HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-65 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 93-65 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Joseph and Sheila Giordano for the purchase of certain lands required for erosion protection on Lakeshore Road in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, Section 191 (1), states that: liThe Council of every corporation may pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purposes of the Corporation ..."; and WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle requires certain land for erosion protection on Lakeshore Road. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY -LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporate Seal, an Offer to Sell from Joseph and Sheila Giordano, attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this By-law, that portion of Part Lot 26, Concession Broken Front, in the former Village of Newcastle. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 10th day of May, 1993. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this lOth day of May, 1993. &~~~~/ Y MAYOR CLERK ffZ8IlOVSLY fAXE'D 'TO 'fOu~ OFFIC-G: , 7t:J,. APRJ L- t 99 3 1~... " ~l&:HYlElDY APR 28 1993 '-:(l r.' ';0 ' ..~ td'trfN SIMS HU&laO . ..' ;~O~TE$" " C680URG' . om" SCHEDULE "A" 3606,Lakeshore Road,R.R.8, Newcast1e,Ontario, LIB lL9 April 17th 1993 Dear Mr.Bourne, Re:Twn.Newcast1e,Lakeshore Rd,Lot 26,B.F.Concession Clarke. This letter will confirm our telephone conversation of today and the clarification of the Town of Newcastle's proposal to us regarding our property. We accept the cash offer of the sum of $2,000.00 (two thousand)do1lars, as compensation for the aquisition of the portion of land described as the "Daylight Triangle" at the Southwest corner of our lot. We also accept that the Town of Newcastle will leave as many of the shrubs and trees as possible and that they will replace a portion of the lilacs with cedar hedge-ing 4ft.high.All other proposals regarding the the fencing as outlined in your letter dated April 12th 1993 (copy attached),and the necessary work required to restore the property to acceptable state as quoted "in kind or better~ are satisfactory to us. Copies of the previous correspondence are signed and attached to this letter. Yours sincerely, s. Sheila Giordano -\f. ~vl~ JoSeph~Giordanol ~ f7~199J r. .. a ~: 1A KINO 8TREET EAST, ',0. 1l0l( 3ge. COUOlJRQ QNT ARlO. CANADA KtA AU totten sims hubickl associates ('1611l?l-21l1' FAX (418) tU-l\6~1 Mr. '" Mrs. Giordano 3606 Lak~shor~ Road ' NEWCAS'l1.H. Onlhfill L1 n 1 L9 F.nx..N.1'....lli:.12,Q.~1l,4~ April 16, 1993 D~ltr Mr, &. Mrs. GI(lfll"l1i': R,~: Tuwn or N{~'W\'IlSI1C, J~h~hoJ'c Rllad, Uondlw..'\d, Lot 26, D.F. Concession, Clurk~ We ar~ III l'1!l:dpt \11' Yl.lllC (fa~l:J) knee' ditlC41 April 12, 1993, being YO\lr response 10 my rdal~.:l corr,:spulIdl:ll\:e of April n, 19';:4, 111~ \JtId~"slil\ed dill(~lIssed Y(llll' \:,)nCl'1'll:> whll }'I.)U tids dale, And Ills ~oTl1irrnetj that all areas Qf your pl'Operty dUll are disturbed by llur operatloll shall be fI~~tor~ In klnl1 (lJ' bett~r. The r(ladsidc dit~h adjacent lo YO\lr property fronlac:~ shall he sodded, We trustlhls now addresst'5 your concerns ;tl)l1 would llppH~c1ille Yl)Ur r~$puIlSe as requIred to permIt the ftl1a11ZJllon of Ih~ tr;jll$a~tlun. Kindly provide YOllr wriltc:n acceptance (by fax) at YOllr earliest ct)nv~nh:nce. . y Ollrs v~ry lrlll)', totten _lmi hublcld l'l$sl)l,;li.ltcs (j) .L:l dc", hu,j 7a~) D,R. Hl)urn8 (j Projects ~1:I1l;t!:U J DRBt,li J)'I~:lI2"'IOIWl' Ace eple- cl.. a. s. CJl<J- Lv..-<, J. 5.Q~ ~'jt/"V" l~ -~ Sheila GiordulIo '\I'- U~~/~ Joseph C10rdollo/ k>J-,~L f -,. "" 1l/9 ~ FRO" SWAHS ftARIHA LTD. ,/'~. 84.12. U,,('\j;S, P. 1 ~'l . 0 . tx>N BoV~NG' , ?~..:n~ t-tANA-~ I ~~ I SIH S , J.lv!>>'~1 ~ ~72.-3b~f ftsS~(~! ~H:- ~ILA Gt~)C!.t>~ 0 ~ 1ft"... 4W - 2Jq..2... -;"\", ,,~ l(.. .'< . ,0'-, " .j <{{ \' '~;l ~::,~' Q \ \~.,~W 3606.Lakeshore Road. Newcastle, Ontario. LiB lL9 Apr11 12th 1993 Dear Mr.Rourna. Re:Twn.of Newcastle.Lakeahore Rd.Bondho~d~ Lot 26,B.F.Conc~ssiQn.Cl~Tko. ThankYQu {or your letter outl1n1ng the Town of Newcastle's reaard1ns the proposed squ1sition of land required fOT the triengla" Ue note thAt you ha~e not ~tated that where any existing shrubbery or estnblishad trees have to be mov~d. that they would be repl~..ed by a similar type,and ~hat the affcct~d land would be la"dsc~pcd to its ot1gJna] appearance. 1.e.sod replac~d and 8Tadod. As was dicussod with you on April 5~h.1993. you would rep]acc the ex1st1nK flowerin& Itlacs ~jth S-6rt.cedar hedge1ng.Thls v8$ to bo alonQ the soulh and west boundarjes ot OUT property.after you hov~ c18~med your road allowaneo. If you could incorporate th~s 1nror~Hljon in your response we can then sign th1$ revision.We look forward to hearing from you on this . I po:;:S, I. j on "daylight lJU!lttCr I Yours s1ncQrely. S:.b--JJ --- Sheila Ciordano. . . 1A KING STREET EAST. P,O, BOX 398, COBOURG ONTARIO, CANADA K9A 4L1 totten sims hubicki associates (416) 372.2121 FAX (416) 372.3621 Mr. & Mrs. Giordano 3606 Lakeshore Road NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB lL9 Fax No. 416-420-2142 April 12, 1993 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Giordano: Re: Town or Newcastle, Lakeshore Road, Bondhead, Lot 26, B.F. Concession, Clarke Thank you for taking time from your schedule to meet with the undersigned at your home on April 5, 1993, for the purpose of discussing the pending required reconstruction improvements and our associated need for road allowance widening. On behalf of the Town of Newcastle, I reviewed with you the necessary day lighting of the Lakeshore Road! Arthur Street intersection from your property. A copy of the preliminary legal plan of survey prepared by Brown & Coggan Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors (referenced as Part 2, File No. 192105-R) is enclosed herewith showing the area coloured in red. The area is estimated at 453 square feet. The acquisition of this property is necessary to permit (moderate) road improvements and the placing of erosion protection at the toe of this embankment adjacent to Lake Ontario. Construction commencement is tentatively scheduled for June 21, 1993, dependent on successfully completing the necessary property transfers and receiving approval from the participating Provincial Authorities. We discussed your conditions of the sale of the property to the Town of Newcastle, described as follows: . Place a three rail fence along the legal south and west limits of your property including a new fence placed on the limits of the daylighting, Fence to weave on your property side in the event a tree is located on the legal limit, . Retain your pedestrian walkway to Arthur Street. . Town to remove all trees within our right-of-way and to pile the wood cut (at ~ foot length) on your property. . Town pay all legal survey and solicitor costs associated with the transfer. . Land purchase in the amount of $2:000r!';"i.5flL t= ~ COPIES TO _~~.;c::.;-t"~.:r:.".(_",--..'J~.~_ _,,~ :'-..~' '._--:-, ,_~ r OWN OF NCWCASTLE RECEiVED '........;.a.~ ~~-.:Y.S Note & Fife Discuss With Plaase Answer ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS ~ 2 J 1 5b9 3 Note & Return to me l Investigate & Report PUBLIC WOt,j<S Take Appropriate Action .__.~EPT'I(g,2 ~. fi!p._,.".,._o,,"",,____";" . . . ~. & Mrs. Giordano April 12, 1993 2 Kindly review the foregoing and formally confirm your approval and acceptance of the conditions or provide your comment. Time is of the essence and I would appreciate your early response by fax and mail. The proposal shall subsequently be presented to the Council of the Town of Newcastle, soliciting their approval of the transaction. We wish to convey our sincere appreciation to you for your assistance in this matter and ultimately to eliminate the hazardous situation that now exists to the public resulting from the failure of the Lakeshore Road embankment. Yours very truly, totten sims hubicki associates b-is~ D.R. Bourne Projects Manager DRB/ag 5247E12J25/IOI281C encl. pc: Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Mr. D, Patterson, Manager of Operations totten sims hubicki associates C? In,' ,J .( -.,..~, ...."' o.~ ' fl' " \' ~ ~B 'l- ~) , ~../.. ' r. r,' 1 '. F. / 7' l c1c,<;";.;' ~tl6~,~ ~'~f~<(O /~ '\ ~ \ //:1 y '1 / ~ (l~}'~~ !I'~69A / ~~J! ,,,' // ~/ 1 ~~ I\Q;'~ / ~~ ',~ / ~ (;10" ~.,.., _~ ~ .\ -~ '~ ~~ ~ . ,/""\,~~'~ /' .,... \ -.?-\ h~\ cp_S I / \ ~'./ ~" ' ,1 '1) ..&~ "~./"1:~/ ~ r; I - / 0';' } . .~'~~.1.~ .'~~y'?-O'~) !'. '&:,~ ~::.: \~~~,o ~1~" ~ p · '''-. III d" ' " ~\ ~1A\~ ..t. _-<" " .,,~ '" / ""? \ ;.,; A.'~I"O~, I~:'.:i / \~). '" ./ I '\~:~-~ ~ ~~~#\"-7 ''''" '<...""),-~ ~o / '~ z. -- ;p (;1. ')'? -'- ..,. I .,... 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