HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-156 s r THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 93- 156 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Winvalley Contracting, Whitby, Ontario, in respect of the Construction of a Salt Shed. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Winvalley Contracting and said Corporation. 2 . THAT this agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 12th day of October, 1993 . By law read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of October, 1993 . M yon Clerk CONTENTS AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR DEFINITIONS GENERALCONDITIONS OFTHE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT GC NO. General 1 Documents 2 Additional Instructions 3 Consultant 4 Delays Ownees Right to Perform Work or Stop 5 the Work or TeM Stop the Work or . Conuactoes Rig g Terminate Contract 7 Disputes g Assignment 9 other Conrractcrs 10 Subcontractors Changes 11 changes in the Work Valuation and Certification of Changes 12 in the Work Payment 13 Applications for Payment 14 r Certificates and Payments l The Canadian Construction Documents Committee is Goyem"sr►g Regulations 15 joint Committee Composed of representatives aPPo Taxes and Duties 16 by: laws.Notices.Permits and Fees 17 Patent Fees 18 The Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada Workers•Compensation insurance The Canadian Construction Association insurance,pratectiors and Damages The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers 19 Constriction Specifications Canada Indemnification 20 The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Insurance 21 protection of Work and Property 22 Committee policy and proved ures are directed and ap- Damages and Mutual ResponsibiCty proved by the constituent asSociatiOns. Performance Protection 23 bonds 24 This document has been endorsed by each of the above Warranty organizations. Execution of the Work Enquiries should be directed to: Contractor's Responsibilities and Control 25 of the Work 26 The Secretary. Superintendence 27 Labour and Products 28 Canadian Construction Documents Committee. Subsurface Conditions 85 Albert Street, Use of the Work 30.. Ottawa,Ontario,Canada KIP 6A4. Cleanup and Final Cleaning of the Work 31 Cutting and Remedial Work 32 inspection of the Work 33 Rejected Work 34 Shop Drawings t' Copyright 1982 Allowances 35 CCDC Copyr g Cash Allowances 36 Must not be copied in whole or in part without the written Contingency Allowance permission of the CCDC. Standard Construction Document -CCDC2 1982 AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR for use when s stipulated Prics forma tha basis of peymant and fae used only with the Generat Cbrtditions of tha Stipulated PriCe Contract. October , •„ 13th . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .... . .. de on the - . .. .' . . . . .. This Agreement ma ... . . . . ninety-three . . ..... .... . . ... . . . . .. . _ .. . . In the year nineteen hundred and. ••• • • • •• • by and between Municipality of Clarington .. .. . .._.The Corporation of the hereinafter called the"Owner" and . . . . . - . . . . .. . . . . . ... ..... . . .Winvalley Contracting. . . .... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . hereinafter called the"Contractor" witnesses:that the parties agree as follows ARTICLE A-1 THE WORK The Contractor shall: Salt_Shed NW93-31 - Construction. of .. . (S) perform the Work required by the Contract Documents for . .. ... . . • .(,A�t her@ the dr/e Of the work and the Al&ctl which have been signed by the parties,and which were prepared by •.- -• • •••• • •• - acting as and hereinafter called the"Consultant"and (b) do and fulfill everything indicated by this Agreement,and ... ..clay of . . . .... .. . . . . . . ... .19_...and attain Substantial (a) commence the Work by the..... . :. . • • 3 October . . . . . 1St •day of -- Performance of the Work.a$certified by the Consultant,by the. . . . . .. . . . . . ... . ARTICLE A-2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The following is an muctIst of the Contract Documents referred to in Artide A•7 of this Agreement and'.sions of the hem 2 of DEFINITIONS.This w is subject to subsequent amendments in accordance with the in .Temu used in the Contract pocuments which are defined in the Contract and agreed upon between the parties attached OEFINMONS shall have the meanMs designated in those DEFINITIONS. Insert here,attaching�addislonal pages If required,a rat the Contract Documents Incluo"rng:The Agree- here, moms. �� drawlrVs.g�vrng drawing number, tide, date. rent~ Genera!Cand 60fM Supplementary Coed.. �n a /ist of contents with section numbers and tides, number of r,�on date or rmrk and spec#kad0fM 9 g a fist f cOn a the Contract Locuments.l pages,end dare or revision marks.Clearly Identify SUppTj=NTa y CONDITIONS — 1982 are The General. Conditions of the Stipulated Price Contract CCDC 2 hereby amended as follows: GC 1 DOCUMENTS 1.1 Change "duplicate" to read "triplicate" e sub-paragraph (e) to read (f) . 1.6 age sub-paragraph (f) to read (g) - Add the following new sub-paragraph: Specifications shall govern over other (e) Division 1 of the Spec Divisions of the Specifications GC 3 CONSULTANT read "Owner" for Items 3.1, _ 3.21 3.3, 3.41 3.5, 3.8, 3.11 and 312, Consultant. GC 7 DISPUTES 7.5 Change to read: submitted tes not resolved as outlined in paragraph 7.1 shall be Arbitration Dispu to arbitration in accordance with, the provisions of the Arbitration Act of Ontario. GC 12 vAI,U�,TION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK Add the following new paragraph: e changes in the work are to be established y cost and a N 12.7 Weer g rcentage percentage fee the following Pe The Contractor shall be entitled to e he -up for combined overhead and p �a) profit. of 15% on work h performs- b Sub-contractors shall be entitled heaperforup for combined ( ) overhead and profit of 10% on work (c) The Contractor shall be � on to a tradCtors . overhead and. profit of 5 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS (Continued) GC 14 CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENTS 14.2 Change -five- (_9) " to read "thirty (30) " • 14.7 Change "five (5) " to read 'thirty (30) " • 14.12 Delete in its entirety. GC 19 INDEMNIFICATION 19.1 Delete subsection (c) and the sentence immediately following. 19.2 Delete GC 23 BONDS ' Change paragraph 23.1 to read: promptly provide and pay for a Performance Bond The Contractor shall p performance in the amount of 100% -of the Contract Price covering the pe of the Contract including the requirements of GC 24 WARRANTY• Renumber paragraph 23.2 as paragraph 23.3 Add as paragraph 23.2 The Contractor shall also promptly provide and pay for a Labour and Material Payment Bond in the amount of 100 of 'the "Contract Price. GC 25 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONTROL OF THE WORK Add the following new paragraphs 25.7 The Contractor shall be deemed to .have fully examined the site prior to submitting his price and to have noted the surroundings and all local conditions as they may affect the work. Except as provided under GC 28 "Subsurface Conditions" no additonal compensation will be allowed. for extra costs the Contractor incurs as a result °visit conditions that could reasonably have been observed during s to the site. ARTICLE A-3 CONTRACT PRICE Thirty= - Five usa Thond ,and,Three HuQQred.and..Fifty.Eight. dol.l-ars - 7�eContractPriceis ..---• •-- d.fift�en-cuts.. ..... . .. . .. .... ...dollars $35,358.15 . )in Canadian funds, which price shall be subject to adjustments as may be 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . required in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. ARTICt.E A-d PAYMENT of the Contract and in accordance with (a) Subject to applicable legislation and the prov holdback percentages and. where such legislation or regula- tegisiation and statutory regulations respecting —percent t ten %). bons do not exist or apply.subject to a holdback of f the Owner shall: (1) make monthly payments in Canadian�f ndss tobthe te��ru a?°�account a{ the Contract Price. The amounts of such payments shall be as (2) upon Substantial Performance of the Work as certified by the Consultant pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of holdback monies then due,and (3) upon Total Performance of the Work as certified'by the Consultant pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the Contract Price then due. the event of toss or damage occuring where payment becomes due under the property and boiler insurance (b) 'in . the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of GC 20 -- poriCies, payments shall be made to INSURANCE. or (c) tf the Owner fails to make payments to the Contractor as they become due under { e terms of this Conir%)per in an award by arbitration or court, interest of annum on such unpaid amounts shall also become due and payable until payment. Such interest shall be calculated and added to any unpaid amounts m Y ARTICLE AS RIGHTS AND aEMED1ES (a) The duties and obligations imposed by the ion c�aoY duties obligations,rights ighs and remedies available thereunder shaft be in addition to and not a limitation imposed or available by law. (b) No action or failure to act by the Owner, Consultant or Contractor shall Constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract,nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach thereunder,except as may be specifically agreed in writing. 3 CC13C 2— 1982 File 00510 -ARTICI.E A-6 RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES Communications in writing between the parties or between them and the Consultant.shall be considered to have of the been received by the addressee on the date of delivery if delivered by hand to the Individual oto a member have been firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom they are intended or if sent by post by telegram. delivered within five(5)working days of the date of mailing, dispatch or of delivery to the telegraph company when addressed as follows: The Owner at. .. .. . 40 ,Temperance Street. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . ..... . ... . .. .. . . ... . .. .... .. . . . ... ••. • • streerendnumberenri Postal box number epplieable Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 ..••....... . ....... . .'' ..• ..•. ... . .. .. . • • .. . •...... ... . .._post affnv or dl fkt province,Postal code at 11 Valley Court . . . . . . . . .... . . .. • . .. .. . ..--- ---. . . .. .. .... .. . . .. The Contractor , . . .. . . . .. . • •• . . • wte ndnwnber.ndoosrwboxnumberif.PPkeb Whitby, Ontario L1N 3H4 ., . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .• .. .• . . • . . . • • • •• • • • . . . . . • • • . . . .. . . . ..post office or district,Province.Postal code The Consultant at . . .. ...... ...... .. . . . .. ... . .'. . .. . . .... _: . . .e.. ....• -�ostalboxnumberifepplicable Street and nuMbCNnd p .. ... ... .. ... ... ......... .. ..... . .... . . . . . . ... ... . .... . .• - Post office,ordis&kt Province,postal code ARTICLE A-7 LAW OF THE CONTRACT The law of the Place of the Work shall govern the interpretation of the Contract. ARTICLE A-$ LANGUAGE OF THE CONTRACT When the Contract Documents are prepared in both the English and French languages. �l reed that in the language shall event of any apparent discrepancy between the English and French versions, the French prevail. This Agreement is drawn to F,ng lish at the request of all parties hereto; ce marches est r6dig6 en anglais b la demande de touter If-'s parries- •Coln A lere this statement by striking out inapplicable term if the Contract Documents have been prepared and issued in both offF ivl languages of Canada_ CCnC 2—1qV r-'(000510 a ARTICLE A-9 SUCCESSION -The General Conditions of the Stipulated Price Contrahereto and the whole shat constitute othe Contract rbei bocuments- are to be read into and form part of this tween the pardes and subject to law and the provisionirOfleh a1Canrepresentatives, Lessors and assigns.benefit of and upon the parties hereto,their respective h 9 be binding P In witness whereof the parties hereto have execufed;thAgreement under their respective corporate seals and Y by the hands of their proper officers thereunto duly authorized. SIGNED. SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: OWNE4t The Corporation of the Municipalityry -of•Elaringt-ors.. . . .. .. .. ... . . nerve Aad riare . . . ... .. . . . .. ........ .... .... . .. ... ... ... . . .. VMA&Ss slynar n ... Ack name and tide name and dde CONTRACTOR .Winvalley.Contracting .. . .. . } sigr,eurre . name and ride . .......... .. . .. . . . . ........... ... ... ..• - wrUfass• rignarur! ., . .... . .. .. . ... . . ....... . . . .... ....... . . ... . .. . nama and tide f11fm ar►d dde N.B.Where legal jurisdiction,local practice,or Owner or Contractor requirement calls for proof of authority son x of C ecute this document, Proof of such authority in the form r a certified copy h a resolution ation of Partnership.Parties persons in question as authori2ed to sign the Agreement for and on behalf of the corporation to this Agreement,should be attached. Staoda,d Construction Docurnent — CCDC 2—1982 DEFINITIONS The following Definitions shall apply to all Contract Documents. The Contract 4 The Contract Documents form the Contract. The,Contract is the undertaking by the parties to perform their respective duties, responsibilities and obligations as prescribed in the Contract Documents and. represents the entire agreement between the parties. The Contract supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements,either written or oral,including the bidding documents.The Contract may be amended only as provided in the General Conditions of the Contract. 2. Contract Documents The Contract Documents consist of the executed Agreement between the Owner and Contractor, the General Conditions of the Contract, Supplementary Conditions, Definitions, specifications.drawings and such other documents as are listed in Article.A-2 — CONTRACT DOCUMENTS including amendments thereto incorporated before Contract of upon Contract and subsequent art emmendments thereto made pur- suant tot e provisions 3. Owner The Owner_is the.person, firm or corporation identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. The term Owner means the Owner or his authorized agent or representative as design"ated to the Contractor in writing but does not include the Consultant. a. Consultant The Consultant is the person, firm or corporation identified as such in the Agreement, and is r Architect or Engineer licensed to practice in the province or territory of the Place of the Work, and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. 5. Contractor The Contractor is the person, firm or corporation identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as i singular in nu as designated masculine the Ow gender.wh ling. Contrac- tor means the Contractor or his author 6. Subcontractor ith A Subcontractor is a person,firm or corpproducts work d to at special design taccordi g tor the pCont act part or parts of the Work, or to supp y P orked.The term Subcontrac- Documents,but does not include one who merely supp lies products not so w for is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. 7. The Project The Project means the total construction contemplated of which the Work may be the whole or a part. 8. The Work ion and related services required by the Contract Documents. The Work means the total construct 9. Products Products means material, machinery, equipment and fixtures forming the Work but does not include ection of the Work and nor- machinery and equipment.used for preparation, fabrication, conveying and er malty referred to as construction machinery and equipment. 10. Other Contractor firm or corporation employed by or having a separate contract directly Other Contractor means a person, or indirectly with the Owner for work other than that required by the Contract Documents. 1 11. Place of the Work The Place of the Work is the designated site or location of the Project of which the Work may be the whole Of a part. CCOC 2 — 12. Time (a) The Contract Time is the time stipulated in the Contract Documents for Substantial Performance of the Work. (b) The date of Substantial Performance of the Work is the date certified as such by the Consultant. (c) Day means the calendar day. (d) Working day means days other than Saturdays, Sundays and holidays which are observed by the construction industry in the area of the Mace of the Work. 13. Substantial Performance of the Work Substantial Performance of the Work is as defined in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. If such legislation is not in force or does not contain such definition. Substantial Performance of the Work shaft have been reached when the Work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified by the Consultant. 14. Total Performance of the Work Total Performance of the Work means when the entire Work. except those items arising from the provi- sions of GC 24 — WARRANTY.has been performed to the requirements of the Contract Documents and is so certified by the Consultant. 15. Changes in the Work Changes in the Work.means additions, deletions, or other revisions to the Work within the general scope of the Contract. Standard Construction Document—CCDC 2— 1982 THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT (Hereinafter referred to as the General Conditions:) GC 1 DOCUMENTS 1,1 The Contact Documents shall be signed in duplicate by the Owner and the Contractor. 1.2 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by all. for the 1,3 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include the labour, products and services necessary docu Con- performance of the Work inaccordance work not orlsistent with, covered by r property r infe able from tractor shall supply products perform the Contract Documents. I A Words and abbreviations which have well known technical or trade meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. 1.5 References to the masculine or the singular shall be considered to include the feminine and the plural as the context requires- 1 ig In the event of conflicts between va Contract Documents m�I n though they may differ from dimensions shall(a) figured dimensions shown scaled on the same drawing, (b) drawings of larger scale shall govern over those of smaller scale of the same date, (c) specifications shalltgovern over drawings, (d) the General Conditions shall govern over specifications. (e) Supplementary Conditions shall govern over the General Conditions,and (f) the executed Agreement between the Owner and Contractor shall govern over all documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing,documents of later date shall always govern. 1.7 The Contractor shall be provided without charge with as many copies of the Contract Documents or parts thereof as are necessary for the performance of the Work. 1-8 The Contractor shall keep one copy of current Contract Documents and shop drawings at the Place of the Work,in good order and available to the Consultant and his representatives.This requirement shall not be considered to include the executed set of Contract Documents. d shall remain his 1.9 Drawings,specifications, models and copies thereof furnished bt to CConsultant a arty to this Contract- Such property with the exception of the signed contract sets belonging documents and models are to be used only with P n any manner without the wr tten rah thorn-iza- Such documents and models lion of the Consultant. t the Owner's expense are the property of the Owner. 1.10 Models furnished by the Contractor a GC2 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS . :.such ork the I instructions 2.1 During the progress of thecWDocum nits as ant be furn necessary for herperformance of 1the W rk Such to supplement the Contra instructions shall be consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. 2.2 Additional instructions may be in the form of specifications, drawings, samples, models or other written instructions. 2.3 Additional instructions will be issued by the Consultant with reasonable promptness and in accordance 1 with a schedule agreed upon for such instructions. GC3 CONSULTANT 3.1 The Consultant will provide administration of this Contract as described in the Contract Documents. 3,2 The Consultant will be the Owner's representative during construction and until completion of any correction of defects under the provisions of GC 24 — WARRANTY,paragraph 24.2,or until the issuance . of the certificate of Total Performance of the Work, whichever is later. The Owner's instructions to the Contractor shall be forwarded through the Consultant.The Consultant will have authority to act on behalt of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise modified by written agreement in accordance with paragraph 3.13. 3.3 The Consultant will not be responsible for'and will'not Have control or charge of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs required for the Work in accordance with the applicable construction safety legislation, other regulations or general con- struction practice. The Consultant will not be responsible for or have control or charge over the acts or omissions of the Contractor, his Subcontractors or their agents, employees or other persons performing any of the Work. 3.4 The Consultant will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the progress of construction to familiarize himself with the progress and quality of the Wf ork and to determine in general if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, the Consultant will not make exhaustive or con- tinuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. 3.5 Based on the Consultant's observations and his evaluation of the Contractor's applications for payment, the Consultant will determine the amounts owing to the Contractor under the Contract and will issue cer- tificates for payment in such amounts, as provided in Article A4 — PAYMENT and GC 14• —CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENTS. 3.6 The Consultant will be,in the first instance,the interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and the judge of the performance thereunder by both parties to the Contract.Interpretations and decisions of the Consultant shall be consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents and in making his deci- sions he will not show partiality to either party. 3.7 Claims, disputes and other matters in question relating to the performance of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents shall be referred initially to the Consultant in writing for decision which he will give in writing within a reasonable time. 3.8 The Consultant will have authority to reject work which in his opinion does not conform to the t requirements of the Contract Documents.Whenever he considers it necessary or advisable he will have authority to require special inspection or testing of work whether or not such work be then fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither the Consultant's authority to act nor any decision made by him either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Consul- tant to the Contractor, his Subcontractors,or their agents,employees or other persons performing any of the Work. 3.9 The Consultant will review and take appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as shop drawings,product data,and samples in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3.10 The Consultant will prepare change orders in accordance with the requirements of GC 11 — CHANGES IN THE WORK. 3.11 The Consultant will conduct inspections to determine the dates of Substantial Performance of the Work and Total Performance of the Work in accordance with the requirements of GC 14 — CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENTS. He will receive and review written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and provided by the Contractor and will forward such warranties and documents to the Owner for his acceptance. 3.12 If the Owner and the Consultant agree the Consultant will provide at the site one or more project representatives to assist the Consultant in carrying out his responsibilities.The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such project representatives shall be as set forth in writing to the Contractor. 3.13 The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Consultant as set forth in.the Contract Documents will not be modified or extended without the written consent of the Owner,the Contractor and the Consultant. 3.14 In the event of the termination of the employment of the Consultant, the Owner shall immediately appoint a Consultant to whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection and whose status under the Contract shall be that of the former Consultant. 3.15 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between-the ! Consultant and the Contractor, his Subcontractors, his suppliers, or their agents, employees or other per- sons performing any of the Work. GC4 DELAYS omission of the Owner, 4,1 It the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by an act or ' Consultant, Other Contractor.tract Documents, then employed oCon engaged act Time shall be extended for sulch reasonable the provisions of the \ time as the Consultant may decide in to by the Contractor he Cone the result of such delay.hall be reimburse I by the Owner for reasonable 4.2 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by a stop work order issued by a court or other public authority and providing that such h m directly or indirectly, henethe Contract Time shall the extended Contrac- tor such real employed engaged y _ for such reasonable time the the for reasonable,costs incurred consultation thetCont Contractor the result of such Contrac- tor shall be reimbursed Y delay. If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by tabour disputes, strikes, lock-outs 4.3 recognized contractors'association,of (including lock-outs decreed or recommended for its members by a recog which the Contractor is a member°ra,°�otf��'o Contractor m t to a y of the foregoing.by unusual delay by the common carriers r unavoidable th Contract ca Contractor's control,then the h the � extended for such reasonable time as the case shall the extension of time be less than the may decide in consultation with the time lost as the result of the event causing the delay, unless Ocosts incurred aextension he resultgofesuch delays Contractor.The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment unless such delays are as the result of actions by the Owner. f ter given to 4.4 No extension-shall be made for delay uness of delay, providing claim however,that in th case of a continuing fourteen(14)days after the commencement cause of delay only one notice of claim shall be necessary. - for delay 4.5 If no schedule is made under ns 2 — As until fourteen (14 INSTRUCTIONS. days after demand for such instructions ll has because of failure to fumish instructions been made and not then unless such claim is reasonable. 4..6 The Consultant will-not, except n t written notice to the Contractor, stop or delay the Work pending instructions or proposed changes GCS OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM WORK OR STOP.THE WOass.Ome TER h benefit oNcreditors 5.1 If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt,or makes a g 9 without because of his insolvency or'rf a receiver is appointed because of his insolvency,the Owner may. prejudice to any other right or remedy he may have, by giving the Contractor or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy written notice.terminate the Contract. 5,2 if the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the Work property ul otherwise fails to comply with the statement to requirements of the Contract tos substantial tial deexists,nd if the Con notify the Contractor in writing that the Owner and Contractor that he is in default of his contractual.obligations and instruct him to correct the default in the five(5)working .days immediately following the eceipt of such notice. in the five(5)working days specified.the Contractor 5.3 If the correction of the default cannot be completed shall be in compliance with the Owners instructions if he: (a) commences the correction of the default within the specified time,and (b) provides the Owner with an acceptable schedule for such correction,and (c) completes the correction in accordance with such schedule. 5.4 If the Contractor fails to correct the ht o default remedy h may specified yof subsequently agreed upon, the Owner without prejudice to any other g payment then or thereafter due the Con (a) correct such default and deduct the cost thereof from any \ Con- tractor provided the Consultant has certified such cost to the Owner and the Contractor,or (b) terminate the Contractor's right to continue with the Work in whole or in part or terminate the Contract. 5 continue with the Work under the conditions set out In .5 If the Owner terminates the Contractor's right to this General Condition,he shall: (a) be entitled to take possession of the premises and products and utilize the construction machinery ver 1 and equipment the whole subject to the rights of third parties, and finish the Work by method he may consider expedient but without undue delay or expense,and (b) withhold further payments to the Contractor until the Work is finished, and CCOC 2 — 19A2 File 00710 (c) upon Total Performance of the Work, charge the Contractor the amount by which the full cost of y finishing the Work as certified by the Consultant, including compensation to the Consultant for his additional services and a reasonable allowance as determined by the Consultant to cover the cost of corrections to work performed by the Contractor that may be required under GC 24 — WARRANTY, 1 exceeds the unpaid balance of the Contract Price; however,if such cost of finishing the Work is less than the unpaid balance of the Contract Price,he shall pay the Contractor the difference,and (d) on expiry of the warranty period. charge the Contractor the amount by which the cost of corrections to his work under GC 24 — WARRANTY exceeds the allowance provided he difference. such corrections. or if the cost of such corrections-is less than the allowance.pay 5.6 If a performance bond has been provided by the Contractor the provisions of this General Condition shall be exercised in accordance with the conditions of such performance bond. 5.7 The Contractor's obligation under the Contract as to quality, correction and warranty of the work performed by him up to the time of termination shall continue in force after such terminatwn. GC6 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT 6.1 If the Owner should be adjudged bankrupt or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors because of his insolvency or if a receiver is appointed because of his insolvency, the Contractor may. without prejudice to any other right or remedy he may have,by giving the Owner or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy written notice,terminate the Contract. 6.2 If the Work should be stopped or otherwise delayed for a period of thirty(30)days or more under an order of a court o`other public authority and providing that such order was not issued as the result of an act or ectly or indirectly employed or engaged by him, the Contractor fault of the Contractor or of anyone dir may,without prejudice to any other right or remedy he may have, by giving the Owner written notice,ter- urinate the Contract. 6.3 The Contractor may notify the Owner in writing,with a copy to the Consultant,that the Owner is in default of his contractual obligations if: accordance with the provisions of GC 14 (a) the Consultant fails to issue a certificate in — CER ( J TIFICATES AND PAYMENT,or ` (b) the Owner fails to pay the Contractor when due the amounts certified by the Consultant or awarded by arbitration or court,or (c) the Owner violates the requirements of the Contract to a substantial degree and the Consultant confirms by written statement to the Contractor that sufficient cause exists. The Contractors written notice to the Owner shall advise that if the default is not corrected in the five (5) working days immediately following the receipt.of the written notice the Contractor may. without pre- judice to any other right or remedy he may have,stop the Work or terminate the Contract. 6.4 If the Contractor terminates the Contract under the conditions set out above,he shall be entitled to be paid for all work performed including reasonable profit and for loss sustained upon products and construction machinery and equipment and such other-damages as the Contractor may have sustained as a result of the termination of the Contract. GC 7 DISPUTES 7.1 Differences between the parties to the Contract as to the interpretation, application or administration of this Contract or any failure to agree where agreement between the parties is called for, herein collectively called disputes,which are not resolved in the first instance by decision of the Consultant pursuant to the provis+ons of GC 3 —CONSULTANT, paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7, shall be settled in accordance with the re- quirements of this General Condition. 7.2 The claimant shall give written notice of such dispute to the other party no later than thirty(30)days after the receipt of the Consultant's decision given under GC 3 — CONSULTANT, paragraph 3.7. Such notice shall set forth particulars of the matters in dispute, the probable extent and value of the damage and the relevant provisions of the Contract Documents. The other party shall reply to such notice no later than r fourteen (14).days after he receives or is considered to have received it, setting out in such reply his. grounds and other relevant provisions of the Contract Documents. 7,3 It the matter in dispute is not resolved promptly the Consultant v delays pending settlement of he are necessary for the proper performance of the Work and to prevent dispute. The parties s;alloactrimmediately claim they may have. If it is subsequently determined that such in- doing neither party w jeopardize structions were in error or at variance with thee*Cosntrtrract Documents,h the cfi0he was requ red to do beyond costs incurred by the Contractor in carrying out what the Contract Documents interruption of the Wood and interpreted would have required him to do, in- cluding costs resulting from 7.4 It c agreed that de act h s giveparty e otices in accordance renunciation with paragraph-7'2 rights or the recourses, provided he has g instructions as provided in paragraph 7.3. tion 7,5 If the parties have agreed to submit disputes then her ra dispute shall bensubmittted Supplementary o arbitration indaccorda accordance Contract, or by subsequent agreement. with the provisions of the arbitration legislation of the Place of the Work. may submit the dispute to such 7,6 If no provision or agreement is made for arbitration then either party judicial tribunal as the circumstances may require. paragraph isptited 7.7 In recognition of.the obligation lemnbothe ispute proceedings the d commen drkRUr provided eiately fotlowi g he 7.3, it is agreed that senh the dispute in accordance with the aforegoing settlement of dispute procedures. GCS ASSIGNMENT g,1 Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or a portion thereof without the written consent of the other,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, GC9 OTHER CONTRACTORS 9.1 The Owner reserves the right to let separate Pa contracts in connection with the Project of which the Work is a part,or do certain work by his own o performed by the g,2 When separate contracts are awarded for different parts of the Project, or work is Owner's own forces,tht Owner shall: la) provide for the co-ordination of the work of his own forces and,of each separate contract With the Work of this Contract.and (b) ensure that insurance coverage is provided to the wwiii h the requirements insurance coverage tofth srContractor as it SURANCE.Such insurance shall be affects the Work of this Contract. 9.3 The Contactor shall co-ordinate the Work act Documents.If the tis a change in thee.cope of the twor're- connect as specified or shown in the Conte quired for the planning and perf 1�mCHANGES IN THE WORK, and the value of the changes shall be authorized in accordance with GC 12 -- VALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE determined in accordance with GC WORK. 9.4 The Contractor shall report to he Consultant any apparent deficiencies in Other Contractors'work which confirm such would affect the Work of this Contract immediately they shall nvalida a any claims against)he Owner y report in writing. Failure by the Contractor to so repo reason of the deficiencies of Other Contractors'work except as to those of which he was not reasonably aware. precautions to avoid labour uisputes or other disputes on the Project 9.5 The Owner shall take.all reasonable arising from the work of Other Contractors. GC 10 SUBCONTRACTORS g ct to 10.1 The Contractor agrees to preserve n protect ared to:he rights of the parties under the Contract with respect work to be performed under perform their ith (a) enter into contracts with and subject o the tertms aired cconditions of the Contract Documents.and work in accordance him. (b) di as Cully responsible indirectly e too the Owner them as acts and and omissionto'persons directly employed by son \ directly or indirectly e p Y The Contractor tnerefore agrees that he will incorporate the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents into all subcontract agreements he enters into with his Subcontractors. 10.2 The Contractor agrees to employ those Subcontractors proposed by him in writing and accepted by the Owner at the signing of the Contract. 10.3 The Owner may, for reasonable cause, object to the use of a proposed Subcontractor and require the Contractor to employ one of the other subcontract bidders. 10.4 In the event that the Owner requires a change from a proposed Subcontractor the Contract Price shall be adjusted by the diff erence in cost and mark-up occasioned by such required change. 10.5 The Contractor shall not be required to employ as a Subcontractor a person or firm to whom he may reasonably object. 10.6 The Consultant may, upon reasonable request a nd at his discretion; provide to a Subcontractor infor- mation as to the percentage or quantity of'the Subcontractor's work which has been certified for payment. 10.7 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shalt create a contractual relationship between a Subcontractor and the Owner. GC 11 CHANGES IN THE WORK 11.1 Except as provided in GC 12 — VALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK, paragraph 12.4: (a) the Owner, through the Consultant, without invalidating the Contract, may make Changes in the Work with the Contract Price and Contract Time being adjusted accordingly by written order,and (b) no Changes in the Work shall be pfOCeededwith without a written order signed by the Owner and no claim for a change in the Contract Price or change in the Contract Time shall be valid unless so ordered and at the same time valued-or agreed to be valued as provided in GC 12 — VALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK. GC 12 VALUATION ANP CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE.WORK 12.1 The value of a change shall be determined in one or more of the following methods: (a) by estimate and acceptance in a lump sum; J (b) by unit prices set out in the Contractor subsequently agreed upon; (c) by cost and a fixed or percentage.fee. 12.2 When a change in the Work is proposed or required the Contractor shall present to the Consultant for approval his claim for a change in the Contract Price and change in Contract Time with appropriate documentation in a form acceptable to the Consultant. The Consultant will satisfy himself as to the correctness of such claim and,when approved by the Owner.o change order shall value of work performed in the Con- tractor amending the Contract Price and Contract Time as appropriate.payment. change shall be included for payment with the regular certificates for pay 12.3 In the case of changes in the Work to be paid for under methods(b)and(c)of paragraph 12.1,the form of sts and met presentation of cohods of measurement shall be agreed to by the Consultant and Contractor before proceeding with the change.The Contractor shall keep accurate records;as agreed upon,of quan- tities or costs and present.an account of the cost of the change in the Work,together with vouchers where applicable. 12.4 If the method of valuation, measurement, change in Contract Price and change in Contract Time cannot be promptly agreed upon and the change is required to be proceeded with then the Consultant in the first he method of valuation, measurement,the change in Contract Price and Contract instance will determine the Time subject to final det he Lion in the manner set out in GC 7 — DISPUTES.In this case the Consultant will,with the consent of the Owner,issue a written authorization for the change setting-out the method of valuation and if by lump sum his valuation of the change in Contract Price and Contract Time. 12.5 In the case of a dispute in the valuation of a change authorized in the Work and pending final determination of such value,the Consultant will certify the value of work performed in accordance with his own evaluation of the change and include the amount with the regular certificates for payment.The Con- tractor shall keep accurate records of quantities and cost of such work. 12.6 It is intended in all matters referred to above that both the Consultant and Contractor shall act promptly. 14 GC 13 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 13.1 Applications for payment on account maybe made monthly as the Work progresses. 13.2 Applications for payment shall be dated the last day of the agreed monthly payment period and the amount claimed shall be for the value, proportionate to the amount of the Contract, of work performed and products delivered to the Place of the Work kat that date. 13.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Consultant, at least fourteen (141 days before he total e irst pli the Con- tract a schedule of values of the various parts of the W o . aggregating payment. tract Price and divided so.as to facilitate evaluation of applications 13.4 This schedule shaft be made out in such form and supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the 'Consultant may reasonably direct and when approved by the Consultant shall be used as the basis for - applications for payment,unless it be found to be in error. 13.5 When making appK4 . ns for payment, the Contactor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule. Claims for products elive the Consult nt of the maWork asonablY equine to establish rthe value and shall be supported by such delivery of the products. 13.6 Applications for release of holdback monies following Substantial Performance of the Work and the application for fins{ payment shall be made at the time and in the manner set forth in GC 14 — CER- TIFICATES AND PAYMENTS. GC 14 CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENTS. application for payment from the 14,1 The Consultant will, no later than ten (10) days after the-receipt of an NS FOR PAYMENT,issue Contractor submitted in accordance with GC 13—APPLICATIO certificate for payment in the amount applied for or in such other amount as he determines to be properly due. !f the Consultant amends the application, he will promptly notify the Contractor in writing giving his reasons for the amendment. . 14.2 The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor she account araice of an certificat a for payment by he AA — PAYMENT no later than five (5) days Consultant. f 14.3 The Consultantwnll,no later than rir►anceloi days trnake an inspection and assessment of the cWork to certificate df Substantial Pe verify the validity of the application.The Consultant will• no later than seven he(application.rWhen the Con- notify the Contractor of his approval or the reasons for his disapproval The date finds that Substantial ma ce of of the Work hall beaas been id reached he ertifilcate. immediately fot ow- The date of Substantial Pe ing the issuance of the certificate afrea o able date for the Tot e Total Performan Performance the Work.in consultation . with the Contractor,will establish 14.4 Immediately following the issuance of meni of holdback k monies Substantial The holdback monies tauthorizedtby Consultant will issue a certificate for pay the expiration of the statutory limittion this certificate shall become due and payable ble to he Place of�he Work or where such legislation does period stipulated in the Gen legislation app practice -such other provisions not exist o apply in accordance-with such other legislation. industry p o which may be agreed to between the parties, providing that the Owner may retairi out of such holdback monies any sums required by ble against he Owner and that the Conn c orr has submitted tolthesOwne a the Contractor and enforces sworn statement that t accounts tabour.subcontracts, products, Contractor construction machinery equip- ment and other indebtedness which m have been by he i the Substantial Performance of the Work and for which the Owner might in any way be held responsible have been paid in full except holdback monies properly retained. 14.5 Where legislation permits and where,upon application by the Contractor,the Consultant has certified that �\ the work of a Subcontractor has s all ptotally y pCont actor the holdback retained fors such Subcontractor Per- formance of the Work, the Owner pay on the day following the expiration of the statutory limitation period for such Subcontractor stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. 14.6 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 14.5 and notwithstanding the wording of such certificates the Contractor shall ensure that such work is protected pending the Total Performance of the Work and be responsible for the correction of defects in it regardless of whether or not they were apparent when such certificates were issued. 14.7 The Consultant will, no later than ten (101 days after the receipt of an application from the Contractor for payment upon Total Performance of the Work, make an inspection and assessment of the Work to verify the validity of the application.The Consultant will, no later than seven (7)days after his inspection, notify the Contractor of his approval or the reasons for his disapproval of the application. When the Consultant finds that Total Performance of the Work has been reached he will issue a certificate of Total Performance _ of the Work and certify for payment the remaining monies due to the Contractor under the Contract less holdback monies which are required to be retained.The date of Total Performance of the Work shall be as stated in this certificate. Subject to the provisions of GC 18 — WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE, paragraph 18.1 the Owner shall, no later than five (5) days after the issuance of such cer- tificate,make payment to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of Article A4 -- PAYMENT. 14.8 The release of the remaining holdback monies shall become due and payable on the day following the expiration of the statutory limitation period stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work,or where such legislation does not exist or apply in accordance with such other legislation,industry practice or such other provisions which may be agreed to between the parties, providing that the Owner may retain out of such holdback monies any sums required by law to satisfy any liens against the Work or other monetary claims against the Contractor and enforceable against the Owner and that the Contractor has submitted to the Owner a sworn statement that all accounts for labour,subcontracts, products,con- struction machinery and equipment and ottier indebtedness which may have been incurred by the Con- tractor in the Total Performance of the Work and for which the Owner might in any way be held responsi- ble have been paid in full except holdback monies properly retained. 14.9 If because of climatic or other conditions reasonably beyond the control of.the Contractor there are items of work that cannot be performed,payment in full for work which has been performed as certified by the Consultant shall not be withheld or delayed by the Owner on account thereof, but the Owner may withhold until the remaining work is finished only such monies as the Consultant determines are sufficient and reasonable to cover the cost of performing such remaining work and to adequately protect the Owner from claims. 14.10 No payment made by the Owner under this Contract or partial or entire use or occupancy of the Work by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance•of work or products which are not in accordance with the requirements of.thl:Contract Documents. 14.11 All certificates issueb by the Consultant shall be to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. By ` issuing any certificate the the c orrectness or completeness of.the Work. e Consultant does not guarantee ) 14,12 As of the date of Total Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Total Performance of the Work, the Owner expressly.waives and releases the Contractor from all claims against the Contractor including without limitation those that might arise from the negligence or breach of contract by the Con- tractor except one or more of the following: (a) those made in writing prior to the date of Total Performance of the Work and still unsettled; (b) those arising from the provisions of GC 19 — INDEMNIFICATION or GC 24 —WARRANTY; In the Common Law provinces GC'14.12(c]shall read as follows: (c) those made in writing within a period of six years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, or within such shorter period as may be prescribed by any limitation statute of the province or territory of the Place of the Work and arising from any liability of the Contractor for damages resulting from his performance of the Contract with respect to substantial defects or deficiencies in the Work for which the Contractor is. proven responsible. As used herein"substantial defects or deficiencies"means those defects or deficiencies in the Work which affect the Work to such an extent or in such a manner that a significant part or the whole of the Work is unfit for the purpose intended by the Contract Documents. In the Province of Quebec GC 14.12(cl shall read as follows: (c) those arising under the provisions of Article 1688 of the Civil Code. \ 14.13 As of the date of Total Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Total Performance of the Work,the Contractor expressly waives and releases the Owner from all claims against the Owner including without limitation those that might arise from the negligence o r breach f contract by the Owner ce of he those made in writing prior to the Contractor's app payment Work and still unsettled. 14.14 Notwithstanding GC 1 — DOCUMENTS;paragraph 1.6, in the event of conflict between the provisions of this General Condition and Article A-5 — RIGHTS AND REMEDIES paragraph (a)or GC 22 — DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY, the provisions of this General Condition shall govern. GC 15 TAXES AND DUTIES 15.1 Unless otherwise stated in Supplementary Conditions the Contractor shall pay the government sales taxes,customs duties and excise taxes with respect to the Contract. 15,2 Where an exemption or recovery of government sales taxes,customs duties or excise taxes is applicable to the Contract,the procedure shall be as established in the Supplementary Conditions 15.3 Any increase or decrease in costs to the Contractor due to changes in such taxes and duties after the date of the tender shall increase or decrease the Contract Price accordingly- GC 16 LAWS, NOTICES, PERMITS AND FEES 16.1 The laws of the Place of the Work shall govern the Work. 162 The Contractor shall obtain the permits, licences and certificates and pay the fees required for the performance of the Work which are in force at the date of tender closing, but this shall not include the obtaining of permanent easements or rights of servitude. 16.3 The Contractor shall give the required notices and comply with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes and orders of the authorities having jurisdiction which are or become in force during the performance of the Work and which relate to the Work, to the preservation of the public health, and to construction safety. 16.4 The Contractor shall not be responsible for verifying that the Contract Documents are in compliance with the applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and codes relating to the Work. If the Contract Documents are at variance therewith,or changes which require modification to the Contract Documents are made to the laws,ordinances,rules,regulations and codes by the authorities having jurisdiction subse- quent to the date of tender closing,the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing requesting direc- tion immediately such variance of change becomes known to him. The Consultant will make the changes required to the Contract Documents in accordance with GC 11 -- CHANGES IN THE WORK, and the value of the changes shall be determined in accordance with GC 12 -- VALUATION AND CERTIFICA- TION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK. 16.5 If the Contractor failsfto notify the Consultant in writing and obtain his direction as required in paragraph 16.4 and performs"work knowing it to be contrary to any laws, ordinances. rules, regulations. codes and orders.of the authorities havirig jurisdiction. the.Contractor shall be•responsible for and-shall correct the violations thereof and shall bear the costs,expense and damages attributable to his failure to comply with the provisions of such laws,ordinances,rules,regulations,codes and orders: GC 17 PATENT FEES 17.1 The Contractor shall pay the royalties and patent licence fees required for the performance of the Contract. He shalt hold the Owner harmless from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of the Contractors performance of the Contract which are attributable to an infringement or an alleged infringement of a patent of invention by the Contractor or anyone for whose acts he may be liable. 17.2 The Owner shall hold the Contractor harmless against claims,demands, losses,costs,damages,actions, suits,or proceedings arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to an infringement or an alleged infringement of a patent of invention in executing anything for the purpose of the Contract,the model,plan or design of which was supplied to the Contractor as part of the Contract Documents. GC 18 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE 18.1 Prior to commencing the Work and prior to receiving payment on Substantial and Total Performance of the Work, the Contractor shall provide evidence of compliance with the requirements of the province or territory of the Place of the Work with respect to workers' compensation insurance including payments due thereunder. 1 18.2 At any time during the term of the Contract, when requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall provide 1 such evidence of compliance by himself and his Subcontractors. GC 19 INDEMNIFICATION 19.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Consultant, their agents and employees from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings by third parties that arise out of, or are attributable to, the Contractor s performance of the Contract (hereinafter called"claims").provided such claims are: . , (a) attributable to bodily injury,sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible pro- 4 perty.and (b) caused by negligent acts or omissions of the.Contractor or anyone for whose acts he may be liable, and (c) made in writing within a period of six years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work,or within such shorter period as may be prescribed by any limitation statute of the province or territory of the Place of the Work. The Owner expressly waives the right to indemnity for claims other than those stated above. 19.2 The rece f the o e hereunder million occu rn f om t ecmmencement of he Work until Substantial Performance of he Work and thereafter to an aggregate limit of one million dollars. 19.3 The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor,his agents and employees from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to a lack of or defect in title or an alleged lack of or defect in title to the Place of the Work. 19.4 Notwithstanding GC 1 — DOCUMENTS,paragraph 1.6. in the event of conflict between the provisions of this General Condition and Article A-5— RIGHTS AND REMEDIES paragraph(a)or GC 22 — DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY,the provisions of this General Condition shall govern. GC20 INSURANCE 20.1 Without restricting the generality of GC 19 — INDEMNIFICATION,the Contractor shall provide,maintain and pay for the insurance coverages listed in this General Condition unless otherwise stipulated: (a) General Liability Insurance: General Lability insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor,the Owner,and the th!and with {units of not less than one million dollars inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury. damage.to property-including loss of use thereof, with a property damage deductible of five hundred dollars.The form of this insurance shall be the latest edition of CCDC Form 101 and shall be maintained continuously from commencement of the Work until twelve (12) months following the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work,or until the certificate of Total Pe,formance of the Work is issued,whichever is the later, and with respect to completed operations coverage for a period of not less than twenty four (24) months from the date of Total Performance of the Work, as set out in the cert ificate of Total Per- (ormance of the Work, and thereafter to be maintained for a further period of four(4)years. Should the Contractor decide not to employ Subcontractors for operations requiring the use of expbl u d n for blasting,or pile driving or caisson work, or removal or weakening of support of property. 9 land;CCDC Form 101 as'required shall include Endorsement CCDC Form 101-2. (b) Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile liability insurance in respect of licensed vehicles shall have limits of not less than one million dollars inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury,death, and damage to property,in the follow- ing forms endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than fifteen(15)days written notice in advance of any cancellation,change or amendment restricting coverage: (1) Standard non-owned automobile policy including standard contractual liability endorsement. (2) Standard owner's form automobile policy providing third party liability and accident benefits insurance and covering licensed vehicles owned or operated by or on behalf of the Contractor. (c) Aircraft and Watercraft Liability Insurance: ` and watercraft Aircraft and watercraft liability insurance with respect to owned or non-owned aircraft if used directly or indirectly in the performance of the Work,including use of additional premises, shall be subject to limits of not less than one million dollars inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury,death, and damage to property including loss of use thereof and limits of not less than one million dollars for aircraft passenger hazard. Such insurance shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner. The policies 1 shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than fifteen (15) days written notice in advance of cancellation,change or amendment restricting coverage. CCnC 7 - 19fiJ F w 00710 1a (d) Property and Boiler Insurance: (1) All risks property insurance shat! be in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner and the • Consultant,insuring not less than the sum of the amount of the Contract Price and the full value, - as stated in the Supplementary Conditions, of products that are specified to be provided by the Owner for incorporation into the'Work, with a deductible not exceeding one percent of *.he amount insured at the site of the Wojk. The form of this insurance shall be the latest edition of CCDC Form 201 and shall be maintained continuously until ten (101 days after the date of Total Performance of the Work,as set out in the certificate of Total Performance of the Work. (2) Boiler insurance insuring the interests of the Contractor,.the Owner and the Consultant for not less than the replacement value of boilers and pressure vessels forming part of the Work. The form of this insurance shall be the latest edition of CCDC Form 301 and shall be maintained con- tinuously from commencement of use or operation of the property insured and until ten(10)days after the date of Total Performance of the Work,as set out in the certificate of Total Performance of the Work. (3) Should the Owner wish to use or occupy part or all of the Work he shall give thirty(301 days writ- ten notice to the Contractor of the intended purpose and extent of such use or occupancy. Prior to such use or occupancy the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing of the additional premium cost, if any, to maintain property and boiler insurance, which shall be at the Owner's expense. If because of such use or occupancy the Contractor is unable to provide coverage.the Owner upon written notice from the Contractor and prior to such use or occupancy shall provide, maintain and pay for property and boiler insurance insuring the full value of the Work,as in sub- paragraphs (1)and (2), in CCDC Forms 201 and 301, including coverage for such use or.occu- pancy and shall provide the Contractor with proof of such insurance.The Contractor shall refund to the Owner the unearned premiums applicable to the Contractor's policies upon termination of coverage. (4) The policies shall provide that_, in the event of a loss or damage, payment shall be made to the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appear.The Contractor shall act on behalf of the Owner and himself for the purpose of adjusting the amount of such loss or damage payment with the Itisurers.When the extent-of the loss or damage is determined the Contractor shall proceed to restore the Work.Loss or damage shall not affect the rights and obligations of either party under the Contract except that the Contractor shall be entitled to such reasonable ex- tension of Contract-Time relative to the extent of the loss or damage as*the Consultant may decide in consultation with the Contractor. (5) Payment for loss or damage: The Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the Owner, in addition to the amount due under the Contract,the amount at which the Owner's interest in restoration of the Work has been ap- praised,such amount to be paid as the restoration of the Work proceeds and in accordance with .the requirements of GC 13 —APPLICATIONS-FOR PAYMENT and GC 14 = CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENTS. In addition the Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the payments made by the Insurer the amount of the Contractor's interest in the restoration of the Work. (6) The Contractor shall be responsible for deductible amounts under the policies except where such amounts may be excluded from the Contractors responsibility by the terms of GC 21- PRO- TECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY and GC 22 — DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPOW SIBILITY. (7) In the event of loss or damage to-the Work arising from the work of an Other Contractor, the Owner, in accordance with his obligations under GC 9 — OTHER CONTRACTORS, paragraph 9.2, shall pay the Contractor the cost of restoring the Work as the restoration,of the Work proceeds and in accordance with the requirements of GC 13 — APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT and GC 14 — CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENTS. (e) Contractors'Equipment Insurance: All risks contractors' equipment insurance covering construction machinery and equipment used by the Contractor for the performance of the Work, including boiler insurance on temporary boilers and pressure vessels, shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner and shall not allow subrogation claims by the Insurer against the Owner.The policies shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than fifteen (15) days. written notice in advance of cancellation, change or amendment restricting coverage. Subject to satisfactory proof of financial capability by the Contractor for self-insurance of his equipment,the Owner agrees to waive the equipment insurance requirement. 20.2 Unless specified otherwise the duration of each insurance policy shall be from the date of commencement of the Work until the date of Total Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Total Performance of the Work. 20.3 The Contractor shall provide the Owner with proof of insurance prior to commencement of the Work and shall promptly provide the Owner with a certified true copy of each insurance policy exclusive of informa- tion pertaining to premium or premium bases used by the Insurer to determine the cost of the insurance. 20.4 If the Contractor fails to provide or maintain insurance as required in this General Condition or elsewhere in the Contract Documents,then the Owner shall have the right to provide and maintain such insurance and give evidence thereof to the Contractor and the Consultant.The cost thereof shall be payable by the Con- tractor to the Owner on demand or the Owner may deduct the costs thereof from monies which are due or may become due to the Contractor. GC21 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY 21.1 The Contractor shall protect the Work and the Owners property and property adjacent to the Place of the Work from damage and shall be responsible for damage which may arise as the result of his operations under the Contract except damage which occurs as the result of: (a) errors in the Contract Documents; (b) acts or omissions by the Owner.the Consultant,Other Contractors,their agents and employees. 21.2 Should the Contractor in the performance"of this Contract damage the Work, the Owner's property or property adjacent to the Place of the Work, the Contractor shall be responsible for the making good of such damage at his expense. 21.3 Should damage occur to the Work or Owner's property for which the Contractor is not responsible as provided in paragraph21.The shall make good such damage to the Work and if the Owner so directs to the Owner's property and the Contract Price and Contract Time shall be adjusted in accordance with GC 11 — CHANGES IN THE WORK,and the value of the changes shall be determined in accordance with GC 12 - VALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK. GC 22 DAMAGES AND MUTUAL' RESPONSIBILITY 22.1 If either party to this Contract should suffer damage in any manner because of any wrongful act or neglect of the other party or of anyone for whom he is responsible in law,then he shall be reimbursed by the other party for such damage.The party reimbursing-the other party shall be subrogated to the rights of the other party in respect of such wrongful act or neglect if if be that of a third party. j 22.2 Claims under this.Generat Condition shall be made in writing to the party liablem ithin reasonable time after the first observance of such damage and may be adjusted by agreement or in the'manner set out in GC 7 -- DISPUTES. 22.3 If the Contractor has caused damage to an Other Contractor on the Work, the Contractor agrees.upon due notice to settle with such Other Contractor by agreement or arbitration. if he will so sett IfO uch Other Contractor sues the Owner on account of damage alleged to have been so sustained. the shall notify the Contractor and may require the.Contractor to defend the action at the Contractor's nt against the Owner arises therefrom the Contractor shall pay'or satisfy expense.It a final order or judgme it and pay the costs incurred by the Owner. 22.4 If the Contractor becomes liable to pay or satisfy a final order,judgment or award against the Owner then the Contractor,upon undertaking to indemnify the Owner against any and all liability for costs, shall have the right to appeal in the name of the Owner such final order or judgment to any and all courts of compe- tent jurisdiction. GC23 BONDS 23.1 The Contractor shall promptly provide to the Owner the surety bonds called for in the tender documents. of 23.2 Such bonds shall be issued by a duty licensed of the Work aand shall be ma stained in good standing suretyship in the province or territory of t he Place until the fulfillment of the Contract.The form of such bonds shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the CCDC approved bond forms. �. GC 24 WARRANTY 24.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the Work only to the extent that the design and specifications permit such performance. 24.2 Subject to paragraph 24.1 the Contractor agrees to correct promptly, at his own expense, defects or deficiencies in the Work which appear prior to and during the period of one year from the date of Substan tial Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work,or such longer periods as may be specified for certain products or work. 24.3 During the period provided in GC 3 — CONSULTANT, paragraph 3.2, the Consultant shall promptly give the Contractor written notice of observed defects and deficiencies. 24.4 The 'Contractor agrees to correct or pay for damage resulting from corrections made under the requirements of paragraph 242. GC 25 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONTROL OF THE WORK 25.1 The Contractor shall have complete control of the Work and shall effectively direct and supervise the Work so as to ensure conformance with the Contract Documents. He shall be solely responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for co-ordinating the various parts of the Work under the Contract. 25,2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for con struction safety The the Place cable fconstruction safety compliance with the rules, regulations and practices required by the applicable legislation. r the �,3 The Contractor shll 5 ructural and other responsibility fo facilitiesrand the design andtexec loon of construc- tion of temporary for registered professional lion methods required in their use. The Cone disciplines lto engage perform these functions where required by engineering personnel skilled in the aPP oP of law or by the Contract at in where temporary produce method construction are of such a nature that pro essionaengin er engineering skill is required to a e d satisfactory results. 25.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 25.1 and 25.3,or provisions to the contrary elsewhere in the Contract Documents where such Contract Du for,part. structural a temporary uction in whole or in uch fac I t sandmethods temporary facilities op� Y of cons shall be considered to be paw of sp rf ed me hod of construction. The Contractor h all! responsible be for that part of the design responsible for the execution of such design or specified method of construction in the same manner that he is responsible for the execution of the Work. 25.5 The Contractor shall review the Con y discover.ver.S ch review y the Contractoor shall be to the best of his error,inconsistency or omission he may knowledge,information and belief and in making such review the Contractor dos not assume any respon- C sbility to the Owner or the Consultant for the accuracy of the review.The Contractor shall not be liable for i damage or costs resrulting from such errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documents which he did not discover. If the Contractor h ores discover k affected euntil e inconsistency or received corrected or'm se the Contract Documents he shall not proceed sing information from the Consultant. indicating 25,6 The Contractor shall prepare ork. 7 e schedule shallrbe designed to ensure ld conformance w thtthen required major activities of the W Contract Time. bl time from the date of Contra award.The Contractor shall monitor the progress of he within a reasonable Work relative to the schedule and advise the Consultant of any revisions required as the result of delays as provided in GC 4 — DELAYS,indicating the results expected from the resultant change in schedule. GC26 SUPERINTENDENCE sor h le work s being pervi ed and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance 26.1 The Contractor shall employ at the Place of the Work 26.2 The supervisor shall be satisfactory to the Consultant and shall not be changed except for good reason and only then after consultation with the Consultant. e Place of 26.3 The supervisor shall represent the Con tractor o the Contractor. lmportant instructions shall be confirmed to Consultant shall be held to have been given the Contractor in writing;other instructions shall be so confirmed if requested. GC27 LABOUR-AND PRODUCTS ments, the 27.1 Unless otherwise stipulated elsewhere machinery Contract and Dequ equipment, water, heai,tlight powrer,l�transporta- tion labour, products,toots, lion and other facilities and services necessary for the performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract. 27.2 Products iedd provided shall a quality unless otherwise specified in the best suited to the purpose required ta d their ru use subject o the approval not specified ` of the Consultant. j 27.3 The Contractor shall maintain good order and discipline among his employees engaged on the Work and shall not employ on the Work anyone not skilled in the task assigned to him. . 71 CCOC 2 — 1982 File 007 10 GC 28 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Xh.1 The Contractor shall promptly notify the Consultant in writing if in his opinion the subsurface conditions at the-Place of the Work differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents, or a reasonable , assumption of probable conditions based thereon. he will 28.2 After prompt investigation. should the Co�Mthe Work in acco dance with GC 11 '— CHANGES�IN THE issue appropriate instructions WORK,and the value of the changes shall be determined in accordance with GC 12-VALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK. GC 29 USE OF THE WORK 29,1 The Contractor shat{confine his apparatus,the storage of products,and the operations of his employees to limits indicated by laws, ordinances, permits or the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his products. 29,2 The Contractor shall not load or permit to be loaded any part of the Work with a weight or force that will endanger the safety of the Work. GC30 CLEANUP AND FINAL CLEANING OF THE WORK 30.1 The Contractor shall maintain the caused by the owner.tOther Contractors or their employees,of waste products and debris,other than that c 30.2 Upon attaining Substantial Pea odrmau Qmet not required for the performance remove the emai ing worrk products, tools,construction machinery q sed by the shall also remove wasteave the Work clean and suit suitable or occupancy by�Owner unlesstotherwise their employees, and le specified. 30,3 Total Performance of the Work smell and equipme attained He shall also have removed waste roducts Ind C products,tools, construction machinery debris,other than that caused by the Owner,Other Contractors or their employees. . GC31 CUTTING AND REMEDIAL WORK 31.1 The Contractor shall do the cutting and remedial work required to make the reveal parts of the Work come together properly- 31,2 The Cortractor shall co-ordinate the Work to ensure that this requirement is kept to a minimum. responsible for 31.3 Should the Owner, the Consultant, Other Contractors or anyone employed by them be performed,the cost of such cutting or remedial ill-timed work necessitating cutting GC12e— VALUAT ON AND CERTIFICATION F CHANGES IN THE work shall be valued as provided in WORK. 31.4 Cutting and remedial work shall a performed by specialists familiar with the ntate talc affected and shall be performed in a manner to neither damage nor endanger the Work. GC32 INSPECTION OF THE WORK of 32.1. The Owner and the Consultant orktheir authorization at agents ons other tthan the Place of he Work,the. to the Work. If parts of the Owner and the Consultant or their authorized agents or representatives shall be given access to such work whenever it is in progress. 32.2 If work is designated for specia! tests, inspections or approvals in the Contract Documents, or by the Consultant's instructions, or the laws r ordinances Inspection on Place of the the Co sulfa tshall be made promptly.The Consultant timely notice requesting inspection. Contractor shall arrange for inspections by other authorities and shall give the Consultant timely notice of the date and time. ' 32.3 If the Contractor covers or permits to- be covered work that has been designated for special 1eLQd, inspections Contractor approvals before such special tests, inspections or approvals are made,given or comp inspections if so directed,uncover such work, have the inspections or tests satisfactorily completed and make he good such work at his own expense. ` . k.4 The Consultant may order any part or parts of the Work to be specially examined should he believe that such work is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If, upon examination such work be found not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct such work and pay the cost of examination and correction. if such work be found in ` accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the cost of examina Lion and replacement. 32.5 The Contractor shall furnish promptly to the Consultant two (2) copies of certificates and inspection reports relating to the Work. GC 33 REJECTED WORK 33.1 Defective work, whether the result of poor workmanship, use of defective products, or damage through carelessness or other act or omission of the Contractor and whether incorporated in the Work or not, which has been rejected by the Consultant as failing to conform to the Contract Documents shall be removed promptly from the Place of the Work by the Contractor and replaced or re-executed promptly in accordance with the Contract Documents at the Contractor's expense. 33.2 Other Contractors' work destroyed or damaged by such removals or replacements shall be made good promptly at the Contractor's expense. 33.3 If in the opinion of the Consultant it is not expedient to correct defective work or work not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner may deduct from the monies otherwise due to the Contractor the difference in value between the w-ork as performed and that called for by the Contract Documents,the amount of which will be determined in the first instance by the Consultant. GC34 SHOP DRAWINGS 34.1 The term "shop drawings" means drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data which are:o be provided by the Contractor to illustrate details of a portion of the Work. 34.2 The Contractor shall arrange for the preparation of clearly identified shop drawings as called for by the Contract Documents or as the Consultant may reasonably request. 34.3 Prior to submission to the Consultant the Contractor shall review all shop drawings. By this review the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue numbers and similar data or will do-so and that he-has checked and co- ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractors review of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp,date,and signature of a responsible person. 34.4 The-Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Consultant for his review with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of Other Contractors. If either the Contractor or the Consultant so requests they shall jointly prepare a schedule fixing the dates for sub- - mission and return of shop drawings..Shop drawings shall be submitted in the form of reproducible transparencies or prints as the Consultant may direct. At the time of submission the Contractor shall notify the.Consuitant in writing of any deviations in the shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 34.5 The Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with any schedule agreed upon, or - otherwise with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Consultant's review will be for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only and such review shall Pot relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the shop drawings has been approved in writing by the Consultant. 34.6 The Contractor shall make any changes in shop drawings which the Consultant may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Consultant.When resubmit- ting. the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by the Consultant. GC 35 CASH ALLOWANCES 35.1 The Contract Price includes cash allowances stated in the Contract Documents. 35.2 Cash allowances, unless otherwise specified, cover the net cost to the Contractor of services, products, construction machinery and equipment, freight, unloading, handling, storage, installation and other authorized expenses incurred in performing the work stipulated under the cash allowances. 35.3 The Contract Price, and not the cash allowances, includes the Contractor's overhead and profit in connection with such cash allowances. CCDC 2 — 19R2 Fa m7in 35.4 Where costs under a cash allowance exceed the amount of the allowance, the Contractor shall be compensated for any excess incurred and substantiated plus an allowance for overhead and profit as set out in the Contract Documents. ted by written order to provide for any excess or deficit to each cash 35.5 The Contract Price shall be adjus allowance. 35.6 Progress payments on account of work authorized under cash allowances shall be included in the Consultant's monthly certificates for payment. 35,7 A schedule shall be.prepared jointly by the.Consultant and Contractor to show when items called for under cash allowances must be authorized by the Consultant for ordering purposes so that the progress of the Work will not be delayed. GC 36 CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE 36.1 The Contract Price includes the contingency allowance,if any,stated in the Contract Documents. 36.2 Expenditures under the contingency allowance shall be authorized in accordance with GC .11 — CHANGES IN THE WORK,and the value shall be determined in accordance with GC 12 — VALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN THE WORK. 36.3 The Contract Price shall be adjusted by written order to provide for any excess or deficit in the contingency allowance. r