HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-39 . . . TilE COnI'OH^,J'ION OF '1'111,; TOWN OF Nl';WCM:TJ,J.; BY - U\ iI' NO. 80- 39 A BY - L:\ W TO CONF I HM TIlE PHOCEEDI NC;S OF Till-: COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT TlIIS r,IEETIN(~ HELD ON TilE 21st DAY OF I!) 8Q March WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 281 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 281 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW TIIEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting held on the 21st day of March 1980 in respect of each recommendatiun contained in the report.s of thc~ Committec:; and each motion and resolu tion pa 3secl ;~ncl other action taken by the Council of the Town of Xewc;Jst1e ;Lt th:is mc;ctinrr, is he!'cby :l cl 0 P t e d ;t n cl c () n fin n C' d a :~ i r :'.. 1 1 .'; 11 C I i PI' ( ) ( . c' (' cl i JJ i ': :; \',' C J' (: ( : :-: I ) J' C' ;; :; ! .',' (' III bud j c d i 11 I. h i :-; h y -. 1 a IV . 2. The \layor ,tne! propl?r official::-; of th(~ To\'.'n of Nc\Vca.stl(~ au, hereby authorL>-.:cl and di,rcctcd Lo do ~d] things ne(::es~c;~l.ry to gi.ve effect t(lchc; :lCt.lOllS of' the: Council of Uw Towl1 of ;~cwca:;:~l(: r l~ fer red to i n l h e pre c e c di n r: ~:3 c c t j u n her c C) f . 3. Tlll? ~!a~'()r :\'i(j Cl"l'}'; :l1'C ;llILi1ori:',cc! ,llicl direcLed to ()xC:('\iLc~ all c!OclillH:'nts Ih'CCSS:ll"Y in ChilL beh;llf aile! to ;lffix thereto LIJ(~ Sea} of the Town o! Newcastle. P.4SSED IN OPL;\; COUNCIL this 21st day of March 1980. ~ !llayor Clerk _rf"ffi"71."]~t~~ij.i:'"