HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-35 '. ~ .... . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 82- 35 being a By-law to amend By-law 81-123 of the Town of Newcastle. . WHEREAS on the 21st day of September 1981, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle passed By-law 81-123; AND WHEREAS the purpose of By-law 81-123 was to amend Restricted Area By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington to define areas and establish zone provisions to control the development of Special Purpose Commercial Nodes, in conformity with the Durham Regional and Darlington Official Plans; AND WHEREAS, in light of certain objections received, Council now deems it desirable to amend By-law 81-123; . NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "XII and Schedule "X211 to By-law 81-123 are hereby amended by del eti ng therefrom the 1 ands i dentifi ed on Schedule IIX" hereto as zone change from "Special Provision By-law 81-12311 to "Deferred Development (D) Zone". 2. Section 1 of By-law 81-123 is hereby amended by adding thereto a further subsection, l(bb} iii} p} as follows: "l(bb} ii;} p} Development or redevelopment of lands subject to this IISpecia1 Provisionll may only proceed if fully serviced by municipal water and sewage systems." . 3. Section l(bb} iv} of By-law 81-123 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words "In addition to the uses permitted by Section (ii) above the lands subject to this SPECIAL PROVISION may also be used for the purposes of a "Motor Vehicle Gasoline Bar" and a "Motor Vehicle Service Station" in accordance with the following provisions:" and replacing them with the following: l File NO.aaam"_o._,__35_.J'IL_am j , . . . . ~ .;' . ' - 2 - II In addi t i on to the uses pe rmitted inSect ion (i i) above, "Motor Vehicle Gasoline Bars" and "Motor Vehicle Service Stations" which existed on the date of passing of this By-law are considered to be permitted uses. Any expansion of these uses must be in accordance with the following provisions:" 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof subject to the provisions of Section 35(10} of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970. By-law read a first time this 29th day of By-law read a second time this 29th day of 1982 1982 March March By-law read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March 1 982. ~4-~ G. B. RICKARD, MAYOR L f~eu). ((1<< D. W. OAKES, CLERK . , '~ .- : ~JE<CiDWllElID JUL 1 5 1982 roWN OF NEWCASTlE tLERK DEPARTMENT Form R-6 rThe Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LlC 3A6 L Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-5689 180 Dundas SI. West Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number R 820777 July 13, 1982 Dear Sir: Enclosed is documentation as follows: ~ o Copy of Decision dated D Duplicate Original of Decision dated ~ Board's Order made June 30, 1982 o Appointment For Hearing Yours truly, (l~uJJJZ- ~ /{'~~o~~ RG:vg Enc!. (s) C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration ~ ~" " . I~l ~V~ 'llI_" Ontario R 820777 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF 8eo'tion 39 of The Pl)n~lnq Ao't (R.S.O. 1980, o. 379 , - and - IN TBB MATTER OF an applioa'tion by The COrporation of the Town of Newoas'tle for approval of its Res'tricted Area By-law 81-123 as amended by By-law 82-35 BEFORE: - and - ) ] ] ] ] ] ] Wednesday, the 30th day of June, 1982 A.B. ARBELL, Q.C. Vice-chairman P.M. BROOKS Vice-Chairman The objectors to approval of By-law 81-123 having withdrawn their objections and DO objeotions having been received to By-law 82-35 as appears by matoaria1 filed, TIm BOARD ORDERS that: By-law 81-123 as amended by By-law 82-35 is bereby approved. ":"-' ."",. . ..,.1:;>'''" ~.SECUTARY ENTERED O B No...R.ffd:-:-.~.......... .' 17~ F \' No ............. 010 .................. jtJL 1 3 \982 ~~"C I,::T:;:-: ~::R[l'\:lY. eNt. tAUNIC1f"~ ~. .'_n.... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 82- , I BY-LAW The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Planning Department Municipal Offices HAMPTON, Ontario, LOB lJO File: Z-A-1-6-9 . . . . '\ , THIS IS SCHEDULE 'X' TO BY-LAW 82-..2L, PASSED THIS 29th DAY OF March A.D. 1982. o <( o a:: t .........., .~... . <II <I " .... I........ : ...: '.. ",' :",t", :\i "; .... .... . ':. ::., ci E~ l.?laJ t<'l OOz o ~ (!) Z ...J a:: <( o 10 f'() d5 ~ f'() en t- 9 3i ~ aJ 3i 9 ...J <( ci a:: i :":"f'I:' ':< ,'\ ,...... . ,,) ....I.i. .... ..... i' : I", ~..' :....: ".; . i.:. I ZONE CHANGE FROM "SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 81-123" TO II DEFERRED DEVELOPMENT (D) ZONEII. (SEAL) ~d~~/ G.B. Rickard, Mayor ~ "'-\oJ.,,'. [Jo.h.v D.W.Oakes,Clerk o ~--- 50 50 150m I KEY MAP FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON I: 25000 . ~ LOT I LOT 26 I 25 I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I : coumct. ... I I I I I . . a C