HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-32 . ... ~ THE COHPOHATION OF TIlE TOWN OF Ni':WCM;TI.l'; BY-LAW 82-32 A BY -LAW TO CONFI RM THE PHUCEEDI N(;S OF THE COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT TillS MEETING HELD ON TIlE 15th DAY OF MARCH 1982 WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, lH!in~~ Chapter ~H1 of the Revi::;ed Statutes of Ont.ario ID70, tile powers of a municipal corporation are to be exerci::;ed by its Council. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section ~11 of '}'ho Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW THEHEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NI.;WCAS'l'L1'; ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The actiollR of thu Coulwil of' 111(~ Town or N(:wc;"';Ll(~ at this meeting held on the 15th day or March 1982 ill respect of each recommendation contained in the l't!ports of the Commi ttees and e4.ch motion and resolution passed and other a<:.tion taken by the Council of thl' Town of NcwcasLl(> al this llI(~(!till~r, is hereby adopted and COil firmed as i r a 11 ~';Ilt'!l proceed i ngs were express ly embodied in this by-law. 2, TIll' Mayor and pl'ojwr orricial~; (II till' ')'t)WIl lil' N('wca:';LI(~ al'(' hereuy au tho!' i zed and d j I'<'C ll'd tll du a I I th i Ilgs lwcef;sary to give effl'<:.t to the actions or Lilt. Council of the Town uf Newcastle n'f<,rred toin the PI'C'c('('dinl" ~-;(~Ctjoll hereof. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and direcLed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf alld to afJix thereto the Seal of the Town of N(~w('astl('. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 15th day 1)1 March 1982 #~1 t. ..-.....__",..~,__;~.r:r:...t',:t.';;~'u:ti.~!!::';1..:I.~..'_'L.....!::i, ,:,j-.