HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-36 ,\.. ;.~- #<0 . . . - REPEAL-ED BY 'LAUH.<j(q -/01 BY. .n ...K.......... 11IE CORPORATT(iN OF TilE TOWN 01: NJ:lVCASTI.I: By-Law No. 80-36 Being a by-law to regulate residents owning and using bicycles in the TO\ffl of Newcastle WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it necessary to regulate residents owning and using bicycles within the limits of the Town of Newcastle, and; WHEREAS, the Council of the ,Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 352, Subsection 58. has authority to enact this by-law; 'NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. No persons shall ride a bicycle or other vehicle whatever the motive power along or upon any sidewalk, or parts of sidewalks as prohihited by Schedule "A" or ride such bicycle or other vehicle upon a pathway or foot path. used 01' set apart fOT the use of pedestrians and forming part of any highway 01' hridge, houlevard, pal'k, park lot. garden, or other place set apart for ornar.1ent or embellishment or for public recreation, within the limits of the Tmlln of Newcastle'. ') ~ . No persons riding a bicycle designated to carry anything thereon shall do so in such a manner as to prevent or interfere with full control of such bicycle while upon any puhlic hi)',hw:IY \lIithin the Town of Newcastle. 3. No person shall leave a hicyde,lying on any puhlic sidewalk, 01' park, or leave such bicycle against any window, or in front of or across any door, stairs or entranceway to any building so as to obstruct or interfere wi th ingress to and ,from such bui Iding. 4.. Th i shy-law sha II not apply to handi capped or other persons requi ri ng the use of such vehicles as may be necessary for their means of transportation. 5. Every person convicted of a hreach of any of the provisions of this by-la\1I shall be guilty of any offence and shall pay a penalty not exceeding Five Dollars ($5.00) for each offence. "'\.... '! ~ ... . . . ~ 2 - By-Law 79-142 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and all other By-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this By-law are hereby repealed. 6. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of enactment. By-law read a first and second time this ..~4tq. day of ..~~~q...... 1980. By-law read a third time and finally passed this ~4t;q... day of . .~1;C;q ~... 1980. ~ G.B. Rickard _ ~;;J4",~, ' ~~r' ,',' ' " . J. tvl. ~1cIlroy Clerk T": ~ ... ,-' .. ., .' SOIEDULE I A I PROHIBITED SIDEWALKS adjacent to the following streets. Former Town of Bowmanville COWMN I COWMN II COWMN III Street-Sidewalk Side Between King Street Both Scugog Street to Liberty Street silver street Both King Street to Church street Church street Both Temperance street to Scugog street Temperance street East Queen Street to Church Street Temperance Street l>Jest Queen Street to Wellington street Division Street Both O1een street to Church Street . Former Village of Orono Main Street Both Park Street Both Centre Street Both 'Church Street Both . Centre Street to Station Street Main Street to Q1urch Street Main Street to Church Street Park Street to Centre Street Fonner Village of Newcastle King street Both Baldwin Street to Beaver Street Emily Street to wibrot Street Emily Street to King Street Mill Street Both Church Street Both