HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-40 ..' . '!HE CORIQRATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -lAW 80~0 being a by-law to stop up and close and authorize the conveyance of that portion of the original road allowance lying between Lots 26 and 27, in the Fifth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, formerly County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part 13 on Reference Plan 10R-919. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deEmS it desirable to pass this by-law; AND WHEREAS notice of intention of the Council to pass the said by-law in accordance with the requirEments of Section 446 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, was published in the Orono Weekly Times on the following dates: March 5 1980, March 12 1980, March 19 1980 and March 26 1980. AND WHEREAS notice of the intention of the Council to pass this by-law was sent by registered mail to the Regional Municipality of Durham, on the 27th day of February 1980 and the Regional Council has granted approval to the proposed by-law. . row 'lHEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF '!HE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS roUDWS: 1. Those portions of the road allowance in the Town of Newcastle hereinafter described are hereby stopped up and closed: AIL AND SINGULAR '!HAT certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all that portion of the original allowance for road lying between Lots Twenty-six (26) and 'I\venty-Seven (27) in the Fifth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part Thirteen (13) according to Plan lOR-919 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (#10) on January 17th , 1979. 2. Those portions of the road allowance hereinbefore described shall be conveyed by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to abutting owners. BY -LAW READ a first and second time this 8th day of April 1980. . BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 8th day of April 1980. ~~~~~ Mayor / Clerk ~ ~:-~ ~ '. . ~ .!'. ~~ .. . . . , C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 80-40 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 8th day of April , 19. 80 WITNESS my ha~d and seal of The Corporation. DATED this ..... .l.5.t.h. . . .. day of ..... .ApT.i.l. . . . . . . . . . ., A. D. 19 80 I...../JII ", , ~ .~ .. 'I '~ , : ~ \ . ~', t\'j ," .'. ., t "\' .,tS' , "", ,., .' ;! ~ f I f "'~ - . ''W/' "" I' 'mE COI\POIU\T}()C~ {W Till'; 'tUWN (W Nl'WC^STi ,I'; .l' UY --1/\ IV ; ':() ", it) being a by-law to ::;tuj) up and cJo:,;(' ,me! au Ll1c)riy.!! tile convcY;lllCC of that. j)Ul'Cj!)ll ui' t.b: <ll'i!,:ilJ:11 !'o:l(l all<)"'i:IlIC~(' lying lv'Lm'em Lot::; ~X) and :27, ill the Firt.h OHlCC':;;;ioJl ur tho (A:-, )"yaphjc rl\.lv,m;llip uJ' CLu'ki', rUJ'iliL'1'1 y County 0 f Durbam, 1101'C parti(~ularly dl';;ii';l1at,ed ,Ie> P:'Tt L\ 011 Rc[cl'!);)CC Plan JC1l\-DEJ. \\1IEHEi\S the C),)ul1l'il o! Till) CuqK)]'a! iUI1 ul' tll!' '1\)\\'11 or N(;\'/C:l;;chJ c!<;elI;:; j,t dCl,il'ahle tu lXI::-;~~ this by-Ll\v; AND WHEREAS notice of intention oj' tho Council to pass the said by-law in accorrumce with the requirements of SC'(~UOll II,HJ of' The' Munkipal AeL, n.s.a. 1970, Chapter 284, was pubLi.shed in the Oruno Weekly Time:; on the~ LoHuwilli': dale':;: ~hrch 5 1980, ;\!arch 12 1980, Mareh 19 1980 and ~hrch ~(j 198e. i\l\.'D nlIEREAS noticc' of the intentioll 0 f" tlll~ Council to pa:';s 1.11 is by-law wa::.; sent by registered nnil to the n(~gion:ll ~rllnjc i pal i Ly of Durh:uTl, on the ~7th day of February] n80 and the lk'giollal OJluHjl In',; !',r<.lnLc'cl apprl)vaJ 1.0 tl1<.: proposed by-law. . NJW 'mUll'TDRE BE IT ENACnm Al\JD IT 1~) IlFlUJ;Y j';:<.'\CTI1) N; 1\ UY--J /\.\'/ OF rUlE (XlHPOnl\.TION OF 'IEL TOWN OF .KEY/CASTLE AS F01.1.0',\':3: 1. TIl(,~:;c lX)rti\ill~; or LIlt) l'oacl:1i !('\\;Ulcc'ill Jill' 'J'U\',ll cd' :<c'.'.";:I:;tJe Lll,<.iJ):I:L,," dc~';cr.i lxd a1'(> Il( Tl 'I:Y "; blppccl up :Wrl (' 1 lX,\ d: ALL A\D Sl?\GULAH 'I11N1' CC't'l;tl n \<t 1'Cc:'1 or t1':l(; L 0 L J Ul1d and pruni,' :t:: si tll,) Le, 1 y i Iii': :m:i l:t' in:: i 1\ till' '1'11',1;11 () r ;:(".\1':1: :Ui', !it'Viun:d ~l11l1it'ipality UIIl\lI'li:llll, Jli'<iVilli'(' (i!' 0111: I'il}, :lllrl being (",)t11fx\scd of aLl 1.11:11 put'lioll of till; or in:>! ;dJu:;;!!l(" for rUlld lyiJli~' l)c(\\'('('n Lob 'l\\('nL:.'-~;jx (2n) and'i\',('ilLy':'>'\(!} (~:7)ll> Lhe FiLth Cunc(';;::iUll ul UF' ( 'T:tp]Lic 'j'li',/li:i1iiJ :)1' C]ark(', !'OlilK'J'ly jn rb' ("),iIll:; uf' l!\!I'l1:un, nUl'll ;l;!!' i"ul:II'l d"si,~li:,;,'d a,,; !\U'[ TIlii'[I('ll (I:;) ;:0'(.]'([111:': to PI:III !():~~j!~1 dC'IXlt-;ili'd .in lb) land 1:C')'lc,I.1')' DITk\ 1'(0)' the i:;l.I'Y Divisi,'il oJ l\'\'\\'l':I~,;tJ(' (,ci:IU) on ,!:UllliU'Y 17th , i~)/:'. :~. Those porLiulls oJ the rend :dlul',iUK'11 l1el\~illl)\'rul'C~ de::i'l'ili,d ;;li:L11 lJ(. conveyed by Th' C'.orpor:1Uun of the '}'(J\\'ll 0[' NL'WCa~;U(! to ill)!l!1 ill:'; (,,,,1',,':;. BY-LAW m;:AD a fir:L and second tilliC' tiLb sell d:l,V oj' i\priJ J~)?,:u. L3Y-LAW BEAD a third um! final time ULi:-; (~Lh day or !\Pt'j I lUSO. . Ttl~\~)i:-- ------.,,-- -- ~ -- - (Yl('~i--:-i(---'-- ---------- 't'(';~"'j; \"...-" ,', I j "--'~ ;:0. ;;:" "'ii&J.,;.'iiillllllDWI ~~,,_." ~ '- '-'.iliiiol~~~~;;j~\J..~.N/!.io.\O~~~~\IiIIIi~~4tt~j~~j,fJ. """ _, _~ ,,--' ...."i...~~~~,'t:;t:!~~~nJ!JKt#.~~!~?-., .'~[:.;':.r~ ~S~'~~'~1~J';:,~1:;;~~,\:.\,.", e. ~ ,l .. 98604 . No. land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of d: ~O f' .M. APR 3 0 1900 land Registry Office CJ/t~ Town of Newcastle prv, Ontario. REGISTRAR PAID LAND lEGISTIY OFFICE NO. 18 in the }5 ..OD DATED: e April 17, 1980 . . BY-LAW NO. 80-40 SIMS MORTON McINERNEY & BRADY Barristers and Solicitors, 117 King Street, Whitby, Ontario. File No. 5577 (Moffat Estate) Charge: 4269