HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-21 j . THE COHPOHATION OF TilE TOWN OF NI<;WCM3TI.I'; 82-21 A BV-LAW TO CONFIHM THE PHOCEEDIN(;S OF TilE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT Till S ~tEjo;'1'1 NG IIELD ON TilE 15th DAV OF FEBRUARY 1982 WHEREAS by Section 9 of The ~111nicipal Act, I>cdng Chapter 2H1 of the Revised Sta.tutes of Ontario lU70, the powers of u munieipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 211 of The Municipal Act, . being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW THEREFORE TilE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLI~ ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: . 1. The actions of the Council or the Town of Newe:lstle at this meet ing hel d on the 15th day () r February 1983. 11 respec t of each recommendation contained in the reports of the Committees and eA~h motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting is hereby adopted and con firmed as i r n 11 ~;t1('1I pl'occ~<.'d j llgs W(~l'e expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. The Mayor and proper 0 r r i c' i a I s {) r I lIt, Tllwn 0 f Nt;wea.s L I (~ a1'P hereby aulhorized ant.! dil't'ctt'd lu dll ;111 thjllg~; lwcef;sary to give effect lo lhe acliolJs of lilt' Coullcil of the Town of Newcastle rl'fl.'rred to j 11 the pr"{;C('('di IIt~ ~.;(:ct ion hereof. 3. The Mayor and ('Jerl, an' auLllori:'-,t'd :tlld djl'cctf~d to ex(;cute all documents necessary in that behal f illld to affix tCwrvto the Seal of tile Town of Newcastle. BY-LAW READ A FIRST TIME THIS 15TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1982. BY-LAW READ A SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1st DAY OF MARCH 1982. ~~ Mayo r ~ ::-; . ~-~'-_..~..~--- C Te-i'-k - ~"~~4."'t~_~. ^ -l:J;:l.~.F~-':2Z;",'!I!'71'l1_~~ '~t'!:.:,~-,-_ '::';' ___