HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-143 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-143 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) WHEREAS with the passage of By-law 94-49 on March 28, 1994, Council authorized the execution of an agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) for projects under the Canada- Ontario Infrastructure Works Program; AND WHEREAS at its meeting held on May 30, 1994, Council approved the recommendations contained in Report Addendum to Report WD-17-94 to amend the application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for the projects under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Program as shown on Attachment No. 1 thereto: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation's seal, an amending agreement between The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) and the Municipality. 2. THAT the amending agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 12th day of September 1994. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September 1994. Md4//~./~ Mayor PROVINCIAL-MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE AMENDING AGREEMENT THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made this 14th day of September, 1994. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs referred to below as the "Province", AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON referred to below as the "Municipality", WHEREAS on June 22, 1994 the Province and the Municipality entered into a Provincial - Municipal Infrastructure Agreement (referred to as the "Agreement"); AND WHEREAS the Province and the Municipality have agreed that the Agreement should be amended in accordance with the terms set out in this Amending Agreement; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has by By-law 94-143 dated ~ppf"pmhpr 12th , 1994 and appended hereto as Schedule "A" authorized the Mayor, Reeve, Warden or Chair and the Clerk to enter into this Amending Agreement on behalf of the Municipality; - 2 - THEREFORE the Province and the Municipality agree as follows: Adding new projects use the following: .1. Schedule "C" of the Agreement is amended by adding to it the following Projects which will form part of Schedule "C" of the Agreement: 1. M1040204 2. The terms and conditions of the Agreement continue to apply, except to the extent which Schedule "C" is amended by this Amending Agreement. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed on behalf of the Province by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and on behalf of the Municipality by the Mayor, Reeve, Warden or Chair and the Clerk. v....---:... THE PROVINCE OF Minister of Municipal Iw III ,,,4 Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Witness ~~~h) ayor Reeve. en Chalr Date Witness Date ,; ...,. SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-143 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) WHEREAS with the passage of By-law 94-49 on March 28, 1994, Council authorized the execution of an agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) for projects under the Canada- Ontario Infrastructure Works Program; AND WHEREAS at its meeting held on May 30,1994, Council approved .the recommendations contained in Report Addendum to Report WD-17-94 to amend the application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for the projects under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure It/orks Program as shown on Attachment No. 1 thereto: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. "THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Claringtun Qnd seal with the Corporation's seal, an amending agreement between The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) and the Municipality. 2. THAT the amending agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forma part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 12th day of September 1994. "By-law read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September 1994. UdA'/~-?';:%f'-L-~ Mayor .' SCHEDULE " C' , --------------- 1. MUNICIPALITY: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2. PROJECT NAME: BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX PARK DEVELOPMENT 3. PROJECT NUMBER: M1040204 4. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 2440 KING STREET WEST 5. ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS: $130,000.00 A~ approved and set out in the attached Project Expenditure Schedule. 6. PROJECT START DATE: 1995/04/01 7. PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 1995/09/30 I I: Ii II ii z o 1-< {;> Z ..... c:r: ~ --l <-> <-> ..... z ;:::. ::0: "" Q) "" 0) C"") "" <0 . or) 2.9 0 0) €J 2.10 co ...... 2.ft ...... ...... o 1 . ~ .mTAt <0 C> C> SJ . " oJ 1-.. ~/'''''-, '""'" Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington /'rofoot ,....fN.. .. ,IO/<< DowlIanville Recre<ltion COlllplex Park Developr.ent .~~4/Q5 fge5/~ 1Q96/97 Apr.Jun/ JuIy.Seprj Oct-Doo/ Jan.Marl Ap(~un/ July-8ept/ Oct.Dool Jao-Ma.rl Apr.Jun/ JUy-Sapt/ Oct-Doo! (Jan-MuIH AIIT.Jtrln Jul-Sopt Oct.O~o Jln-Mar> AIIT.Juln Jul-Sopt Ocl-D60 J,n-M... AIIT.JtJlo JuG.Sept Ocl-D60 Jon-Mllll! { Ii 2.1 - Coil' . Major C<ulInlCI / CaOlo lac,",;, . Con'''''lmponarn 6 5 6 00 65 600 2.2 Oth6Jt' relevalll comract cost'l AIJ1r6a coOts pertinent. du COnll8t 2.000 2,000 2.3 SaJarle. & E~plOYH BOMlIta/ Salalres e( avantagea sodalO< des smp/oya:! 2,04 EqulPmtnt/Ma14f181 2.5 Olh&r Costs (sPecA'y)/AUlfOS coOts (pJ6c1sor) 2.6 Total Estimated ProJect Gross Cost/CoOt bn..c loW e5tlmaut du prolot 2. 7 l4si aST Rebates/Molns ramboUrSam&llls 00 la TPS 67,600 67.600 2,600 2,600 65,000 65,000 Canada Ontario lnlrastructur. Worl<8 Cephal (FOO&ml and P,.ovlootal Shares)/ R<<:eu.. en capital. Programtne our 1~4 traV&LlX d'iI1trastructure Canada.Qnl&1o (Pam Md6ralo at provtnclafe) local P4l1mra Own Resources/Fonds ploprell du partenatre ~ocaJ Prlvalo Sedor ConIrIbutlon. (AlI.oJ. Business c..e)/ConlrlbUlI0l18 du ,octe", ptlv~ (PO." do JolOO.o un "PllOO d.aItalte.j $ 86,367.00 43,333.00 I , ( ~ \) . '[l(X.:J '\ PROVINCIAL-MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE AMENDING AGREEMENT THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made this 17th day of August, 199.4. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs referred to below as the "Province", AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON referred to below as the "Municipality", WHEREAS on June 22, 1994 the Province and the Municipality entered into a Provincial - Municipal Infrastructure Agreement (referred to as the "Agreement"); AND WHEREAS the Province and the Municipality have agreed that the Agreement should be amended in accordance with the terms set out in this Amending Agreement; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has by By-law 94-143 dated September 12 , 1994 and appended hereto as Schedule "A" authorized the Mayor, Reeve, Warden or Chair and the Clerk to enter into this Amending Agreement on behalf of the Municipality; , , '. - 2 - THEREFORE the Province and the Municipality agree as follows: Adding new projects use the following: 1. Schedule "C" of the Agreement is amended by adding to it the following Projects which will form part of Schedule "C" of the Agreement: 1. M1040203 2. M1040207 2. The terms and conditions of the Agreement continue to apply, except to the extent which Schedule "C" is amended by this Amending Agreement. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed on behalf of the Province by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and on behalf of the Municipality by the Mayor, Reeve, Warden or Chair and the Clerk. Witness PROVINCE ~~ ~ Minister of Municipal Affairs GOVERNMENT OF THE Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Witness ~~#~/ , ayor, Reeve7W rdenjChair Date Witness Date .. SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-143 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Miniotry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) WHEREAS with the passage of By-law -94-49 on March 28, 1994, Council authorized the execution of'an agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) for projects under the Canada- Ontario Infrastructure Works Program; AND WHEREAS at its meeting held on May 30, 1994, Council approved the recommendations contained in Report Addendum to Report WD-17-94 to amend the application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for the p~ojects under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Program as shown on Attachment No. 1 thereto: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 'THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation's seal, an amending agreement between The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (The Province) and the Municipality. 2. THAT the amending agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 12th day of September I 1994. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of 'September 1994. ./$#/~~ Mayor SCHEDULE " C' I --------------- 1. MUNICIPALITY: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2. PROJECT NAME: RECONSTRUCTION OF PRINCESS/STATION STREETS, ORONO 3. PROJECT NUMBER: M1040203 4. LOCATION OF PROJECT: LOT 29, CON 5, ORONO 5. ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS: $870,000.00 As approved and set out in the attached Project Expenditure Schedule. 6. PROJECT START DATE: 1994/03/01 7. PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 1994/12/31 J . -- Local r_/ran.uJtw Io<aI I'nljod Ha..Jt4oao ,. prajol Corporation pf the ~unicipality of Clarington Princess Street/Station Street~.Orono 19~4/~5 1995/96 ~Cl"I~eJ: Mo., ~O~2 1996/97 2.1 tnvolced Costs. Major Cootract! CoOts factures. Contrat Important 2.2 Oaher relevant col1ract costs/ Autres coOts pertJnents du contrat 2.3 Salaries & Employee Benefltsl Salalras el avanlages socIaux des employ6s 2.4 . EqulpmentJMat6rlel 2.5 Olher Costs (speclfy)/Autres coOts (pr~ser) 2.6 T alai EsUmated Project Gross Cost/CoOt brut total estJmatJf du projet 2.7 Less GST Rebates/Molns romboursemenrs deJa TPS 2.8 T otaJ EstImated Project Net Cost/CoOt net total estlmatJf du proJet Apr.Jun/ July-Sept/ Oct-Dee! Jan-Marl Apr.JlXIl July..Sept/ Oct-Deel Jan-Marl Apr.Jun/ Jli.y-Sertl Oct-Dec/ Jan-Mar! Avr.Jufo JuD-Sept Oct-Dec dan-M818 Aw-JOO Jul-Sapt Oct-ooo Jan-Mars Avr.Juln JuU.Sept Oct-Doo Jan-Mars 66] ,042 74,419 45,666 59,196 6,683 31,390 3,654 12,594 1,422 45,666 770,2~2 86,178 1,516 27,476 3,074 44,150 742,746 83,104 2.9 Canada Ontarfo Infrastructure WOlIcs Capllal (Federal and Provincial Shares) / Recettes en capital . Programme BUr lea travalDC d'lnfrastnJcture Canada.()ntarIo (parts ftSd6ra1e at provincia/e) 2.10 l.ocaJ Partner's Own Resources/Fonda propres du partenalro local 2:11 Private Sector CoootbuIIona (Attach BusIness Case)/ContributJons du aecteur prfv8 (Prtm'e de Joh:tre un rapport d'aftahs) $580,000 $290,000 ~ ~~':;:~~~1}f::~:~' :W{f~K-~~~~~::~~;'~iI' - '~~~~~:~~:~~~~~>>1~~~~:~:ili~i~;~'}~rl~~g~~%f.~:::5~Jfi1~l ~A.t.'1T'r.,. OtAIt.'.... ,.~ll:.o!?t.~w;s.'i:t:m~ -:'}'Ji..<>.<,*:'.>:.>>~:'<l'~^:<?;"":",:<,,,.,,:.,'~.'i::":'~'."l>:r:":.".,~>/wl1:, :. u" C. . L;:~':_ :. .~"Y\$t~~:':$':l:~;.\'.,~::.-:>:_:;,,~.....: .....:(.~:. :',!":~;~.:...::.~~~::;.:tt::'::~';~::::~::':...;::;~~~;.':;:.~r}:~::}~~i~~~::,;~~;:t:~:~~::_{~?l~:,:: ~ SCHEDULE " C' , --------------- 1. MUNICIPALITY: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2. PROJECT NAME: RECONSTRUCTION OF LAWSON ROAD/UPGRADE STORM DRAINAGE/SEWERS 3. PROJECT NUMBER: M1040207 4. LOCATION OF PROJECT: LAWSON ROAD FROM TOWNLINE ROAD 5. ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS: $300,000.00 As approved and set out in the attached Project Expenditure Schedule. 6. PROJECT START DATE: 1994/04/04 7. PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 1995/06/30 LoaI'_~~ Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington trojo<< N-.}Ncoa '" JIftlIcc Lawson Road Reconstruction Apr.Jun/ Jufy-Sept/ Od.-Oec/ Jan-Mar/ Apr.Jun/ JUY-Septl Oct-Dec/ Jan-Marl Apr.Jun/ Jljy-Sapt/ Oct.-Oecl Jan-Marl Aw.Ju1n JuIl-Sapt Oct-06c Jan-Mara Avr.Juln Jul-8ept Oct-Ok Jan-Mara Aw.Juln Jul-Sept Oct-Oec Jan-Mars 1994/95 2.1 InvoJced Costs - Major Contra/:;tJ CoOts. factures. Cantret Important 228,500 6.000 8,300 23,900 3,100 . 2.2 Other relevant contract costs/ Autres coOts pertlnents du contrat 2.3 Salaries & Employee Benefits/ Satalres at avantages soclaUlC des emp/oyas 2.4 Equlpment/MatGrlel . 2.5 Other Costs (specify)/Autres coOts (prGclsoc) 2.6 Tota! EstImated Project Gross Cost/CoOt brut total estlmatlf du proJat 2.7 less GST Reba1es/Molns remboursements de Ia TPS 2.8 Totaf estimated Project Net Cost/CoOt net total estlmatlf du projat 8,300-. 252.4qO 2.9 Canada Ontarfo Infrnstructure Works Capital (Federal and ProvfncfaI Shares)! Recattes en capita! - Programme sur las travaux d'lnfrastnJctum Canada-ontarlo (Parts fed~raIe at provfnclala) 2.10 local Partner's Own Resources/Fonds propres du partenalre local 2.11 Prtvata Sector Contributions (Attach Business Case)/Contrfbutlons du sacteur p~ (priers de JoIOOT8 un rapport d'affafres) ;'~~~~~;:::J.t:>i~~:.9':'~"~'~'~~'W~;:f:~i,~:j~"';'-':'/.~": S'.~- ':; ~~:~ T~::::'_'..y_",.,. . :,-~ _ ~"X,-,--:.'>'.','.'^-.. 1995/9~ 1996/97 19,700 2, 1 00 21 .800 800 21,OQO $200,000. . $100,000. ... . ........ . . . .." 'i -0 .I c:: '- \ 0 cc '- c.c oj:> t- o .. oj:> oj:> ~ o ~, c:: N c... CD N 0: N ".. 2 :z ..., (J (J r- ;> :<::: ..... :z C) ~ o :z ~ !B;l o o "-J