BY-LAW 93-214
Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund -
Clarington/Region (A Account)
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington considers it desirable to establish a Reserve Fund for
the purpose of setting aside former Ontario Hydro Station "A"
account funds.
AND WHEREAS c.M. 45, Section 163( 1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O.
1990, provides that, "Every municipality as defined in the
Municipal Affairs Act and every board, commission, body or local
authority established or exercising any power or authority with
respect to municipal affairs under any general or special Act in an
unorganized township or in unsurveyed territory may in each year
provide in the estimates for the establishment or maintenance of a
reserve fund for any purpose for which it has authority to spend
funds, but if the approval of the council is required by law for a
capital expenditure or the issue of debentures of or on behalf of
a local board, the approval of the council of a provision in the
estimates of the local board for a reserve fund shall be obtained. "
NOW THEREFORE, Be It enacted and it is enacted as a By-law of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as follows:
1. That the Treasurer be authorized to establish a reserve fund
entitled "Reserve Fund - Clarington/Region (A Account) " ,
2. That the use of this fund be any one or more of the following
purposes: ( 1) the decommissioning, demolition and site
rehabilitation of the Soper Creek Water Pollution Control
Plant to the satisfaction of the Region, the Municipality and
the Ministry of the Environment and Energy; (2) preparing
studies and reports in connection with a Municipal Class
Environmental Assessment and Approval of an undertaking by the
Region for the provision of additional water pollution control
plant capacity required to service lands on the western
portion of the Municipality (the "South Courtice Area")
pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Assessment
Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. 18; and (3) making a contribution to
servicing studies, land acquisition, detailed design and/or
construction of all Regional services required to service the
South Courtice Area.
3. That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit any funds
received from Ontario Hydro regarding the Station A account to
the Reserve Fund - Clarington/Region (A Account) , and
4. That Council may by By-law direct the use of any surplus funds
for any other purpose for which it has authority to spend
monies, only on joint resolution of the Councils of the
Municipality and the Region of Durham.
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Reserve Fund - Clarington/Region (A Account) Page 2
By-Law read a first time this 13th day of December 1993.
By-Law read a second time this 13th day of December 1993.
By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of
December 1993 .
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