HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-85 ~- . . . .. CDRPORATION OF THE 'IDWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 80-85 A By-Law of the Town of Newcastle giving authority to provide for the re-arrangEment of IOOnuments now wi thin Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) CEmetery WHEREAS Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) Cemetery located at IDt 28, Concession Number 5 of the former Township of Clarke, Region of Durham has been taken over under Section 62 of 1be CEmeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970. BE IT THEREFORE ENACl'ED by the Municipal Council of the Town of Newcastle that: 1. The IOOnuments be re-arranged as shown in Schedule "A" hereto attached in accordance with subsection 2 of Section 65 of The CEmeteries Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, in the site of the Lawrence Cemetery, IDt 21, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke 2. This By-Law becanes effective on the date it is approved by the Ministry of Consumer and Comnercial Relations. By-Law read a first and second time this Third day of July 1980. By-Law read a third and final time this Third day of July 1980. Garnet B. RiCkard~ ~-<.~:) Mayor Joseph M. McIlro Clerk ~/ ,/ ./'/ .-(..../ ,/ e'" /. ~/,</'" ,~",// . :;) I ..:: ~ ~ ,~ .~ .N LAWRENCE CEME:rERY, lot 21, Con 5, Clarke twp. J 097 096 095 094 (]) +-" +-" Cf-l .r-! 3 Ul s:: I C'\I H I 'r-! 033 ~ C) I (P2 '0 I (]) []91 Ul o I h " . 100 ft .. . 25 ft---4 .-18 ft..." 90 monuments (all but two or three) are laid flat in a bed of gravel i +-" Cf-l LQ C'\I 1 Monuments to be erected on both sides. Patio slabs on all sides as a walkway. Proper identification to be placed on cairn, i.e. "Monuments frcm Old Orono Cemetery" or similar wording . 1: J 5 -0 JA , [ rn ~ g. ~ I-' ~ CD H ~ ~ t+ ~ 0 ~ ~ i ~ 00 ~ ~ CJ1 ~ ~ ~ .. (j) , Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 555 Yonge Street 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J3 OCT 2 7 1980 Cemeteries Branch 416/963-0511 . Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvi11e~ Ontario L1C 3A6 Refer to File No. 8-3-10 Attention: Mr. J. M. McIlroy~ A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Re: Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) Cemetery As requested in your application dated September 25. 1980 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. Enclosed are the numbers of copies shown of the items checked: . 1 of By-law No. 80-85 overall plans . sectional plans of section construction plans of crypt or niche numbering plans for sales agreement or contract or receipt RECEJV~D rules and regulations <<1r ~9 i980 amendment to approved rules and regulations tariff of rates l!QW,N: OF NEWCASTLE 1 of Certificate No. 80-3-22 approving By-law No. 80-85, being a by-law giving authority to provide for the re-arrangement of monuments now wit~Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) Cemetery . "---/ : . f lf2 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Approval of Municipal By-Law . ~t i_lJenllJ! tertifier:. tlIat the Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations pursuant to the provisions of section 65 (2) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970 c. 57, has approved of by.law No. . . . . . . . . . . .8.0~.8.5. . . . . . . . . . of the municipal corporation of. . . tl}c:. 'rQW. Q:e .~c:vcastle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enacted by the council of the said municipal corporation on the . . . . . . ~~4. . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . . .J.qly: . . . . . . . . " 19.80, a By-Law of the Town of Newcastle giving authority to provide for the re-arrangement of monuments now within Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) Cemetery ~" , . . ATEDATTORONTO. TIllS...... .3:r:4.......... . DAY OF .... . CERTIFICATE NO. . . . . . . eQ,,;,3,,;,~~ . . . . . . 0&147 @j".. " , .-;.-. ,.', . . - . . ~ ~ . .. ~ -. OORroRATION OF THE '!OWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 80-85 A By-Law of the Town of Newcastle giving authority Lo provide for the re-arranganent of monuments now wi thin Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) Canetery WHEREAS Clarke (Christian Old Orono Church) Cemetery located at Lot 28, Concession Ntnnber 5 of the former Township of Clarke, Region of Durham has been taken over under Section 62 of 'l'he Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970. BE IT THER.EJiORE ENAcrED by the Municipal Council of the Town of Newcastle that: 1. The momnnents be re-arranged as shown in Schedule "A" hereto attached in accordance with subsection 2 of Section 65 of The Caneteries Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, in the site of the Lawrence Canetery, Lot 21, Concession 5, fonner 'lbwnship of Clarke 2. This By-Law becanes effective on the date it is approved by the Ministry of Consumer and Conmercial Relations. By-Law read a first and second time tpis Third day of July 1980. By-Law read a third and final time this Third day of July 1980. Garnet B. Rickard Mayor ~,/. /' //~. /:- ;;: <. .-.- ~ '- L,- (.. o F C 0 f\j r.. U Vl E R Ctwlifiel :Jnu ~oprl ~o M ':'itROV. Munlc:~al Clerk. )+-- C~PJT/ r il:'l:~~r[R Date..I~..~. .I~r.a... App. No.,..f..o.,~"..1..,::-r!,.2. .....:... ..J -.- . ;) I ~ ~ ~ ~ Mom.nnents to be erected on both sides. Patio slabs on all sides as a walkway. Proper identification to be placed on cairn, i. e. "Monuments fran Old Orono Cemetery" or similar wording . ' , ~3 [P2 [j11 096 095 D94 (j) +J .~ en !:: I .~ I ro () I ~ I en 8.1 ~ . I I 25 ft~1 L- # -t N. LAWRENCE caoo'ERY, lDt 21, Con 5, Clarke twp. ~ 097 +J 'H 3 N . 100 ft . 90 IOOnuments (all but two or three) are laid flat in a bed of gravel . I +J 'H l!J N I + s .~ ....18 ft-.. . E UJ ~ (') ::r' ~ I--' ~ (!) H ~ ~ c-+ ~ 0 ~ tJj '< ~ t ~ ~ ~ 00 0 ~ l-:j CJl ~ t:: ~ ~ ~ \,. ... ~ l: \~. " . . ---.. - .' '--1 . -- " .