HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-116-07 Clw:mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE -rl-_ t()_,j I. lC!/fl-577,-{)7 Monday October 1,2007 f\E';:::;O 1.L1l6Yt =l11 Date: Report #: PSD-116-07 File#: By-law #: Subject: NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN STUDY UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-116-07 be received for information. Submitted by: Dav' . Crome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services ~) . C "C/: ~ t '\...k'L.--L- .- ~ - , R . db ". ' '- ~ /0 eVlewe y: ''''_ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer IL *FL *DJC*sn 21 September 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-116-07 PAGE 2 1.0 PURPOSE To update and advise Council of the progress of the Newcastle Community Improvement Plan study and upcoming open house. 2.0 BACKGROUND On January 29th, 2007 Council approved the initiation of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) study for the Newcastle Village Centre, the older residential areas and surrounding context. The public consultation component for the CIP study included establishing a Community Focus Group (CFG) to guide the process and assist staff with preparing the Plan and providing commentary from a community perspective. Councillor Robinson was designated as the Council representative on the Community Focus Group. Advertisements were placed in the local newspapers on January 31st and February ih seeking volunteers for the Community Focus Group. A request for volunteers was also extended to the Newcastle Village BIA, Newcastle Arena Board and Library Board as directed by Council. Many applications were received and a total of fifteen people, representing various community groups, were appointed to the Committee. The complete list of members is included in Attachment 1 . The CFG has held a total of six meetings to date, all of which have been open to the public. The Group has created a vision statement for the CIP, have developed a list of priority items to be considered, and have recommended a boundary for the CIP area (Attachment 2). As the next step in the CIP process an open house will be held on Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 to obtain public input. A newsletter has been prepared which will be mailed out to Newcastle Village residents and made available to the residents of Wilmot Creek in the Wheelhouse (Attachment 3). The open house will be advertised in the local newspapers and posted on the Municipality's website. Once all public comment has been received staff will prepare the CIP document for consideration at a statutory public meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee. Attachments: Attachment 1 - List of Members Attachment 2 - Recommended Boundary Attachment 3 - Draft Newsletter List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Cathy Abraham Rod McArthur Dave Clark Gail Richard Myno Van Dyke George Rickard Carl Good Randall St. Denis Tenzin Gyaltsan Theresa Vanhaverbeke Rob Kloosterman Arthur Wynn Gord Lee Suzanne McCrimmon Valentine Lovekin Cathy Abraham Dave Clark Myno Van Dyke Carl Good Tenzin Gyaltsan Rob Kloosterman Gord Lee Valentine Lovekin Rod McArthur Gail Richard George Rickard Randall St. Denis Theresa Vanhaverbeke J. Arthur Wynn Clarington Staff: Gord Robinson Suzanne McCrimmon Isabel Little Lori Gordon Bruno Bianco Attachment 1 To Report PSD-116-07 Newcastle CIP Community Focus Group Members Newcastle Village Community Hall Board Veridian Connections Inc. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Business Operator and Resident Business Operator and Resident Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce Newcastle Arena Management Board Newcastle Village BIA Business Operator and Resident Clarington Library Board Newcastle Village Lions Club Business Operator and Resident Business Operator and Resident Newcastle/Bond Head Ratepayers Association Clarington Council Clarington Board of Trade Planning Services Department Finance Department Engineering Services Department 7ft c. 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I ~ '" ~i:i V)\iJ ii'~ fOS1~ 'Si \\,,\ 71'1'81 SNOI7 \371S't:JM3N ~ \ \ . IR ~ ~~CR 0, ~ jl)~ >-'- V1 I ~ III 'tl c:: ::l o lD 'tl Gl 'tl c:: Gl E E o u & c:: III ii: - c:: Gl E CD > e Cl. E ~ c:: ::l E E o o Gl Cl ..!!! :;: CD :;:; III III U ~ Z D Attachment 3 To Report PSD-116-07 Newsletter #1 In This Issue Focus Group............2 CIP Study area.......2 Community CFG mandate..........3 Steps in CIP Process.... ...... ...........3 Vision Statement... .............3 Priorities........... ........4 Open House.............4 About CIPs... . A CIP articulates a vision for the continued prosperity of an area. . A CIP is based upon a vision statement which is a broad statement of values to guide the listing of community goals. . Public involvement is crucial in the CIP process. .... - _ _ ~ k ,.... r; ~.."" - ;;...-l.... I ..j ~ ,,- abmmunitlY Ir.l1p~O~'eme]t'i~I~ald.,.... If "" 'r~ -~ I:'1IQ.i!t .u. ...... ,.... -!l = & I ..... - - r\'\ ~ ..-.....- 1iIi~ September 2007 What is a CIP? A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) articulates a vision for the continued prosperity of an area. It is based on an assessment of past experiences and future prospects, and provides a realistic road map of how to get there. CIPs are special types of studies identified in the Pianning Act, the Municipal Act, and in official plans. They are special because upon completion and adoption, a CIP can give the Municipality extra powers, such as the ability to provide fac;ade grant and loan programs, land assembly strategies, tax abatement for brownfields, development charge exemptions or impositions for a specific portion of the municipality. CIPs may also be eligible for funding from other government sources. Why does Newcastle need a CIP? In 2004 the Municipality initiated a Commercial Policy Review which studied the whole municipality to determine growth patterns, any additional demand for commercial space that would be warranted by existing and future population, and the appropriate locations for that growth. Open houses, workshops and special meetings with the Business Improvement Areas were held during the policy review process. The Policy Review concluded that the Municipality's downtowns are extremely important historical resources that define the character of Clarington. Community Improvement Plans were adopted by Council in 2005 for Bowmanville and Orono. The Commercial Policy Review was completed in 2006 and one of its recommendations was that a Community Improvement Plan study be conducted for the Newcastle Village Centre. Adoption of a CIP for Newcastle will assist in providing for the health of the historic downtown and the protection of its planned function as the centre of the community. pr9ft Newc,.(ltst1e ViUag~ Con1munity ImprOv'~rent~ Plan: tJ .. ...... Page 2 Newsletter #1 Community Focus Group A Community Focus Group (CFG) has been established to guide the development of the CIP. A call for applications was publicly advertised and a focus group appointed. In order to develop a vision statement for Newcastle Village, and to build consensus around that vision for the future of Newcastle Village, it is important to obtain broad-based input from a number of sectors of the community. All CFG meetings are open to the public. There are 15 CFG members, representing a variety of interests. Cathy Abraham Newcastle Village Community Hall Board Dave Clark Veridian Connections Inc. Myno Van Dyke Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Carl Good Business operator and resident Tenzin Gyaltsan Business operator and resident Rob Kloosterman Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce Gord Lee Newcastle Arena Management Board Valentine Lovekin Newcastle Village BIA Rod McArthur Business operator and resident Gail Rickard Clarington Library Board George Rickard Newcastle Village Lions Club Councillor Robinson Clarington Council Randall St. Denis Business operator and resident Theresa Vanhaverbeke Business operator and resident Arthur Wynn Newcastle/Bond Head Ratepayers Association J I CIP Study Area c::J ~ CommunIty lmprowmmt Pl8l1 Study ArM _NewcastIIIlVlII8geCenlnit The boundary of the study area encompasses the traditional downtown of Newcastle Village and the older residential areas to the north and south. It extends from the Canadian Pacific Railway line to the north, to Highway 401 to the south, and from Wilmot Creek to the west to Graham Creek to the east. pr9ft :J16J1c:1 5u!PI!nq "OJ pue ~l!WS uOSJapuV "r jO jUawaAojdwl ape;ej pue uOileMUal! 'SJO~IS!^ pue 'S~UapISaJ 'SaSsauIsnq O~ Sal~!un~oddo 5u!s!wOJd 5Ul5uJJq S~OOJ JJJO~Sllj S~! o~ uOlpaUUOJ 5uOJ~s pue ~ueJq!^ e Ule~u!ew o~ sanuquOJ a5ell!^ al~SeJMaN :dD a5ell!^ al~SeJMaN alj~ JOJ ~uawa~e~s UOISI^ 5UIMOIIOJ alj~ 5u!sodOJd S! dnOJ9 SnJO.::l A~lunwWOJ alj1. a6ell!^ arl5e:>MaN JOJ :auawa:ae:as UO!5!^ V '5uq~as S~I lj~IM AuowJelj U! S! ~I ~elj~ os ~no pa!JJeJ aq ueJ ~uawdOla^ap pue a5ueljJ MOlj lj~IM paUJaJUOJ aJe s~uawa~e~s UO!S!^ 'SeaJe leJOI UMO J!alj~ JO 5u!pue~SJapun pue uOI~epaJdde anblun J!alj~ pue 'sal~IUnWWOJ leJOI JO a5pa1MOU>j alj~ uo paseq S! ~! 'aJoJaJalj1. "aldoad leJOI Aq panle^ pue pa~epaJdde eaJe alj~ JO sJ!~sJJapeJeljJ pue Sa!~!lenb alj~ saqJJJsap U 'A~!unwwOJ J!alj~ JOJ aJn~nJ alqeJlsap alj~ 51 a^a!laq SJaqwaw A~!unwwOJ ljJIljM 5u!aq JO a~e~s leap! ue JO uo!~dJJJsap e 51 wawa~e~s UO!S!^ '!I rf1.'Q. ~t. l:a! 5! :aellM :auawa:ae:as UO!5!^ V SUo!~epuaWWOJaJ JO uOI~e~uawaldwI . ueld ~uawa^oJdWI A~!unwwoJ alj~ JO UOI~doP'!l . suoI~epUaWwoJaJ pue sa^!pafqo 'sle05 JO ~uawdOla^aa . eaJe dD alj~ JOJ UOISI^ e JO wawdOla^aa . aJuaJaJaCl JO SWJa1. 9.::lJ alj~ JO uoqdop'!l . (9.::lJ) dnOJ9 SnJO.::l A~lunwwoJ e JO ~uaw~u!odd'!l . 55a:>OJd dI:> e U! 5da:as a[OljM e se uo~5u!JelJ pue a5ell!^ al~SeJMaN JO s~uap!saJ aJn~nJ pue ~uasaJd lj~oq JO SMa!^ a4~ wasaJdaJ 01. . a5ell!^ al~SeJMaN JO swapISaJ alj~ Allepadsa 'J!lqnd alj~ lj~!M UOI~eJlunWWOJ U! ~s!sse 01. . saJIAJas 5u!UUeld JO JopaJ!a alj~ o~ a^lpadsJad A~!unwwoJ e WOJJ aJI^pe apI^oJd 01. . dD alj~ JOJ SUo!~epuaWWOJaJ 5Uldola^ap U! JJe~s ~s!sse 01. . a:aepuew dnOJ9 5n:>O.::l ^:a!unwwo:> 1# JanalSMaN :- -- """{~ (F - r:::.. ... "". I .. ( .f ] =:II ij-J , I =.. ...' ,..~ ~ u ,,- J....Uelcjl'-~u.~a:.~~b~dyJI 1\€l!~n;U~9:P ":'J -- E a5ed 'B", _ rllili. II a6ell!^ aI4~ei')MaN ~ - , };\It' . . New~astle ViHage Community ImprQ~~ .. . ..' c ~Ji - S..... .':' ... . ,;*' Page 4 Newsletter #1 PRIORITIES The CFG has developed a list of priorities for the CIP area that will be further explored to determine their feasibility and costs. Short Term Priorities Long Term Priorities Incentives for infill or renovation projects Incentives for fa~ade improvements Heritage street lighting to extend to Arthur St. Dominant entrance features Incentives for building signage Incentives for new business Directional signage to downtown Guidelines for streetscape improvement Guidelines for signage styles Guidelines for infill or renovation Public Open House There will be a public open house to obtain comments on the vision statement and community recommendations for the CIP on Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 at the Newcastle Village Community Hall. The presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. Once the public has commented the CIP can be written for submission to Council. For More Information For additional information relating to the Newcastle Village CIP please contact Isabel Little at 905-623-3379. Comments can be e-mailed to i1ittle@lclarington.net or submitted in writing to Clarington Planning Services Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6 ~ c PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Newcastle Village Community Hall Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. '- orsft