HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-62 "1;1'iW' I ;' i I 1 " i . ! 'j II, 11 ;1, ~I Ii 1 ,I , . i I /; I . 'I'll E cOIlPoru\ T rON OF '1'111,; TOWN OF N};WCA~3TLl~ --------------.--.--- .-.....-.-.. BY - Ll\ W NO. 80- t ~ .. A BY-LAW '1'0 CONf I HM TIlE rHOCEEDI [{(is OF TIlE COUNeI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT TlIIS MEETIN(~ HELD ON THE 28th Ap,yil 19 80 DAY OF WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCM)TLE ENACTS AS FOL,LOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of the TO\l'n of Newcastle at thi$ meeting held on the 28th da.y of April 19 80 in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the Committec[; and each 010 t ion and reso 1 uti on pa:;secl ;~nd at her ac t ion t akcn by t 11 e Council of the Town of Newcastle at tILLs meeting is her-cby adopted and confirmed as j [ :lll ~;uch proc(;(:cli,l1i~:S \','ere (::.:pJ"(;[;~;! y embodi.ed .i11 this by-law. 2. The ~l::l.yor lllHI prop(~r o.ffjci:lU; or Lllc' '1'u""n of Nc:wcastl(: aT(~ hereby authori.zed and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Council of the Town of Ncwcac;tlr: referred to ill the prc~ccedilll: ~3C;ctjon hereof. :3 . The ~ I a y 0 r a !l d C 1 (' r k are aut h C) r i z c cl a n cl d j, r eeL c d toe x e cut (~ a 11 documents necessary in that beh;llC and to afTi.x thereto the Seal of the Town of Newcastle. I 1'1 ,I II I: I ~ ! ; ! " I i PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 5th day of: ~ May 1980. Mayor Cl(;rJ~- "l:~'~~'i;jj ,ir''j,ij i;\$~j,,~,~~ ".....i~......~., .,_:' I