l.ands.to be Severed. -6- (d) ,THAT the appIi~t shall satisfy the Tequiremen~ of the Municipality of . CJafing1Qn, fInancial and QtheIW.is~, with. respect io the provisi~n of municipal , s~ryices ipcluding mun:icip"al$treets ~d ,siotm w~ter drainage. In addition, the app~i.cant s~ll, ai the reqUe~J of the MUIllcipality of. Clarington, enter' into an . agreementwitJi tP.~' Municipality of Clarington With respect to the provision of mU.nicipaI serv~~ !IDd sUchother'matters'as the Municipality may consider to be . appropriate ancfthe agreement 'or 'notice thereo(shall be deposited on the title to the Lands to be Severed., . SECRETARY .-.... ^ . . . SCHEDULE lit" DESCRIPrION OF L~S T,O BE SF;VERED'REFERRED . TO'IN pARAGRAPH 2 OF THE ORDER OF THE ONTARIO MUNiCIPAL BOARD The "Lands to be Severed" referred to in paragraph 2 of.the Order are more , ' . , , particularly described as compris.ing Parts 2, 15 and 17 shown on Reference Plan 40R-16302 . and Part 13 as shoWn on Plan 40R-16727. , . - , . . ~. ... - .. .. ~. ...... .. ~ - -.. . -.. . - - DN:BYLAW~.MKB SCHEDULE "2lt . + . '. THE CORPORATION OF TIJE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY~LAW NUMBER 94-19 The Ontario Municipal Board amends By-law ~3 of the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 1. Secq~:>n 16.5 "Special Excep~ons'~gene~ Commercial,.{Cl) Zone" or By-law 84-63, as amended, ,is 'hereby 'further amended by adding thereto, the folloWing new Special Exception 16.5.14 as follows: . "16.5.14 GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION (Cl-14)Z~NE: NotwithstandJng Sections 3.11, 3.14, 16.1- ~d 16.3 of By-law 84-63, 'those lands. zoned , (Cl-14) shoWIi' on the map' con~ined in S~hedule 'IIA." 't<;l, this By-law shall only be used , and any buildings', or Stnicfures thereQ~ shall' only 'be coristructed and used iu accordance . with this by-law and the following'defmitions and zone regulatio~: a) Defmitions ii) , iii) iv) i) , Business establishment Sl;1all '~ean, a building ~hich contains any' one or more of a ,retai1!commerci~ establishment, a department store, ,8 general merchandise, stQre, a ,clothing retail warehouse, a drug retail warehouse, a fQocfretiu warehouse, 8.person!) service shop, a business, professional " ,oradmiriistrative office, or a fmancial office whether or not th~ building i,s part of a shopping centre.' , Business establishment facade , SlW1'inean the portion of the exierior wall located between fmished grade ane! the level which' ,is '3 metres above fmished grade of a business es~blisimiept which' wall faces either an existing street, or a proposed' street shown on the l?lan contained in the aforesaid S~hedule "A". Clothing retail warehouse , Shall mean' Ii building or part of a building 'suitable for occupation by a single us~r which ,c9n'tains at least 1,350 square metres of leasable total floor area, of which at least 80 % is visible to shoppers, and is used for the ~ombii1ation of storage and display for the retail sale of clothing, apparel and! or related fashion acce~sories, in a ware~ouse format. Departnie~t store Shall mean a retail/conn:p.ercial establi~hment containing a minimum of 5,000 square metres. of leasable total floor area organized into a number of individual departments and primarily engaged in the sale to the public ~2~ , . of a. ~ide variety of commodities, including clothing. hardware, home furniShings, and household appliances. " v) Drug retail warehouse " , , Sball mean a' buUding or part, of a building ,suita~le for occupation by a singl(user.. which contains' at, least 1,350 square riletres of leasable total . 'floor 'area, . of Which at least' ~O, % is' yisible, to, shoppers, and is used , . p~y, for the combination of storage and display for the retail sale, of n<?ri-prescriptioil mediCiriesj. health' and beautY aids, personal hygiene products,comectionary i~,ms and stationary in a warehouse format, provided ~t the dIug retail warehouse includes a prescription pharmacy. Vi) Food retail warehouse ShaH mean a buildipg or part of a bl1ilding suitable for occupation by a single \lser Whi~p contains at leaSt 4,600 square metres of leasable total floor are~, ,of which at ieast SO % is visible to shopperS, and is used ,prlIn,arily fo~'the'c~mbinatipn of storage and display for the retail sale of u food~, clean.i.ng atJd laund~ supplies, personal hygiene products, small household items, conrectibnary items and sundries in a warehouse format. , vii). General merchandise ~ore , Shall IPean a retail/commercial establishment Containing less than '5,000 , sqllare metres ofleasable totat"flo'or. area' primarily engaged in the sale of a variety' 'of cOnuPodities 'which fnclu'de'all or' s'everal repr~sentatives of , '~e",'foU,ow~g categories of ~ercJUmdise; clothing, hardware. ,home "furniShihgs~ ~ousehold appIiances~ spOrting goOds and toys. However, th!= "'k:rm'"generaf merchandise stox:eft does not incl1ide an automotive parts or , acc;ssofies store, a conveniente retaU store, a department store, a drug , store, a' food store, and a' speciaity retail store engaged primariJy in the - "'saI~ of a partiCUlar commodity such as, 'but not limited to, a bookstore, a cIothingstor~, a jeweUexy StOre and a' shoe store pr(;>vided that a general 'merchandise store'dOes not cease. to be'a general merchandise store by, , reason only of the inclusion of a pharmacy. viii) Street-related entrance Shall mean one of the principal entrances to each business in a business , establishment which shall have a minhnlim height of 2.1 metres and a "'miniinUni width of 0,:9 metres arid shall be located in the part of the 'business 'es'tablishnient facade' which' is at or within 0.2 metres above or below fmisned' grade, provided that ,the' street~related entrance shali be ' reCessed from the business establiShment facade a minimum of 1.0 metres. ix) Streetline of proposed Clarington Boulevard '. Shall mean the line separating the lands comprising Part 1 00 Reference Plan 40R-16727 and Parts 5 and 6 on Reference Plan 40R-16302, from -3-, ' the la,nds comprising Parts 2 and 15 on Refererlce Plan 40R-16302 ai1d .- Part 13 on Reference Plan 40R-16727'. b)' Permitted Residential Uses No residential dwelling units are permitted to be constructed or used~ , c) Perrilitted Non-Residential Uses " ' i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) . . A ~hopping centre containing a maximum of 18,580 square metres of leasable total fldor area may be constructed' or used' for the following purposes: assembly hall; bakery shop; '" ,business, professional or, adminis,trative office provided that such office sruill be located. iii a second storey or greater of any building;' day nur~ry; department store; ,". ,. dry cleaners distribution centre; ,. , eat~g establishment with no vehicular drive-through service; , , ' , viii) _ one eating establishment w,itha vehicular drive-through service may be Constructed or used on Area A as shown on the aforesaid' Schedule "A"; ix) , x) eating establishment- take out; two fmancial offices comprising not more than one barik and either ODe trust company or one credit union; , ", , , Xi) , ' medical or dental clinic ,prOVIded that $Uch clinic shall be located in a second storey or greater of any buil~g; , xli) place of entertainment;, xiii) printing ?r publishing establishment; Xiv) private club;, -4- xv) ,retaillconnnercial establ~sbment provided. that no ge~erai merchandise store" c10thirig retail warehouse, 'drug retiill warehouse ,and food retail , warehouse may be constructed or used; " . xvi), service shop, personal;, xvii). supeimarket xviii) ~twithstanding>, subsections (ill), and (xi) above, up to, 929 square metres of leasable ~tiU floor al"ea in tht: flISt ~torey of any building may be used for the purpose' of a' business,' professional or administrative office, or medical or dental clinic. , d) Regulations , il) ~. . .:;4:. .. i) ,no bui1d~g maybe used on ~y one or ~ore portions of the lands zoned ~1~14 for ~~ purposes <?f o,ne or more of the permitted non-residential .. "~s ,1istc4 ~,Section 16.5.14(c) urue$s a department 'store, which contains , ail~ 6~OO sqWir~ lnetr~ of i~'ble total floor area, and a supermarket, wbich, is:' ~6f repre.sente4 ',in the Municipality orClarington on December .. ""' _".c ,.' oj. " .., _ .... 23,,1994 8n4 ContamS at l~t 3,000. square metres of leaSable total floor , ~ea; are-cO~tIUcted. 'o~ the"Iand ana t1.ia. t both the Department Store and , the 'supermax:ket in toW excCed iO,200 square metres of leasable total floor area. , amax~um of 17,187 sqiwe metres,ofle~~able total floor area shall be, cODstructed within Area A as 'shown on, 'the aforesaid Schedule II A " . ill) location of building from' the' ' , ' southerly limit of Highway No. 2 and easterly limit of Green Road , location of building from the' southerly limit of the ,lands zoned CI-14 as shown on Schedule "'Aft a minimum of S metres a minimum of S metres iv) v) location of the easterly business establishm~nt facade constructed within Area A shown' on the aforesaid Schedule "A" w~sterly from the streetline of proposed Clanngton Boulevard . a min;mum of 2 metres ,a maximum of 15 metres .+.. ...... ..--.. - . ... .... ~..... ..~ :..............._~'".!~.~~.....,....T.;:...:n_}..,.+..". .' ~.. 'xi) ~i) -5- ' vi) ~e eas~rly, ,~\lsines$ establishment facade, constructed within Area B 'shown on the'afQresaid,Schedi.l1e'" A" ~hall abut the streetline, of proposed, ' ,Clarmgto~'Boulevard. provide4 that no more than 33% of the length of such f3;cade mai~ COIistrUcted'Up 'to 2 metres further westerly from the ' streelline of proposed Clarington Boulevard. ' . ' vii) landscaped open space a minimum of 20 percent of the lot area viii) height of buildings a tnaximum of 4 storeys ix) loading spaces a mmlmwn of 5 loading spaces x) , . ,street-rebired entrances to bus~ss establishments constructed within:.Area /,B 'shqwn on the afores~id SchedUle' "~" sb8U be constructed at locations "~ ~e bUSiness estabHsh,menf facade ata maximum distance of 14 metres , from the centre of the' nearest. street':related e~ce in queStion. a minimum of 2S % of the business ~stablishment facade 'constructed , within Area B shoWn on the 'aforesaid SchedUle "A" shall be constructed , of transparent glass. ' no~w~ths~ding, ~~tion J6.5.14(d) Regulation (iv), 90 metres of the 'southex:ly busitiess ~stablisbment facade constructed in Area A shown on . the aforesaid "Schedul~ "A II may be COI1structed up to ,1 metre northerly of the souiherly limii of the lands zoned Cl:-14.. ' xiii) ". . . all entrances used or intended to be used by the public to access each , 'pusiness in' a business eStablishment shall be located in an exterior wall of ' . '"0' t ' -. the bUsineSs establishment, and for greater clarity such access shall riot be achieved through an enclosed pedestrian mall. xiv) parking space dimensions " a minimum width of 2.6 metres "8 minimum length of 5.5 metres 2. Sched'!11e "3" to By-law 84-63 as amended is hereby further amended ,by changing the, ione cat~gory from: "Agriculture (A)Zone" to - "General Commercial Exception (Cl-14) ,Zone .. Area A"; and '- , ' -6- "Agriculture (A) Zonett to - "General Commerci~ Exceptio~ (Cl~14) Zone ~ Area B". 3. Schedule tlA" a,ttached hereto shall fOlm part of this By-law. - , , 4. This By~law shall come into effect on'the date of the Order of the Ontario ~unicipa1- Board. ' ' , . ... ~'''--"'"'-.... .. -:.~.-=-. ....:..--.-+..~ .....:. .....-c _....--<.4.-+~~ -+_ ~~.~ _.4....... .. . . . ;..~ ~~ ~ . ". . .. . ~+ " . .- _....l"._ ~~__'___~TT" .-_____--.....------..-_____._..~_. __~ .c' . . .. _ .. .~_ _ . i__. .___ _ ~.T'. ...__....o..L.___.. _ L .. _. 4_ _. .._ ~ +' ....... .... _ __L___ ___.__ +.___. . .' . . . This is Schedule "A" to By-law 94-1~ NU~~OO. ' klG r-".,.,;. , rz"5::"\~00.10,,, . . HW,4y ~ 52'2M~' 1i6$~~\'\v 1i0t~tso4f'oO"E ' /./', 2 ' '~'rl: .';.,!I~ ~~ .~ :j1~~~107 r:~f"'O~84.'f"~ . .'.".~.211~:;I~~~j~3-t};('~ /' "/ Z/.,;:;'jI'",,'-...l ~~~OIl04./4~olo.rw ' .',' '.: '.'//;./y.//x. ., ., ~ /' .:\h"~""B k "~ ' ~ ~.,;:" ~'///~ ....,.) ....; /')'.,; ".,; 'l I 1 ;" 'l~;:,.;.. ~:..~"/~ ;' -. , u~~ ~ / /! / ~~ ~ ~ ; ~ ,'~' ' , t; , ~ z, "~)"/"/,..,; /' ~~ ~ :.."/ ~ / ~ ~ ,,:~'j~ ~~~~t% "~)~~".,;~/....~~~~ ~ ~ . ',. ~, C~~"".,; ~/~~/~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ r;, t; - . , " z .,;'s '///; ~:,.~~ ~%:,.,~~,'l y~ is'8 I.lJ ,Z tll , .~ 0' '.,; 0 ".,; ~ '/ ./.'~ ~"~ r" a D .~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~lj~",~~I"ii ~/ W~ ,,) /Q(//p J"/~ ~////~ '.,;~~ .fJ ,. ~$/;'l,0'l ~ ~ @ :Ij:l':"/ /I/ /~ ~ ~ f. S ,to "I ~~~~~j.~~,~~~: ~I t . ,I!:! ". -;",... ....-: ," '..- \' Pile POSED eOI'lMANVILI.E B1.~ D. ", ,;" ,'J'", '\, ".., ---<J:J . - ,\..1......'. ,," ,..'....)..,....\ _~ N71.'U'OO It.. 'lOt.m .~.. :10.. "I" {\10 ,\~..'. ".~...__. , NI1-U10.W 1J-CO",4 Hn."I'OO"E ':I.ln -1. , ," NT.- A'IO-! ".1....:1 , , 177771 .;ONING CHAN'GE FROM' A' TO · CI-14-AREA A' tt:g:gjZQNING CHANGE FROM' A' TO 'Cl-14-AREA s' ~ ZONING TO REMAIN 'A' o 25 sO: 1)0. .~ ! !04.0;PZOIO D ,. , Secretary' LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 'LOT 14 . ~ z o Bj I.IJ U z 8 . aOWMANV1LLE SCHEDULE "3" ON: BYLAW.5.WIL THE Co.RPOR,J\'flpN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 94-16 . . .~ . ,The Ontario MunicipalBoai"d hereby amends By-law 84-63 of the Municipality of Clarington as follows: . ' 1. " SeCtion 16.5 "Special Exceptions - General Coinmercial (C) Zone" of By-law 84-63, as amended, . is hereby further' amended by adding thereto, the' following new Special Exceptions 16.5.15 and 16.5.16 as foll~Ws: "16.5.'15 GE~ COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION (Cl-15) ZONE: NotwithStanding Sections,16.1 and 16.3 of By-law 84-63, those lands zoned (Cl-1S) ,shown 0'0: the map contained' in Sch~ule "A If to this By-law shall only be used and any '"buildings or Structures thereon shall only be ConstrUcted and 'uSed, in accordance with this 'by-law and the following defInitions and zone regulations: a) 'DefInitions i) Business establlshment , ShaH mean ,a building, which contains any, one; or more of, a r~taiI/com:m~iciaI establisbme~, a department store, a general merchand,ise 'store, a clothing retail warehouse, a drug retail warehouse, "a foqd re,tai1 warehouse, a persoJiai. serVi~ shop, a business" professional , _ or ~dininiStrative office, or a fmancial office whether or not the buUd~g is part of a shopping centre. . ' , , ii) Business establishment facade Shall mean the portion c>f the exterl9r wall located between t:*mished grade and the level~ which is, 3 metres above f.unsbed grade of a business establishment whicP. wall faces either aD existing street or a proposed street shown' on the Plan contained in aforesaid Schedule "A.". ill) Clothing retail warehouse ,t . . . . : ~hal1 mean a building, or part of a building suitable for occupation by a , , . ~.. single' user whi~h contains at least 1,350 square metres of leasable total ~oor area; of whi~h at leaSt 80 %, ,is visible to shoppers, and ~ used for . . r . . ~. ... .... ~ . .. . - .. ... -'0- _ _ ~ _ u _ _ .... .. ~ . -. -to . .... - . ..- ~ .. ,.-. -. - -. . . , -2- the combinatioIl of storage and display ,for the retail sale of c1othlng, apparel and/or 'related fashion accessorles in a warehouse format. iv) Department, store . , , ~,han m~an . a. ,~taiJ/commerCial es~blis,hment containing a minimum of 5,000 square metres o,f leas~ble total floor area orgaDized into a number of mdividuar departniei1~ and primarily engaged in the sale to the public qf a: wide'vaijety ofcOJ::ilDlOdities, including clothing, hardware, home furnishings, and hoUsehold appliances. ' , v) Drug retail warehouse Shap. ~e~ a, buiidin~, or P3!l of a building suitable for occupation by a single 4seJ;',whichcoIitams at le,as~ 1,350' square metres of leasable total fl90r ~rea" pf which at least 80', % is visible to shoppers, and is used primarily for the combmatj6n of stO'rage 'and display for the retail sale of nCH1-prescription mcdi~tnes, 'h~thand, beautY aids, personal hygiene productS, conf~ctionaryiteh1s arid stationary in a warehouse format, , 'provided that the dnig retail warehouse includes a prescription pharmacy. vi) , Foodretan warehouse Shall mean a building or part of a bUildiIlg suitable for occupation by a 'single user wmch contairis, atl~st 4,600 square metres of leasable total f1~or area', of V{hicli at least 89 % is vis'ibletoshoppers, and is used Pti.maPly for the. Combination of storage and display for the retail saIe of food, ,deaningand 'laundry -Supplies~ 'personal ~ygiene, products, small household jtems~ coDfecuoIWy. itemS ~ sundries in a warehouse format. " vii) General merchandise siore Shall mean a ~tai1lcommerc~ establishment containing less than 5,000 stiuare metres of l~ble total' floor area primarily engaged in the sale of a varietY. of commodities which include all or several representatives of the' following, Catego'nes 'of merchandise: ,clothing, hardware, 'home furilishings, household appiiances, sportipg goOds and toys. However, the teml"g,eneraI me,rchandise stOre" does not include an au~omotive parts or accessories store,. a convenience retail store, it department store, a drug -3- store, a food store, and a specialty J;etaU Store engaged primarily in the ' sale of a particular commodity such as,but not limited to, a book stare, , " a clothing ,s'tore: a jeweil~iy' store' aDd a shoe' store, provided 'that a general merchandIse store does 'not 'cease to' be a general merchandise 's'tore by' reason 'only of the inclusion of ~. pharmacy. . viii) Street-related entrance , , ' Shall m,eap one of ,the principal ~ntral1ces ta 'each business establishment whIch sh~.lf.~ve a ~!Tl.in{muni h~~gh(of 2.1 metres and a minimum width af ,0.9 metres w:iQ ~ be 10ca~' in tbe'part of the business establishment faeade'wliich 1.s,at or 'within 0:2 metres, above or below fmished grade, , , provided that 'en'tranceshall'be reeessea from the business 'establishme'nt facade a minimum of 1.0'metre.' ", ix) Westerly streetUne ofproposedCIarington Boulevard Shall mean ~a :tine. separating ~ land comprisins Part 11 on plan of survey o.f record, deposited '~' the Larid ~egi~try ,O~ce' for the Land Registry Di'Visio~ '9f Durhani (No~ 40) -as, Plan, 40R:,16730 from the land, compri~ing Part 16 on the afC?resaidplan of survey of record. b)' Permitted Residential Uses' . , Dwelling uni~ located in a storey higher than the flI'St storey of a building which contains pennitted non-residential uses in its flI'St storey. c) Permitted Non-Residential Uses' Arilaximum of 3241 square metres of leasable total floor area may be constructed, and used for the. following 'purpo~: , -i) ,assembly hall; ii) bakeiy shop; ill) business, professional or administrative office provided that such offi~ shall hi: located in a second storey or greater of any building: , , ,+. , , , iv) ',fiIlat;lcial office provided that such office shan be located in a second , storey or greater of any. building; , ' .' vi) , viii} , xiii) ,xiv) 'v) , . . '. . notwithstanding S~ti~n 16.5.15 (c)(iv) above, one of a bank, a trust comPany or a ~edit union m.a:y be located in a first storey of any bullding; day nursery; vii) dry cleaning distribution centre; . . . , eating establishment with no vehicular drive~through serviCe; . . ~ ~ " , medical or dental clinic provided that such clinic' shall be 1000.ated in a' seCond storey .or greater of anybuildinS; parking lot; ix)- x) xi) place of entertainment; , , prlnting or publishing e.stabl~hinent; private club; ,retail/commercial estabHshment' provided that no 'general merchandise , stOre'; clothing StOre, je,weUery, st9re, shoe store, fashion accessory store, y~ and fab~c store, hardware store" furnitUre Store, home' furnishing , sfor~, ~lothing retall'warehouse, drug retail' wareho)lSc. and food retail wareh~use may be constructed or used; , service shop, personal Xii) xiv) d) Regulations: i) location of building from northerly iimit of Highway No. 2 U) 11 " location of building from the westedy limits of the lands zoned Cl~IS as shown on the aforesaid Schedule "A" a minimum of 5 metres a minimum of 40' metres '~6- ill), location of building from the' northerly limits of.the land zoned . Cl-151a:nds as shown on aforesaid Schedule "A If a minimum of 0 metres ' , , iv) landscaped open space: .' vi) a minimUm' of 15 " percem of the lot area 'a Inaxim:um of 4 storeys the ea~~erly 'b~s,~e$s establisbm,e~t facade conStruc~ within the Cl-15 ZOne shall abufthe w'esterIY'~tre~tfine of proposed Clarington Boulevard , , provid,ed that JlO' more t.ha.D 75 %' of the length of such facade may be . '." . . '; T . co~cted up io no more than ~'metres further westerly from SUC~ line. v) height of bullding vii) str~et-related entrarices to ~usiness esta,bliSmnents shall be constructed at , , locatltms in the busmess 'establishmerit fa~de 'at a maximum distanCe of "14 . m~lIes'ftom 'the Centre of the 'nearest street-related entrance to the street-related entIin,ce in question. . , viii)' a' minimum ,of 25% of the business e$tablisbment facade shall be constructed of traJisparcnt glass. 16.5.16 GENERAL COM:MERCIAL EXCEPTION (C1-16) ZONE: Notwithstanding Sections 16.1 and'16.3. those lands zoned (Cl-16) shown on the map contained in' Schedule "Aft to this By-law shall only be used and any builditigs or structures thereon shall only be 'constructed and used in 'accordance , with the following ~ne defmitions and ,regulationst . , a) Defmitions i) The applicable defmitions of the Cl.15 zone contained in Section 16"05.15 shall apply to the,C~-16 Zone. . ' ii) , Easterly streetline, of proposed Clarington BouIe~ard Shall mean a line separating the land comprising Part lIon plan " or~ey of record deposited in the Land'Registry Office for the -- ... .....-.. .. .. . .. " . .... - 1... ....oo. -.... . ... ...... ~ .. '".... .." .. b) -6- .. Land Titles Divisic)U of Durham (No. 40) as Plan 40R~16730 ft:om , 'the land comprising- Part 8 on the' aforesaid plan of surVey of record. Permitted Residential useS No residential dwelling units are permitted to ~ constructed or' used. c), Penmited Non-Residential Uses A maximum of 475 sq~ metres of leasable total floor area may be constructed or used 'for the pliIpose of an eating establishmeIlt. , ~) Regulations: ill) i) location of building from northerly limit of Highway No.2' , . a minimum of 3 metres arid a ma:idmum of 8 metres , . ii) l~ti~n of building from casterl)' limit of tb,e lands zoned CI-16 as shown on the aforesaid Schedule II All a minimuni' of 15 metres location of building from northerly 'limit of the lands zoning CI-16' as . shown' on the aforesaid Schedule tl All a minimum of ' 20 metres ' ./ ~ .: iv) landscaped open space a minimum of ' 20 percent of the -lot area , v) height of buildings , a maximum of , 4 sto~eys vi) the w~sterly business establishment facade constructed within the CI-16 Zone shall abut' the. easterly streetline of proposed Clarin.gton Boulevard,providedthat no more than 60% of th~ ' length of such facade may be constructed up to 2 metres easterly , -7- .' , ' of f:he westerly limitof the lands zoned Cl-16 as shown on the aforesaid Schedule "A". ,-. vii) street-related entiances to the business establishments constructed In ,the ci-t6 ~ne~ b:e co~' at a i~tion in the business establ~slim~nt facade which 'faces the' westerly limit of the lands . . zonedCl-16 on the aforesaid Schedule '14 A ". viii)' a niinim~ of '25% of ~e buSiness establi'sbment facade shari be conStnicted of transparent glass. " c 2. Schedule "3 "toBy-law 84-63 as am~ndect "is 'hereby further amended by ~hanging the zone category from: ' , "Agriculture (A) Zone" to -"Gene~ Commerci81 Exception (Cl-1S) Zone" and "Agriculture (A) Zone" to - "General Commc;:reial -Exception (Cl-16) Zone". 3. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall fom part of this By-law. 4.' This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the Order of the Ontario Municipal Board. . " . . This Schedule "A" to By-I~w 94~16 . IS . ~:.: .~ : .. ~' : -. ~: -.. ..~ . - . L. ~* . ~~ G .. " ., . ., . '. . ".:. ; .' , , . .'4. ZONING TO REMAIN- AI '~ ZONING CHANGE FROM , uA" TO lIC1-1511 Em ZONING CHANGE ~ROM "A" TO "C1-16u " '., '. ~ .. " .0; o M. LI Slcr.tuf 40 LOT 17 - . " BOWMANVILLE, o 10 100 tOo '100. [ll'.,-",,:" ' .j lOa. .. @