HomeMy WebLinkAbout85-70 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 85- 70 bei ng a By -1 aw to amend By -1 aw 84-63, as amended, the Compt'ehens ive Zoning By-law of the COt'pot'ation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Cot'pot'ation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the COt'pot'ation of the Town of Newcastle to pet'mit the continuation of a legal non-confot'ming use pUt'suant to Section 16.6.5 of the DUt'ham Regional Official Plan. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-l aw 84-63 is het'eby amended as follows: 1. Section 5.2 is het'eby amended by adding thet'eto the following new Subsection 5.2.3 as follows: "5.2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EXCEPTION (EP-3) ZONE Notwithstanding Section 5.1, those lands zoned EP-3 on the Schedules to this By-law shall be subject to the pt'ovisions of Sections 9.1a) and 9.2, and the following special zone t'egul ati ons: a. Setback ft'om Watet'COUt'se (minimum) 30 meb'es b. Minimum Elevation of any doot', window Ot' othet' structut'al openi ng c. Lot Covet'age (maximum) 184.3 mett'es 5 pet'cent 2. Schedule "2" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is het'eby fUt'ther amended by changi ng the zone desi gnati on ft'om "EP-Envit'onmental Pt'otection" to "EP_ Envit'onmental Pt'otection Exception (EP-3) Zone" as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 3. Schedule "X" attached het'eto shall fOt'm pat't of this by-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing het'eof, subj ect to the pt'ovi s ions of Section 34 of the Pl anni n9 Act, 1983. BY-LAW t'ead a first time this 27 day of May BY-LAW t'ead a second time this 27 day of May BY -LAW t'ead a thhd time and fi nally passed thi s 27 May , 1985. , 1985. , 1985. day of ~~ MAYOR ~~ I File NO._~d1~._] - This is Schedule "X" to By-law 85 - 70 May , 1985 A.D. , passed this 27th day of LOT 32 LOT 31 CONCESSION 7 C1l ,... It) (I) = o .0 ,., v o (I) z .~ 60,046 >-+-< N70036'20"E 62.865 )- ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 6 AND 7 ~ ZONE",.CHANG~. T "~P-3" . I . ~ . Clerk ~ Mayor o 5 15 25 ~ 10m 2 LOT 35 34 33 . 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 22 21 20 19 LOT 18 I AI I ~ I - I 0 I ,... I ..,..,~ 1 I ..,-1", Z I 1Il::l1ll I Q :A-l 0.., 1 "'-1 lJ'l x_ u lJ'l I III I I LIJ I :A-~ (.) EJ z 0 I I u I I I I I SEE Regiohol Ro~d 9 I SCHEDULE '1$' (KIRBY) I I I I I I \0 A-l I I I Z I I Q A I I I lJ'l N lJ'l" I I 1 L1J" IA-l I U 0 I Z 0 I t I 00: I I \ A.\: (.)'0 I c: I .2 I I I I I I ,... Z o CI) CI) LIJ U Z o U to z o lJ'l CI) l.Ll (.) Z o U . 0 2SO 500 I I IOOOm ta\ l\sy Former Township of CLARKE ...-_~-- 500m 100