HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-123 "'-"'~-'-- , . . ,'"' ..' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 82- 123 being a By-law to authorize the entering into of an Amending Development Agreement with 501575 Ontario Limited. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation's seal, an Amending Development Agreement between 501575 Ontari 0 L imi ted and the sai d Corporati on dated the ..20~ day of ~1982, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "X". 2. THAT Schedule "X" attached hereto forms part of thi s by-law. BY-LAW read a first time this 20th BY-LAW read a second time this 20th day of September day of September 1982 1982 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of September 1982 ~~ ~~~ . W. OAKES, - -ERK l..!il. No..~._k<?-,jiL.~__1 \ By-law NO.__~__~.!.c??_)_ ,. , 0 'Ar>1ENDING DEVELOPMENT AGREEr1ENT MADE (in quintuplicate) this .2-C1ttday .. oy4fA.i~ 1982 . . BET WEE N: 501575 ONTARIO LHHTED. hereinafter called the "OWNER" OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. herei nafter call ed the "TOWN" OF THE SECOtJD PART WHEREAS the Owner warrants that it is the registered owner of those lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "sai d 1 ands"; AND WHEREAS the Town has passed By-law 81-134 and the Town and Trahor Limited have entered into a Development Agreement which was duly executed and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Instrument Number 104990; AND WHEREAS Paragraph 11 of said Development Agreement provides for the enforcement of the terms and provisions of said Development Agreement against any and all subsequent owners of the said lands; AND WHEREAS 501575 Ontario Li~ited is now the registered owner of said lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. and as stated in t.he Afti davi t attached to thi s Agreement as Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS by virtue of the terms of Paragraph 11 of the above-referenced Development Agreement, 501575 Ontario Limited is now responsible for all obligations pursuant to said Development Agreement; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto agree to amend the said Development Agreement; NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants and provisions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 9 of the Deve1op~ent Agreement registered as Instrument No. 104990 between Trahor Limited and The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended by deleting the words "St. George Street and" foll owi ng the words "porti ons of" 1n the second line of said Paragraph 9. 2. Schedul e "c" to the Development Agreement registered as Instrument No. 104990 between Trahor Limited and The Corpora~ion of the Town of Newcastle is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the revised Schedule "e" which forms Schedule "c" to this Agreement and which is annexed hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper.officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) 501575 /ON~ LIMITED ) /: ) '\ ) - ) ) THE CORPO ON OF THE TOWN Of l~ ) ~~ ) , MAYO, ) 4' //7__ ) ~.~ \ ~ .~'.~".~ . , THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Amending Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No.t)....-/.t~ of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the .;:loOK day of ~ , 1982. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Mun1c1pali~ of Durham, more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY all of Town lots 10, 11, 21, part of Town lot 12,20,31 and 32 all in Block "C" according to C.G. Hanning's Plan of part of Township lot 10, Concession 1 in the former Town of Bowmanv111e, . Geographic Township of Darlington (former County of Durham) now in the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, more particularly designated as Part 1 on Plan 10R-1310. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. ) 501575 ONTARIO LIMITED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF !~~ ) II II d .JIf!!: ~ N4'l~~r~R?"'v ) . '. , 1 ' THIS IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Amending Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. iJ-' /;).3 of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the ~ 0 7;Z day Of.#~ 1981-. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, GODFREY TRAUB, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, am the secretary and a director of 501575 Ontario Limited and as such have knowledge of the matters herein deposed to: 1. Trahor Limited, which was the purchaser under the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between it and McQueen Motors Ltd, (a copy of which is Exhibit 'A' to Schedule 'B' to the Development Agreement entered into on . 23rd September 1981 between The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Trahor Limited), assigned its rights and obligations under such Agreement of Purchase and Sale to 501575 Ontario Limited, and such sale was completed by 501575 Ontario Limited as Purchaser. 2. 501575 Ontari.o Limited is the owner of and holds title to the property described as all of Town lots 10, 11, 21, part of Town lot 12, 20, 31 and 32 all in Block 'C' according to C.G. Hanning's Plan of part of Township lot 10, Concession 1 in the former Town of Bowmanville, Geographic Township of . Darlington (former County of Durham) now in the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, more particularly designated as Part 1 on Plan lOR - 1310. City of Toronto ) l l ~ " /' / 7/1 ~ GO~~ SWORN BEFORE ME at the in the Province of Ontario this '1..f1.-day of September, A.D. 1982. .. ., . .... . . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ~ 501575 ONT IO J..IMITED l ;//j ) //~// ) / ~/ I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CLERK , - Door Schedule DOOfO? ~~ AN\7A1 ~L,lJM. MOP, f-..1 ~ ~I z.G I, ')jx 7/X 1~1l AL.tJM. ANoP Q,- ~. .-1 . ',,~~': ".,'~ Tj~;f' ~~v '~:,,~: - ... - ~ ~L, ,;. j ...,,/ , , ~N PAlm- @ M~ PAfNT /{ 7~tt.. 'I -? I 7~{)'VI x e.()ll H, O~ 4. ~t.(/'w><f3'.(/H VIN~ ~. \ td.e'X~l,e~~A! ~ (P, GJ,,~'tX2tr//(,^'~" ~w ~ " ,r- --' ~T ~ I' ) I " I r 1 (~ , I I I' j I -0 ('{\ ./ @-- ~'fB1P~M~~~!~ON Mt;1N-- ~~ ~:I~'I f),c.., )'. _ .~, 10 ~t-JT$ -J~WI~~T~ y . ==\.9:~ -~ ~ D --~ l"- ~l ;:::. o I .. ~ 'r REJY\A~ I~UlA-reo ~~ f3a~~P ,~ -PAN"IO H,A.f20WA~. --...-.---...-- ...-....... fo ~'s STA1'IPi><W. TO ~'s $'lAN~^12O .1?7'.~1' --I -- '4~~~CK 'NI (bll CPN~ Ma::=. ~lJP. "- ~ lA~? - ?Iellp,~~ e'1'fl5UM ~...o t'N M~ FU~N~. 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'. ,,"'1' II' It. . . , \C #.~~4L O--;-~::~?--=- p"~~ /o'O~-/~CIJ~ ~Tor INV,' II WA~ l,...\Ne -t:=:~\~~~~!?"<f.. 6ANIT~ ~ ~(X)"nt!t~_ ___ - 6 St George Street ,~ ~,o qv _ J,' --~----------- -- ,~--.- cp .. $ -- -,--------"-----~._- -- - --~ -- ._-~~. ---~ -'- ----- --,--- ,-, --,--- ----.. 2.. 1:IOtl ~41'0t) S\~YV'A\""\<::: c.u~ -------~ ' 1--1Nl:> pF CANe> f'\( C'~!-\d---'---4I ______~_ ______ /,1.4 ___,_ ".A" ---@ , I x ~ C-I1~ ~1l-INe wi Y . 1V~N-&rILE TO ~N4T~ ~~ " / 5,,><7 ANDO. AL-UM", , $- Pt..-A~ ~~ ~~~- ""N'f1~ . I . I --:J : IOllCONC. f$~ Vv'~ 'N I Yt,'l e-(r!StJ~ f%'ARJ;> ON t~t- r~N~ . ~~ ~fDE::- .... I' Supermarket I 'Retail Stores (----~-@ , ' ^ fOR f?AJ~P ~ .ftP~ AND G(..AZI t.J G1 TO OPPIc.e ) ~ ,0 ~At4D~ Defh\~ L J. Storage Room Staff = ~ Lounge-~ Site Plan Scale: 1" to 20'- 011 1st Floor Plan Scale: V811 to 1'- 011 1'2 '.1.1\ 2.*7,,/,1 '. f V ," coNe . CLJ~ ~ PIT ~t.Ae:., -._- ~ -. --- ~ ~\lA11HG- !JOe#<. ~Zl. 6n /" ; ~ I ' I : '" ' 'j:; ,'. "" ;,. 'i . .', ',;, ,$,""";, I \' . .,{~)i~I~:i~ ,:':1 .' ~11 dr~ngs are the property of the' :~~~ /',!::~fj:' ~'1' , ,: Architects and may not be repr~~ . '~;;: 1 < ,i.L.'" :: without their permission. . .'., ~ "J .: ',r~~~; Contractor shall cheCk and verifY all..- : I '-.1 '.~: ,:'~ dimensions on site. . , This drawing must. not be seated. . .SC#6:OtI L-E e Revisions No.' Date Description t f .1116'2 U>Af71h16 ~ W\()D\~-P J~,"~ f"\ I~. fGVf.9.oI"~tO "-1\ VSor-.., R{3../j S>ION-::S " , , " , ' t ' ' . / StatistiCS: .. , Area of Sitf:\ Area of Building Coverage Landscaping Parking provided Parking required . 4552s.m. (49,000 s.f.) 1033-6 s.m. {11, 12,5.7 s.fJ 22 -70/0 , 8 % (not including Town land) I I I 75 cars 51 cars . ",,' . , ,.. " ~~ . ...,!. , , f f Information provided by: (. ,..{ ~ .. Survey & Topography Merrill D. 8rown Ltd, Site Services James Johnsione Mechanical Ltd. Site Lighting Hy-lnng Electric Co. Ltd "~ "'. ,,' .f Notes~ -JJ All pipes and manh()l~s to Regional standards. '... t'/ t; : . 1; . '~Y:~ l' ~ :. .. J. ~ I .; . .! i ~~ \ .', > . ~, ! " Commercial Development Bowrf)anville Ontario for Trohor'Limited , , . 1- , f i. ,{ . . Site Plan Floor. Plan - , } '1 ;I ", I ( i ~ ,J #-~" . Sidney Feitelberg, Architect 1 ; F 145 Front Street Eas~ Suite.~01 ':11, · Toronto Pnt. M5A 1t3 (416)368-1685 ' >,~ I Scale , Dr a\\1~ no, os noted Date June 1981 ' !: ' Orawnby , Print date Job no, ,8106 , " J . . 'f {t '" , I . ~ ~ \ ~ 4 ~.";'~'~ ' ,,",~1 ~~. ~~~ lb,-6 'f'~j. ~1~ . 4:~. V' '"4> ... .. . DATED: September 20th, 1982 . . , Cd ~ ~ 501575 ONTARIO ff' _ Uo,) LIMITEDc::::. N t:: -0 :::II:: ......t o OJ -......J .....0 ~ - and - - CX'lt ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE -------------------------------------~_. AMENDING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ------------------------------------------~ SIMS BRADY & McINERNEY Barristers and Solicitors, . 117 King Street, Whitby, Ontario. 668-7704