HomeMy WebLinkAbout85-64 It . Corporation of the Town of Newcastle BY-LAW 85- 64 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $3,000 BY WAY OF A LOAN TO THE ORONO D I STR I CT BUS I NESS I WROVEtENT AREA FOR THE BEAUT I F I CAT I ON OF THE MA I N STREET IN ORONO. WHEREAS, Section 113 of the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, provides that by-laws may be passed to al low the Corporation to make loans to any association or body for which the Corporation deems such association or body has a vested interest in the Municipal ity; WHEREAS, the Orono District Business Improvement Area has received approval form the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for the beautification of the Main Street in Orono. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 113 of the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Orono District Business Improvement Area be granted an interest free loan in the amount of $3,000; and 2. That said loan be repaid over a 3 (three) year period, commencing in July 1986, with no one year's payment being less than $1,000; and 3. That this by-law shal I came in effect on the date of passing, subject to the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, Section 64(1), R.S.O. 1980. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 13th day of May~ 1985. BY-LAW READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME THIS 13th day of May, 1985. ~A~-/ G.B. Rickard, Mayor / seal ~.rd~~. D.W. Oakes, Town Clerk I File No..A~:..dz.rL.L1J"":'u_._._.1 ~ ..... ..r ~ ....." Ontario B 850615 Ontario Municipal Board IN TUB MArlU or Sec~ion 6" of The Ontario Municint Boarel Act.. 1R.8.0. 1980, c. 3 - and - IN TO MATTER OF an applicat.J.on by The CoJ:POrat.ion of t.he !'own of .ewcast.le for an order au~orizing the pa,.nt. of an int.erest. free loan of $3,000.00 to the Board of Hanag...nt. of the Orono Dist.rict. BU8iness Improvement. Area, for the beaut.ificat.ion of The Main Street. in Orono BBrORB. -and- J J J J ] J J I'ri4ay, the 7th clay of June, J,985 D.B. JlcaoBB Vice-ChaLnaan G.I. THOMSON Member DB BOARD ORDBltS that. this appl1cat.ion be grant.ed and that. the applicant. may make 8uch loan 1ft the amount. of $3,000.00 anel may pa8s all requisit.e by-laws, provided that. ~e 8a14 BU8a.88 Iaproveaent Area Management. shall repay 8uch loan to said Corporat.ion by payment.s of $1,000.00 in each of the years 1986 t.o 1988 inClu8ive and provided further that. the corporat.1on in exuci8ing any power approved by this order shall coaply and conform wit.h all stat.utory and ot.her legal requ:1.re.nt.s re1*t.ed theret.o. J\ \.~- - ~W~\ SECIUr.l'ARY r~~"~' :;-J-;~ ER6,.. 'E'~~~._~l Ii ,,-,.. 1....""".1 l> II ~ ~',~,,-',~'.: ~:,"""" /~fl"'"'"'' 'j' ~ J \_I,i\) J \;lv............ ................ :' ~ - ~ ! ,,! U !\( j C1i9S5 !I ;I ,I 11 II I i\ \ :\ f (7 \ \, ;.-.-- :1 I .( ---".,\.-....,.. 1 .1,15.'::-)';'(\,\,,\ 'I ,I \::~~=.:.:'.~~:_~ \ 'I j . L::~;:i:;:'_~~~~':_'"~:",,:~:-:.\~::~;_::~_:r. ,~:~' '~~,~;!,,~;.!,~~!~ '- ~'--:'_: ,-, ;