HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-61 II J 'lW"O~-'"'llf1 "' ~"Ii; .. I j I . . 'I'll E CORPOHA'l'ION OF TIlE 'l'OW.N OF N};WCA::lTLl~ _._-------_._--_._._.-.-~_., ._.-~_._-~ BY-LAW NO. SQ.- 6 I A BY-LAW TO CONFIRil1 TIlE PHOCEEDINGS OF TIlE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT TIIIS MEETING HELD ON TilE 25 th DAY OF J D SO. Ap;r-il WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 28.1 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCI L OF THE TOIVN OF NEWCASTLE ENACTS I~S FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of the Town or Newcastle at this meet i ng he 1 d on the 25th day of April 10 SO ill respect () r e:u:h recoll1menclatiun contalned :Ln the rcpul'l.:-:; uf the Committee:; and e :l c h mo t ion and res 0 1 u tj 0 n p a. :> .<:; C (1 ; ~ n cl 0 t h ('; r act ion t a k (: n LJ y t L e Council of the Town of Newcastle at tl1:i:3 rnc:cting j.s hc;'chy adopted and con [i !'IIlCcl as if all ~;llcli pl'()('cc:cli,ngs \'.'(:1't: c:,',:p1'c>,;:;!)' embodied .in this by--law. 2. The ~byor and J1rop(~r o.ffjcia1s or the: '1'0\'.'11 of NeIVcastle: a 1'(; her e by aut h 0 l' j ;~ C cl an cl cl i reo c t e cl to cl 0 a J 1 t h i n g s n e c: c s ~,; ~l r y to give effect to the actions of the COllncil of the Town of I\C;'.'lca,,;t:lc: referred to i:l the prcceeding section hereof. 3. The ~layor ;:.!1c1 C1e1']'; arc authorized ancl c!irc:crcd to e;-:ecutc~ all documents necessary in th~Lt beha.lf and to affix thereto tlJ(~ Seal of the Town of Newcastle. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 5th day of May ./ ~~4..~_~_ Mayor ( 19 SO. 'c 1 Z;l~<---"'---'--- --0--~ - ,..:,L.._..., ~nri:,;;,g,~~,\..-:.. "'';/;';<''1'l'1~''.'-''- "di~"~\';'C.;~..:ilMl~_~~'~UIL" I ~i~"~';;,J,;;";'",;;;.:;~~..;~~-;...ciC'"