HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-191 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW NUMBER 82-191 being a by-law to authorize execution of an Agreement for the sale of Lot 32, Plan M-749 to Mr. Peter Louws The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, a Deed, with respect to the sale of lot 32, Plan M-749 to Mr. Peter Louws. The lands are described in the Deed, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "A" to the by-law READ a first time this 20th day of December 1982 READ a second time this 20th day of December 1982 READ a third and final time this 20th day of December 1982 ~~l / Mayor .~ ~-d(iJ. r1!P~ Clerk [H.e No. I~.]. 1~,iJ., . oj ..,., , &I ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE fBYlaW NO.u_-'!;;>'~7L'1L I . PURCHASER, HPETER I..OUWS VENDOR, HH'H.CORPORATIOtLOFJHLTI)WNOLNEW.CASI~.I;:H ' AGENT, ,. ,.,..,.,f<ill1iJyTrll$,t"COfPOfiitiQ.l1,Re.altof, PROPERTY: fronting on the s.ou,t,h side of ,pameJCiCOllrt known municipally as ~t~ ,.".~ and having a frontage of as pe r s, u rvey" more or less by a depth of , ,more or less and described a.\ .. H~qtH' #32~ HPlan" N7 4.9", Pam.ela.. CQ.urt 'H Town, Hof HNewcast.le, (formerly .,Bowman vi 11eJ", Regton, ,., 9fPur;;'e 'f)2~= ............................. ..... .... ... .....~ ;~~pjf;~:;~E;f ..._mIRU'flffi.THPU.SAND *******************~***~~*****~***~*C.Md;.n DoII.~c.n . ~~.~QQO.,aa:-) on the following terms: 1. Purchaser submits with this offer , offers to buy from , through Vendor's , the following FIVE HUNDRED ************************** ,.'",.""""",.,.."..,.',...."" "." '..,....,.,.,',., ..., ........., ....", ,;.,.',."",.. ....,.,..',. Dollars ($ . H5.00..00 ...) O<<I(Jxlcheque payable to Vendor's Agent as a deposit to be held by him in trllst pending completion or otha termination of Ihis Agreemenl and 10 be .:n;dilcd lowards Ih.: 1'1I1'l'hasel'ricc 011 ,:ol1lplction. 2. Purchaser agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price in cash or by certified cheque to the Vendor on closing subject to adjustment. This offer is conditional until ..c]osing on the Purchaser being able to satisfy himself that a building permit and entrance permit are available for a hame. It is agreed and understood that the lot levies are paid by the Vendor. The Purchaser will meet all municipal, regional and other requirements applicable to. the issuance of a building permit. . . 3. Purchaser and Vendor agree that all existing fixtures are included in the purchase price except those listed hereunder: and that the following chattels are included in the purchase price: 4. Purchaser agrees that thi~ Offer shall be irrevocable by him until 11 :59 p.m. on the. 9th day of No vembe r , 19R?, after whkh time, if not accepted, this Offer shall be null and void and Ihe deposit shall he rell/rned 10 Pureh:"er without interesr~r deduction. 5. This Agreement shall be completed o,n the.. 3rd day of. . January possession of the property shall be given to Purchaser unless otherWise PHlVlded as follows: ., 1983 . Upon completion, vacant 6, Purchaser shall be allowed the 20 days next following the date of acceptance of this Offer to: examine the title to the property at his own expense, to satisfy himself that there are no outstlUlding work orders affecting the property, that its present use ( .... y'aG.ant.. .~QJ).d.. may be lawfully continued, and that the principal building may be insured against risk of fire. 7. Vendor and Purchaser agree that there is no condition, express or implied, representation or warranty of any kind thllt the future intended use of the property by Purchaser is or will be lawful except as may be specifically stipulated hereunder. NiA . 8. Purchaser acknowledges baying Inspected the property prior to submitting this Offer and undentands that upon Vendor accepting this .Offer there shall be a binding agreement of purcQse and sale bet"een Purchaser and Vendor. . .1 9. Provided Ihat the ltllclO thepropenyls good and free from all enelllllbranees except as aforesaid and exeepl for any registered reSlrl~.tions or eOI'enanl' thai rIIil wilh thc land prm'iding Ihal such arl' wmplied wilh and exeCI'I for any minor easements to publil: utililies required for the) supply nf dOIlll'slk ulilily 'eni,',", to Ihc properl\. If wilhin Ihe IInll' allowed for examining Ihc lille :tny valid nhjl'ction 10 tille, or hI any o"lslamlillg wor~ Older, or III Ihl' fad Ihc said plcsenl IISC may I III I lawfully he ,onlinlled, or Ihal Ihe .prinl'ipal huilding lIIay nOI bc IIIsured againsl risk ,II fire I' iliad, III Willing 10 VcndOl and Wllldl VClldor isullable or nuwillillg tn H'IIlOVI', n:nll'dy or s:tlisfy ami whkh Pun:hasl'l will II'" waivc, Ihis AglcclIKIII, IH'lwilh.slallll!II!' ~HlY inll'lincdiale a,ls or ncgoli:ttinns In n:spel'l of'S1Ie1lohjc,.tjons, shall he at an end ami all IlIoniesll":letolorc paid shall bc reI mned "ilhou.1 illlen:sl or deduction and Vendor and Vcndor's Agenl shall nOI be liable for any COSlS or dam:tges. Salc a.s to allY valid objeclioll so llIade hy SIKh day and eXct.'pt for any ohjection going to the rool of the tille, Pun:h:tser shall be condusively deem.:d 10 hale acccptcd Vcndor's lille to Ihe propCrlY. p"rchaser shall 1101 call for llie 1'J(ldUdioll of am lilk lkcd, ahstract, survcy or otlll'r cvidcnn: of lille In thc propcrly csccpt su,h as are in IiiI' pos,cssioll 01 ,,:olllrolol VClldlll.Vc"dor at'IlT' Ihal, il requcslcd hy Ihe purchascr, he will ddiver any skdch or surVl'y of the' properly in his pos'c\i\illll or wilhin.his l"llllllOlloil'uldlasCl as SllOl1 ~1S possihk and prior 10 Ihc last uay allownl fI)f" e.\iuniuillg tilk. All bui/dlllgs on the propcrty alld afl olher things bcillg purchased sll<lll be alld remain until ..:omplt.'lion al Ihe risk of Vendor. Penuing ":llll1pletion, Vendor shall hold all in\uralll"l' policies, if any, and thc pnl\:eeds thereof in trust for thc p<lrlies as Iheir intl'rests may appear and in Ihe cvelll or substalllial damagc, Purdlas,'r may eilher terminalI,' Ihis Agrl,'emcllI and have all monies theretofore paid returned withollt iUIClr:S1 or dedur:t.ioll or dse lake Ihc proc,'e~l.s of am' insuralKe alld complete the pUfchase. I'rllvil!t'dlh," Ihis '\j!rn'IllCIII shall hc l'Ikellve 10 ,'Icalc ,.11 illleresl in the prop.:r1y only if Ihe subdivision \:IInlrol provisions or The Plallning ,\..:1 ale c(lmphed with by VClldor Oil llrhcforl' \:IImpll'lion and Vcndor herr:by covenanls to proc:eed diligently at his expense to obt:tin all}'> IIccessary conselil 011 or hefore complelioll. ..... Purc:h,lScr shall he clcdiled Illwards Ihe I'm..:hase Price wilh Ihe alnoulll, if any, which it shall benec:essary for Purchaser to p.ay to the Minisler qf Nalional Rr:vcnue in order. 10 salisly Pmdl,hcr's liability in respect of t~x paYlIble by Vendor under the non-residency provisions of the Inr:ollle Tax ACI by rea SOli llf lhis sale. Purchaser shall 1101 daim such credit if Vendor delivers on eompletion the prescribed certificate or his slalulory ded,lrati,!." thai hc is lIollhen a 1I0lHCsidcIII of ClI1ilda. !'ilc in"m,lIIcc shall h, aSSiVIIl'lllll II'I" Pllldlasel llU doslllg suhkl.t 10 Ihl' ..:onselll orlhc illsmer havillI' hwn oblained 10 sudl assignrlll'lll, and I h.' \'I'lIdor shall sup!'lv rorhc 11IlIdlasc'l at kasl lill" (<;)days hefore the l"lllllplClion dall' dClails of any Sll," polity to Ill' so assiltllCd. Ullealllcd IiI": illsmalll'e JlI ellHLllllS 01 allY !",Iiey III he assigned pursuanl ll) par:tgraP/J 14 herein, rl'nls, 1Il0rlg~lge illleresl, laxes, lo.:al improvcments, \Ialer and asse.sslllenl rail'S and Ihc cOSI of fuel shall be apportioned and aI/owed to the date of completion (the day ilself 10 be dPP"r! i,'lIet! w I'urchascr}. Thc deed oriranskr ,hall, savc forlhe LUld Trans":r TaX AHidavil, which shall be prepared and eompleled by Ihe Purchaser, be prepared in legi.,,/tallle form <II Ihc: expl'nsl' of Vendor and th~ ~10rtgage al Iheexpcnse of Purc:haser. rime shall inall respnls be of Ihe essence hcrl'of provided (hat the lime for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be L'Xlcnded ,'r abridged by an ,]grel'mcnt in \\Tiling signed by Vendor and Purehaser or by their respeelive solicilOrs who arc hereby expressly <:JppoilU\.'d in Ihi"rc:gard. ""Y lender of t!o,ulllenls 01 [HO"er h.:reunder may he made upon Vendor or Pun:haser orthcir respe,tive solidlnrs on 'he day for l'omplelion of Ihis Agreclllelll. Monl') lIlay bc lendered by bank draft or .:heque certified by a charlered bank, trust eompany.or Provinee of OIl1,Hio Savings Of/ke. This Agr..'cmcIII shall s:ollSlilUlc Ihe cnlire agreelllclll bctween Purchaser and Vendor. and there is no representation, warranty, collaleral dgrel'nll'nl 0' condition afkcling Ihis !\gn:elllellllll Ihe pnlpcrty or S"pportcd herehy olher than as expressed h.:rcin in wliling. This Agreement shall he read W II hall challgl's ot gendcr or lIumher required by Ihe cOOlext. IJ. l-l. 1<;. 16. 17. IX. 19. . DATED at..... /if!.1.f!. P1... ~.~ .(/ t:..e',.,................ ..lhis,... .j?....... .day. of.... /2.. f?.... .L!.............. ............ ,....,..... ...19. . g.? 'D, SEAL:t~:~)EI.IVERED '''G"' OW/~uuu INwrr~~~~h:"""'".~'. OIl'."""""'.'" ~"'D""_h.~.v.d'.. ..?.<? (Purl."ha!;("f) ............................................... .................... .....I)all.........................,... (Purchascr) rhe ,wdl'r.;il'n('d aClepts Iht: aboVl' (liTer and agrees wilh the Agent above nallled in eo"sideratioll for his ';l'rvi!'es in plll,uring Ihc "lid Offer, 10 flil) hlln 1111 tht: dalL' ahovc fixed lor completion, a commission of ....6 (S.i.X)..1Ifo 01 all anlllllflt.cquallo Ihe aboVl' JUclllioned sale pril'l" \\1111'11 commission llIay bc: dl'duckd hOIll t.hc deposit. I hereb)' irrevo.:ably inslruc:t my Solidlor to pay direcl 10 Ih.: said Agenl any unpaid halanc:e of COlllllllssill1J fnHIl Ihe prlKc,~ds of th.: sale. 1>'\11' I> al.. '.~..r}J!A... ......Ihi~.....~.ti.....day of.....~~.... .....JI).~ IN WITNESS.whereof I have hereulJto sel my huml alldseal: ~.....O"',....~.~....~~ ............... ..."......... ........i\;~;,d~~;.......... ...... ........ Dale~. .'J/"i.. The Urlder~igned Spouse of Ihe Vendor hereby consents 10 the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of The Fami/y Law Reform Act, 1978, S.O. 1978, c.2, a.. the ,,<IIne may be amended from time to lime. . In cOlhideratiolJ of th.: sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the receipt of which from the Purchaser is hereby :t<:knowledged, the undersigned spouse of Ihe Vendor hereby agr~'cs wllh Ihe Pur.:haser thai he I she will execute all necessary or in<.:idental documents 10 gin' full for.:e and efth:1 10 the sale evidenced. herein. SIGNI.D, SLAU'1l AND DLl.lVI'lU:]) in tl1e. presen.:e of: ......... ;................................................................ ............Dule.. \\'i!Ilt,."';, Spouse' ACKNOWI.EU(;EMENT I ,!~''''IlP\\kdl!l.: In't,.'lplpllll\ '''!!lIcd l'UPY tlf Ihis ~u.'(l'plcd A!!n..'l'Il1Cnl of l'.HI-{,fl~hl.' and Suk. alld l..hrc.',lllll' agt..'1I1 hI lor\\ard a .:op~ h) m)' soh..:itor. J ,(J,l'knowll'dgl' n.'l't..'ipl, ,Uflll\" "iflll.:d ,'(\P\ pI" Ihb .L\."PI('d Agll.'1..'Hh"1I1 ,11 Pllrcha~c an~t Sail'. anddin.'l'llhl' agl'lll hI f'llward iI ,-'\)P~' hI 111' ~l)li(illJr. .!lalc Dal\". . (\'l;.'ndl.ll) (Purl'h~I."'I.'r) ...... .Dalc. .... ~... ....1 )atc. i \ l'ltdon ((>urdla'CI) .-\Jdrl"': Address: fekph""I' ,",0. Telephone No. Vendor's SolkiJ"1 Purdlast.'r's Solicitor I 'lI/1; "'" .ldi