HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-128 - ~ -. '. ./ ~ REPEALED BY BY-LAW #.'3.~:;!.R.lp THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94-128 A By-law to repeal By-law 93-118, being a by-law to amend By-law 79-104, as amended, a By-law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of Cemeteries in Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle). THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THAT By-law 79-104 be, and the same is hereby amended, by rescinding Schedule IIAII attached thereto and replacing it with Schedule IWI attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2, THAT By-law 93-118 be repealed. 3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on September 1, 1994, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. By-law read a first and second time this 18th day of July, 1994. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of July, 1994. -Ik4?'~~~ AYOR . . " DN:o.!mfees 4' ~ SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW 94-128 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CEMETERIES TARIFF OF RATES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1. 1994 1, SALE OF PLOTS: PROPOSED + 7% RATES GST TOTAL DIMENSIONS 40% BOWMANVILLE BOND HEAD Per.Care a) Single b) Babyland c) Cremation Lots 3'x9' 1.5'x3' 2'x2' 4'x10 1,5 'x 3' 2'x 3' $191.27 $ 55.79 $ 55.79 $478,17 $139.47 $139.47 $20.08 $ 5.86 $ 5.86 $498.25* $145.33* $145.33* * G.S.T. . $ 478.17 . $ 191.27 per.care = $ 286.90 x 7% = $ 20.08 $ 139.47 - $ 55.79 per.care = $ 83.68 x 7% = $ 5.86 2. INTERNMENT: a) Adult.....................,................... .. $292,34 $ 20.46 $312.80 b) Child.......................................... . $ 99.96 $ 7,00 $106.96 c) Cremation......"""",........,."""....... . $ 99,96 $ 7.00 $106.96 3. DISINTERNMENT CHARGES: a) Disinternment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (adult)........... $717.95 $ 50.26 $768.21 b) Disinternment including lowering remains at same location (adult)........................... $478,27 $ 33.48 $511,75 c) Disinternment for reburial at another cemetery.. $432.06 $ 30.24 $462.30 d) Disinternment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (cremation or child),........,.............,.....,........... . $239.67 $ 16.78 $256.45 e) Disinternment for reburial at same location another cemetery (cremation or child)........... $146.17 $ 10.23 $156.40 4. WEEKEND. HOLIDAYS AND OTHER SURCHARGES: a) Internment on Saturday....................add.I, $250.42 $ 17.53 $267.95 b) Internment on Sundays and Legal Holidays..add'l. $250.42 $ 17.53 $267.95 c) Internment or Disinternment Double Depth..add'l. $ 53.74 $ 3.76 $ 57.50 d) Rental of Lowering Device, Set-up and Dressing.. $ 60.19 $ 4.21 $ 64.40 e) License Fee (Except for Cremation) $ 10.00 $ 0.70 $ 10.70 5. MONUMENT FOUNDATIONS AND SETTING MARKERS: $ 10.75 $ 0.75 $ 11.50 $ 60.19 $ 4,21 $ 64.40 $ 33.32 $ 2,33 $ 35.65 $ 39.77 $ 2,78 $ 42,55 $ 26,86 $ 1,88 $ 28,74 $ 5.75 $ 0.40 $ 6,15 $ 6,45 $ 0.45 $ 6.90 a) Monument Foundations (per cubic foot)........... b) Flat Marker Foundation.. each,.................. c) Cremation Markers.................. :............ d) Removal of Monuments............................ e) Baby Markers ...Size 14" x 8"................... 6, TRANSFER FEE.................................... 7. PERPETUAL CARE: On plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid - (square foot) 8, OTHER SERVICES: Planting of trees installing corner stones, repairs to foundations.. materials plus labour. HOURLY RATE (UNION RATE PLUS 15% OVERHEAD) oJ' .,' (i) Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 6 October 1994 Ministere de la Consommation et du Commerce Cemeteries Regulation Reglementation des cimitieres ;ttt~~ 5t 3 02 Ali '94 ;~~ ~u~g~onge Toronto ON MSB 2NS Toronto ON MSB 2NS Tel: (416) 326-8392 Telephone: (416) 326-8392 Fax: (416) 326-8406 Telecopieur: (416) 326-8406 File No. 406 Marie p, Knight Deputy Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Re:/ Cemetery Objet: Municioalitv of Clarinaton Cimitiere As requested in your application dated SeDtember 21. 1994 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. Conformement a votre demande du nous vous renvoyons sous ce pli les documents approuves ou classes. lis constituent une partie importante des dossiers du cimitiere et devarient atre conserves dans un endroit sOr ou votre agent charge de I'administration purra les consulter publiquement. Enclosed are the number of copies shown in the items checked/ Voici Ie nombre de copies des documents verifies by-Iaws/reglements general plans/plans generaux plans of section/plans de la section construction plans of/plans de construction d crypt or niche numbering plans for/plans numerotage des cryptes ou des niches d contract/contrat certificate of interment rights/certificat des droits d'inhumation amendment to approved by-laws/amendments aux reglements approuves -./ price Iist/tarif des frais Certificate of Consent/Certificat d'autorisation Yours~~ Cemeteries Branch/Direction des cimetieres For Branch Use Only Reserve a la Direction: Recorded in file and copy verified on/ Place dans Ie dossier et copie verifiee Ie by/ par 06359 (04194) " . ." :i~ '"';' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94- 128 A. By-law to repeal By-law 93-118, being a by-law to amend By-law 79-104, as amended, a By-law to provide for the maintenance, management, 'regulation and control of Cemeteries in Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle). ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THAT By-law 79-104 be, and the same is hereby amended, by rescinding Schedule 'WI attached thereto and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. , , 2. THAT By~law 93-118 be repealed. 3, THAT thjs ,By-law shall come into fprce and take effect on September 1, 1994, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, By-law read a ~jrst and second time this 18th day of July, 1994. , , By-law read a third ti~e and finally passed this 18th day of July, 1994. \ ,IP4~L~,., ~) , ' / AYOH- ) CERTIFIED A TRUE 'COpy -'--~"~"~ -,;';f (~:t:3r:-~ . ..~" , ?i41,,:-",'DN:cemfees ~ , SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW 94-128 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CEMETERIES TARIFF OF RATES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1. 1994 1. SALE OF PLOTS: PROPOSED RATES + 7% GST TOTAL DIMENSIONS 40% BOWMANVILLE BOND HEAD Per. Care a) Single b) Babyland c) Cremation Lots 3'x9' 1.5'x3' 2'x2' 4'x10 1.5 'x 3' 2'x 3' $191,27 $ 55,79 $ 55.79 $47~.17 $139.47 $139.47 $20.08 $ 5.86 $ 5.86 $498.25* $145.33* $145.33* * G.S.T. - $ 478.17 - $ 191.27 per.care = $ 286,90 x 7% = $ 20,08 $ 139.47 . $ 55.79 per.care = $ 83.68 x 7% = $ 5.86 2. INTERNMENT: a) Adult....,.................................... .. $292,34 $ 20,46 $312.80 b) Child.............,............................ . $ 99.96 $ 7.00 $106.96 c) Cremation...............,.........,............ . $ 99,96 $ 7.00 $106.96 3. DISINTERNMENT CHARGES: a) Disinternment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (adult)........... $717.95 $ 50.26 $768,21 b) Disinternment including lowering remains at same location (adult)........................... $478.27 $ 33.48 $511.75 c) Disinternment for reburial at another cemetery.. $432.06 $ 30.24 $462.30 d) Disinternment including reburial at another location in the same cemetery (cremation or child).............................,............ $239.67 $ 16.78 $256.45 e) Disinternment for reburial at same location another cemetery (cremation or child)........... $146.17 $ 10,23 $156,40 4. WEEKEND. HOLIDAYS AND OTHER SURCHARGES: a) Internment on Saturday....................add'J. $250.42 $ 17.53 $267.95 b) Internment on Sundays and Legal Holidays..add'J. $250.42 $ 17,53 $267.95 c) Internment or Disinternment Double Depth..add'l. $ 53.74 $ 3.76 $ 57.50 d) Rental of Lowering Device, Set-up and Dressing.. $ 60,19 $ 4.21 $ 64.40 e) License Fee (Except for Cremation) $ 10.00 $ 0.70 $ 10.70 5. MONUMENT FOUNDATIONS AND SETTING MARKERS: a) Monument Foundations (per cubic foot)........... b) Flat Marker Foundation.. each................... c) Cremation Markers..,........,.. .... :............ d) Removal of Monuments............,............... e) Baby Markers ...Size 14" x 8"................... 6. TRANSFER FEE.................................... $ 10.75 $ 0,75 $ 11 .50 $ 60.19 $ 4.21 $ 64.40 $ 33.32 $ 2.33 $ 35.65 $ 39.77 $ 2.78 $ 42.55 $ 26.86 $ 1,88 $ 28.74 $ 5.75 $ 0.40 $ 6.15 $ 6,45 $ 0.45 $ 6.90 7. PERPETUAL CARE: On plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid - (square foot) 8, OTHER SERVICES: Planting of trees installing corner stones, repairs to foundations.. materials plus labour. HOURLY RATE (UNION RATE PLUS 15% OVERHEAD) ~ V M'o'''', 01 Consumer and Commercial Relations Cemeteries OntariO Re ulation FILED in accordance with the regulations under The Cemeteries Act. Minlstere de la Consommation et du Commerce Reg/omentation des cimetieres DEPOS conformement aux reglements afferents a la Loi sur /es cimet;eres, Dale 01 Filingl Date de deP<'t File No, of Ce Numero de fie Byl Par'