HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-38 "'l'llfr, . 111I i i ~ I I' l: . ,I f I, . . 1I.U.,J TilE CORPOnATION OF TJlE TOWN OF NJ-:WCM:lTL1i~ ._'-~-~-------~_...' ~- ...~_. ..~.'"-_.''''' '" n.",. "r .... BY -L.'\W NO. 80- 38 A BY - LI\ W TO CONI-' r HM THE pnOCEEDI ]'-1(;8 OF TIlE COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT 'I'll r S r,IE).;']' I NCi liE LD ON TllE 24th March 1 ~) 80 . DAY OF WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Counei,l; AND WHERE.t\S by Subsection 1 of SecU.on 2<11 of The Municip,lJ Act, being Chapter 281 of the Revised Statutes of Olltario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCr L OF TIlE TOWN OF NEWCM;TLE ENACT~) M; FOLLOlVS: 1. The actions of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting held on the 24th day of Ma:rch J9 80in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports or the Committec[) and e a c h mo t ion and res 0 1 uti 0 n p a :> sed ;~ n cl 0 the r act i () n t a k c i1 by the Council of the To\\'n of Newcastle at this meeting is her-cby ado p t e d a n c1 co !1 fir III (; cI n s .j f a 11 ~; u C h P r () C' (: (; cl i n g s w (; r e c: ;.: pre: ::;~; ! y C'mbodied ,111 t.hi.s hy--law. 2. The \layor ;tnel proper officials of the Town of Newcastle: are her e by aut 11 0 I' L: e eI a n cl d i r c; c t e d to do a 11 t h i n g s nee c s s a r y to g i v e e f f c c 1.. tot h e a e t ion s 0 f the Co UIl C i 1 0 f the To w 11 0 f New c a?; t 1 c: referred to!n the preceedinG sectjon hereof. 3. The ~!a~'or ;l:,cj CIC'r]~ arc: CluLhc)ri:',cd :1.I1ci cli,1'I'ClCc1 l:o CXCC\lt:c; alJ documents Ill'ccssary in that: bell;'..lC ane: to :\ffi:-: Lhc:reto the Seal of L he To \':" (l f ;~ 1",\ cas 1: 1 c: . PASSED IN OPE\' COU:\CrL th1:; 24th cLl Y () f March 1 'J 80 ~ '~, ~~/ - ~~~T-"- \l:lyor ~~ -- ....'..,....,-......-, -..............,---.., [I .' "1 .., '..,' JIn UlJ0i4-~i"';'i\~~'~~ll<;!,{ih~!~.I.t1,li_~ft"j'i$Ji!~\lli4tf11ft~'ijn~,,"_~m1_a"''''il>'M!-