HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-22 ,y " . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 93-22 being a by-law to authorize the making of an Extension Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and Bettina Ann Maddocks pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Municipal Tax Sales Act WHEREAS at its meeting on January 25, 1993, Council passed Resolution #C-86-93 approving Addendum No. 1 to Report #TR-6-93 which recommended the making of an Extension Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and Bettina Ann Maddocks pursuant to section 8 of the Municipal Tax Sales Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. M-60: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute on behalf of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle an Extension Agreement substantially in the form of the Extension Agreement referred to in Addendum No. 1 to Report #TR-6-93, provided that the Extension Agreement is executed by all parties thereto on or before February 25, 1993. By-Law read a fIrst and second time this 25th day of January, 1993 By-Law read a third time and fInally passed this 25th day of January, 1993. iIIj.~#u~ Mayor ///..~ '.' ' , , 6(1 crtl Mpu,S ,0(" ./tf\.Q- of/t\f.e e- e,x'~ ~ y.v , " /~~ ~" ;;-~: -2;" .~ -~. C7JevVl tf~-'ts ~/f ~ <.,; ~f (J'-wt fOf _M~oj () cfs) !fi!t CXAd LI D~d - THIS EXTENSION AGREEMENT made as of this 29th day of January, 1993. BE1WEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (hereinafter called the "Town") OF THE FIRST PART - and - BETI'INA ANN MADDOCKS (hereinafter called the "Ratepayer") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. The lands and premises affected by this Extension Agreement which are described in Schedule "A" hereto are hereinafter called the "Lands". B. The Ratepayer is the owner of the Lands and at all material times has been and is shown as such on the assessment roll of the Town. C. A tax arrears certificate was registered against the title to the Lands in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Instrument No. D382158 on February 26, 1992. A copy of the tax arrears certificate is contained in Schedule "B" hereto. D. The Ratepayer has agreed that the amount of the tax arrears shown in the tax arrears certificate referred to in Recital C is correct. E. By letter dated January.7, 1993 a copy of which is contained in Schedule "c" hereto, the Ratepayer through her solicitor has requested that the Town enter into this Extension Agreement pursuant to section 8 of the Act. F. The Town Council has approved the making of this Extension Agreement at its meeting held on January 25, 1?93. .. 1# , Page 2 G. This Extension Agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Act and is authorized by By-law No. 93-22 passed on January 25, 1993, a copy of which is contained in Schedule "0" hereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the premises and the covenants hereinafter expressed, and the sum of two ($2.00) dollars of lawful money of Canada, now paid by each Party to the other, (the receipt whereof by each Party is hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as follows: 1. In this Extension Agreement the term "cancellation price" has the same meaning as it has in the Act. 2. The Ratepayer represents and warrants to the Town that each of Recitals A to E of this Extension Agreement is correct. 3. The Ratepayer acknowledges and agrees that the amount of the tax arrears shown on the Tax Arrears Certificate contained in Schedule B is correct. 4. This Extension Agreement shall subsist until the earlier to occur of (a) the registration against title to the Lands of a transfer of all or any part of the Lands to any person, (b) the registration against the title to the Lands of a final order of foreclosure affecting all or any part of the Lands, or (c) August 9, 1993, unless on or prior to the occurrence the event or date in question, the cancellation price has been paid by any person. 5. The Parties acknowledge that any person may pay the cancellation price at any time. 6. This Extension Agreement shall terminate upon payment of the cancellation price by any person. 7. The Ratepayer shall not assign this Extension Agreement to any person and shall not register this Extension Agreement against the title to the Lands. 8. H the cancellation price has not been received by the Town on or prior to the expiry of the business day on July 29, 1993, the Town's Treasurer will send written notice by first class prepaid post addressed to the Ratepayer and with a copy to the mortgagee of the Lands at the addresses set out below indicating that the cancellation price must be paid in accordance with this Extension Agreement no later than the expiry of the business day on August 9, 1993 or this Extension Agreement will cease to subsist. The addresses of the , ' , Page 3 Ratepayer and the mortgagee to which the aforesaid notice is to be sent are: The Ratepayer c/o Moms Kitchen, Main Street, Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO; The mortgagee Matthew Adrianus Snelders c/o G. Pollitt, Barristers and Solicitors, 67 King Street East, Box 145, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K9. 9. Time shall be of the essence of this Extension Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town has hereunto affixed its corporate seal by the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf and the Ratepayer h~ hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE mthepp~~ ~ . ~ '~rQ.QR!t& ' BETIINA ANN MADDOCKS (seal) , '. , SCHEDULE "A" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-22 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS Parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block "F', Plan C G Hanning, former Township of Clarke, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 123147 and more particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGUlAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham) and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Part of Lots 1 and 2 in Block "P" situate on the west side of Main Street of said Geographic Village of Orono, said lots being shown on a plan of said Village deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of West Durham, said parcel or tract being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the westerly limit of Main Street distant north 18 degrees 05 minutes west in said limit 22 feet 6 inches from a point in line with the southerly face of a brick wall marking the southerly limit of said Lot 2, said point of commencement being in line with the south face of a brick wall; TIIENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west, in and along said face of wall 57 feet 4 inches to the westerly limit of a brick wall; THENCE north 18 degrees 5 minutes west 1 foot 1 inch more or less to the northerly face of a cement block building; TIIENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west in and along said northerly face and in and a long the line of an old fence 76 feet 1 inch to an angel in said fence; TIIENCE north 18 degrees 5 minutes west in and along fence 13 feet 5 inches to an angle in fence; THENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west in and along fence 95 feet more or less to a fence along the edge of a bank; THENCE north 14 degrees east in and along said bank and fence 35 feet more or less to its intersection with a line drawn on a bearing of south 71 degrees 49 minutes west from a point in the said westerly limit of Main Street distant southerly in said limit 27 feet 6 inches from the northeast angle of said Lot 1; THENCE north 71 degrees 49 minutes east 208 feet 5 inches more or less to a point in the said westerly limit of Main Street distant 27 feet 6 inches in said limit from the northeast angle of said Lot 1; THENCE south 18 degrees 05 minutes east in said limit of Main Street 39 feet 11 inches more or less to the place of commencement; SUBJECf to a right-of-way to the lands lying immediately to the south in, over and upon a strip of land described as follows:r COMMENCING at a point in the westerly limit of Main Street distant northerly in said limit 23 feet 7 inches from the southeast angle of said Lot 2; . '. Schedule "A" -2- THENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west 133 feet 5 inches; THENCE north 18 degrees 05 minutes west 10 feet 2 inches; THENCE north 71 degrees 49 minutes east 133 feet 5 inches to a point in the west limit of Main Street; THENCE south 18 degrees 05 minutes east in said Main Street 10 feet 2 inches to the place of beginning; AlSO SUBJECf to the right of the owners of the land immediately to the south of the above described lands to use as a party wall, the wall standing on the southerly 1 foot 1 inch to the easterly 57 feet 4 inches of the above described lands. All of which is shown on a sketch of survey attached to deed No. 8683 dated April 11, 1959 from William Edward Davey to the Grantor, Ruth Velma Found. , " SCHEDULE "B" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-22 the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. . TAX ARREARS CERTIFICATE [ATTACHED] SCHEDJ]LE liB' TIllS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No, 93-22 the Corporation of the Town of Newwtle, enaeted and passed the 25th day of January. 1993, TAX ARREAS CERTIFICATE !!I."""l!PP' w~ fOfIl\ 4U! w '_'f'JI. '" _/<11M ""Ii I... w::: floOl'''' 1 - Mun..... ,.. 115II11 "1ft. 1 "11M Document General ,_ 4 - La"" """"""" 1Ie_ Ac~ 1M4 o It. II......, 121 ~T_O TIll p. 1 of 2 ,"'.. .. Ilal r="t1 8loCk P~r C) -- I ... 0 # . -- c:o - I ! (.'N...... Of u_ L.C"'I a. i ~':: Tax Am... Cenlflcltl - '("j ;',; Form 1 - &tunlc/"./ T.x $illl Act. 1984 N t) .D \ '.'. ~ c:o N ~ l;~~~~ ,.. ~ /'t") I" 001... I I c:::a P I. ... IH " ~ \ ' I Pa~t of Lota 1 and 2. Block "P", rlan C G Ranninl roraa~ly Townahip of Cla~ka Town of Nevc.atl. a.sion.l Municip.lity of Durham ....l'ftlP&'lr .\IOn,"*, Aa l..t c1ficribacl in Inatrumant 123147 Mdll_ ... 0 -- 1- 1111.... laI IIelIlIoCtIplIo Il Ib) SoIlMulIlot: ...,,"- == .....,- AddlllonII 0 t:- O PIINSUIc/I o 0.0.... (J Pa"'" 0 OI/ltr ........ . ........, T\w \*lOll tItnI", In 101110 hereby emlll.. IIIlt III 01' Plrt 01 tlx Irr.1111n till amount 01 $21.82S.37 war. owl", CIlI tilt a11t dl\' of DtoImlllr. 11191 and at ,..It 11Ift of IlICIt IIIlOUIIt pM lIlY Iddlllonll rell proPll1Y taX" Ind coltlllltlll owl", . tilt mllnlolpelltyOf MIl'CIIlIIIlId In Box 10 and tIIlt 11I1 Ilnd dalOl'lbId In 111I1 documlnt will bl sold by publIc 1111 II till cancellation pr\oIlIllOt Plld wllhll\ _ Y'" lollowl", till dl" of r",lttrltlon of 11I11 dOClUflllnt, N_ A. T\w tImt plflod for PlVln, the Clncellltlon price mlY IlIlxtlndld If the munlolplllty or boerd eulllorllll an .xtenllon ..-' wllh the owner of lItl land IlIforellt. IXPI,., of lItl _Y'" IIIrlod. I. T\w _IIIt1C1l1 prloI will III illlculatad . of 11I1 dltllllat the ,",ount of lIl1 taX Irrllll erl IIIId to 11I1 munlolplllty 0' bolrel nI wi" III "WI" lItllllltl ,",ount lat out Ibovl. C. If lit.... /lO IUOCIllfvI purohlllr It the public 1111. lIl1 Ilnd. upon r",lltntlon of I notice of vlltl"" will van In 11I1 munlolplllty Of IIoInI. O. Any lnqulrlllltlltln, to tIIll mltttr mav III directed to lIl1 munlclplllty or bOlrel named In 80x 10 I' 11I1 tddltlllhowl\ In lOll I'. Conllnllld 0II101l1dul1 0 ....InI_ _borea) C1tJ rllllCllafllit ouI ,taIuIOf I_II """"" ~Iurtlll, ~I. 01 '~IlI"'"'D , ",,' I ... m.w~~nq1! .qW;.~ .~.......... ~,.. . U\U.n.........................1 m~.1 P~.. J~ or IIIWCASTLI J.ut Svu '. I ..;.......::................ ... .,. .. .... ..... T".~qJ,J,"Cl~qll..................... .j..... i..... . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ....... T'~";'~"';' A~it.~;~.d 'ojit';'; . . . . . . .\. .. . t .. .. . lar e..- 40 ,....rne. St~..t. IlovIIanvW.. ODtulo L1C 3A6 Att.ntlonl Treaeur&r '(111'.1111 (lei oull..1UI or l""'tlll SIlJrIII"'lltl 0:1. 01 s:,vnalu:: NamaltI ............................................. ......................... ~....... .1.... .1. .l.. I .. ............................ "" ...... ....... .................:.................1..... "l" ........................... ..... .... ......... ..................................1..... "'1"" lar e..- '(141 ......... .... II PNptrIy 1111 D-*''''''''' by: ..' ,_ and T.. 5Z48 Mtln Stl'e.e Tr...ur.r 5: IIelIlalrallon Fat 01'.0. Onca-do Town of a_uu. ~! LOI 1MO 40 T..,.raDCe Itr..t tow.anvlll.. ODt.rlo i: L1C 3A6 ~ TolIl .. .., ~ ProvinCe 01 Ontario Schedule Page 2 to Schedule B Page 2 s , . ~' Form 5 - Land Regla'n1t1on Reform Act, 1984 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham(formerly in the Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham) and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Part of Lots I and 2 in Block lip" 'situate on the west side of Main Street of said Geographic Village',' of Orono, said lots being shown on a plan of said Village deposi ted in the Registry Office for the Registry Division' of West Durham, said parcel or tract being more particularly described as follow~: COMMENCING at a point in the westerly limit of Main Street distant north 18 degrees OS minute's west in said limi t 22 feet 6 inches from a point'in line with the southerly face of a brick wall marking the southerly limit of said Lot 2, said point of commencement being in 1irie with the south face of a brick wall; THENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west, in and along said face of wall 57 feet 4 inches to the westerly limit of a brick wall; THENCE north 18 degrees 5 minutes west 1 foot 1 inch more or less to the northerly fac e of a cement block building; THENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west in and along said northerly face and in and along the line of an old fence 76 feet 1 inch to an angle in said fence; THENCE north 18 degrees 5 minutes west in and along fence 13 feet 5 inches to an angle in fence; THENCE south 71 degrees 49 minutes west in and along fence 95 feet more or less to a fence along the edge of a bank; THENCE north 14 degrees east in and along said bank and fence 35 feet more or less to its intersection with a line drawn on a ~earing of south 71 degrees 49 minutes west from a point in the said westerly limi t of Main Street distant southerly in said limi t 27 feet 6 ineh&s...-from the northeast"a:nql-e -of said Lot l; THENCE north 71. deg~ees 49 minutes east 208 feet 5 inches more or less to a point in the said westerly limit of Main Street distant 27 feet 6 inches in said limit from the northeast angle of said Lot 1; THENCE south L8 degrees 05 minutes east in said limit of Main Street 39 feet 11 inches more or less to the place of commencement;. SUBJECT to a right-of-way to the lands lying immediately to the south in, over and upon a strip of land described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the westerly limit of Main Street distant northerly in said limit 23 feet 7 inches from the southeast angle of said Lot 2; THENCE south 71.degrees 49 minutes west 133 feet 5 inches; THENCE north 18 degrees OS minutes west 10 feet 2 inches; THENCE north 71 degrees 49 minutes east 133 feet 5 inches . to a point in the west limit of Main Street; THENCE south 18 ~egrees 05 minutes east in said Main Str~et 10 feet 2 inches to the place of beginning; ALSO SUBJECT to the right of the owners of the land immediately to the south of the above described lands to use as a party wall, the wall standing on the southerly I foot 1 inch to the easterly 57 feet 4 inches of the above described lands. All of which is shown on a sketch of survey attached to deed No.8G83 dated April III 1959 from William Edward Davey to the Grantor, Ruth Velma Found. w S:2~ It! o~ ~'II .! 'WIOIM and Gllbtort '.lmlt~A .... ., , SCHEDULE "C" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "C" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-22 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. LEITER DATED JANUARY 7,1993 [ATTACHED] .. ATTACHMENT If 1 " " 'Kitchen", Kitchen, Simeson & McFarlane Ronald J. K1tonlll'l A1Mteir H. Sirn.aon Valerla A. Hazlttt Pm... Gary G. Kitchell Faye M. McFarltne J. Scott Elliott P. O. Sox 428 sa SImcoe at. South O,hawa, Ontario L1H 7LS CSANET1KKS FIX (41&) 579.IIQ73 TeI~on. (4115) 579-U302, Barristers end Solicitors our File #92-7596 BY FAX TO (416) 623-4:~69__~., . ~,' January', .1993.. ,J'<;'::;~ ,:",};.>; ..:;:,?:~L" ...,.,''',i . ,;\.; .", .';.\J;'\ .., ........ ".~ "':.' .~. .',of ,,': ..... '-'''-'''-.':. , .; "'- . -'~~'.7.1,~ ~ '. _, - ,~' ../ " ," .':.~;; ,;',.:.j......:-:-,i_.,. 'PA'I'rI 'BMR%II,clerk '1'HI CORPODIJ!ION" OF: HK. TOWN 0]1' NmrOASTLB 40 Temperanoe street BOWMAWnLLE, c.ntario L1C 3A6 - and to - lU1'1m SWAN, rra)~ Collector TKB coa~ORATxCm 07 TK! TOWN 07 NEW~S~LE 40 Te1nperanCe stre~t BoWMANVILLE, ontario L1C JA6 De.ar Mlnes.: Re: APplication for Extension of Payl'l\ent of Tax Arroars 5;'40 Main streetr ORONO, Ontar~o LOB lMO - Please be advised that we are the solicitors for Bet'i:ina Ann Maddocks ("Koml.s Kit~he~l1t I owner -of the above"noted property. We.are in receipt otyour final notioe to our olient dated Deoember. 7, 1992. Ms. Maddocks wishes to apply for an extension for the payment of the tax arrears for a period of. six months or for . such time as the council for the 'rown of Newoastle deems advisable. Our olient is a.68 year old widow who is dependent upon a pension income totalling.$400.00 per month. UnfortunatelY, the recessionary times have not spared my client and the restaurant she operates front the property has been teetering on the brink of insol veney tc~r some time now. Along with the outstanding taxes owing to you, there are also other creditors waiting to oe 'paid. It seems clear from the foregoing that our client has no liquid assets wi'th whiCh to pay the tax arrears; her only signifioant asset is the atove- . noted . property · . . ~.w;~it>"'::i.~,,:;i;;;,,~"i4t;.l\<l~!,dill\J1Y, ..my olient proposes that the tax..e be paid .:~~~r0{tr01l\.Lt.1lei.pr.p-geElC1~.ot;her . sale of the property. The property was '.::.~li$tEl~f9~4i;~a+.~~,~.~}:l1,:.Re/Max (Sallie staples, Agent) in April, .199:1 for -\,*,~'$150;9()OillO''f~NOOffer.. 'lIere received.' The property was sUbsequently ';Jt~'r-e~:Ll'E~ted"'.\fo~;~~$1.~5,,'-OOO. 00. as of December 30, 1992. We encloseool>ies '.:,:.~t1r ,!<,.\ . . .::;:'~;:5?:';'(:':- ., ... , . . . ~.~~~.'~':':,;".'~.'~~~.~.' ~,";.;~.~'.h,:,::::':;:~';i.'.-~,.~.._::', '. .."'~ ,~. __' " ' . _.:,;:_:c;~_.;,.,.,_'.':,~,,~,...,.!,:-, .;~\; ,. ,"'~~~";:;..,._" . . _~~~':'~i""!J""~':~~}r~{~!0'~J'r r . '. . *~~.;~r~\;-;';.,t.;::k,.,.;;;~lI-": ';''':',! ,<,~ :<_!.::-...,.. :"":':'_ '_~;;' ~",_:, ii:', "r: _. :;, ,'-' <'-!:-,~,:.;. qftheaforementioned...iistlnq:'.aqreemen.... .~..,.". .... . <.. .,;..., . s~p~es,tl1a1::,t?~~,b~t ~fhel['~OWl~eiif,11f~~~~]i';;;' "\",,, ;:~ne\, ",,' ,'. lIale of. a ..i1IIilar'type propert:yin the,()roll,~,~",'1'll'-~~", g~~,~ll" "M ".,,,,;:;,~;:;;, . w.y, '1992. ,Hopefully"our olient's ad:lllS1:ll!.,.1:::1ri',1:he.'<. ;e~ice''wilJ>,J,,'"''';'::''' stimulate S01Ue activity. It.seems apparent-~'that:;Qur',cl'ien~l~';s lUaking her best efforts to sell the property illd.i,ffiC1J.lt economic',times. . . .' <"""., \L...',<.... {;'.:, ';;. ..... .",". our client is willing to execute' an'.:'.agre;ment"~ith thE: corporation of the TOwn of Newcastle stating that. "any monie15freceivEld froll the sale C)! the' property will be directed toward the payment o1~ the outstandinc; taxes. .' . We respectfully submit that given our client's personnl circumstances, her finanoial difficulties', and her bona fide effortn to sell the property and ,remit the tax arrears to you from' the proceeds of sale, that it. would be reasonable for the council to qrllnt a six month extension period. please advise us as to the date this matter will be heard before c~uncll as we wish ,to be present to answer any queries that'council n~y have conoerning our application. , Wethan'lt you for your cooperation and look forward to hearing from you. Yours very truly, XJ:TCEmr, 1(J:TCR~, SJ:M-EBeN , HCFUL1\NB . ~.~~~ JSR: ckr encls. co. Bettina Ann Maddocks ,,,,',> l.:,.;;",", .. ..:.., ,. ";;, ;'~~,~~;;,:'i~~~:~~~'~:~;;i "..' "~,~..,ti:.J':,.c.:.'. =.,;'-\ .' ~1'~,~~;;' . ....: ,--).:~-~nt~,t\" . >": ':..~: :?'i\, ", ~:~......_.-t~, .~~;.~~~~:z~:'-.: " , ;~7-::: . ,..... i . " . ... r , . . SCHEDULE "D" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "D" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-22 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. BY-LAW NO. 93-22 [ATfACHED] .~ : THIS EXTENSION AGREEMENT made as of this 25th day of February, 1993. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (hereinafter called the "Town") , OF THE FIRST PART - and - BENJAMIN LEWIS ANGI AND BETTY JUNE ANGI (hereinafter called the "Ratepayers") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. The lands and premises affected by this Extension Agreement which are described in Schedule "A" hereto are hereinafter called the "Lands". B. The Ratepayers are the owners of the Lands and at all material times has been and are shown as such on the assessment roll of the Town. C. A tax arrears certificate was registered against the title to the Lands in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Instrument No. 0382159 on February 26, 1992. A copy of the tax arrears certificate is contained in Schedule "B" hereto. D. The Ratepayers have agreed that the amount of the tax arrears shown in the tax arrears certificate referred to in Recital C is correct. E. The Town has not received payment of the "cancellation price" as provided for by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. M-60 (the "Act") except for payment of the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) by the Ratepayers to the Town on February 25, 1993. F. By letter dated February 19, 1993 a copy of which is contained in Schedule "C" hereto, the Ratepayers have requested that the Town enter into this Extension Agreement pursuant to section 8 of the Act. G. The Town Council has approved the making of this Extension Agreement at its meeting held on February 24, 1993. , . Page 2 H. This Extension Agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Act and is authorized by By-law No. 93-33 passed on February 24, 1993, a copy of which is contained in Schedule "D" hereto. (To be annexed when enacted) NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the premises and the covenants hereinafter expressed, and the sum of two ($2.00) dollars of lawful money of Canada, now paid by each Party to the other, (the receipt whereof by each Party is hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as follows: 1. In this Extension Agreement the term "cancellation price" has the same meaning as it has in the Act. 2. The Ratepayers represent and warrant to the Town that each of Recitals A to F of this Extension Agreement is correct. 3. The Ratepayers acknowledge and agree that the amount of the tax arrears shown on the Tax Arrears Certificate contained in Schedule B is correct. 4. The period of time in which the cancellation price is to be paid is extended for the period during which this Extension Agreement subsists. This Extension Agreement shall subsist so long as each of the payments set out below is made to the Town in accordance with this Extension Agreement on or before the dates set out below opposite the respective amounts to be paid: $ Amount $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 The amount which is equal to the balance of the cancellation price required to be paid pursuant to the Act Date March 25, 1993 April 25, 1993 May 25, 1993 June 25, 1993 July 25, 1993 August 25, 1993 September 25, 1993 October 25, 1993 November 25, 1993 December 25, 1993 Decemb~r 31, 1993 " Page 3 All payments shall be made by certified cheque, money order or cash delivered to the Town's Treasurer at the Town's Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario during the Town's regular business hours. 5. In the event that any of the payments referred to in paragraph 4 of this Extension Agreement is not made in accordance with paragraph 4, thereupon this Extension Agreement shall cease to subsist for the purposes of the Act. 6. The Parties acknowledge that any person may pay the cancellation price at any time. 7. This Extension Agreement shall terminate upon payment of the cancellation price by any person. 8. The Ratepayers shall not assign this Extension Agreement to any person and shall not register this Extension Agreement against the title to the Lands. 9. Time shall be of the essence of this Extension Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town has hereunto affixed its corporate seal by the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf and the Ratepayers have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE \~..v-r~"._",,~., ~ \~.~~ BENJAMIN L~S ANGI (seal) ~ In the presence of: --R~. ~~ ~2,~' BE UNE' ANGI (seal) f. . ~ SCHEDULE "A" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-33 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enactydand passed the 24th day of February, 1993. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS Part of Lot 10, Concession 1, formerly Township of Clarke, geographic Township of Darlington, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 58333 and N41038 and more particularly described as: [SEE NEXT 'IWO PAGES] Page 1 of 2 ,I ' SCHEDULE "A" FIRSTLY: . IJ.L /o),'D SINCULAU that certain parcel or tract of land and premiso$ s1 tuatf), 1 yinCJ rand f\o1n; 1n the rownship of Clarke,-tOl?J.l'nty of Durhcm, Provtnr,e of Ontario, al1d . h,1119 oompoud of part of 'Lot ren (lcrT''in ttut 'ii-It Conc,sdon of tht 'n1d Tcwr."ih!.r :of Clnrko, containing by Idmea8ur.mont- 2.~~ acre., ~o tho same more or lel$. .tho boundorlos of thV u1d parcel boing m~:r' .p.ut1c\Jlar~y' described 80 foUows, . '~~ PflEMISING that the Westerly 11m! t of said Lot 10 hOI 0 boarino of Ubrth 17. d1~:r~",'i 14 minutes 20 .econds West and rolating all b,.rings herftin theroto, U',lI.l1n"lng ot an lr.on bell' p1,anted 1n tll. V~o$terly 11mi t .of said Lot 10 'd1&tanl;. :3t)~. on tOft mO~lurGd Soutia.rly therein from the point of lnter.ectlon of the lald ~elte~ly l1m1t \'l1th the Southerly ~lm1t of Kln~" m.ghway Number 2 II 1hown on Depo.1te'd' ~ .. .1'Jan liumb.r 1029, ,aid lron bar, di'~8nt 4~0lJ.06 feot more or less lDeta,ured Qn." cours' of North 17 dogr~no 14 m1nutos 20 soconds "lost from thQ South-\'leatorly anglo of add Lot 10, I Thonc~ Uorth 72 degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds 2aGt a distance of 40.00 feet to an iron bor marking the point of commencement of the lands to bo hor,ln d.scrlbaJf 1 TW!lit.m continlling Horth 72 deg.Nos 45 minutFls 110 soconds ~a$t a distance .of ~:'n.oo '1' f OC'lt to on 1 1'(1 n' Darf . THSa North 17 de9rc;u l"...m.Ru-;G-&.~20 secol'lds \'lest a distance of 175.91 feet to an iron bar plantl9d 1n thct line of an old fence runnlng l!uterlYJ , TliS1C!! t'lorth 62 degrltoG40 t:\in\\tes Eut 1n tho line of the Gnid f"nce 0 d1$tcnc'l of: '13~.6~ fO,ot to an' iron bar marking .In onglo thctr.~n, TlH!l'lt.:E N01.th G,1 clogrofts 14 tl11nutea Eo-st cont1nu1ng along th~ sa1d' fenc. a d1stancl~ 01 221.a~ foet to In 1ron bar planted at the polnt of Intersection wlth I 'fence ml1rl,1ng the "xistin; :!asterly Umlt .of the Wost ont-half of oald Lot 10, ' : . . ~ . . ~ THI!liCE South 1./ degrees 1'16 minutes East along. tho last-monUoned fono~ a d1sttlnco . of 317.03 foet to In 1ron bar planted It the polnt of lntorsect10n vdth ~ fenee running Weste~lYJ rH~"1i:.-South 70 degroos 31",nnrU't'es."l'iit' in the Une of the said fenc~ a 'distanc~ of 360.20 feat to an iron bar) 1r:t:J~CE 1"1orth 50 degrees 22 minutes Wut a distance of 26.00 feet to an 1ron bar; :n-JENC!! I!orth 0.:1 ~'39rQF.)s 4.1 minutes \l/est 8 distance of fJO.OO fe~t ~o an'ire;," her; 11H!rlCl! North 01 degrees ~3 minutes West a distance of 30.00 foet to an 1ron bar; . rHEl';CS South 0') do\{re~s 42 minute$ West a distance of 40.00 foot to an 1ron be,r; TI-IENCr: South 7C degrees 46 minutes Welt a dlstancG, ,of 100.00 feet to. an iron bar; '. . THE~ce t~orth 17 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds Welt a:dlstance of 10.00 feet more or leu to the POINT Of CCHl~e'C2UENr. . : December 7, 1972. Page 2 of 2 SCHEDULE "A" SEX:::CNDLY: , . . . ALL ANI.? SINGtILAA that certain parcel or tract of land and premises sitoot.e. .lying and being 1n the Township of Clarke, County nf Durham, 'Province Ot Ontati~,.ard being composed of part of Lot Ten (10) i~ ~he First Concession of the s~ia ~own- ship ot Clarke) containing by admeasurement 0.95 acres, be the iame mor~ o~less, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as ~~!16ws; ...t I , . . ~ . . PR&,USING that the Westerly limit of said Lot 10 has a bearing of Nort~17.de- gree, 14 min~tes 20 seconds West and rellt1ng all bearings herein the~eta4 ~ Beginning at' the point of intersection of the Southerly limit of King't~9hway Number 2 with the We,terly limit of .aid Lot 10,: laid point diitant Northe~~y 1n the last-mentioned l~m1t forty-nine hundred end twenty-five and .ix onC-~~redths feet (4925,06') on a course of North/17 degree. 14 minutes 20 .econds West from the Sou~h-Welter1y angle of .aid Lot 10, . . ./ . Thence South 17 degrees 14 minutes 20 second. cast along the Westerly limit of said Lot 10 I distance of two hundred and thirty-four feet (234') to an iron bar ,marking the point of c~mmencement of the lands to' be herein described, 'THENCE ~orth 62 degr~es 34 mi~utes 30 seconds East a distance of one hundred and eighty-eight and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (188.25') to an iron bar, tHENCE North: 62 degrees 40 minutes East a distance of eighty-nine and one-tenth feet (89.1 ') to an iron barf . . ' . tHENCE South 17 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of one hundred and ~eventy-f1ve and ninety-on~-on~-hundredth$ feet'(175,91') to an iron barf THENCE South 72 degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of two hundred and seventy-three feet (273') more or less to In 1ron bar planted 1n the Westerly . limit of said Lot 10, sald iron bar distant Southerly thereln on. hundred and ,~twenty-seven feet (127',) from the 'polnt of commencements . . THENCE North 17 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds Viest along the Weste:-lY li'm1t of said Lot 10 I diitance of one hundred Ind twenty-seven feet (127') to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. . . ; April 10, 1969. -~~~~ M.n~ Brown, Ontario Land Surveyor. . . ., . SCHEDULE "B" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE liB" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By~law No. 93-33 the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and Passid the 24th day of February, 1993. TAX ARREARS CERTIFICATE MuniciOlI Wot"" - fOlm 201 .Aft. TJi.1A c.-lo. MIIIIk~ w..u I~. iji........ . .. _.. f..m 1 -......lcljleI T........AcI, 1N4 Document General _ - - Uflll .......-.. "'...... Act. ,... o (11 IIegIoIrJ (J UflllT_ 0 T PI 'ege , of 3 p.,.. r 0 , .::I (~, :':.':!(Ol 81Oc1l ,~ !i - / -- ft. hi 0 0' ,.. I~ - l< 0- '\ ~:.~.. U""l f: ..- 1" .0 \ :~:. Till An'Hn ~flcaw N ti (>oJ ','u~. Form 1 - MunIcIpal reI( Sale. Act. '984 c:o jr.' CI:l I ). ,...... " ~ \,' . , ~ t::::l }5 .~ ... \ 00Iln S g _tl i lne of Lot 10, Collce..1011 1 fonwdy To-aMp of Clnkc ~ To_ of HewcI.ele 1&11011I1 MuIl1c1pa11ty of Duzobaa _ "-1Y I40nIlIIn .. laIC ...czo1ba4 ill laltzou"Dt NoI. 58333 an4 -- H41038 hi 0 - c._-_. 1171=_ II/~ I rlll.......1Ot: - .... --.. MdlIiOMI hi 0 ~ ~ o 0IIalpII0ft IJ ....... Cl QlIIot 0 - Tho CMlt'Oft "",lilt In 80K 10 "'AlbV cerdfMI 1N1.' rw ~ of 1IJc ",.in In IN _At of $10,577.83 were owlnQ on IN 311' c1er of o.c.mw. 11 U end .t INn pet1 of MIl emount plus..., ecldldonel mI JII'O(lIrty _Iftd _1I1Cl11 owInQ co tI. "",nlolpell1'( rw boerd lIIIMd In BOIl 10 Iftd 1tl.c tie land delcrlbed In till c1_t wUl be IOld bV p\lbllc.... If tie OInc*ll1lon prlelll not paid wltlln _ yMt followlne IN elm of l'OIIlIIr.don of cilia clounont. N_: "- Tho dIM period frw paying tie _1I.don prlel moy be utendocllf tie munlclpell1'( or board ou1horlztll/\ .xtenslon ...,.....,t wl1ll tie _ of "" land before "" tIlIPIry of lho --vnr period. B. Tho OIftCOllldon prIco will be calcul.ted . of "" dote INt IN IIIlOUnt of 1h. tell tmn .... palel \0 IN munlclpllhy or boI<d end will be hl~ lhIn tI. _nt Mt OIIt 1bcM. C. lf 1h.AI Is no alOCaIful p\ln::hlw It "" p\lbllc ..... IN IInd. upon nlQlllrotlon of . notleo of VtlClno. will vest In 1h. municlpeli1'( or boIrd. D. Arrv inquiries Allldno CO 11111 m.n.r mer be cllmted to 1h. ,,",nlclplll1'( rw boon! /lIIIIOd In 801110 ot IN IlClclms mown In 801111. ConlInuod on $cMdulO 0 (II TlIlI_lOIIln lit ~ -.loo<(ol flGI ,oftJ(ln' ($el out $IaluI or ~ ......., SlpI&n(Il Oo..aI~ . ~ '( .. I) .. m. CPJlWUnOJ. 0.. . 'rue. '.t'OWIf , .. . .. .. .. .n:. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . ~992' . ~ ' '12- ot DWCAStLE , lutb Iwu I . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .:r_ Collaceer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... ... .. ..................................."......... ..... . 'i,;.;,;,;i';":';'~om.;.;""'" ..... .. . . .. (11' ::=.. 40 Tnperuc:. Street, ~1l.1I OIItarto LtC 3A6 Attnt10DII (1~ ..~..., ($el out SII.... or -.., 0Ile Of arrawAI ......., SlpI&n(Il '( I) ............................................. , . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . ..' I.. .j. , . ............................................... ..,.... ................... .,... ..y..... t.. ............ ......................,........... .................................'l.~.': "-r" (1~'~ 11-' MunIc:IpolIocld<ool 01 '-" (11) D_ ,...,-1Iy. .,! _IIIftdTIX 1617 Ovelll Road iTuuurar g ReglMliOn Foe N.wconvU1e, Oneldo TOWD of lIevcuU. LOA 130 40 TapuGIC. Stuet ao-anv1lle II OIItado fl'lC 3A6 ~ TolII " SCHEDULE "C" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "C" to the Agreement which has'been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-33 of the Corporatipn of the Town of Newcastle, enact,:d and passed the 24th day of February, 1993. LEITER DATED FEBRUARY 19. 1993 /Iff .' fudv.~ . ~ ~R-c& ~ h- ~ G1A'V ~ a-~~ &V ~~ ~ ~~. /7e; ~ ~~ /7-L.<I~Vl-/ /O~ .~j- ~ ~ ~t? ~:~~~~ ~.I~~ ~ t 189'.3, . a ~~ (~~ -6-e-- ~~ Lu-/ 7U- ~:S-: ~ cr 'f7~ /...9/ ).99"'5 ~/~ ~~ cl3-vv ~ t3 ~ r:t~. 7~/lrr\~(J 0 ..... 111..' ) ..._ SCHEDULE "D" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "D" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-33 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 24th day of February, 1993. , BY.LAW NO. 93-33 [ATIACHED] " '" THIS EXTENSION AGREEMENT made as of this 29th day of January, 1993. BE1WEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (hereinafter called the "Town") OF THE FIRST PART - and - JOHN HARRY LLOYD AND SHARRON MADELEINE LWYD (hereinafter called the "Ratepayers") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. The lands and premises affected by this Extension Agreement which are described in Schedule "A" hereto are hereinafter called the "Lands". B. The Ratepayers are the owners of the Lands and at all material times has been and are shown as such on the assessment roll of the Town. C. A tax arrears certificate was registered against the title to the Lands in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Instrument No. 0382164 on February 26, 1992. A copy of the tax arrears certificate is contained in Schedule "B" hereto. D. The Ratepayers have agreed that the amount of the tax arrears shown in the tax arrears certificate referred to in Recital C is correct. E. The Town has not received payment of the "cancellation price" as provided for by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. M-60 (the "Act") except for payment of the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) by the Ratepayers to the Town on January 25, 1993. '... Page 2 F. By letter dated January 5, 1993 a copy of which is contained in Schedule "C" hereto, the Ratepayers have requested that the Town enter into this Extension Agreement pursuant to section 8 of the Act. G. The Town Council has approved the making of this Extension Agreement at its meeting held on January 25, 1993. H. This Extension Agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Act and is authorized by By-law No. 93-21 passed on January 25, 1993, a copy of which is contained in Schedule liD" hereto. (To be annexed when enacted) NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the premises and the covenants hereinafter expressed, and the sum of two ($2.00) dollars of lawful money of Canada, now paid by each Party to the other, (the receipt whereof by each Party is hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as follows: 1. In this Extension Agreement the term "cancellation price" has the same meaning as it has in the Act. 2. The Ratepayers represent and warrant to the Town that each of Recitals A to F of this Extension Agreement is correct. 3. The Ratepayers acknowledge and agree that the amount of the tax arrears shown on the Tax Arrears Certificate contained in Schedule B is correct. 4. The period of time in which the cancellation price is to be paid is extended for the period during which this Extension Agreement subsists. This Extension Agreement shall subsist so long as each of the payments set out below is made to the Town in accordance with this Extension Agreement on or before the dates set out below opposite the respective amounts to be paid: $ Amount $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 J!m February 25, 1993 March 25, 1993 April 25, 1993 May 25, 1993 June 25, 1993 Page 3 $15,000.00 The amount which is equal to the balance of the cancellation price required to be paid pursuant to the Act July 25, 1993 August 25, 1993 All payments shall be made by certified cheque, money order or cash delivered to the Town's Treasurer at the Town's Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario during the Town's regular business hours. 5. In the event that any of the payments referred to in paragraph 4 of this Extension Agreement is not made in accordance with paragraph 4, thereupon this Extension Agreement shall cease to subsist for the purposes of the Act. 6. The Parties acknowledge that any person may pay the cancellation price at any time. 7. This Extension Agreement shall terminate upon payment of the cancellation price by any person. 8. The Ratepayers shall not assign this Extension Agreement to any person and shall not register this Extension Agreement against the title to the Lands. 9. Time shall be of the essence of this Extension Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town has hereunto affixed its corporate seal by the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf and the Ratepayers have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. ......_-..~.#'.....r .#.#',#".r "'.,1'''' '"" .;t'''J/'.......,...z_..~::- SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ~ Page 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (seal) ~J{lE#~YD (oem) ..~ '&- .,........... · IIZ1;fJ 'Z 1!' ~:'2'~~'!....':_.~ --....:~~= SCHEDULE "A" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-21 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS Part of Lot 32, Concession 5, Geographic Township of Darlington, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham as last described in Instrument No. N38727 and more particularly described as: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot 32 in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Darlington, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 32 distant Southerly therein thirty-six hundred and thirty-seven and four-tenths feet (3637.4') from a cut stone monument marking the North-Westerly angle of said Lot 32; THENCE North 72 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of thirteen hundred and ten and two-tenths feet (1310.2') more or less to a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot 32 as fenced; THENCE North 17 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West along the last mentioned limit a distance of three hundred and thirty-three feet (333'); THENCE South 72 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of thirteen hundred and eleven and two-tenths feet (1311.2') more or less to a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 32, said point distant Northerly therein three hundred and thirty-three feet (333') from the point of commencement; THENCE South 17 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East along the Westerly limit of said Lot 32 a distance of three hundred and thirty-three feet (333') to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. SUBJECf TO an easement in favour of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario said easement dated June 15, 1951, and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham on August 13, 1951, as Instrument Number 20431 for the Township of Darlington. The hereinabove described lands, containing by admeasurement 10.02 acres, are shown as Parcel "9" on a map or plan made by M.D. Brown Ontario Land Surveyor, which said plan is dated January 25, and February 8, 1968. ---------- --.... ........-......---.". SCUlDVLE '''B''. THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDUtE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-21 the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. TAX ARREARS CER1IFICATI!; MunlCloal World- - Form 201 -Rt,. T..Jr!. /,. CdMdiJ. MlllliCipQI Wo,'o IfIC. ~'rO'tJftC. 01 On,"tO Form 1 - Mufttcipal Tn 511" Act, 1.84 Document General Form. - La"" II..loltlllon IIo'orm Ac~ 1814 o 11) II..lolry l!J Lond T_ 0 (21 Pogo 1 01 2 plge' 13IP'_ BlOCk P,opet1y 1_1llIOr(01 A~IOt\l1 ~ ~ .:: $.. 0 'P Sc_1e <: - i, ~ '" N ;~ D- Tax Arrears Certlficata CO :; , Form 1 - Municipal Tax SlJles Act. 1984 ~ F; ..0 on...,.t .. ('oJ ~ t:::l I.. n'.) I;, y./ Oolla", , ....... ~ Ji": <"-I --'PUon ~E, ~,.. ~ ~ ... au Part of Lot 32. Concession 5 ~ Formerly Township of Darlington 3 Town of Newcast-le ... Regi9nal Municipality of Durham I New PfOC*1Y Identifier, As last desc-ribed in Instrument N38727 AOOII.ctna1 $.. 0 Sc_1e ) Thlo " (II IIodeIerlpllOn i (b) 8.l>oOulo 10'. AOOItJOn.1 D_' Now E_I oj Addillonll $.. 0 eo.._ PlanlSket.h o.c,lption 1]1 PI"" OOltlor 0 Sc_1e CII TIllo Doc.....nl prOYldoo .0 1001owo: The IItrson .Igning in Box 10 hellby cortili.. thlt III or port 01 II. or"III In lhl Imounl 01 $32,187.29 wore OWing on thl 31st doy of OI.lmber, 19 91 end It lllst IItrt of .uch ImOUnt 'plu. InV Iddlllonl' rll' proplrty to... Ind .011I I. stili owing to thl munlclplllty or bOlrd nlmld In Box 10 Ind lhot lhl Ilnd d..cribld In lhl. documlnt will bl sold by publi. SIll Illhl .In.lllllion price I. not plid wllhln ani YII' lollowing lhl dot. of rotl""llon 01 this documlnt. Not..: A. The tlm. period for plying the canclllation price mav b. extended if the municipality or board authorizes In extension ,,""m"nl wllh lhl ownor ollhl Ilnd before lhl upiry of lhl onl'Vllr poriod. B. ~ canc.lIation price will b, calcullted as of the date thlt thl .mount of tne tlX .rrears ,r, paid to the municipalitY or board Ind will be hlghor thin thl Imount III Out IboYf, . . C. If 'Cher. is no luccessful purchaser .t thl Public Slf.. the 'Ind, upon registration of . notic. of vlSting, will "1st in the municipality Of boord. . O. Any inquiries r.l.ting to this maner may be directed to the mu~ic:1p.lity or board named in Box to.t the address shown in Box 11. . ' Continued on Schedull 0 (II TIlle D_t """0 10 ."lNmont numbor(.) (10) ...rty(Ie.) (Se' o....t SlIIuI or Intetesll Nomo(11 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN ..,. .or.NEWCAStLE..'............ "" SignI1ure(l) ... --:~ BY: . :1\:~'.v.(~~"'-,. Ruth Swan . T",~ .c:.:~~~ecto~ . . ir~'~f~t or A~th~;l;.d 'O'ft'ic'.; 0." of Sigl\llUre y .. 0 I ' ~m.! O~.!13. , : ,.... :...J... i i , . .. , I. . .j. . . I I (III~~ 40 Temperance Street, Bova&Dville, Ontario L1C 3A6 AtteDtioD: Treasurer CUI 'r"YCltI, (Sot out SliM or 'n,,,IS" Nlftll(11 Signlluro{ll 0:" of S~n.lu~ ',: ",;... ,. '.....,.,............... ::1" (12)~ CI.I M~"" Add.... 01 Property 5411 Langmaid Road R R 1 Hampton Ontario LOB lJO Treasurer ToVD of Newcastle 40 TemperaDce Street Bova&Dville, Ontario LlC 3A6 ~:~...:.:;:::::~ ::;,;:.::: "-.. ---::-::::=~~. (15) DOCUmfltf P',pared by: Fees and Ta:c AegilUlhon F.. Page 2 to Schedule B SCHEDULE "An 1\11 nll~ ~tl1Dltll1r th at certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot 32 in the Fifth Concession of the said 'To~mship of Darlin~ton, the boundaries of the said parcel beingvmore parti- cularly described as follews: COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 32 distant Southerly therein th~r.ty-six hundred and thirty-seven and four- . tenths feet (3637.41) from a cut stone monument marking the North- Westerly angle of said Lot 32; THENCE North 72 de~rees 01 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of thirteen hundred and ten and two-tenths feet (1310.21) more or less to a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot 32 as fenced; . THENCE North 17 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds Hest along the lRct- mentioned limit a distance of three hundred and thirty-three f~et (3331); I' THENCE South 72 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of thirteen hundred and eleven and two-tenths feet (1311.211 mo~u 0~ less to a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 32, said pOjnt. , distant Northerly therein three hundred and thirty-three fe.et (3:i3 I:) ._ .. from the point of commencement; . 'I'lIENeE South 17 dec;recs 58 minutes 40 secondn East alone; the '.v~~tJ~l"'ly limit of said Lot 32 a distance of three hundred and thirty-three' feet (3331) to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. ~ ..; . . . . SUBJECT TO an easement in favour of the Hydro-Electric Power Comm- ission of Ontario said easement dated June 15, 1951, and registered' in the Reeistry Office for the Registry Division of the West Ridine. --of the County of Durham'''on Augu'st 13, 1951, as Instrument Number 20431 for the Township of Darlington. The hereinabove described lands, containing by admeasurement 10.0~ acres, are shown as Parcel 119"' on a map or plan made by M.D. BrO\m Ontario Land Sl...l.rveyor, which said plan is dated January 25, and February 8, 1968. SCHEDULE "cn THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEI?ULE "C" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-21 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. LETTER DATED JANUARY S. 1993 [ATIACHED] '=:~~~!~:=::~r;~i~~:::Z;:~iI:~ ""':{"" . . \>..:.",;:,.J@IIN,~,H.."LLOYD,:,.....". . './ <~.. , . "~;\;-.'....~' · >'.>>';:;;;:il:,^;"D. S. CAP. ..... '. E.~.;;.."'..sCO.. NTRA.CTO..... R.. ,.c..,.' ...'".~...;'.:.. ,S.':.... . . ' . ':.:;:-.-\~.:~" ,";1~~ ",' '--,....,~~ ""~','-'~ -:....< "'':-';~~'''';'-' '.,_.} '. ;. f.._"l,-,..,.,[;',~'J< . ..-...~.,-~~~." ~~~:. .' ." .~.. ~ RR. No. 1. HAMPTON, ONTARIO. LOB 1Jb ',:,'. .- ....';'5;:. TELEPHONE - (416) 728-3636 -' . . It . . M.:;;' /qcriJ Jk1~ <j0L .~'-><- q <-r;~~ . .fJ1;I~: fbzL !J(,{,AM1-. - ~~0.d~ . f1". ~~ 1.). /) ~ t~~~ad~ ~~ ~ ~ aJI-e- ~ ~{) . ~~~.I'~~~~~..' . .' uJ~ ~ L:M~~Ml.aL .~-Y~ JQ~tt g~ a.. ~q~ ~~ Ju4~ u~:t:L ~ o ~ .~- y~ ~~ . ' I ~ ~ '~ '. AtJ"dL /~~ &. ,..,) ./~ ~ 'nIt~,..to 'J44~.. . 0..- ~ ltn -nu..:tL.- ~~ ~ ~~ , J~~ ~f~ uJ";;:l/f~~~ , ~f~ "'M~~.~ 71t~L ~ .-e~ ..nt~. ~~. ~. .i.~td~~;'~ .--tu,. . w~ 1..u1 M tuL-.... &n.f.'~ ~ ~.-wUI. -L~.cd&.;G, ~ >> .J:4~ ~.~ ~ .!) t4. ~~. d t,. ~ ~ ~~ . --0 '. o. . . ~~..(1l&/ 1 ~ ;..j .:zL ~ k. - I.L2d. P.' JL.. a..~ ~ p[;, ~.k .L~ r~ .~' . <~:::: ,~~~; ~-, ,~', ~~, -- - ::: .. ..... 41 . , . .... .~ ~ ..:~.~.-.. " ..,,~., . 91ta JOliN H. LLOYD LANDSCApE CONTRACTOR RR. No. t HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1JO , TELEPHONE - (416) 728-3636 ~~ d 4 ~~ ~~. AM-'- tUL .t--;f~ um huii '^'fd :i:L ;UJ ~~ ~7' .... ,) s f!. / 9 '{J3 ._ ::i ()-n; '. -- , ,...,.---,)<'.> \ , " ,~~6i $~'!;.'~1q 3" ,.- \. lli,gJt~5Sj .\~.:; . ., .' :, j\' . '-l11 ~""~5"'J1'l3' I thnJ , ' ~ ,;ls i~93 / 6---rJ1 . /'101 . ~:;. ~..d.. ;)~ ..~~ ~~./~~f r ~:~;;:::+aN-: ~,~.'M.u- au..,~. a:. l-----.-.,u.. U.\j' a. ~ ~ cd- ~ ~ ~.:L(J.4Lc ~#. ' .MJ~ <4.:11 ~ ~~r~.'aJ. aAL' :4JaA.<- xL:f ~ ~. · ~~uJv~~.f 04 ~ ~{. ~ ~~ A k:j~ ~'bUlL I~ ..;. ~ Jt w."u~4 4 ~)'1 1=.-li- 4~' " .. ;nr!?~~ ~~S.~~~~.~~t:~~~\\~k::;~ L~ 'f' . ".,. r~ .." /XL +~J_j' .'V '-" ~.." fj,.;;,'{:;;,,-'''''' . " ...., .~~~;;;'~;:~~~;;~;;~~;~~~~~~i~;;i~~i~~r~:~:' .~s d;[ d$" I 993 -~. (,"L,-c " /~'f3 _jO.CJ7t1J. i'7 93 _ /$ ~. /193 . aLl. ~ ~- ~. ~~ . ~~ ~ ~d!I. : . SCHEDULE "D" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "D" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 93-21 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 25th day of January, 1993. BY-LAW NO. 93-21 [ATTACHED]