HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-29 ". . THE COHPOHATION OF TilE TOWN OF NEWCA::lTI.J'; ---- -.---.. By-1 aw 82-29 A BY-LAW TO CONFIHM TIlE PHOCEEDIN(jS OF TilE COUNCIL OF TUE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT '1'11 I S ~IE)O;TI NG IIELD ON TilE 1st DAY OF MARCH 1982 WHEREAS by See tion D 0 f The Mun ic i pa I A(' L, b(d ng eha p ter ~H1 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario IU7U, Lhe powers of a munieipaI corporation are to be exercised by i t~.; COllneil. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Seetion ~11 of The Munieipal Act, . being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW TUEHEFOHE TilE COUNCIL OF TIlE TOWN OF NEWCASTLI'; ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: . 1. The actions of the Council of the Town of N(~weaslle at this meet ing hel d on the 1st day 0 f' March 1982 ill res pee t 0 f each recommendation contained in tlw J'e'port::.; of the Committees and eAch motion and resolution passed and other aetian taken by the Council of the Town of Newcastle al this meeting is hereby adopted and eon firmed u::.; if a 11 ~mt' h "roe<~ed i ngs were express Iy embodied in this by-law. 2. The Mayor and proper ofricials 01' tilt! Town of N(:weasL.le are hereby authorized and dir<'ctl'd to du :111 things necessary to give effect to the actions of' L11l~ Coullcil of the Town of Newcastle referred to in the l)['ec(!l~d j ng slJetion hereof. 3. The lIayor and Clerk are authorizlJd and directed to exeeute all documents necessary in that bchal r <lnd to al'J.ix thereto the Seal of the Towll of New(~ast1e. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 1st day ur ~.1arch 1982. ~-~ Mayor -7 . ~ C 1 el'-j\----- ~~L.::..:,'_4~'l>_:___ ;!,:_!~c.::c~~~':~>:f~:_'2