HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-204 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 93-204 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and William Simon Clarence Penfound and Martha Jean Penfound for the purchase of certain lands required for the reconstruction of Prestonvale Road in the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45, s. 191 ( 1) , states that: "The Council of every corporation may pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purposes of the Corporation . . . " ; and WHEREAS The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington requires certain land for the reconstruction of Prestonvale Road. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington, and seal with the Corporate Seal, two (2 ) Offers to Sell from William Simon Clarence Penfound and Martha Jean Penfound, attached hereto as Schedules "A" and "B" and forming part of this By- law, those portions of Part Lot 33, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 13th day of December, 1993. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of December, 1993. MAYOR CLERK ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATIONSCHEDULE "A" AGREEMEN'r Or PURCHASE AND SALE REALTOR REAEIOR PURCHASER The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington offers to buy from VENDOR William Simon Clarence Penfound and Martha Jean Penfound through Vendor's AGENT No Agent the following IlasTl\U bNUKCNI rsla.l.l\411koNtJti PROPERTY:fronting on the Fa c side nf.PreS.tonllal�Road.—known municipally as _- intheTQ CI ..ngton in the Reg 2clnr.-DsJ.rham ___...._._ ..__ meters irregQular and having a frontage of_162.28-meters more or less by a depth of.-6..82-meters-and. 5.._4_more or less an(Mscribcd as P rtpf Part 1, Plan 1OR 3611 _ at the PURS;y�A/SE PPRI/Q��jC)I-• Canudian Dollars(SCan___LAG f coo '°-0 n�ilx'k1111Yr fg lernl.; I. Ihlrehaser submits with This offer_—NO DEPOSIT Dollars(S—NIL— sayable to the Listing Broker as a deposit to be held by him in trust pending completion or other termination of this Agreement and its b-credited towards the Purchase Price stn completion. 2. Purchaser agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price in cash or by certified cheque to the Vendor on the closing date. The property being purchased and sold herein is---known as the north east corner-of=Prestonvale Road and Oak Road and is a long and narrow rectangular parcel of land at the western frontage of the above legally described property and consists of a total area content of 1205 square meters (.2977644 acres) + or - and is more particularly illustrated by the highlighted area of the attached copy of plan for road widening marked "Parcel 7". The Purchaser agrees to pay all of the legal, surveying, landscaping and/or any other associated costs involved in or with the transaction and development of the property. The Purchaser and Vendor both agree that the transaction can be completed at any time prior to the closing date set out in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 3. Purchaser and Vendor agree that all existing fixtures are included in the purcha.e price except those 1,,tcd hrreunder:.______— _ and that the following chaads are included in de purclasc price:._.__.__ _._. . .. .___ •h 375 f1)CDGKgrecs that this offer shall be irrevocuble by hint until_—_11:59...- t,xx/p.ln.t on ace ?L"S_' Jay ui----_..V_4r•1v'� after which linen,il'nol6hr i/p/this OI' slydl tk aull and cold:end the de,/�}� �HIC Tj:AGted to Pluehaser without interest ur daducnun. ,1 s Illis Agreement shall be completed on the = i! U7 day of._ i ��xrset•nds I1.��L .Upon completion,vacant pos>cs.iun gof the property shall be given to Purchaser unless otherwise provided as fol cx z� 0. Purchaser shall be allowed until 4:59 p.m.on the�—3 ul � 19—,�(_sJ_. s;munc the lids to the prolxp,at his awn • expense to satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders affecting the property'XXL-AKY.XX0GX _ X00XK-7hXVG)OxaCJG Y4X. xiNiXiXtY6Sr1CIHilGX(%D KM(t(Yj);fXKY4Yj CPC:ftXXXXX?DXXX--- — — 7. Provided that the title to the property is gaol and free from all restrictions,charges,liens,claims and encumbrances.except as othcrw ise sNcif icilly provided in this Agreenwril, and save and except for: (a)any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the land,provided that such are complied with: thl any registered agreements with a municipality of a supplier of utility service including,without linliation,electricity,seater,sewage,gas,telephone or cable tcicviwn or uticr .telecommunication service,providing such have been complied with or security has Ixen posted to ensure compliance and completion as evidenced by letter from the relevant municipality or utility supplier;and (c):my minor casements for the supply of utility service to the properly or to adjacent prolxrlie.. If within the time for examining the title any valid objection to title,or any outstanding%cork order or deficiency notice,or to she(act that the said present use may not lawfully be continued, be is made in writing m Vendor or Vendor's solicitor.which Vendor iv unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or�saa'tiiisfy.and which which Purchaser will not waive.(his Agreement.notwithstanding any i�ntterrmediate acts or negotiations in reslwci of such obiccliun"aball be at an end,and XJX)0Y4 III(TVwv.�ll7r;�eTl�(IKMQXX•XIX1�(d(1MMXXit1)(�(rX1 XXQIKt:XI)(1 and Vcndnr;rXtXII XY,,.x Stall slot be liable(Ur all)'co,t,or damages,Saw a%IU any valid Ubjeitltlll SU made within such lime,and except for any objection going to the fowl of title,Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's lisle to tlhe prulerty.Vcado,bareby consents to the municipality releasing to Purchaser details of all outslanding work orders or deficiency notices affecting the property,and Vendor agrees to execute arid deliver to Purchaser or his solicitor such further authorizations in this regard asPuurCrebuser m7ayy rreeaso abl)require. V �. S. Purchaser acknowledges having Inspected the property prior loxggt}pM IIIfS-Z)Rer:md understands that upon XJGM uccepling this Offer[here shall be a binding agreement of purchase and sale between Purchaser and Vendor. 9. Vendor and Purchaser agree that there is no condition,express or implied,represenn Lion or warranty of any kind shat the future intended use of the property by Purchaser is ur will be lawful except as may be specifically stipulated elsewhere in this Agreement. 10. Purchaser shall not call fur the Production orally title decd,abslrict,survey or ulhct evidence of title(u the property except>uclr as are in lire posse>sio I or cu111,01 of Vendor. Vendor agrees that•ii requested by the Purchaser,he will dcliscr any sketch or survey of the Property in his poaession or within his control to Purchawr as soma as pomible and prior to Ole last day allnsycd fur examining title.In lbc event that a discharge or arty mortgage or charge held by a corporation incorporated Pursuant In the Loan C'otthpemia Art (Canadal,Chancrcd Bank.Trust Cltlnhp)aiiy,Crcdi(Union ter Insurance Company and which is not to be a♦xmtled by the Pmchascrmh completion,P tar a\'allable in registrable Inrol on completion,the Purchaseragrees to accept the Vendor's solicitors persrnal undertaking an obtain,out of the closing funds,a discharge or cessation of charge in rcgislrhble form and to register same on title within a reasonable period of time ariv,completion,provided(bat no or Mon:completion the Vendor shall provide to the Purchaser a nunngage statement prepared by the mortgagee setting out the balance required to obtain the discharge•together with a direction executeJ by the Vendor directing payment to Ore mortgagee, of the amount required to obtain the discharge out of Ole balance due on completion. ' 11. All buildings on Ole Properly and all other things being purchased.shall he and remain until cungdetion a((he risk of Vendor.feuding completion,Vendor shall hold:dl insurancc policies•if any and the Proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their interests may appearand in the even of substantial damage.Purchaser mac either terminate this Agreement and have all monies 11wretofor paid remnhed wilhuul interest or deduction tar ehe take the proceeds of any innnance and complete the purchaw.No immance shall le lr mlerred on completion.If Vendors taking back a mortgage or a charge.tar Purchawr is m%unlimg a mortgage or a charge,Purchaser shall supply Vendor with reasonable evidence ill' adequate insurance to protect the Vendor's or otter mortgagee's interest tan completion. 12. Provided that this Agreement shall be effective to create an interest in the property mdy if One suhxlivisiun control precisions of The Planing Act are complied N ith by Vendor tan or before compicllon and Vendor hereby covenants to proceed dfligenty;}a}�nR6 a•a ease r ubutin any necess;nn•cunecnt o I or beiure completion. 11. Purchaser shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with Ole unwunitlf 7uy�,��fiSf MRFAccessary for Purchaser m pay to the Minister of National Res cone In order to satisfy Purchaser's liabilly in respect or tax payable by Vendor under(Ile nonresidency provisions of the Intone Tax Act by reason of this ;le.Purchaser shall not Bann such credit if Vendor delivers on completion the prescribed certificate or his slam Wry deehral ion than Inc is not file"a ran•rvsident of Canada. Id. Any rents,mortgage interest,really taxes including ItKal iugvocement rates and unowicrc•d public tar private utility charges and umnclewd cast of fuel,as applicable shall IV apportioned and allowed to the duy of completion,the day of completion ilsclf to he apportioned to Purchawr. p�,���Y-�� 1- IS. The Transfer/Decd shall,save for the land Transfer Tax Affidavit,be prepared in registrable Ilvm at the expense% and any it agage or charge w Ile given back by One Purchaser to the Vendor al the expense of the Purchaser.If requested by Purchaser.Vendor covenants that the Transfer/Deed h,le delivered on completion shall contain the statements contemplated by Clauses 49(21 ai(a).(M1)and let of line Planning Act.1981. 16. Time shall in all respocts be of the essence hereof provided that the little for doing or completing of troy mailer provided for herein may Ie cstcndcd or ahndgcd by an agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective solicitors who may be specifically autorized in that regard. 17. Any lender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their«spectice solicitors on the day se(for cunpletimn of this Agreement.Money ill;,) be tendered by bank draft rrcheque certified by a Chancrcd Batik.Trust Company.Province or Ontario Savings Office.Credit Union or Canso Populace. 18. THE VENDOR 1VARRANT'S THAT SPOUSAL CONSENT IS NOT NECESSARY T'O'HIS TW(\SACTION UNDER TlIE 1'i(OCISIONS()F'1'HE FAMILY 1.,%W ACT,1986,UNLESS THE VENDOR'S SPOUSE IIAS Ex ECUTED T'IIF.CONSENT I IEREIN,x FI'Eit PROl'I DEU. 19. The Vendor represents and warrants to the Purchaser that during the time lite Vendor has oN•ned line properly.the Vendor has not caused any building on the prnpcny W tic insulated with insulation containing ureafomnaldehyde,and that to the best or Ole Vendor's knowledge no building nth the Property contains insulation that contains unafunnalelp Je.Thi. warranty shall survive and not merge on(he cnnpiction of this transaction,and if the M1uilJing is pan u(a tuuiliple unit budding,tus Nananly shall unlp apply la(h.n part of le building which is the subject of this transaction. 20, TIIE PURCHASER IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A CONSUMER Rla'ORT C'ONTAININC CREDIT ,1Nl)/Ol( PERSONAl, INFORMATION MAY [IF. I(FFERRED TO IN CONNF,CI'ION 1VIT1 1 THIS TRANSAC-FION. 21. The Vendor hereby appoints the Listing Broker his Agen(fur tine purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant W Ibis AgrevoV,v ' 22. if there is conflict between any provision written or Iy'ped in this Agreement(including any Schedule to this Agrcementi and any In",isinn I the printed portion heranL the"'awn or(yped provision shall supersede(be printed provision to the cxtem of such cunOicl.This Agreement including any Schedules attached herctu,shall cuns(iute the entire Agres•ment between the Purchaser and Vendor.There is no representation,warranty collateral agrecown(orcondition.whether direct or collateral or expressed or implied.Which induced any party hereto(o enter Into this Agreement or on which reliance is placed by any,such party or which alfcets this Agreement or Ohs property'or suploned hereby,other than as expressed herein.This Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by(he context. 23. If this transaction is subject to Goods and Services Tax(G.S.T.)then such G.S.T.shall be in addition to and not included in the purchase price.and G.S.T.shall Ix collected and remitted in accordance with applicable legislation.If this transaction is nut subject to G.S.T.,tic Vendor agrees to provide tan or Feline closine to the Purchaser tar I'ureh:ner's solicitor a certificate in the form prescribed by the applicable legislation(if so prescribed.or otherwise in a form reasonably xuislactop'W(he Puncheon or I'uiellawr's suhcihr t certiryfng tlmt the oars nclion is not subject to G.S.T.-G.S.T."means the tax vonunmty rcferrcd to as the"Goods and Sen•ices'fa s" nnemplmeJ try Hill CGo2,'fblid 1te I April 10,1990,of(he Parlir meal of Canada,or as may be subsequently enacted into law. �� mpg DATED al this_._ _Jay W -- 19 SIGNED,SEALED AND \ IN WIT;NESS whercuf I bare uereunto set Ili)ha ;ta nd d seal: / DELIVERED in the presence of: DATE _ .._. DATE >dx'x'w147cfcmXxx�� ae�o��e>xMwxaaixxawxxaEVCxaaxxiwxax�wxxc6xu(plxxtwwa�amcca x�1wzF•xxxhxaEwx xxacae��cx�slwiwxxxaxxxcEax xxpwK wwwx sox xaxx x gt�xxxAaxx4vMOtl(R1Rk�ox(xiKNku( XKrmx14XP mxxkc`(txr�hwwyxCsa�NOy�Cx� xx��kx,wxWilU�(;tttA'ilwCC4xaJ�(xx's4IXONfM1X Gtxk'DwbcNx,ucx.�YtJx'.x }(�K sEhcsQ)CxxdixxucROOxvaxsfnxNxraDC•wwxalc�cv;�cxsvl�ucxa,sex:cxxa�xyxa��mc;�>Naxxwxwr�,).•.wxtcx DATED at COURTICE, ONTARIO ?-`�_— SEPTEMBER SIGNED,SEALED AND IN WITNESS whercuf I have be enoto set my h:utJ and seal: UIiLIVEREU in Utc presence ill: n7 UAIL_ The undersigned Spouse of the Vendor hereby consents to the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to Ute Provisions of The Family Lain Act,1980. Ili consideration of the sum of One Dollar(SI.(N)),the receipt of which front(he Purchaser is hereby acknowledged,me undersigned Spouse of'tile Vendor hereby agrees with Ole Purchaser ilia(he/she will execute all necessary or incidental documents fe give full force and effect W Ihn sale evidenced herein. DATA: ,ss,u ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of(his accepted AercemrnI of Purchase and i acknnscleJge receipt of ny .ened copy of Ibis accepted Agreement in I'urc•h:oc ad S;Ile and I authorize(he Agent to forward a copy to my solicitor. Sale and I aehorite the Agent to lorvard a Copy to illy solicitor. DATE ADDRESS 'iliLfa'HONE NO. 'I LLEI'I ZUNI:NO.._.__.__. \`IiNUUIi'S SOLICITOR PURCHASE SULICITR U ADDRESS ADDRESS. I ELEN ZONE NU. '1'hl_IiI'IIONL NU. Nunn Nn.I01 Itt"HI Gd08 3>10 I i t o r 0 1. I II '1 0 o , 20.00 m w - . N I I •O� �B o �b ,,i 1 i cu r , Z ; i N I , O cq e O to at i Y4 - r o ' SCHEDULE "B" ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE' REALTOR REALTOR mxcx^xux .m~to^.'front vswuon WILLIAM SIMON CLARENCE PENFOUND AND MARIEA �_E���U�l--__- ' - .^rouviiVendoi', AGENT~ NO AGENT ���-_-_-_----- ---'__---' *m" IM OF CLARINGTDN IN THE RMTON of DURHAM -- and having"frontage m 162.84 METERS �°°»"*"*p^� .92'ME%�K�.,Iiv­and d,,c,iK-^,` PART OF FM 2, PIAN JM 3611 tit,11CRCHASE Ilk ICI,v, 1. Purchas r submits with this offer NO 610S T� Dollars IS-------- payable!o the` ��*"�� Listing . to be-held.'him- pending-_.completion----__---fill,'°_`-and~..~~._~.~.~~~.~~ 2. Purchaser agrees°pay the balance of the purchase price in cash or by certified cheque to the Vendor on the closing date. The property being purchased and sold herein is known as the south east corner of Prexton,eIe """" and ""u ^vuu and is a long and narrow rectangular parcel of land at the western frontage of the above legally described property and consists of u total area content of 1026.8 square meters (.2537299 acres) + or - and is more yactioularIy illustrated by the highlighted area of the attached copy of yluo for road widening marked ''Paccel 8''. The Purchaser agrees to pay all of the legal' surveying, landscaping and/or any other associated costs involved in or with the transaction and development of the property. The Purchaser and Vendor both agree that the transaction can be completed at any time prior to the closing date net out in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale. � ` / Purchaser and Vendor agree that all existing fixtures are included Ili�purchase price except those listed hereunder and that the following chattels are included*the purchase 1"" ---_—' . 4. �Kjn°es 19 94 -,after which(&,apf accepted.(hisOffershall be null and%odandthed,pwa Owl be cturn,dto Vurch-c, ah,ut ord'd-o"', S. This Agreement shall be completed on the Z� daN f AUGUST= 1994 Upi coollAct I.,.1cant po"e"""i of the property shall be given to Purchaser unless otherwise provided a's follows: 6. Purchaser shall be allowed until 4:59 p.m.on the ,3� 3'-f 7z of. expense to satisfy himself(hat there are no outstandinil work orders anU ig the � 7. Provided that the title the property u good and free from all restrictions,charges.liens.claim�and=��.^~eln=^em.,c=°,��ded°�`+�=,work orders or dcliciencv and save and except for: (a)any registered restrictions or covenants that run I,hit the land.pro\ided that such are complied�ith: (b)any registered agreements with a municipality or a supplier of utility service including,"ithout limitation.'I'Clilcm.is wer,1�1 aVe.gas.telephone or e�blc telo kion or o(he, It I ecommunication service.providing such have been complied ,ah or security has been posted to ensure compliance',nd compleflon as c\idonced b\letter from the relevant municipality or utility supplier;and (c)any minor easements for the supply of utility service to the profpcn�or It)adjacent properlic,. If within(he time for examining the title any valid objection ill title.or any outstanding work order or deficienev notice,or to(lie fact that file­J present use Inns let lu,lnllv be continued, not be insure4QWM)0Q0X0�K is trade tit m riling to Vendor"'Vendor*�solicitor,%s hich Vendor is unable of utm 11fing to rcrn"',e. remedy or satisfy,and which Purchaser will no(waive.this Agreement.notwithstanding ail),ultemlediale I'lianon,ill of such object 1, and Vendor vx4o)(W XX bal uct''it net' hall Ile al an vnd,and made within such time,and except for an),objection going to(he rcot of title,Purchaser%hall be not be li,tille for an\com,or'Linia"e"sa,­,Ill all\,valid objection it di,enwd I,)have accepted v,ndu title I,(Ile pt,,, Vendo,h,rcbN conse is to(he municipality releasing to Purchaser details of all ou(siandin conclusivck ,urc=�°m"°xm" =m�"�=mm�.'^",m*^=mm°m"�` ""/��."�/'�,"/��-'e ---~-''--'`.and- '-'~~~~~~~~ and�"=° x. '=��= �vm,"wun^°""w that upon xmXx=°,/ng this Offer.lIv°shall lie"wnd* ^ Vendor and Purchaser agree that(here*no condition,express or implied,representation�����kind thit file future inlend,cl use°��,rt�* "'ll 10. Purchaser shall not call for the production of'an)title deed,abstract.surwy or other evidence of title to the property e\eept wch a%are in the pe„e„loo or control of Vendor Vendor agrees that,if requested by the Purchaser.he will dell\cr any%ketc'h or sur\"c)'of the pmpe•n)In his ptlu.•,,,mh or Nithio III,c"Illo+l to i,lleha,ef a,won a%1--ible and prior to the last day allowed for examining tide.In the cent that a discharge of anv mortgage or charge held by a corporation incurporned pur.uaw to the Loan C oinlxanie%Act (Canada).Chartered Bank,Trust Company.Credil Union or Insurance Company and which is not to be assumed b)file Purchaser on completion,i,not:%ailable ul regl,trahle loom on completion,the Purchaser agrees to accept the Vendor's wlicitor's Personal undertaking to obtain,out of the closing fund.,a discharge tit ee„atiun"f charge in regi,trable t w on and to register same on title within a reasonable Period of time after completion,provided(flat en or beloo,completion the Vendor,hall pros ide to the Purchaser a n,ortgaee statement prepared by the mongaece setting out the balance required w obtain the discharge.togedier with a direction e\ecured M the Vendor doc,ime pa)nient m the moneavee. of(he unhount required w obtain the discharge out of the balance due nn auuple(iu i. 11. All buildings on the property and all other thing,being purchased,hall le and remain will annplclon a(We risk of Vendor.ll-dolp...... nn,.Vendel,Ball I„dd all unur.uiee policies,Pr any,and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties a,(heir intare,l,,,a)appear and in N,cant of,uh,tantial damage.I'urehaoc,ma)vale,(vei le lo,Av,eemcm and have all monies theretoror paid returned without interem or Jeduclon art c1,,take the pn,reed,.l ail)utsuroice and cenmlew the pa”h.— \„unwau,\.hail le 11'a"I "d on completion.If Vendor is taking back a mortgage or a charge,or Porch.,.er is as,ummg a moneape„r a charge.I'mcha,er,hall supply\codel•ooh......n,..Me e,iJeoce•of adequate insurance to protect the Vendor's or other nwrtgugee',imcre,t on completion. 12. Provided that this Agreement shall be effective to create an interest in the proprrt)only if the,uhJl\pion conool pn..n,on,of The I'Lmnln \,I.,le aim(+hcd N nl,h)\'end„r„❑ or before completion and Vendor hereby covenants to proceed diligvm�}}h;,at y,XvsPe,..,,n{{..,,,e h)"bowl.m)nee”""l c„n,cnt en.,r hchac eengdruOm 13. Purchaser shall be credited towards the Purchase Price N ilh the amdohted R,l�.r\rflyitt�lSt�ti lltSt-nece,,;m ft,,I'uich.—r to pan to tile Nhn.,tc,O•I\.d nn,.d Rv\enue tit Older to satisfy Purchaser's liabilty in respect of lax payable b)Vender under the uon•lesidenc)pro,nom,m(he income 1':n Act M re-oci of till,.;lie.1'urcu.nrr,h.dI n,u,Lom w,1,credit il'Vendordelivers on completion the prescribed ecr icate or Ili%%latuhtr)dedaration that he 1,not then a n,nrrc,ukm..I('ama,l;, IJ. Any rents,mortgage interest,realty taxes including local imprtHCnfFnt rlv,and unmvtvred public or pm,lte utility(large,Mid u'llim 'd;oil.a fuel.a,.;1111—d1lc.,IlAl he apportioned and allowed to the day orcompletion,the da)of completion itself h+be•.1pporti,mad h,Purchaser P jaser I5, The Transfer/13"d shall,save for the Lund Transfer Tax Aldae n,by prepared in registrable hum at the r,pcmc o �C and am m„rtc.,ee,a oh.,,•e a.lac,,,eu h.,ck h.liar Purchaser to the Vendor at the expense of the Purchaser.11'requested b)Purchaser.Vendor coee•namt,that the Transfer Deed h,IV dvinalvJ on ca,nplruen.hall eoncnn the statements contemplated by Clauses•i9(21a1(a),(b)and let of The Plannine Act.1983. 16. Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof pro%ided that the time for doing or cunhP,lctme of:m)matter pro,idled for herew n,.,)be r\Irmiv,:or abnd"cd h).m agreement an writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective wlia(urs N ho ma)be epecilicall)authonn•J m that regard. 17. Any tender of documens or money hereunder ma)be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their re,pective%ohotor on(n•Jay,el Ibr eunlP+lru.m„i Uus Agrccna•m \lout)nice) be tendered by bank draft orcheque certified by a Chartered Bank.Trust Company.Pro\ince of Ontariu Sa\ins,Otlice.Credit Unmit or C..-e p„I+uh,he 18. THE VENDOR WARRANTS THAT SPOUSAL CONSENT IS NOT NECESSARY TO THIS TRAsSACTION UNDER THE PROVIsiom OF THF.rAMI1.1'LA1\' ACT,1986,UNLESSTHE VENDOR'S SPOUSE HAS EXECUTED THE CONSENT HEREINAF'T'ER PROVIDED. 19. The Vendor represents and warrants to the Purchaser that during the time the Vendor has oN tied(lie profle,t).the\'ender ha,not caused-oh)hml.lmg m the pogvnrt m he•unulmed with insulation containing ureaformaWehyde,and that to the bust of the Vendor',knuNiedge nu huddlne un the pnq+rrn comae„ao,ol.onm 111A,"mall„mc.,Iennaleh)dr 'I'h„ warranty shall survive and not merge on the completion or this i1misac1 and if the butlJmg h,pawl,+t.,mutuple taut Iwddule.tit,,,,.u,an,\,hall ooh.,ppl)h,that p..o..I tit, building which is the subject of this transaction. 20. THE PURCHASER IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A CONSUMER REPORT C'ONTAISIN(; C'REDI'T' AND/OR PERSONAI. INFORMATION \1A)* BE REFERRED TO IN CONNECTION WITH THIS TRANSACTION. 21. The Vendor hereby appoints the Listing Broker his Agent for the purpow of gt%ing and tecev.ine nohecs pursuant u,thi,Agreement 22. If there is conflict between any provision written or 1)ped in this Agreement lincluding an)'Schedule to(h„Agrcenenu and an,pro.firm,u,the pooled 1nnu,m hereof.the mwo or typed provision shall supersede the printed provision to the extent of such conflict.This Agreement including an)Schedule.alWhcd hereto..hall comt"ule the entue Aereemc,it between the Purchaser and Vendor.There is no representation.Narrant).collateral agreement or condition.N Nether Juccl or c,dl:ncr.d ea e\pws,rd or mql l•J..,had,uWueed nth\ party hereto to enter into this Agreement or on which reliance is placed b am such pan).or Nhich affect,Oda,Agreement or(ha pnq,vrt}er,upin,ncd hereto.other than expressed herein.This Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender'or number required b)the conte\t. 23. If this transaction is subject to Goods and Services Tax(G.S.T.I then such G.S.T.shall be in addition to and nut mcludcd in the pal:h:„e lv, . 11O,(i S I ,hali 1, ..lid remitted in accordance with applicable legislation.If this transaction is not subject to G.S.T..(he Vendor agree,ro pre,ide on or Imh+re•0—nw-to Ili,I'urch;nrr,.r Pwcna,v', solicitor a certificate in the form prescribed by(he applicable legislation(if so prescribed,or other\,ise in a form reanonahl),atiq,a hw 1,the 1'urch.nr,or Pulch.ncr',,ohcner, certifying that the transaction is not subject to G.S.T."QS.T.-means the tax cumnwnh reloried to a,the"G,wds and Scn ice,1;,\”a,mempLaled h)Bdl C-W. I had Roadulc April 10,1990,of the Parli:nent of Canada,or as may be%ubsequenth enacted into law. DATED at (his ---des”of SIGNED.SEALED AND > IN WITNESS N hereof 1 lia,e nervun(o set ni\h.mJ.lad,c:J DELIVERED in the presence of: .w„MOs -- -------- �DA IT h@ x9C44tQ4L9FitD'IXh2aX7C7 C4C)fJ�(S Y7C•4VdCJpCSCk\9CtxK9Ct(7JXFQICcXxXhx'Dtc}ixh'714C'#(92r3iX\X 1(7C}('kNSCX7CPS7Fx7Y7(}!'1C X'r'lictl?Ca R?i''C`?.'x'x\"),'7(,T1#19C X9( xk>#aoox)DJCDUXOGK9COOXJCICK D OkDYXixOQPCQCkdCOCXIXO(OCWJ(XxbCJCD4iCJPk 7CkXIXJOK XSX X9C13C XSQriC7C')Q7i+Aa?iJ6D6X'XOI:H XD(s\Qx9(IPtiaxDt'DG'h000000X X X'mmx�asaa x CX�ex�ox R�tkye�( tt x*y xxs�lrxhtx>�xrFxx�cx xxK�P�cx Kxxl�xl�x�l�x�cx)rxnfop>�F xlrx�kv:xxxacxx.rr xxxxxxxN Av— }tlt�C R7°RSfX�C�c7 eXxlC9ex�y<xxlexsclrAxxxxx�(x•Xxx )EStfix txl(k x�cxxxXX�tTmx DATED a COURTICE OPTPARIO___-- SE,PTEI`113ER r, 93 SIGNED.SEALED AND IN N'1-L'NESS\\ll--t I ha\c hncmno DELIVERED in the prey ce of _ ��/ear. The undersigned Spouse of the Vendor hereby consents to me disposition e\idenccd herein pur—tit to the pro\„tun, )l The Pamir)Lau Act.Nm, In consideration of the sum of One Dollar($1.00),the receipt of Nnieh from the Purchaser n hereby aekno,Woe•d,the undenicned •Speu.c,•i li,c\ender hereto.icier, ,.In the Purchaser that he/she will execute all necessury or incidental documents to else full force and effect le Ihr idvnn•J hen•in. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipt of my sicned cop%of this accepted.Agreement of Purchase and I ackn,)Medge recr,pt of ni) igilco e',q„„1 tun.,.epee(A,,—iiert Sale and I authorize the Agen(to forward a cop)to m),"Neils. SA..:nd I:mthonec tie Agent to G,r\,:n „,p,m nr.-1-tor --- DATE.-- ADDRESS_ ,1D1)It IiSS TELEPHONE N0._ 'IIiLP.PI VEN'DOR'S SOLICITOR ADDRESS ------------ AUUIt IiSS 1l.I.LI'I f(/NI'.\a) roan No.101 Ili 4,1 � � A Q, I L4 SOUTH LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION PHASE 2 Il z' I � 1 `1 • 1 I y O 1 (ulO I ~ I Q 08 Z bD I' ICI I, � I N , co t QO t p I ca I I cA 00 I N ,Il ' p I i 10.0— 0-- >I00-78 • ' II N— >E� p 1 Ny t qq m -v Nom D co OD NI Q \� ..