HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-101 .. " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 82-101 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Sell related to lands required for the reconstruction of Holt Road, between Highway 401 and Baseline Road The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Offer to Sell between the Town of Newcastle and Mr. James A. Barnes, for a portion of lot 20, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington, being an area of 0.058 acres, more or less, for the construction of Holt Road between Highway 401 and Baseline Road. A copy of the Offer to Sell referred to herein is attached hereto as Schedule "A". By-law read a first and second time this 19th day of July 1982. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July 1982. Seal ,~~~ Mayor A~'~~ Cl erk I File No._.J[:..:LL-LQ..L..n...1 ~. :. ,/ ..... ." . M" Schedule "A" to By-law 82-101 OFFER TO SEL:. <:::::O~Pol2.A.\\I::I~ CF ~ "'C"C)'WN.QF ~~"'t~ 1ll''':I=UJI& IMfl;UJl_U~. ;IF ef5"mIMI 'iV.-lfA ./"" TO : THE I/WE, the undersigned .. ..J~IjZ? .~:. ~~E2-N~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \'""C'NN c::.~ ~C~Tl~ ................. as Vendor(s) hereby agree to and Wl.th t.~e ~~ ..1.1 U1il\iei.pa.1.i...~. ~~ " IL_1." as Purchaser, to se11 all that portion of . kC? T. . ~Q . . ~~Jl;~. f'~~r-. .G~. ~~"" ~~~ . ~"!J.p. ~ .~~ .OM2;'-.1.~:rA~.. . . . . . . in the Area Municipality of. .\.l1i=Ws:A$1\-IF; . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more pa.rticularly described as follows..................... .................................... ......................... ,...................... . . 0.05 8 ~t2..6 .i:. ( con taJ.nJ.ng . ........................................... as shown on plan hereto annexed) at t.~e price of. .~t'\~ :J:~~~~:q. ~9. ~\lffi\'f: R~~. J?9.l.:l:-~?...... (s.\~1~~) pa.yable on closing; which sum includes all' compensation to which the Vendor(s) may be ~~titled under any statute of the Province of Ontario in reference to the con- struction, diversion, 'oIiidening of the r ~1 rl Road on which the lands described abutt, including compensation for severance, injurious affection or o~~erwise arising howsoever. ADDITIONALLY, the Pur~~aser agrees with the Vendor(s) to t.~e following terms and condi tions : 4IIlt is understood and agreed that the Region will pay by the owner for legal services required to complete .... Ju a..aj..~~ 9h& &aY.sit_.r',! 'f__':!! _ &dJ..!-L_a JI.____l..s t.J. all. reasonable legal fees incurred the transaction-Mo_ Wha. Wke h.z t::h.!. R...!i.J.... aC 8_1.~ I>l!oW T~ ~\Io.J t..l A.<te.~ Yo CUT '\~ LAe.Ci.E: ~APLS \ee;"E: AT '\14'== ~ of ~e: \) e,\\)6\.>..:) Ioo..'f. T~ 'JJoo-o lb Q.E: CuT \ \:) To FO\J.R. R::oT ~G.,* t~ ~ t> ~ o~ T",E ou.n.~e1i'S (2.e;NAI~\tJ.G. -PecP~\'1. , SEE: Sc.~v..L"E B " PROVIDED the title is good and free from all encumbrances. The Purchaser is to be ..llowed sixty (GO) days from t.~e date of acceptance hereof to investigate the titl~ at its own expense and if within that time it shall furnish the Vendor in writing wit.~ any valid objection to the title which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove, and which Purchaser will not waive, t.~is agreement shall be null and void. Adjustments to be proportioned and allowed to t.~e date of completion of sale. THIS offer to be accepted by the Purchaser withi:l sixty (60) days of t.~e date herein, otheroliise this offer becomes null and void~ and the sale. to be completed on or before sixty (60) days from t.~e date of acceptance hereof on which date vacant possession of the said premises is to be given to the Purchaser. This Offer, when accepted, shall constitute a binding cont-'""act of purchase and sale and time in all respects shall be the essence of this agreement. It is agreed that t.~ere is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting t.~is agreement or t.~e real prcperty or supported hereby ot.~er t.~an as expressed herein in writing. tJ'"PON acceptance of this offer by t.~e Purchaser, t:le said ?urchase~ by its serlants and agents shall have t.~e right to enter upon the ?roper~ inte~ded to be conveyed hereby fo!' t.l1e purpose of . . . . . . . . . ~.~r~c;::r.lN~. . . B?~'\. . . ~ f'rQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , This offer may be accepted by a letter delive~ed to the Ve~dor or ~iled ?ostage prepaid addressed to t.~e Vendor at . .~~. ~H-~~ll,,'J;... w.~. ~t;:...~... ... .. .. DA""D e."is....,. '?e:... . . . . ., . . . ,day Of.,.~; _ , , . . ., . . . . . . .. .......... :9. JJ:2.., ~ ,3;;~~~ \ (\ ':'~OA.' ('o~fcY<,Q'I'7oAJ w ~v..:J ~ TlT~-rv..J v ~ :';:..-:.=:e:s ~ AJ~~Tl-e r ~ I I I , I . j; I ...........I1............II.~......~..i'. -_ _' - i:,,,,~~ ~t _ _ WJ ~ _ .-- .F. f d'.. BUS H - ~T J . , ~ c __ '~f' _' c - -_~. ..' -..... --<J C ~ 6=2 ~'ii5mm C.5,P. '" =- --- --.t:: -- - - ---- --.-- - .-/ '-- -- ct. CONSTRUCTION o !2 - .. -. i: .. -- i ~ ' -= -: 11' I!U"t ............~..~....~~.~.................~....................... ~ -~~ f;p- __&II'A.. \' 4"', ~. (; I' rr \ /-- f ~ I l II I' t ~l I -- - -- ~-~- ,./ \-, <? 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J ,.. ,.. U) + o f . l "'t . --........ (11;0 ""0 -"l> o \ I I I f \~ \' - r:--- V r-. .41 ; -. ~ 1V...\lJY ,/ ." ~... J .' I - SCHEDULE "B" _ THE ;'O'N "4 C F N.E~1-S;riiiul OFFER TO SELL .~ . (continued) '. NAME: JAtJ\~S A. ~AR.t-l~ ?J'&..\' LoT ~o B. F: C. 'DAe.UN.G.\Ct-J, Tu.)p, ADDRESS: ADDITIONALLY, the Purchaser agrees with the Vendor(s) to the following terms and 'conditions:- '.. T",~ TO\MIoJ, 1""t"S AGOolTS At..l("") ~~ Co~~'1'Oes MA"1 E1-.1TE2.. THE VE:NDO!<,S Pl20P82.T';I iN 11+~ ~ICIt..1I1'( 0 F TH-E: S.Tr.2.~M 1='012. 'T4-E.. Pue.~E OF C~fo.J IIo.J.G TH-E s..rlC..~ -e.€D AAlD " L.AY/~G \2.\P-~" C~ n+E BN-ll<'~. SUCI-\ PElCt-\lSSlC/IJ SAALL . 1:)( PI12.'E 01-.1 DE:GE"M e.e-e.. ~ I ~ 19B'Z..- 2. PR.lCI'<. to DoI\o.lG. A:N.'/ Week. o~ THE VO,lDC:>eoS P~P€12."t'{ -n\.1: Tc:>wl..1 01< I~ Co~'eACTaR. SWc1".L Fp.1CE \l...JITH TtMP~j2:.A~"'" FaJ 0"-\ G Tt{E Cl..UHPS CF WILD F'L()v...)~ ~D p~~ P~T€"D EN TH-E \i~DQR.. s.\-\e~ THE P~1S R.~IRE R.el'-\CVAL To F"'C\ LITA \ e: T\-\-E VJQe.K OF T~E "ToW,,", 1 ..., 'qt'. T+t-~ 'To\.J...)~ \V ILL ~<.A.~ THe PL^t.,yt'"S '1-1 ruE lI..^f.i\t:DU~1"E 'iLCI~ (TV OF TH E ST~EAM . \!a.tDoR.. :3, Tl-t-F ThW N WILLT"AKE ALL STEPS "-l~~'1 A'T A LoCA\\Ot-.1 To BE DfS.l4N.A.TED 8'{ ThE To 4'''-1 IIv\\ZE Th~ peosU::M O~ DLlST DU~It..LG Cc~~LeUCnc~. ~. THE" $LOPes OF \~ C\'\c\-\ ~Rc....UTHt H-e:1)~t (~TAT\Clt..1 O+bb') ~~e.T~L\I TO STA"Tl(:)N 0-+ ~90 S~L Nt:IT -BE' 5T EEl> E"1Z.. T\tA-t...\ A. t2-p. TlO 0 F 3: 'ta 1.. ---~--------- -&3/..-p?.--------- I Date -~~-~~d~~~--------- Vendor ~4",_L y;,Ao,on ~ ()4A5a-. c~ COtt.Po.-t.4~O...) or:: "T1I-a .~.) g./= A.>/:i"-I~4-$7l-oT ~