HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-207 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 93- 207 being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 56 to the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle to incorporate a Secondary Plan for the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 56 to the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Municipality of Clarington is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment Number 56 to the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle. d 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this 13th day of December 1993 BY-LAW read a second time this 13th day of December 1993 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of December 1993. MAYOR -- ER F f r This amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington by By-law No. 93-207 in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, as amended, on the 13th day of December 1993. CORPORATE SEAL OF MA LE MUNICIPALITY i J AMENDMENT NO. 56 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The Purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate a Secondary Plan and policies for the Bowmanville West Main Central Area into the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle. LOCATION: The lands subject of this Amendment are located in part Lots 13 and 14, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville and Part Lots 15 and 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, former Town of Newcastle, now Municipality of Clarington. BASIS: This Amendment is based on the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study and incorporates consideration of development applications submitted by certain landowners within the Secondary Planning Area. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 1. The Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: i) In subsection (i), a) by adding a sentence at the end of the paragraph as follows: "A total of 100,000 square metres of gross leasable retail and personal service floor space shall be permitted to develop in the Main Central Area." ; ii) In subsections b), c), d), and e) of Section i), by adding the word 'Bast" before the phrase "Main Central Area"; iii) In subsection i) b), by deleting the words "and provides the general allocation of retail and personal service floor space by sector" and by adding a sentence at the end of the paragraph as follows: "Policies for the development of the West Main Central Area are provided in Section 10.2 of this Plan." iv) In subsection i) of Section i) e), by deleting the phrase "46,500 square metres of gross retail and personal service floor area" and inserting the phrase "60,000 square metres of gross leasable retail and personal service floor space" thereto; v) By adding a new section x) as follows: "x) GO Rail Service Council supports the extension of GO Rail Service to Bowmanville as indicated on Schedule 7-1 and 7-4 to this Plan. vi) By adding a new Section 10 to the Plan as follows: "SECTION 10 - SECONDARY PLANS 10.1 INTRODUCTION 10.1.1 Secondary Plans shall be part of and prepared in conformity with this Plan. They shall include detailed land use designations to serve as a guide for development or redevelopment and for the preparation of zoning by- laws. 10.1.2 A Secondary Plan shall be prepared for the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. The establishment of additional Secondary Plan areas shall require an amendment to this Plan. 10.2 BOWMANVILLE WEST MAIN CENTRAL AREA SECONDARY PLAN 10.2.1 Purpose The Bowmanville West Main Central Area comprises approximately 36 hectares, on the north and south sides of Highway 2, generally between the CPR line and Green Road. It is adjacent to and is intended to be complementary in function to Bowmanville East Main Central Area,which extends generally east from the CPR line to Mearns Avenue along Highway 2. Through the establishment of a mix of higher density uses, and the integration of residential and employment, cultural and community uses, the Bowmanville Main Central Area, including the West Main Central Area, will serve as a focal point of activity, interest and identity for residents of the Municipality of Clarington. The purpose of the Secondary Plan is to establish goals, objectives and policies to guide the development of the lands in the West Main Central Area. It is the intent of this Plan, that the East Main Central Area will continue to experience growth and redevelopment. It shall be the preferred location for major institutional facilities, such as a seniors activity centre, 2 a new library and medical facilities. It shall also be the preferred location for additional personal and business service uses. It is Council's policy to promote the historic downtown as a point of tourist and specialty retail activity. Council's policy is to make infrastructure improvements considered necessary to provide adequate parking and enhance the character of the historic downtown. 10.2.2 Goals 1) To extend the Main Central Area in a manner which will complement the strengths of the Bowmanville East Main Central Area in creating a strong and vibrant activity centre for residents of Bowmanville, the Municipality of Clarington and the Region of Durham. 2) To establish the physical framework through the creation of a system of streets and public spaces, for more intensive development through reurbanization in subsequent phases of development in the West Main Central Area. 3) To ensure a high quality of architecture and urban design in all phases of development in order to create a unique sense of place and foster social interaction in the West Main Central Area. 10.2.3 Objectives 1) Urban Structure/Land Uses i) To provide for development at higher intensities than the adjacent residential neighbourhoods to foster animation and activity and maximize accessibility to public transit,including the proposed GO Station. ii) To provide for a full range of land uses, providing community facilities, employment and residential opportunities to foster a good live/work relationship. iii) To establish a framework for ultimate development through the identification of a public realm consisting of a grid street system, pedestrian/bicycle connections and public spaces. 3 iv) To provide opportunities for a range of employment types including office,retail, service commercial and institutional. v) To provide housing opportunities at medium and high densities to meet the changing housing requirements of the population of the Municipality of Clarington. vi) To provide a variety of retailing facilities which would complement the East Main Central Area in serving Regional and local retail needs as population growth occurs. vii) To control retail growth beyond the initial allocation in order to safeguard the continued viability of the retail businesses and provide for on-going redevelopment in the East Main Central Area. viii) To provide a comprehensive range of local and district community facilities. ix) To ensure that development occurs in a sustainable fashion, with a maximum emphasis on the integration of land uses, compact urban form, and the implementation of public transportation initiatives. 2) Open Space/Environmental Features i) To enhance the environmental, recreational and aesthetic quality of the West Main Central Area through the preservation, restoration and enhancement of existing natural elements, notably the valley system associated with . the Bowmanville Creek. ii) To ensure the provision of adequate new park facilities for area employees and residents. 3) Transportation i) To provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods,with particular emphasis on implementing public transportation services and facilities. 4 ii) To develop a pedestrian system which encourages safe pedestrian and bicycle movement within the West Main Central Area and which provides safe and convenient movements to adjacent residential communities, the extensive valley system and other sectors of the Bowmanville Urban Area. 4) Urban Design i) To ensure a high quality of architecture and urban design to create a unique sense of place which encourages and creates the opportunity for human interaction, pedestrian activity and facilitates high use of public transportation. ii) To ensure that development initially permitted in accordance with this Secondary Plan is designed in such a way so as to facilitate redevelopment at greater intensity in the longer term. 10.2.4 Land Use Policies The land use designations for the West Main Central Area shown on Schedule 10-1 establish the general pattern for future development in the Secondary Plan area. The policies relating to these designations are set out in Section 10.2.5 to 10.2.9. Notwithstanding the ultimate densities for retail and office uses allocated to the various land use designations within this Plan, a maximum of 40,000 square metres of retail and personal services floor space shall be permitted in the West Main Central Area. This floor space limit shall only be increased after a comprehensive review of the Official Plan after 2001. For the purpose of this Plan, floor space index (fsi) shall be defined as the ratio of the gross building floor area measured between the exterior walls of the building above ground excluding garages, parking structures and loading facilities divided by the net development area of the parcel. For the purpose of this Plan, retail and personal service floor space figures include: department stores, food stores, general and specialty retail stores, convenience retail stores, video stores, retail liquor stores, restaurants, taverns,barber shops,beauty salons, dry cleaners, shoe repair, 5 travel agencies, art studios, financial institutions, medical offices, real estate offices, law offices, and other similar office uses. It does not include service stations, automotive sales and services, corporate offices, hotels, entertainment areas, theatres, bowling alleys and community uses. 10.2.5. Retail Commercial Purpose Lands designated Retail Commercial on Schedule 10-1 are intended to provide specific areas dedicated to concentrations of retail activities in the West Main Central Area. It is intended that retail development in the West Main Central Area be phased in so as to ensure that retail growth in this area complements existing businesses and potential commercial development in the East Main Central Area. Permitted Uses The permitted uses shall be: 1) Retail and personal service uses, including: department stores,food stores, general retail stores, convenience retail stores, video stores, retail liquor stores, restaurants, taverns, barber shops, beauty. salons, dry cleaners, art studios, travel agencies and financial institutions. 2) Hotel and convention facilities. 3) Privately operated recreational and cultural facilities including movie theatres, bowling alleys and places of entertainment; public buildings and community uses, including social, recreational and cultural facilities; daycare and nursery facilities. 4) Business, professional and/or administrative offices so long as they are located on the second or upper levels above ground floor retail uses. 5) Residential dwelling units to a maximum density of 80 units per hectare on the net development parcel. 6 Retail Commercial Policies 1) Maximum density for Retail Commercial shall be 0.5 fsi, calculated on the net development parcel. 2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, residential uses may be permitted in combination with retail uses subject to a maximum residential density of 80 units per hectare. The maximum combined density on the site shall not exceed 1.0 fsi, calculated on the net development parcel. 3) Retail Thresholds: i) In order to ensure that retail development in both sectors of Bowmanville's Main Central Area proceeds in a fashion that sufficient population exists to support the continued viability of both the east and west portions of the Main Central Area and to ensure ongoing redevelopment potential within the East Main Central Area, new retail development in the West Main Central Area will be linked to the growth of population in the Municipality of Clarington. The development of retail floor space in the West Main Central Area will proceed in an incremental fashion not to exceed the following thresholds of supportable retail floor space. Clarington Population Target Retail Thresholds (gross leasable area in sq.m.) 78,000 27,000 94,000 41,000 110,000 57,000 7 ii) For purposes of calculating these thresholds, retail floor space includes the following retail and personal service uses: department stores, food stores, general and specialty retail stores, convenience retail stores, video stores, retail liquor stores, restaurants, taverns, barber shops, beauty salons, dry cleaners, shoe repair, travel agencies, and art studios. It does not include other personal and business services such as financial institutions, medical offices, real estate offices, law offices, and other uses excluded in Subsection iii) A minimum critical mass of retail and personal service development shall be established to initiate development in the West Main Central Area. Council has allocated potential to three parcels as follows: a) 18,580 m2 on the parcel at the southeast quadrant of Highway 2 and Green Road; b) 3,720 m2 on the parcel adjacent to the Bowmanville Recreaton Complex; c) 270 m2 on the lands on the southwest corner of Highway 2 and Regional Road 57, specifically for the purpose of a fast food establishment. Zoning By-laws to permit these three developments will reflect these specific allocations. Any additional potential accorded these sites by this Secondary Plan shall be subject to implementation through site specific amendments to the Zoning By-law, and shall be subject to the fulfilment of the conditions of subsection (iv) below. iv) In addition to any other appropriate planning studies, prior to any further development for retail and personal service uses beyond those allocations specified in subsection (iii) above, the municipality shall conduct an independent market analysis, at the expense of the applicant for such permission, which addresses the following: • the impact of development that has occurred in the West Main Central Area on the ,East Main Central Area, including the historic downtown, and other designated Central Areas in the Bowmanville Urban Area; 8 • changes in consumer expenditure patterns from the patterns documented in the Commercial Market Study for the Bowmanville Main Central Area, dated November 23, 1992; and • the anticipated impact of the proposed development(s) on the viability of existing retail uses in the entire Main Central Area and planned growth and function of the East Main Central Area. 4) The following policies shall apply to the development of lands designated Retail Commercial in the West Main Central Area: i) Commercial Street B shall provide a focus for Retail Commercial development in the West Main Central Area. The Urban Design Guidelines, attached as Appendix 1, provide direction regarding the relationship of buildings to the street, landscape treatment, and parking areas as required to achieve a high quality pedestrian retail environment. ii) Where commercial uses are proposed adjacent to residential areas, particular regard shall be had for the implementation of appropriate buffering mechanisms to eliminate potential conflicts arising from noise, emissions and loss of view. Buffering may be achieved through sensitive architectural design in conjunction with the use of walls, fences, planting and/or other attractive streetscape elements. iii) Access to parking and loading facilities shall be established which will minimize disruption to the pedestrian use of the streets and interference with adjacent residential areas. Adequate, well-designed off-street parking, loading and service areas shall be required on the site of each commercial development. iv) It is the intention of this Plan that a new public street or streets forming part of a grid system of public streets shall be established on portions of the major surface parking area associated with the retail facility on the southeast corner of Green Road and Highway 2 at such time as, or after, development of the lands occupied by the retail mall is proposed in excess of the gross leasable floor area of 18,580 square metres allocated to the lands by Subsection 9 (iii) of this Plan and which street the Municipality considers to be desirable as an addition to the grid system. The additional development in excess of 18,580 square metres of gross leasable floor area will be located on appropriately- sized blocks created by the grid system of public streets. Until ownership is acquired by the Municipality, the development of the future rights-of-way should resemble a public road in function and appearance and no buildings shall be permitted to encroach upon it. In order to facilitate the implementation of this policy, the Municipality shall acquire either ownership of or the right to require the future transfer of rights-of-way to the Municipality that the Municipality considers to be desireable for the establishment of an appropriate grid of public streets. v) In addition to the lands designated Retail Commercial, accessory retail and personal service commercial uses may be permitted on lands designated for Office Commercial, High Density Residential, and GO Station purposes, subject to the relevant Secondary Plan policies for those areas. Such accessory uses shall not be included in the consideration of retail thresholds established in Section of this policy. vi) It is the policy of Council to encourage development proponents and retailers in the West Main Central Area to enter into collaborative arrangements with retailers and business associations in the East Main Central Area with respect to the marketing and promotion of the Bowmanville Main Central Area. 10.2.6 Office Commercial Purpose The Office Commercial designation accorded those lands at the intersection of Highway 2 and Regional Road 57 is intended to provide appropriate office employment opportunities in addition to residential and limited commercial uses at a highly visible location in the West Main Central Area. 10 Permitted Uses The permitted uses shall be: 1) Office uses including: business; professional; administrative; and government offices. 2) Hotel and convention facilities. 3) Institutional and community uses including social, recreational, educational and cultural facilities; daycare and nursery facilities. 4) Retail and personal service uses, provided they are ancillory to the primary use, are located on the ground floor and the gross leasable floor area which does not exceed 20% of the ground floor area or 200 square meters whichever is the lesser. Any amendment to the zoning by-law to permit additional accessory ground floor retail and personal service floor space greater than 200 square metres shall be subject to the retail.threshold policies of 5) Residential dwelling units up to a maximum of 150 units per hectare on the net development site. 6) Notwithstanding the foregoing, on the lands designated Office Commercial on the southwest quadrant of Highway 2 and Regional Road No. 57, Council may also permit, through the enactment of a Zoning By-law, the development of a free standing fast food establishment up to a maximum of 270 square metres in advance of the development of the primary use, provided that Council is satisfied that the use will not preclude the ultimate development of the site to its primary function. Office Commercial Policies 1) Maximum density for Office Commercial purposes shall be 1.0 fsi. Where residential uses are provided in conjunction with office uses, the combined density permitted shall be 1.5. 2) Lands designated for Office Commercial uses are considered to be landmark locations within the West Main Central Area. The architectural and landscape treatment of development on these lands should be of the highest quality, reflecting the importance of these sites. 11 3) The following policies shall apply to the development of lands designated Office Commercial: i) Where commercial uses are proposed adjacent to residential areas, particular regard shall be had for the implementation of appropriate buffering mechanisms to eliminate potential conflicts arising from noise, emissions and loss of view. Buffering may be achieved through sensitive architectural design in conjunction with the use of walls, fences, planting, and/or other attractive streetscape elements. ii) Access to parking and loading facilities shall be established with minimum disruption to the pedestrian use of the streets. Adequate, well-designed off-street parking, loading and service areas shall be required on the site of each commercial development. 10.2.7 Residential Purpose It is envisaged that residential uses will be developed within the West Main Central Area at higher densities than the adjacent residential neighbourhoods in order to expand the range of housing types available within the municipality and to take maximum advantage of existing and future public transit opportunities to minimize use of the private automobile. A High Density Residential designation has been accorded those sites in closest proximity to the future GO Transit station as well as the parcel abutting Highway 2. A Medium Density designation has been accorded the remaining residential lands which are located on the periphery of the Main Central Area, in closest proximity to existing and future low density residential areas. Permitted Uses 1) Residential dwellings shall be the predominant use permitted on lands designated Residential on Schedule 10-1 of this Plan. 2) Certain home occupation uses which are compatible with the surrounding uses subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the zoning by-laws. 12 3) Institutional and community uses including social, recreational, educational and cultural facilities; daycare and nursery facilities. 4) Park and open space uses. 5) Convenience commercial facilities in High Density Residential Areas to service the day to day needs of the residents, provided they are compatible with their surroundings and do not generally exceed 200 square metres gross leasable floor area. Such uses may be located on the ground floor of residential apartment buildings. 6) Notwithstanding the foregoing, on the lands designated Residential Density 2 on the northeast corner of Highway 2 and Green Road, Council may permit, through the enactment of a Zoning By-law, office uses for business, professional or administrative purposes up to a maximum of 200 square metres, provided that they are compatible with their surroundings and located on the ground floor of a residential apartment building. Residential Policies 1) Medium Density Residential i) The maximum density on lands designated Residential Density 1 shall be 40 units per net residential hectare. ii) Permitted dwelling types shall include: single detached and semi-detached dwellings; townhouses; stacked townhouses; and lowrise apartment buildings not exceeding three storeys in height. 2) High Density Residential i) The maximum density on lands designated Residential Density 2 shall be 150 units per net residential hectare. ii) Permitted dwelling types shall include: townhouses; stacked townhouses; and apartment buildings up to 6 storeys in height. 3) A minimum of 25% of housing units within the West Main Central Area shall be affordable, in accordance with the definition as set out in the Province's "Land Use Planning for Housing" Policy statement. 13 4) Parking for all residential units generally shall not be located in the front of buildings and shall utilize alternate means such as below grade parking or garages at the rear of the dwellings accessed from laneways. 10.2.8 Community Facilities Purpose It is intended that the West Main Central Area provide a focus for a range of local and district community facilities. Community facilities may be located on parcels so designated or on residential or commercial parcels. Permitted Uses The permitted uses shall be: 1) Public recreation facilities and community parks. 2) Public and private schools. 3) Religious institutions including places of worship and assembly halls. 4) Hospitals and convalescent homes. 5) Housing for persons with special needs including the elderly. 6) Municipal facilities including fire and police stations. Community Facilities Policies 1) Maximum density for buildings developed for community or institutional purposes shall be 1.0 fsi. 2) Community facilities located adjacent to residential uses shall be designed and developed in such a way as to minimize potential adverse impacts on the residential uses from traffic, noise and lighting. 14 10.2.9 Parks and Open Space Purpose The West Main Central Area will contain Open Space areas and two Neighbourhood Parks. These public spaces are generally intended to serve both the active and passive recreation needs of residents of the Municipality of Clarington, and in the case of the neighbourhood parks, future residents of the West Main Central Area. Permitted Uses The permitted uses on land designated Open Space shall be: 1) Recreational trails. 2) Conservation related uses. 3) Essential public and private utilities, provided they are sited in such a way as to minimize impacts on natural systems. Policies 1) The lands designated Open Space within the West Main Central Area comprise a portion of the valley lands associated with the Bowmanville Creek. The boundaries of the Open Space area shown on Schedule 10-1 are not precise and shall only be used as a guideline. More precise boundaries, including buffer areas and top-of-bank setbacks shall be delineated in the Zoning By-law in consultation with the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. 2) All valley lands in the Open Space Area designation, together with a suitable setback to ensure slope stability, preserve vegetation and provide access for maintenance purposes, shall be conveyed to the Municipality, which conveyance shall not form part of the parkland dedication. 3) The general location of Neighbourhood Parks in the West Main Central Area are shown on Schedule 10-1. Their exact locations shall be determined in the Zoning By-law in conjunction with the site plan and subdivision approval processes. 4) Additional parkland may be required to be conveyed to or may be acquired by the Municipality in accordance with the Planning Act and other applicable legislation. 15 10.2.10 GO Station Purpose The GO Station Area designation on Schedule 10-1 is intended for the development of a GO transit station. Permitted Uses The permitted uses shall be a GO Station and associated public transit facilities. Convenience commercial uses may also be permitted up to a maximum of 500 square metres in association with the proposed transit station. Policies 1) The Municipality will work with GO Transit, the Region of Durham and the landowners to ensure the development of this site for a GO Station. 2) Should the decision be taken not to proceed with a GO Station, these lands may be ultimately developed for High Density Residential uses subject to the policies of Section 10.2.5 of this Official Plan. 10.2.11 Stormwater Management Facilities Notwithstanding any other policies of this Plan, stormwater management facilities may be located in any land use designation, provided they are compatible with adjacent lands uses. Stormwater management ponds shall be designed and built in such a fashion that they would provide a high quality amenity feature. 10.2.12 Urban Design Guidelines PuIpose The Urban Design Guidelines are intended to act as a visual interpretation of the proposed development of the West Main Central Area and to provide guidelines for the evaluation of development proposals at the site plan approval stage. 16 For convenience of reference only, the Urban Design Guidelines are contained in Appendix 1. These Guidelines are not part of this Plan. Policies 1) The West Main Central Area is to develop as a focus of economic, social and cultural activity for the Bowmanville Urban Area, the Municipality of Clarington and the Region of Durham. The built form and character shall encourage and create the opportunity for human interaction, pedestrian activity and facilitates a high use of public transit. 2) The Urban Design Guidelines may be reviewed from time to time and revised without amendment to this Plan, provided they conform to this Secondary Plan. Urban Design Principles The Secondary Plan establishes the following design principles for the West Main Central Area: 1) To create a character reflective of the primary role of the area in providing a commercial, residential and community focus for the Main Central Area through: i) the provision of landmark landscape or architectural features to identify major entry points to the West Main Central Area; ii) achieving a high quality architectural and landscape treatment for all development in the Main Central Area; iii) achieving compatibility between various land uses with particular regard to the interface between the proposed retail commercial areas and adjacent residential areas through appropriate building siting and design, and landscape treatment; iv) the consideration of built form and densities with respect to the relationship to views, noise, wind and shadows; and v) providing for large scale surface parking facilities to be attractively designed and laid out so as to provide: effective 17 landscape treatment; separation of pedestrian and vehicular movements; the ability to intensify the site with future development phases. 2) To foster pedestrian accessibility among all parts of the Main Central Area and the existing, and future adjacent residential communities, through: i) the creation of a grid of public streets which are to be developed to fulfil a role in the vehicular and pedestrian transportation systems and as a place to encourage social interaction; ii) the identification of a retail shopping pedestrian zone which should provide a suitable pedestrian sidewalk system of at least 3 metres in width, enhanced by tree planting, pedestrian scale lighting and streetscape amenities such as benches, awnings,canopies and possible outdoor display and selling areas. The pedestrian movement system should take precedence over automobile movements in these areas except at the intersection of two public streets; iii) the identification of special streetscape zones, adjacent to the GO station; along Green Road and Street A; and along Highway 2 where high quality streetscape treatment shall be encouraged; and iv) the creation of pedestrian through-block connections into the major retail parcel at the southeast quadrant of Green Road and Highway 2. These connections should be provided into the block from Green Road, as well as from the new Street A. 3) To ensure appropriate separation from the railway corridor, through: i) the creation of a 30 metre setback as required by the CP Rail guidelines; ii) the inclusion within that setback of a 10 metre landscaped zone adjacent to the railway corridor to include landscape elements, and permit public or private rights-of-way for access to adjacent development; and 18 iii) the design and siting of buildings so as to minimize visual and noise impacts from the railway corridor. 4) To facilitate implementation of transit and accessibility to the proposed GO station from all parts of the community, through: i) the orientation of the street network, pedestrian connections, and the siting of buildings to transit routes and the GO station; and ii) the identification of potential stops within the Secondary Plan Area for new bus routes linking with the transit station. 10.2.13 Energy Conservation 1) It is Council's policy to seek to achieve the objective of energy conservation through the encouragement of patterns and forms of urban development which: i) encourages the integration of residential and employment uses to improve the live/work relationship; ii) permits increased densities in the West Main Central Area; and iii) seeks the implementation and integration of surface and rail transit. 2) The siting and design of buildings to maximize the potential energy savings from passive solar gain shall be encouraged. 10.2.14 Transportation Purpose It is Council's policy to seek to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within and through the West Main Central Area, to facilitate public transit, and to improve pedestrian and bicycle accessibility within the West Main Central Area and to the rest of the Municipality. 19 Policies 1) Road Network i) The proposed transportation network serving the West Main Central Area is shown on Schedule 7-4 and 10-1 of the Official Plan. The network is comprised of Highway 2, Regional Road 57 and Green Road which are designated arterial roads. These are complemented by a system of collector and local streets which is intended to create a grid system of streets and blocks to provide access throughout the West Main Central Area, to facilitate pedestrian access and to create a framework for subsequent redevelopment of the lands in the West Main Central Area after their initial development in accordance with this Plan. ii) The alignments of the proposed new local streets and collector roads are generally as shown except where the rights-of-way are already established. Detailed alignments of arterial and collector roads, and the general location of local streets shall be determined through further engineering studies and through the development approval process. iii) The "Future Streets" shown on Schedule 10-1 shall be subject to the policies of Subsection (4)(iv). iv) This Plan envisages the ultimate transfer of Highway 2 from the Ministry of Transportation to the Region of Durham. In the interim, however, Council supports the review of the policies of the Ministry of Transportation regarding Highway 2 within the West Main Central Area with regard to building setbacks, intersection spacing and signalization. v) The description of the road classifications, traffic-carrying functions and right-of-way widths described in the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle shall apply to the road network contained on Schedule 7-4. 2) Public Transportation i) The Municipality, in conjunction with the Region of Durham shall endeavour to implement a public 20 transportation system which will link the Secondary Plan Area with the adjacent residential and employment areas of the Municipality; and, which will be focused on the proposed GO Transit station in the West Main Central Area. ii) The Municipality shall work with GO Transit to encourage the development of the GO train station in the most timely fashion. 3) Pedestrian Routes i) Pedestrian linkages shall be established throughout the West Main Central Area to ensure safe and convenient access within the Secondary Planning Area and from the adjacent residential neighbourhoods. Major pedestrian circulation shall occur on sidewalks along public road rights-of-way to enhance security and animation within the West Main Central Area; ii) Sidewalks are required on both sides of all streets within the West Main Central Area. iii) Priority shall be placed on facilitating pedestrian and bicycle access to existing and future transit facilities. iv) A strong connection between the West Main Central Area and the adjacent residential community to the south shall be established along New Street C. This connection shall be appropriately landscaped and be made continuous into the Retail Commercial block on the southeast quadrant of the Green Road/Highway 2 intersection. v) It is the intention of this Plan that the pedestrian walkway, identified on Schedule 10-1, is ancillary to the grid system of streets providing an important pedestrian connection. The pedestrian walkway shall be 5-8 metres in width. The municipality shall either acquire ownership of, or an easement interest in, or the right to acquire either of them, in conjunction with the "Future Streets" subject to Subsection 21 vi) A through-block pedestrian connection is required from Green Road in an eastward direction into the Retail Commercial block on the southeast quadrant of the Green Road/Highway 2 intersection. This passage shall be 5-8 metres in width. vii) Priority areas of pedestrian activity shall be identified in the Urban Design Guidelines. These areas are to be landscaped to high urban standards with street trees, paving and other appropriate street furniture. viii) Development of infrastructure within the West Main Central Area shall give consideration to the encouragement of cycling as a mode of transportation, including the establishment of dedicated bicycle lanes or pathways. ix) The provision of facilities useful to cycle transit such as bicycle racks and lockers should be required in new development and at the GO transit station. 4) Parking i) Where surface parking is provided, it shall be generally be located to the rear or side of buildings and shall be screened by a landscaped buffer along the street edges. ii) Parking standards will be reviewed periodically by the Municipality to provide for a reduction in parking standards which reflect any increase in public transit ridership. 10.2.15 Municipal Services Purpose To ensure a high standard of water supply, sanitary sewage collection and treatment and stormwater management within the West Main Central Area. Policies 1) No development shall be approved which exceeds the capacities of municipal services which are or will be available when the development is occupied. 22 2) The Municipality will work with the landowners and the Region of Durham to develop a plan for the phasing of extensions to existing services within the West Main Central Area, which will allow development within the Area to proceed as expeditiously as possible. Implementation of extensions to existing services or construction of new services will be subject to the policies of Section 7.2.10 of the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle. 3) The lands to which this Secondary Plan applies is partially in the West Side Creek Watershed and partially in the Bowmanville Creek Watershed. A Master Drainage Study has been approved for lands within the West Side Creek tributary area. All developments in the West Side Creek Tributary Area must provide storm drainage facilities which conform to the Plan or other policies ultimately adopted for the watershed. For the area north of Highway 2, this may include the provision of individual or communal control facilities, a redirection of drainage to the Bowmanville Creek watershed, or both. 4) A Master Drainage Plan for the Bowmanville Creek watershed or subwatershed shall be prepared prior to development in the portion of Secondary Plan Area that is within the subwatershed. All developments falling within the Bowmanville Creek watershed will require facilities that will be subject to those policies and approval procedures in place for the protection of the waters and floodplain of Bowmanville Creek. S) Stormwater management implementation reports shall also be prepared for new development or redevelopment sites, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and Conservation Authority prior to the approval of individual development applications. The stormwater management implementation report shall address specific design, construction, stormwater management and phasing of works issues and shall be consistent with the applicable Master Drainage Plan. 10.2.16 Implementation General The policies in Section 10.2 of this Plan shall be implemented by exercise of the powers conferred upon the Municipality by the Planning Act, the 23 Municipal Act and other applicable statutes, in accordance with the applicable implementation policies of Section 7 of the Official Plan, and the following additional policies. Zoning Dy-law 1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan, the Municipality may require as a condition of approval of a Zoning By-law that: i) A stormwater management implementation report be submitted, as described in Section 10.2.15 (5). ii) A noise impact study be submitted to the satisfaction of the Municipality prior to approval of any residential development within 50 metres of Type A arterial roads and 30 metres of a railway right-of-way. The study will indicate the total noise impact on the site and shall recommend noise control measures. These studies shall be to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy in consultation with the appropriate railways. iii) A vibration impact study be submitted to the satisfaction of the Municipality prior to approval of any development within 75 metres of the railway right-of-way. The Study will indicate the vibration impacts and shall recommend appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse effects from vibration to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy in consultation with the appropriate railways. iv) Where applicable, the site has been decommissioned and appropriate certificates obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Energy to permit development. In particular, residential uses shall not be permitted on lands identified with the '*' symbol on Schedule 10-1. The level of contaminants at this site exceed the Ministry's guidelines for residential uses, but are within acceptable levels for commercial/industrial uses. In order to accommodate residential uses, the site must be cleaned up in accordance with the Ministry's Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Clean-up of Sites in Ontario. 24 2) Amending Zoning By-laws will be required to conform with the policies of this Secondary Plan. In order to achieve appropriate control on future development, Council's policy shall be to consider applications for amendments to the Zoning By-laws in conjunction with the consideration of applications for approval of site plans consistent with the objectives of this Secondary Plan. Subdivision Approval The Secondary Plan area is subject to subdivision control and part-lot control. The Municipality shall only recommend for approval plans of subdivisions and consents to divide which: i) conform with the policies and designations of Section 10.2.4; ii) are not premature; iii) are in the public interest; and iv) are conditional upon an agreement made by the owner with the Municipality under the Planning Act to provide for the construction and installation of appropriate new streets, services and streetscape treatment of new street allowances shown on the Secondary Plan. Site Plan Control Council shall apply the policies of this Secondary Plan in the evaluation of specific development applications, including applications for site plan approval. Furthermore, in considering the approval of site plan applications under the Planning Act, regard shall be had for the Urban Design Guidelines. 10.2.17 Interpretation Some flexibility in interpretation of the policies contained in this Secondary Plan is permitted provided that its general intent is maintained. With the exception of floor space indices, numerical figures and quantities are to be considered approximate. The boundaries for land use areas are approximate only and shall be defined by the alignment of the new streets or implementing Zoning By-laws. The policies of the Plan shall be interpreted in conjunction with the applicable interpretation policies of the Official Plan." 25 vii) By amending'Schedule 7-1 -Land Use - Bowmanville' as indicated by Exhibit'A' to this Amendment; viii) By amending 'Schedule 7-2 - Land Use Structure Plan - Main Central Area' by deleting all reference to gross retail and personal service floor space allocations by block and by inserting the word "East" before "Main Central Area" in the Schedule title. ix) By amending 'Schedule 7-3 - Environmental Sensitivity' and indicated by Exhibit 'B' to this Amendment. x) By amending'Schedule 7-4-Transportation Network', as indicated by Exhibit'C' to this Amendment. xi) By adding a new 'Schedule 10-1 - Land Use - Bowmanville West Main Central Area', as indicated by Exhibit 'D' to this Amendment; Exhibits 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. 2. On approval of Amendment #56 to the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle the following are deemed to be repealed: a) Amendment #40, as amended by paragraph (a) of the Actual Amendment contained in Amendment #54, with the following exceptions: i) That portion of Item ii) of the Actual Amendment adding a new subsection i) b); ii) Item iii) of the Actual Amendment renumbering subsection b), c), d), e), f) and g) of subsection i); and b) Amendment #55. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 26 EXHIBIT "A" TO AMENDMENT No. 56 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 01 N ADJUST MAIN CENTRAL CHANGE FROM MINOR OPEN '% ;,s{y��!;:::;:.: ' ':::;:{:.i:•i::•::::: AREA BOUNDARY SPACETO MAIN CENTRAL AREA �vt��'fi:.:..:•:::..:: ��:::.ii:: 2 A ADJUST URBAN CHANGE FROM RESIDENTIAL •:::: ;�'::::< :: <:`• : : - !` •`• AREA BOUNDARY TO MAIN CENTRAL AREA > :> r kj >< '<' "'.....`'''''''``''''' DELETE ADD POPULATION <: ALLOCATION ADD HAZARD LANDS : : : : ADJUST POPULATION SYMBOL t n f�RR� nRRR�L _ ,� \ ....:.::::;:.:;:..:•::: ;: r:. ul ,ion oa C D L MD 0 ON ♦ , ADD GO STATION X. .:<: SYMBOL Y' �:'•. GO ;TL 3C �'.. . . : '. population ,�.,A,i ♦ kL 'n _eJ, 0 UIO ,10 P - v -F� c- J 0 t 0 1f 7 S y ti 1 .......:::.. :.400 n CSy INDICATED 5 rr AS N D C A TED � � , ...:....:. N \ ...SYY _h :. 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EXHIBIT "C" TO AMENDMENT No.56 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Co�CESSION ROA No. - � ,\ tit E ` yf� ADJUST URBAN - AREA BOUNDARY 1 , 1 ; r — � 1 a_ ` ADD GO STATION SYMBOL 2 y,- r ..ADD GO RAIL `° •�,. .:3n 'r a ° s y ROUTE Y` ADJUST TRANSPORTATION xY' ,t� �wAY No.z N k1 NETWORKa`d n.._ , SELINE RAD I n �� � ADD ARTERIAL _ ROAD TYPE C �y s' �TERIAL wa CHANGE TOYPE A \ Y`�` t t� = ROAD f ° acHr _�' +--r Schedule 7-4 _ � .. Transportation Network BOWMANVILLE --Urban Area Boundary =Provincial Highway 401 �D —Railways M Arterial Roads-Type A 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Arterial Roads-Type B ADD REFERENCE TO —a—Arterial Roads-Type C o i000 z000 3o0o r.r ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE C ..Collector Roads ®Existing Interchange ADD REFERENCE TO *Future Interchange GO STATION 0Intersection Improvements ° 300 600 900..v.. Required Future GO Station ADD REFERENCE TO ••--Future GO Rail Route GO RAIL ROUTE Wssi'le Transit Service LASTREVISIONDATE- ee'ROute JUNE 1,1993 s ------ ----- ------ ------ ----_ _----- - ------ — --- - Tl -� �E1y SIFT F �IF� t.1 7�F.��J.�✓��'��•��t'�'.. w � O IL m WEST MAIN CENTRAL AREA m — BOLWARY �r>F� RETAIL COM•£RC/AL O m OFFICE CLMI-ERCIAL 7 v FUTLRE/ i ® RESIDENTIAL DENSITY I T m SITE 2 -j I RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 2 0 ' COMMUNITY FACILITY S OL Z OPEN SPACE N AEIGFBCLRi'" PAW O V/ / GO STATION SITE 1 Z % I I ���• PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY n SCHEDULE M-1 D cn L A N D U S E B 0 W M A N V I L L E W E S T M A I N C E N T R A L A R E A