HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-41 ~ ~' ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 93- 41 being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate revised housing policies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this '22 day of March 1993. BY-LAW read a second time this 22 day of March 1993. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 22 day of March 1993. &UL~/;J(~ MAYOR . DEPUTY ~d~ CLER - r E~~IqTT A TO pV-LAW 93-41 AMENDMENT NO. 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The Provincial Government adopted the Land Use Plannino for Housina Policv Statement on August 1, 1989. Under the Policy Statement, municipalities which were identified as priority areas were expected to establish appropriate policies, regulations, and approval procedures to create opportunities for a variety of housing types to be developed. BASIS: The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate policies into the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle which will encourage the creation of an adequate and accessible supply of housing that is affordable for all present and future residents of the Town. The Policy Statement identifies five main policies which must be implemented by municipalities, as follows: a) maintaining a supply of land for future residential use; b) streamlining the planning process to reduce the time to process residential applications; c) providing for a range of housing types in new residential development and residential intensification; d) promoting residential intensification opportunities to increase the supply of housing; and, e) monitoring how the provisions of the Policy Statement are being met. In accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement, "the Town of Newcastle adopted a revised Municipal Housing Statement on November 9, 1992. This Official Plan Amendment is based on the recommendations contained in the Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement. # JL)t5 ACTUAL AMENDMENT: - 2 - The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1. By moving Section 2.1 (Zoning By-laws) and Sect!on 2.2 (Site Plan Control) to Section 4 (Implementation), and renumbering same as Sections 4.5 and 4.6 respectively. 2. By renumbering Section 2.3 (Community Improvement) as Section 2.2, and renumbering all subsections accordingly. 3. By adding a new section 2.1 as follows: "2.1 HOUSING 2.1.1 GOAL To provide for a range of housing types, sizes, price and tenure arrangements in order to provide residential accommodation for households of diverse socioeconomic characteristics. 2.1.2 OBJECTIVES To maintain an adequate supply of land for housing purposes. To provide a range of housing types and tenure throughout the Town to meet the housing requirements of a changing population. To maintain the present housing stock of the Town of Newcastle. To maximize the efficient use of land and buildings for residential accommodation, consistent with good planning principles. To provide a greater range of housing options and services within the Town for seniors, those with special needs, and those requiring financial assistance. )89 - 3 - 2.1.3 POLICIES Council, in, cooperation with other levels of government, shall encourage the provision of a diverse housing stock in terms of type, tenure, density and cost relative to household income and afford ability throughout the Town. The Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement establishes residential growth targets. Such targets shall form the basis of municipal planning and capital budget forecasting. The residential growth targets shall be subject to the financial capabilities of the Town and shall be updated at five year intervals. It is Council's objective to achieve the following housing unit mix in the Town of Newcastle: 70% low density, 20% medium density, and 10% high density. Notwithstanding this provision, the housing mix of specific neighbourhood planning units shall be determined on the basis of specific area characteristics. For each urban area, a minimum of 25% of all new residential units shall be affordable as defined by Provincial afford ability criteria. The provision of affordable housing shall not be limited to one particular housing type, nor shall it be concentrated in or excluded from certain neighbourhoods or urban areas. Council shall encourage the production of rental accommodation that is in keeping with the Municipal Housing Statement target. In addition, the Town shall give priority to development proposals that include provisions for rental housing. Council shall seek to maintain the following land supply and housing unit supply targets: a) At least a 3-year supply of a combination of draft approved and/or registered lots and blocks in plans of subdivision, calculated on a Town-wide basis; b) A 2 year supply of land zoned for medium and high density throughout urban areas; and, J10 ,I - 4 - c) A 15 year supply of serviceable residential land to meet future housing requirements subject to the financial capability of both the Region and the Town to provide the necessary services. Council shall encourage the use of vacant and under utilized land and the redevelopment of existing buildings as potential contributors to the future housing stock. Council shall encourage mixed-use development by permitting residential uses as part of a commercial development, where areas of development or redevelopment are zoned or designated for commercial use. Council shall encourage residential intensification in urban areas which comply with the following criteria; a) there is the physical potential to accommodate intensification; b) the existing infrastructure and services can support new households; and, c) there is a demonstrated demand for the type of housing proposed. Council shall consider the housing requirements of special needs groups throughout the Town. Housing for special needs groups shall have regard for ease of access to required support services such as community and medical facilities, commercial areas, parks and open space and availability of transit. Council may consider pilot projects and innovative housing developments, including garden suites. Council shall encourage the development of non-profit housing by co-operative and non-profit housing organizations. Such developments shall conform to good planning principles and the locational criteria for medium and high density residential areas as specified in this Plan. Council shall encourage the maintenance and preservation of the existing housing stock. , 1 1 :) I . - 5 - In order to ensure an adequate supply of rental accommodation in the Town, the conversion of existing residential units to condominium tenure may be permitted, provided the following conditions are satisfied: a) the rental vacancy rate for the whole of the Town is 3 percent or higher for two successive surveys, as determined in the bi-annual rental vacancy survey undertaken by the Canada, Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); b) the rental vacancy rate for the specific bedroom types affected by such conversion is 2 percent or higher; c) the approval of such conversions to condominium tenure does not result in the reduction of the vacancy rate below 3 percent and 2 percent respectively, in accordance with (a) and (b) above. Applications under the Rental Housing Protection Act for the conversion of rental units to condominium tenure shall be accompanied by an analysis indicating that the provisions of Section have been met. In addition, the applicant shall be required to enter into agreements with the Town to satisfy the Town's requirements, financial and otherwise. 2.1.4 IMPLEMENTATION Council shall amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and develop guidelines to ensure residential intensification projects are similar in scale and character with the surrounding neighbourhoods. The criteria to be addressed shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: building height, lot coverage and parking, density and massing. In neighbourhoods where there is a desire to preserve the historic character of the dwellings, Council may require the use of the site plan approval process to control external changes to the dwelling and to ensure sufficient landscaping and screening for parking is provided. J~2 - 6 - Council is committed to the efficient processing of subdivision, rezoning and site plan applications provided such applications are within the portion of the urban area included within the 10 year capital improvements forecast of the municipality. An annual housing report shall be prepared for consideration by Council in order to monitor the progress made towards fulfilling the Town's housing objectives. This report shall include a review of the development approval process with respect to timeframes for the processing of applications. In the preparation of Community Improvement Plans, Council shall establish policies to preserve, restore and rehabilitate existing housing stock." 4. In Section 4, by adding a new subsection as follows: "4.4 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 4.4.1 When Council intends to adopt an amendment to this Plan, Notice of the Public Meeting to consider the amendment shall be provided at least (20) days prior to the Public Meeting, and any person who attends the meeting shall be afforded an opportunity to make representation in respect of the proposed amendment to the Official Plan. 4.4.2 Notice of the Public Meeting under Section 4.4.1 shall be as prescribed by the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended." 5. By adding to the policies for the COURTICE URBAN AREA the following new subsections to 6.1.2 (ii): "e) Accessory apartments shall be permitted within a detached house or semi-detached house subject to the following criteria: maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling; sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond the parking requirement for the main dwelling; suitability of road and driveway access; J 1 3 - 7 - suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to accommodate an additional unit; structural suitability of the building to accommodate alterations for an additional dwelling unit; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. 1) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses shall be permitted subject to the following criteria: suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate more intensive use; proximity to retail and personal service facilities, employment opportunities, parks and open spaces; provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. II 6. By adding to the policies for the BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA the following new sub-sections to Section (ii): lie) Accessory apartments shall be permitted within a detached house or semi-detached house subject to the following criteria: maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling; sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond the parking requirement for the main dwelling; suitability of road and driveway access; suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to accommodate an additional unit; )14 . . - 8 - structural suitability of the building to accommodate alterations for an additional dwelling unit; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. 1) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses shall be permitted subject to the following additional criteria: suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate more intensive use; proximity to retail and personal service facilities, employment opportunities, parks and open spaces; provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code and all relevant municipal and provincial standards." 7. By adding to the policies for the NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA the following new sub-sections to Section ii): He) Accessory apartments shall be permitted within a detached house or semi-detached house subject to the following criteria: maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling; sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond the parking requirement for the main dwelling; suitability of road and driveway access; suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to accommodate an additional unit; structural suitability of the building to accommodate alterations for an additional dwelling unit; and, 515 , .. . . - 9 - compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. f) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses shall be permitted subject to the following criteria: suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate more intensive use; proximity to retail and personal service facilities, employment opportunities, parks and open spaces; provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. II IMPLEMENTATION: Provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: Provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. J16 .( " .." THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 93- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of , Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate revised housing policies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of BY-LAW read a second time this day of BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 1993. 1993. day of 1993. MAYOR CLERK J17 ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 93- 4l being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amtmd the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate revised housing policies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporati~:>n of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. - BY-LAW read a first time this '22 day of March 1993. BY-LAW read a second time this 22 day of March 1993. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 22 day of March 1993. IIUR~~ MAYOR c~:)-f* DEPUTY This amendment was adopted by the Council of the Town of Newcastle by By-law No. 93-41 in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 5.0. 1983, as amended, on the 22nd day of March 1993. ~~</#~) MAYOR CORPORATE SEAL OF MUNICIPALITY tIIf'- . , FilE copy AMENDMENT NO. 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The Provincial Government adopted the Land Use Plannina for Housing Policv Statement on August 1, 1989. Under the Policy Statement, municipalities which were identified as priority areas were expected to establish appropriate policies, regulations, and approval procedures to create opportunities for a variety of housing types to be developed. BASIS: The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate policies into the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle which will encourage the creation of an adequate and accessible supply of housing that is affordable for all present and future residents of the Town. The Policy Statement identifies five main policies which must be implemented by municipalities, as follows: a) maintaining a supply of land for future residential use; b) streamlining the planning process to reduce the time to process residential applications; c) providing for a range of housing types in new residential development and residential intensification; d) promoting residential intensification opportunities to increase the supply of housing; and, e) monitoring how the provisions of the Policy Statement are being met. In accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Town of Newcastle adopted a revised Municipal Housing Statement on November 9, 1992. This Official Plan Amendment is based on the recommendations contained in the Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: - 2 - The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1. By moving Section 2.1 (Zoning By-laws) and Section 2.2 (Site Plan Control) to Section 4 (Implementation), and renumbering same as Sections 4.5 and 4.6 respectively. 2. By renumbering Section 2.3 (Community Improvement) as Section 2.2, and renumbering all subsections accordingly. 3. By adding a new section 2.1 as follows: "2.1 HOUSING 2.1.1 GOAL To provide for a range of housing types, sizes, price and tenure arrangements in order to provide residential accommodation for households of diverse socioeconomic characteristics. . 2.1.2 OBJECTIVES To maintain an adequate supply of land for housing purposes. To provide a range of housing types and tenure throughout the Town to meet the housing requirements of a changing population. To maintain the present housing stock of the Town of Newcastle. To maximize the efficient use of land and buildings for residential accommodation, consistent with good planning principles. To provide a greater range of housing options and services within the Town for seniors, those with special needs, and those requiring financial assistance. - 3 - 2.1.3 POLICIES Council, in cooperation with other levels of government, shall encourage the provision of a diverse housing stock in terms of type, tenure, density and cost relative to household income and afford ability throughout the Town. The Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement establishes residential growth targets. Such targets shall form the basis of municipal planning and capital budget forecasting. The residential growth targets shall be subject to the financial capabilities of the Town and shall be updated at five year intervals. It is Council's objective to achieve the following housing unit mix in the Town of Newcastle: 70% low density, 20% medium density, and 10% high density. Notwithstanding this provision, the housing mix of specific neighbourhood planning units shall be determined on the basis of specific area characteristics. For each urban area, a minimum of 25% of all new residehtial units shall be affordable as defined by Provincial affordability criteria. The provision of affordable housing shall not be limited to one particular housing type, nor shall it be concentrated in or excluded from certain neighbourhoods or urban areas. Council shall encourage the production of rental accommodation that is in keeping with the Municipal Housing Statement target. In addition, the Town shall give priority to development proposals that include provisions for rental housing. Council shall seek to maintain the following land supply and housing unit supply targets: a) At least a 3-year supply of a combination of draft approved and/or registered lots and blocks in plans of subdivision, calculated on a Town-wide basis; b) A 2 year supply of land zoned for medium and high density throughout urban areas; and, - 4 - c) A 15 year supply of serviceable residential land to meet future housing requirements subject to the financial capability of both the Region and the Town to provide' the necessary services. Council shall encourage the use of vacant and under utilized land and the redevelopment of existing buildings as potential contributors to the future housing stock. Council shall encourage mixed-use development by permitting residential uses as part of a commercial development, where areas of development or redevelopment are zoned or designated for commercial use. Council shall encourage residential intensification in urban areas which comply with the following criteria; a) there is the physical potential to accommodate intensification; b) the existing infrastructure and services can support new households; and, c) there is a demonstrated demand for the type of housing proposed. Council shall consider the housing requirements of special needs groups throughout the Town. Housing for special needs groups shall have regard for ease of access to required support services such as community and medical facilities, commercial areas, parks and open space and availability of transit. Council may consider pilot projects and innovative housing developments, including garden suites. Council shall encourage the development of non-profit housing by co-operative and non-profit housing organizations. Such developments shall conform to good planning principles and the locational criteria for medium and high density residential areas' as specified in this Plan. Council shall encourage the maintenance and preservation of the existing housing stock. - 5 - In order to ensure an adequate supply of rental accommodation in the Town, the conversion of existing residential units to condominium 'tenure may be permitted, provided the following conditions are satisfied: a) the rental vacancy rate for the whole of the Town is 3 percent or higher for two successive surveys, as determined in the bi-annual rental vacancy survey undertaken by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); b) the rental vacancy rate for the specific bedroom types affected by such conversion is 2 percent or higher; c) the approval of such conversions to condominium tenure does not result in the reduction of the vacancy rate below 3 percent and 2 percent respectively, in accordance with (a) and (b) above. Applications under the Rental Housing Protection Act for the conversion of rental units to condominium tenure shall be accompanied by an analysis indicating that the provisions of Section have been met. In addition, the applicant shall be required to enter into agreements with the Town to satisfy the Town's requirements, financial and otherwise. 2.1.4 IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 .4. 1 , Council shall amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and develop guidelines to ensure residential intensification projects are similar in scale and character with the surrounding neighbourhoods. The criteria to be addressed shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: building height, lot coverage and parking, density and massing. In neighbourhoods where there is a desire to preserve the historic character of the dwellings, Council may require the use of the site plan approval process to control external changes to the dwelling and to ensure sufficient landscaping and screening for parking is provided. - 6 - Council is committed to the efficient processing of subdivision, rezoning and site plan applications provided such applications are within the portion of the urban area included within the 10 year capital improvements forecast of the municipality. An annual housing report shall be prepared for consideration by Council in order to monitor the progress made towards fulfilling the Town's housing objectives. This report shall include a review of the development approval process with respect to timeframes for the processing of applications. In the preparation of Community Improvement Plans, Council shall establish policies to preserve, restore and rehabilitate existing housing stock.", 4. In Section 4, by adding a new subsection as follows: "4.4 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 4.4.1 When Council intends to adopt an amendment to this Plan, Notice of the Public Meeting to consider the amendment shall be provided at least (20) days prior to the Public Meeting, and any person who attends the meeting shall be afforded an opportunity to make representation in respect of the proposed amendment to the Official Plan. 4.4.2 Notice of the Public Meeting under Section 4.4.1 shall be as prescribed by the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended." 5. By adding to the policies for the COURTICE URBAN AREA the following new subsections to 6.1.2 (ii): "e) Accessory apartments shall be permitted within a detached house or semi-detached house subject to the following criteria: maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling; sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond the parking requirement for the main dwelling; suitability of road and driveway access; - 7 - suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to accommodate an additional unit; structural suitability of the building to accommodate alterations for an additional dwelling unit; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. f) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses shall be permitted subject to the following criteria: suitability. of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate more intensive use; proximity to retail and personal service facilities, employment opportunities, parks and open spaces; provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code and all 'relevant municipal and provincial standards. " 6. By adding to the policies for the BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA the following new sub-sections to Section (ii): lIe) Accessory apartments shall be permitted within a detached house or semi-detached house subject to the following criteria: maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling; sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond the parking requirement for the main dwelling; suitability of road and driveway access; suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to accommodate an additional unit; - 8 - structural suitability of the building to accommodate alterations for an additional dwelling unit; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. f) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses shall be permitted subject to the following additional criteria: suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate more intensive use; proximity to retail and personal service facilities, employment opportunities, parks and open spaces; provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. " ' 7. By adding to the policies for the NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA the following new sub-sections to Section ii): "e) Accessory apartments shall be permitted within a detached house or semi-detached house subject to the following criteria: maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling; sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond the parking requirement for the main dwelling; suitability of road and driveway access; suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to accommodate an additional unit; structural suitability of the building to accommodate alterations for an additional dwelling unit; and, "'. - 9 - compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. f} Rooming, boarding and lodging houses shall be permitted subject to the following criteria: suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate more intensive use; proximity to retail and personal service facilities, employment opportunities, parks and open spaces; provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping; and, compliance with the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Fire Code and all relevant municipal and provincial standards. II IMPLEMENTATION: Provisions set forth in the Town' of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: Provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment.